Branching Out

"Miss Cadohagan, a pleasure to have you here again." Colonel Polonsky welcomed the Vampire Witch to his office.

It was a modest room with spaciousness and tranquility in mind for the Colonial Defense Forces' Commander.

"A pleasure for summoning me." Iris smiled. "You brought me here for some new issue that requires my attention?" the Vampire Witch wasted no time getting to business.

"Of course, let us focus on the present, shall we? Lieutenant Samantha Rose. Has her training reached satisfactory achievement?" the Colonel asked.

"Indeed, Ladui Rose has proven to be a prodigious student, able to diligently practice her techniques with discipline and this is coming from someone like myself," Iris answered.

"Unsurprising for a Westpoint Graduate. They have taught her well." The Colonel remarked. "You are no teacher though." Polonsky cross-referenced Iris. A slight chide from his tone reverberated on his frugal chamber.

"I mean as a Sochairfuil." Iris corrected. "

"So—" Polonsky furloughed his eyebrow.

"That is what we are called, at least by the Inquisitors. Our Vampirism and our extraordinary gift of Magic and all. It means 'They whose blood has been Gifted.'." Iris explained.

"Oh, I get it. So that's what you are called." Polonsky nodded.

He remembers the details of King Martainne, Iris' Lich of Grandfather's efforts on attaining power for himself and his next of kindred. Artificially bestowing the power to be able to cast Magic. A fitting but marred name due to its malicious origins.

"That does remind me. When is the happening with Ladui Rose's special garments coming together?" she asked.

"Right now, I have some men obtaining the materials for Samantha's Hecate Suit as we speak by the Ostalrocs." He answered.

"Hecate? What does Hecate mean?" Iris asked.

"From our myths actually." Polonsky chuckled. "You know, you are about to say again, 'but you are like Gods! You Gods can have myths?'."

"I would have said that." Iris chuckled back.

"Hey, everyone is getting used to it now to you Iris. Me included." He clicked. "But anyways, about Hecate. She is the Ancient Goddess of our world or at least from a place called Greece whose domain would fall into magic, witchcraft, nighttime, moons, ghost, and necromancy. I mean, we barely have a box for appropriate names to label everything you know and 'Hecate' has a… kick to it." The Colonel explained.

"How come I wasn't called 'Hecate'? This mythological goddess of yours would be a more appropriate name for me than 'sack-a-jee-way-a'." she humored.

"Well Hecate didn't translate an entire language to some people who didn't have a clue or context to the language. Your name 'Sacagawea' was more than a match for your uses for us." He heartily answered.

"Who is this Sacka-a-jee-way-a woman you speak of so much about me?" the Witch inquired.

"A lady who in our history guided a group of adventurers through a foreign land which that she was a native of. You are like her because you are doing exactly the same thing she was with those adventurers." Polonsky laconically explained.

"That is a most intriguing tale." Iris gave her remarks "But was Sack-a-jee-way-a a witch like me?" she asked.

"Touché." the Colonel wiggled his finger blithely.

"Two of what?" Iris asked.

"It's a word when we say that someone gave me a good argument over something. Basically, you have a point Iris but we can't change it no more. Just stick to being called 'Sacagewea' for now okay my dear?" Polonsky asked.

"I can live with that as long as you can guarantee me and my grandfather's protection." Iris reaffirmed.

"Of course, your skills are most welcome to us which reminds me of the other reason why I have called you here." Polonsky removed his reading glasses.

But just as he was about to divulge the subject, his office door was barged open as a frantic Communications Officer carrying with him a rugged military-grade laptop on his person.

"Explain yourself, Officer!" Polonsky soured his voice to address the unexpected guest.

"Apologies Colonel. But I got an urgent call from Captain Mendoza and Jaguar Group." The Officer explained his intrusion.

"The Ostalroc team? Are they in trouble?" Polonsky asked, his face paled into concern.

"No, they say that they have discovered something that requires immediate attention."

The Officer then proceed to lay the laptop on Polonsky's desk as he flickered with the glowing buttons to open up the computer's windows. A flurry of images of rocky mountainous terrain lay bare before the Colonel as he studied the recordings of various mediums, ranging from video, audio and visual yet strangely no live person to person talk with the Jaguar Group's leader. Previously, the Captain was a Sergeant but after a few brief instances of exceptional leadership skills he was promoted to the current position he has held now today.

"Jaguar Group discovered a caravan of Ghyranite and Actocolite being shipped down the Mountains heading West to where the Empire is." The Officer explained.

"I see, what of Captain Mendoza and Jaguar Group?" Polonsky asked, questioning the lack of live communications.

"He went dark but the Laser Designations are still live so its best we can presume they are still combat effective. They request a strike team deployed with Super Ospreys to take down and steal the merchandise." The Officer said.

"Merchandise? Stealing Ghyranite and Actocolite from the Dwarves and the Empire? That is a declaration of war!" Iris exclaimed.

The other two men in the room ignored the native woman's consideration as the Elephant in the room was still yet to be fully addressed.

"How was Mendoza able to find this?" Polonsky asked.

"Mirrien's old home Clan Hold… or city, as we would call it of Nirnkarim, has many interconnected Mining Guilds across the Ostalrocs, as you know, the mountain range is a rich mineral deposit with Ghyranite and Actocolite being one of the most lucrative resources in the market throughout Gliesia. With some coercion, we were able to know the location of the caravan and have already taken a position following it. They even got how much of the stuff is being shipped out too." The Officer informed.

"How much?" Polonsky asked.

"About two-hundred ingots of each Sir." The Officer replied.

Polonsky deliberated for a moment, he knew that this is an opportunity to secure the said resources that Doctor Mahelona needs for his experiments with Samantha but he also knew that going forth with this plan means no going back for any means of peaceful dialogue with the natives. But then again, as Polonsky can detest, 400 ingots of Ghyranite and Actocolite are a lot of materials and Mahelona only needs just a dozen kilograms worth of each of those two minerals to make the Hecate Suit. These ingots had no other uses for the common Gliesian outside of outfitting master-crafted weapons and armor. It was already an obvious choice the moment he had heard of the volume of cargo being shipped.

"You heard the captain. Get me the next available Strike Team with a Super Osprey wings to fly off at Jaguar Group's location. Orders are to secure the entirety of that shipment. Tell Captain Mendoza he will get the help that he needs. Revive live communications with him at the stat now." Polonsky ordered.

"Affirmative sir." The Communication Officer saluted and made his exit.

"Ser Polonsky, do you know of the consequences of what you just ordered your men to do?" Iris charmingly giggled.

"It's called 'Asset Denial' back in the academy Iris. I know of the consequences and I will take it." He sighed. "Mis Cadohagan, you do know that the Slaegians and their allies are gearing up to come here and slaughter everyone in Tyr Rian for this stupid prophecy of theirs?"

The Vampire Witch confirmed quietly.

"Me and the rest of the High Table with the Governor, the Major and the Minister have decided that a good defense against them is a good offense to stop them. Permanently. Which is what I was about to ask you to help us do the opposite." Polonsky said.

"I beg your pardon?" Iris couldn't believe what the Colonel just said. The opposite of what she had just said: The Federation wants to march their troops to the Empire?

"I did not stutter Iris. The Federation is planning a grand offensive against the Empire. Remember what Thomas Sight said about what they do to threats?" Polonsky reminded.

"What they cannot control, they WILL destroy." Iris repeated the Minister's words.

"Exactly." Polonsky nodded. "Let me spare you the long story as you probably know by now that we can have men swarming the Empire's heartlands in about a week with their Legion's dead or scattered." the Colonel said.

"In a matter of days? How? The empire is vast and has many soldiers in garrisoning many forts and settlements." Iris asked.

"It's called Blitzkrieg or 'Lightning War' Miss Cadohagan. It is the military doctrine to describe a method of offensive warfare designed to strike a swift, focused blow at an enemy using mobile, maneuverable forces, including armored tanks and air support. Such an attack ideally leads to a quick victory, limiting the loss of soldiers and artillery. Believe me, the Party knows conflict is inevitable and they wish to start it and end it fast hence the name of our grand task is called Haymaker." Polonsky explained.

"That is an odd title. A Haymaker is just a job a Serf does to cut Feed for farm animals. It lacks chalance, some charm to it." Iris furloughed.

"In our world, Haymaker, named after the scything motion that those serfs do mean a punch that is struck so hard that it has the potential to knock someone out in one swift blow," Polonsky explained.

"Interesting." Iris nodded with an amused smile. "I can imagine that motion. Many others tried to fight the Empire and failed miserably; the Daosne, the Suzerainities, the Southern Tribes, the Orcs, the Tavai and my grandfather included. But knowing you and the federation, well, I have no reason not to believe you for a people who can create miniature suns and cross the world in one day." She chided.

"You're getting the picture now? Good, you should have no love for the Empire are you not?" Polonsky asked.

"They killed my father and forced me and my fellow Sochairfuil to hide for their lives. I have no love for them for I wish to see the Inquisition be destroyed in its entirety." Iris asked.

"Can we also count on your kin too for help?" Polonsky asked.

"When they see the Inquisitors, who had tried to hunt them into extinction disappear from the streets and when they hear my grandfather's clarion call, they will know it is time. They may be scattered right now, hiding in the shadows or in plain sight but I know of the location of a Coven of them." Iris informed.

"I will keep that in mind Miss Cadohagan. But let us discuss your role in during Operation Haymaker just so you know what is expected of you when the day arrives."

The Colonel takes a deep breath to ready himself to divulge Haymaker's designs.

"I will need you, Samantha and Aliathra to conduct anti-Mage operations with the rest of Stryder Team for both theaters. Takedown Mages, destroy chats, maybe getting more of those rare Magical Artifacts that Doctor Mahelona wants to get his hands on, if its Arcane then you have to get it. My Recon Teams will be painting the targets for you and Stryder to eliminate as soon as they report so all you have to do is just search them out and destroy them all." Polonsky explained.

"A Theater? I thought we are bringing down the Empire? Not putting on a show for them." Iris questioned.

"We are putting on a show. A 'Show of Force' Miss Cadohagan. All I just want to know that once this war kicks in I can count on you three to do your part and fight off whatever those Imperials would throw at us. By any chance do you know anything about the Empire's battle tactics?" Polonsky replied before returning with another question for the Vampire Witch.

"If I and the rest of the Sochairfuil no longer have to hide in fear no longer then I will gladly accept this great task. However, for your other question, I maybe a reclusive scholar but Army Strategies is something beyond me I am afraid. My Grandfather might have some experience but that was centuries ago. They likely have changed overtime." Iris answered.

"That is disappointing to here, but I didn't expect much from you on that, forgive me if I offended you." He apologized.

"None taken." Iris smiled.

"One last thing Iris, how is the new house that the Party provided you?" Polonsky asked.

"Oh, around the same size as my old home. I just ordered somethings from Aparo Corporation to be delivered to my home to be much more homely. Speaking of that, Corporal Mudwin, Kayin has been oh so very helpful 'warming' my new home with his help yesterday." Iris licked her lips daintly. She can still remember his taste.

"Although," the Vampire Witch added. "I am still… a bit wary of sharing it with another person." Iris commented about her housemate Aliathra Lareththor.

"Rest assured that Miss Lareththor's cooperation with you is in her and her country's best interest, regardless of your historical grievances between your Vam--- I mean Sochairfuil and the Elves." He gave his word.

"It's not her 'cooperation' for our endeavor with Ladui Rose that I am concerned about. It is her composure."


Outside of the footsteps of her new enaliath, her new home, Aliathra Lareththor twiddled her hands as she made the flower seeds, she had found scattered wildly on its native Verden River Valley Biome. She wallows over the precious green earth that surrounded the plot of her new shared home with the 'Unholy Creature' that is Iris Cadohagan. But alas, fate dictates that she must live together with the Vampire Witch less a fate worse than death befalls her loved ones. But even then, she can still imagine her funeral, likely happening miles away from her at her native Alfel-Nora where they mourned her damned doom. She used to be a beloved figure, the role-model Elven Maiden, quintessential to her rather peculiar sister who displayed a few tomboyish behaviors but even then, she was still the Lareththor, the most Arcanically gifted household in all of Alfel Nora due to the existing Elven culture of Magically-focused Eugenics. It is said that the first-born child of Elven Couples will inherit the best possible Arcane inheritance from the two parents. Ithiel was the most magically gifted of the Lareththor siblings, displaying a pantological affinity in all Schools and modes of teaching for Magic. As for her brother Valorion, he has an affinity for the application of Wind Magic to liquidate the maneuver and range of his troop's movements, specifically a line infantry of hybrid spear and bowmen with cavalry on the wings. For her parents, her father Aslanidor was a famed Bladesinger of the Dragon style during his youth, fighting off savage monsters, pirates, tournament opponents, and the occasional Black Tree skirmish. As for her mother, she has got to say that she had inherited more from the most recent outsider of the Lareththor family to help maintain the Royal Lineage's Arcane supremacy throughout the land. Queen Elisven's affinity in the arts of healing and alteration was a trait passed down in its entirety to Aliathra as she can attest.

"Oh Goddess, why am I still alive? Just to suffer?" Aliathra prayed as she made the flower seeds bloom on the naked palm of her hands.

The wind suddenly began to pick up as the fragile flora on her palm was blown off away by the wind's titanic force, their lack of a foundation, unable to withstand the wind's breath.

Aliathra covered her eyes as leaves, loose dirt, and dust kicked around her as an encapsulating shadow hovered over her enaliath. Upon her investigation, by looking up there she saw the very thing that became the symbol of her journey. One of the Federation's many Flying Boats. At least six dozen of them of varying colors and shapes flying past her as they made their approach to New Albany's Spaceport.

Her heart sank again, Governor White, Ladui Roses and Major Holyfield's words are indeed true. The Federation is inevitable. More ships just like those will come and go, flooding in a tide that not even the strongest of dikes can withstand. Foreign people, alien materials, and eldritch technologies will arrive and be there to stay in a virginal world for better or for worse.

Yet for her own native sorrow, a great irony was realized for the Elven Princess. Every time her own accumulated background of knowledge, traditions and pre-conceived ideas were challenged, she saw a whole new world beyond the realms of Gliesia's politics, mundane designs and squabbles. A world iridescent and plump with opportunity, liberty, individualism, collective harmony and prosperity. A world that people like Samantha, Diaz, and Obediah are able to live their lives without fear and with a golden purpose. Even Iris, a being of darkness was more than elated associating herself with these folks than anywhere else for her hated kind for they valued her as a person of talent and not for the blood beneath her skin. They even shared amongst each other, including Samantha a fondness for indulging into their curiosities and sense of wanting to build a better tomorrow.

It had come to the realization, that as she and her people the villains in this tale? Were they in the wrong to cling to their old ways? Was the Prophecy of Gliesia's destruction a self-fulfilling prophecy?

"Yo!" Diaz voiced disrupted Aliathra's reflection.

The Dare Runner himself, in his signature, rose glittered jacket and 'horse' stood before her at the houses' front yard carrying with him a large box.

"Ah, nice to see you here Alie? Could you just help open the door?" Vincente requested.

"Ah…Ah… Of course." Aliathra swallowed herself pity to regain her composure as she lets Diaz inside her home. "What is inside that box you have there?" she inquired.

"Stuff for Iris to play with and a few papers she wants to read." Diaz answered. "She wants to earn some money on the side and muh boss, Don Aparo is letting her create… certain…'specialized products'. You know, the stuff she does best yeah?"

Aliathra remembered that the Vampire Witch's career path of being a Runewright quite fairly. She would write down runic symbols on items she had created to bestow various effects on the object in question. Fairly lucrative with a high demand but very few practitioners outside of the Dwarven Clan holds where they hold a monopoly on. Somehow, Iris must have been able to learn Rune Writing from the Dwarves somehow.

"I understand…" the Elf nodded dispassionately.

"You seem pretty glum, Alie? Wassup? I hate it when your sad." Diaz asked.

"What is up? The skk--- oh I… yes… I am feeling sad." She admitted.

"Maybe I can help. Can't stand it when pretty ladies like you are sad." Diaz enlisted. "So tell me, what's on your mind?"

All of the collared thoughts within was now allowed to be free of Aliathra's inhibitions as she begins to confess.

"You, what will all of the Federation do to us?" Aliathra asked.

"Do to you?" Diaz pressed.

"All of Gliesia." Aliathra asked.

"Well it's simple really. We move in, colonize this planet and it becomes a part of the Federation now." Diaz answered.

"But what will you do after you make your mark on the land? Defeat the Empire and the Entente?" Aliathra asked. "This world is doomed. Humbled down by the tremors of your steps. Now, what will you do when the land lays bare, naked before you?"

"Honestly, I don't know where we would go from here." Diaz confessed.

"You. Do. Not. Know?" Aliathra recoiled in confusion.

"Yeah, I mean right now the wigs upstairs, the Governor and all of his friends are just focus on making sure nobody attacks New Albany. After that, it's pretty much just going out, explore the world, make new friends, meet new creatures, all that shit." Diaz shrugged.

"I worry for the future Ser Diaz." Aliathra forewarned.

"Again, with that! Why worry over something you cannot control? Do these people owe you anything? From all intent and purposes, you do not owe the jack shit. Nothing!" Diaz exlclaimed.

"I owe them… nothing?" the Elf asked.

"I mean why owe yourself to a society who can't seem to figure out that you are still you Alie? As soon as you become 'corrupted' they call you what? A monster? An abomination? A freak? What of those Sefydliad who likes to puppet people and make them dance to their tunes to do things that will lead them to their deaths or worse? That is no society I want to be a part of. And are you not a princess?" Diaz lectured.

"I am. And I was... I was… for most of my life… my parents had decided everything for me from the moment I could walk." Aliathra said.

"Decided what for you? Where to go? Who you meet? Who will you marry?" Diaz inquired.

Aliathra nodded confirming Diaz's assumptions.

"Shit, Damn! Again, do you want to be pushed around like that for all of your life? Where your will and desires are controlled by someone else?" Diaz asked.

"No, I do not." The Elf came to the realization. "I… never thought of it that way." Aliathra stood at a loss for words.

She remembered how her family had arranged all of the decades of training, grooming and social visits for her. Being the youngest child of the Royal Family her fate, unlike her brother, she was to be married off to some far-off nobleman to strengthen the alliances between themselves. Her Scholarship into the Academy was guaranteed on the essence of she being a Lareththor. Although she had enjoyed her overall education, she never truly felt like she belonged with any of the social cliques at the school of fear of reprisal or just being her 'friend' for the sake of being associated with a member of the Royal Family. Lastly, the strict vows, sacraments and rules for her is what had caused her to flee in fear of her inner self being modified to something unnatural.

Compared to being with the UFE, she maybe indentured to their servitude, other than fulfilling her duties and not actively hindering the Federation in any way, she was allowed or at least do not feel like she was being observed closely, to indulge in a few decadent activities such as her romanticization of diary writings for all of the times she would have loved to be handled with the fictional bardic hero Bandall Thunderhand. It was Iris and Kayin's fault for making her transgress back to those smutty pieces of literature that she and her sister Ithiel would read behind their guardian's backs.

Which did remind her something, Ithiel would have loved to meet Agent De Sardet. Despite their differing genders, Lunafreia might catch a refreshing breath of fresh air upon an introductory conversation between them if she could only just reach out her hand to her groomed Elder Sister.

But still, all of these thoughts she was allowed to indulge upon felt all so wrong to talk about.

"You are freer here then you could have ever been back there Alie." Diaz concluded.

"Free? I don't know… I … still don't know how to go about this…" Aliathra said, trying to deny herself.

"Well let me loosen up your buttons babe." Diaz clicked his mouth with a charming smile.

"For a start, look at you." Diaz pointed to her. "What do you want?"

"What do I want?" Aliathra asked.

"What do you want in life? Like do you wanna do something? Be someone? Get somethings to sit your ass on forever? You can tell me. I will tell mine back." Diaz said.

"Well, I always enjoyed helping people especially when its healing them of their wounds and maladies." The Elf answered. "To see them smile and return to health again. That is the greatest happiness one can live through when you are Cleric of Neneth."

"How Noble! You wanna be a Doctor! I can easily agree with that." Diaz smiled. "As for me? I want to retire rich early." Diaz said.

"Is that is why you are so roguish?" Aliathra tittered.

"You don't stay in my position being chivalric, although then again, you don't stay very long being wholly roguish too. It's a balancing act really, you have to know when to lie and when to honor." Diaz comments about his Corpo-Agent career.

"Like Bandall Thunderhand? Oh! You remind me of him." She smiled.

"That Bard character you like to talk about with Sammy and Iris? Must be one cool son of a bee." Diaz laughed back.

"A bee? He isn't a… that's one of those… uh… metaphors, right?" Aliathra raised.

"Slang, Shortened language, but yeah let's go with that." Diaz scratched the back of his hair. "Anyways, so if I am like Bandall Thunderhand I must be good at music? No, I am afraid not. But I do like good music." Diaz says.

"You mean those drumming beats that your horse 'Mustang' can play?" Aliathra asked.

"Hey, Champion racing 'Horse'!" Diaz loftily corrected. "But I also like to listen to some sexy music too." Diaz smiled.

"Sexy Music?" Aliathra asked.

"Music to sit around and smell the flowers with. Like relaxing music really, that gets your heart beating… in a healthy way." Diaz smiled.

"How so?" Aliathra asked.

"Well for a start, when I am tired or just need something to blow some steam then I listen to some of Ibiza." He pulled out his smartphone, turned up its volume to the maximum range and hit play.

A most peculiar melody erupted from Diaz's gizmo for Aliathra's leaf-shaped ears hearkened. It had an accelerated tempo for its rhythmic beats whose reverberations were like an expediated version of merry-making tavern singing with the aid of drums, chimes and an occasional string plucking. Diaz himself was working his body left and right as he listened to the music enthusiastically.

"Show me your moves Alie. How do Elves dance?" he invited.

"Dance with you?" Aliathra questioned. Her cheeks blushed with both apprehension and excitement. Apprehension of the fact that she was being taken for a wild ride with her equally 'corrupted' peer and excited in the fact that she was unbound to have this decision right now be laid bare before her without any external sway or governance.

She pushed her limbs forward, and began to follow as well as she can discern and her two bladed limbs can keep up with the music's rhythm to the vulpine smile of Diaz. Her dance was essentially a more rigid form of the Quar-Alfel Vandor, what she practiced for April Root's Fairy-tale themed birthday. Unlike the luxury of having an open field to skip her feet upon, Aliathra struggled to maintain the traditional rhumba's aesthetic integrity as she took more care trying to avoid the newly moved furniture that Kayin and Iris had earlier worked so hard to move in. Her dance degraded to horrid display of ungraceful articulation of the body much to Vinny's disgust.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Diaz complained as he stepped forward and halted Aliathra's embarrassing form.

"I was trying to… trying to do the Quar-Alfel Vandor, the Dance of my people from my memory…" Aliathra stuttered to explain.

"That's not the point of House Music Alie. You're free here. Dance what you want to dance." Diaz explained.

"What I… want?" Aliathra asked.

"Shake it all off! A pretty girl like you has some baggage that needs to go out. Loosen does buttons of yours, shake that hip, take off that cape. Let go and enjoy it." Diaz encouraged her.

"I… will try…" Aliathra nodded.

She worked her head back into the rhythm of the music from Diaz's phone. Her body began to beat up and down to match the drum beats, her hands gracefully flow sideways like waves of the ocean tide when the strings were heard and to complement both, her pacing quickened as the tempo stimulates. And an arousing stimulation is what Aliathra felt, a new form of arousal as if something hidden, locked, abandoned inside her arose from its obscurity and had hijacked her mind as pleasuring hormones dulled her mind and made all of those years of strict adherence to the Ethuilen rules of being a 'Proper Lady' fade into irrelevancy. Latent mental restraints had their chains broken as the Elf's body flow sensual with the music.

"You're getting it." Diaz smiled at Aliathra's form.

Still despite the mental restraints being broken, Elf's body was still held prisoner by the cloth of her old Ranger wear. Adrenaline and dopamine flooded her body, heating up her skin that sweat uncomfortably reeked around her skin as sensitive nerves alarmed her mind that her current choice of apparel was over-encumbering for her royally soft body for such a steamy act. She first took off her green cape and playfully tossed it aside to a nearby sofa, unfurling like a revolutionary flag atop of a triumphant conquest. Diaz's heart skipped a bit when Aliathra's lithe hand seductively began to unfasten the clasps of her leather bodice, venting out her buxom built that was hidden away from the prying eyes of 'sinful' folks.

"Cheek! Cheeky!" Diaz wooed her further.

The euphoria was intoxicating to Aliathra that all other senses of self was sidelined, most especially her sense of direction and the shivering sensations of balance based around her fomented footwork.

The Elf tripped over the coffee table just as she was about to sublimely release its confines at the fullest, making Aliathra fall over to the living room's carpeted floor and tossing over a vase.

"Oh shit! Alie!" Diaz rushed over to the Elf.

"I… I am okay." Aliathra snapped herself back to her senses.

She then proceeds to notice her risqué tone and she was shocked by how much of herself losing control. Or perhaps how much her previous façade had been absconded to branch out what lay dormant beneath her. From a prim and proper Elven Princess to a lively blonde lass, Aliathra blushed when Diaz's male gaze pinpointed to her exposed cleavage. Her mounds were quite a sight to behold.

"The vase," Aliathra shouted in alarm to break the amorous scene.

She pointed at the shattered pieces of home décor that lay on the floor and it was as unsightly as it was dangerous to lay your feet atop on. Using Magehand, she swept the broken vase aside safely away from any likely footpaths within her enalaith.

"You know Alie, that was hot… I mean, that was sexy… I mean… that was fun to watch." Diaz praised. "Wish it had gone further…" he smiled dotingly.

"Yes, I wish it did too…" the elf blushed.

She had got to say to herself, in that one moment, for the first time in her life, she wasn't alive to survive in Gliesia, but instead, she was alive to live not of her parents or societies' dictation but her own accord. Like a prisoner allowed jubilation from his internment, Aliathra truly lived that day and it ironically, she had to 'die' to achieve this. All of her teacher's guidance tutored corrections, maternal indoctrinations she had known beforehand eroded the chains that incarcerated her metal heart (metaphorically). Seeing Diaz in the eye, reminded her of the salacious prose of Bandall Thunderhand of how he charmed all the ladies with his wit, prowess, and physique. Her heart raced faster than her own volition as her thoughts were besieged by the repressed feelings left imprisoned by her own unknown volition. One of high-flying Electro-Chemistry and of the whimsical Inland Empire.

"So, do you… want to take this… somewhere else?" Aliathra proposed, her voice percolating her covetous urge that took over her now indigent notions. Her eyes widened in excitement for Vinny's answer as she teasingly began to unclasp the rest of the fasteners of her leather bodice.

  An approval to be taken would mean the world for her at this moment.

"Neh…" Diaz rejected.

The Corpo lightly grasped Aliathra's chin to articulate her face towards his direction and he smiled out of his tongue:

"I like to take you slow first." He said.

He then looks down and lightly caressed Aliathra's form with the back of his finger, passing by her neck down to her breasts, abdomen, and thigh.

"Let's get you something nicer to wear Alie? I know a nice Streetwear shop that just opened that got some nice bling. My treat and you can choose whatever you like."

"Anything I like?" Aliathra asked. She is starting to be reeled into Diaz's exciting lifestyle now.

He nodded as the Aparo Runner whisked off her feet and with his hand clasped to hers, opened a new door for Aliathra that she could have never had fathomed as they made their tryst to Downtown New Albany for a day of reimagination, relaxation, and rediscovery.


Samantha Rose was elated today. She was given nothing but good news according to Doctor Mahelona's optimistic reports.

Firstly, her training program has shown insightful, promising, and optimistic results according to how her Mana Readings were observed by the Science Team's monitors. Doctor Mahelona has all the pre-requisite data he needs to fully optimize the intrinsic builds for the Lieutenant's Hecate Suit. It was going to be a weaved bodysuit with a nano-carbon thread that is amplified for her power's needs by several strong points located on the suit's hand areas with the help of Actocolite. Ghyranite would be also used to help her store the Mana that she collects and stores within her. However, these brand-new substances would require surgery for Samantha to undertake, attaching the Gliesian minerals at key meridians around her body so that she can best wear the suit to its maximum effect. Such a prospect was initially terrifying since she had never gone under the knife throughout her life up until this point. But Samantha knows she has no control over this and the latter option was the cold bullet from a justifiably afraid Political Officer.

Besides, she couldn't back out now after all the new discoveries she and Dr. Mahelona had found together.

First was that with the application of modern chemistry and the teachings of her instructors Iris and Aliathra, Samantha was able to enhance her Magical powers to new effects. For a start she, to everyone and her own amazement had as Iris and Aliathra can testify, 'invented' several new Magical Spells. One such spell that she can cast is the 'Plasma Bolt'. In the description, she with some difficulty would conjure on her hands a blue-colored fire which is much hotter and more potent than your average tangerine tinted version. With enough, albeit risky charging of her inner cores, the Lieutenant can cast magic able to penetrate some of the UFE's own armor much like the experimental Plasma Cannons that the UFE had demonstrated once in a recent military exercise. Still, the red fire was easier and less cumbersome to cast so each has its own pro's and con's. Outside of combat, the most amusing thing Samantha discovered what she can do was when she, taking inspiration from an old classic show called 'Avatar' was to cast a constantly rotating ball of gallic wind and 'riding' atop of the ball to create a sort of Air Scooter. It allows unimpeded running speed through all but the toughest of terrain that got the Aparo Engineers inside the Science Complex jealous by how up to par she can move to their own Rapid Movement Boosters. It wasn't meant to be initially tested during the tests but Sam and the rest of the science team wanted to do it for the fun of it. Still, she had to get a few stitches and bandages on her body after crashing headfirst due to the nostalgic fact that the Air Scooter spell is like riding a bicycle and the last time Samantha rode a bicycle was when she was twelve. Perhaps a refresher course is in order before she attempts the spell again.

Speaking of Avatar, Samantha couldn't help but indulge in fanon of the similarities in the situation she finds herself in with the cartoon's characters. She is like the fiery warrior of a lady Korra who is proud of her powers but is ultimately on the grand scheme of things just a symbolism of peace and prosperity to Republic City. Aliathra, with her gentle nature, is like Katara the Waterbender being able to nurture and slowly grow Samantha's proficiency whilst in stark contrast, there is Iris who is a mix between Zuko's seriousness with a few snarks and rough but effective mindset of Toph's innate affinity for the elements. Hell, speaking of fictional influences, Samantha realizes she is just like the old classical heroines who have powers that they use to heroically protect their loved ones from danger like Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Scarlett Witch, and Alita.

For all of this power, however, Samantha had to hit herself when its ugly head reared in her mind that she is ultimate to the eyes of everyone in New Albany, the Party and the Federation a tool that can be disposed of at a whim when its use is deemed obsolete or against their collective interests. At the very least, the 'obsolete' part is at worst an honorable discharge with her exploits classified in some government vault to be declassified after several decades has passed. But to go against her nation's interests, well Mr. Rose would perhaps be the most disappointed to see such a promising individual of unique talent use her abilities to such counter-productive effect. Ultimately, as the Lieutenant concluded that her great power comes great responsibility, using her powers for the utilitarian good of all. As the saying goes, people are judged not of what they have, but what they do with what they have. For heroes, villains, and all sorts of influential folks, historical or otherwise are not born, they are made.

If that wasn't a burden enough, Samantha can now fully understand why her superiors are so concerned and fearful for her as her powers could if she either gets too greedy in absorbing too much Mana or exhaust herself too quickly she could risk dying in violently spectacular fashion or at an inopportune moment respectively. Hopefully, the Hecate Suit and the big plans that Doctor Mahelona and Bobby Bianchin have in store for her should help alleviate these burdens for although her mind is willing to take the powers of the Rhannu-Prietar to the next levels, her flesh was weak. The backing of years of the UFE's scientific industrial might rest by those two men. If those weren't troublesome enough, her commanding superiors are now intending to use her talents to pacify the rambunctious natives of Gliesia to the submission due to hearing the possible rumor-mongering of war happening across the horizon. It disgusts her of these natives' insistent talks of accusing the Federation of being the 'Demons' of their old legends when they had been nothing but angels that descended upon a barely functioning world where they brought peace, prosperity and hope from the ashes of famine, want and poverty. Her powers are likely going to be used to shock the natives into surrender judging by how Colonel Polonsky mentions that she will be taking several 'special' operations planned out by him and what intelligences he can gather. She may be a figurative tool for the Common State Party's propaganda pieces much like Avatar Korra being a symbolic personification of harmony and prosperity in her animated world. But even then, deep down Samantha wishes to not only be a hero for the Federation but a hero to the people of Gliesia. This branding of hers was of the planet's making after all.

She looks back at her late father, of how he won the Medal of Honor for his bravery of evacuating his entire platoon from a doomed assault that although violently and ungracefully ended an insurrection, managed by going out of his way mitigate the horrendous damage, friend and foe alike. When she had heard of what her father had done, oh how she wished she can be like him, valiant and true to himself. That is why she had enlisted as soon as she had reached the minimum age of entry much to her mother's protests. Maybe one day, she can escape the shadow of her father and exceed him in a way worthy of her lineage extending to all the way to her ancestor Léo Major

But enough of those worries, for the last good news is why Samantha was so eager to leave her containment cell. She was about to be given the go-ahead by the wigs at the Common State Party to be discharged from her internment and it could have been a better time. The day she leaves her cell is also the day Obediah's daughter, April will be celebrating her birthday at the Drunken Bastard Inn. She had heard nothing but praises from everyone but her about how exquisite Leah Root's home cooking is. She had also heard about Iris and Aliathra providing entertainment to April and the rest of her pre-school classmates.

The Lieutenant yawned after reflecting upon the happenings of the present as she lay down on her cell's cot. She couldn't wait to finally see the sun… or Malynaris 'the Golden Lady' as the natives call it.


Clovich enjoyed the hospitality of the Japanese greatly. In contrast to the hustle and bustle of the Tokyo metropolis surrounding the Imperial Palace, Emperor Shinharu's home was a tranquil retreat. So familiar yet so foreign for the Feudal Lord of Tyr Rian, he enjoyed pleasurable activities such as a Tea Ceremony that sampled some the Island Nation's finest hot beverages, feeding the pet Koi Fish and even a demonstration of the Imperial Family's Android butler. In addition to all of the photographed social formalities that Clovich and his entourage enjoyed, whenever he finds the time that he can, he would inquire to Emperor Shinharu about his famous ancestor, the former Emperor Meiji.

Smiling happily at the Prince's curiosity, the Emperor of Japan was simply amazed and scared by how much passion the Otherworlder had. Amazed by how similar he had according to the history books every Imperial Scion reads about his lineage, but also equally fearful of what Clovich's reaction will be like when he finds out about the tumultuous obstacles that Meiji had to face in order turn japan into the modern powerhouse that it is today. Most especially the radical reforms he had to enact and/or abolish.

"This Tea, milord is absolutely astounding." Clovich complemented the emerald beverage, called 'Matcha' as he sipped the local drink. His tongue reverberating the sensations of a pleasant tasting, smooth drink with a few vegetal notes in between. It was like drinking the sweet nectar from the breastmilk of a Nymph.

"Indeed it is Prince Clovich." Emperor Shinharu nodded happily.

"How did your ancestors achieve so much in such little time? They say you took only a few decades in what took your peers centuries to achieve!" Clovich asked.

"Ahh… my least favorite subject to be honest." The Emperor uncomfortably gulped.

"Least favorite?" the Prince asked.

"I assume that the Prime Minister himself had told you some… unsavory truths that for someone like you may sound, radical, revolutionary even." The Emperor inquired.

"I do…" Clovich sunk his head.

He recalled Bousqet's harsh words about the flaws of the current system of governance and the technological background of his people back home in Gliesia. Most especially the concepts of Feudalism, Chivalry, Slavery, and the Adventurer Guild's uneven policing power upon the populace. To tear down what the Gliesians had valued for centuries uncounting to a new road forward of an unknown future ahead was terrifying to behold for a Vassal Lord, let alone someone who is at the lower midpoint of the Empire's ruling class. It was essentially destroying the only world that they know of.

At first, the Prince couldn't believe the Prime Minister's words but Bousqet wisely believed that the words of Emperor Shinharu, the current scion of the Imperial Japanese line, much idolized by many intellectual of native folks who have made positive contact with the UFE, would have more sway in persuading Prince Clovich to take the road less traveled compared to his stagnating countrymen.

"Look here at this one." Emperor Shinharu guided Clovich's attention.

They darted over a miniature tree that sat at a grandiose pedestal in the Emperor's Parlor room. Despite its size, the pygmy wood stood opulent and imperial as Emperor Shinharu himself. It's leaves were like olive needles that pointed upwards from its branches. The wood itself showed signs of veneration from darkened spots and a few lumpy pushes of bark flesh that gave the miniature tree a venerable feel.

"This is one of my family's greatest treasures, passed down from generations whom I, is its latest caretaker.

"How long did your family have this?" Clovich asked.

"The Sandai Shogun no Matsu Over seven hundred years." Emperor Shinharu wiggled his fingers to count. "It is said that that this little tree grows a new branch whenever a great crossroads ever happens for Japan. If this tree were to ever die, there is a saying that the land of Japan will die with it." He recalled.

"All living things like trees die eventually. But tell me, how did you keep this tree alive for over centuries?" Clovich asked.

"Basic botany and the law of conservation of energy." The Emperor answered. "Such lessons that you can learn something about your country yourself. It is what my great-great-grandfather Meiji learned to when he branched himself out to the Western Powers." The Emperor said.

He walked towards the ancient bonsai tree and, opening a cupboard nearby. A steel box he pulled out of the compartment and from the box he pulled out again a pair of small secateurs. Grasping the shears, Emperor Shinharu began to Clovich's astoundment, cutting up the ancient bonsai tree, taking out several branch systems, defoliating several leaves and thinning out the overall size of the bonsai tree's crown.

"What are you doing?!" Clovich exclaimed. "That is hundreds of years of history you are cutting." He said with alarming disposition.

"It is called 'Pruning the Tree' Prince Clovich." Emperor Shinharu explained.

Whilst multi-tasking the maintenance of the famous Sandai Shogun no Matsu Bonsai tree, the Emperor paternalistically demonstrated every cut and rationale of actions upon Clovich.

"Your society, a Medieval Feudal society of Gliesia is no different than the society my great grandfather Meiji came from before the arrival of the West."

Shinharu grasped a section of the Bonsai tree whose branches were rubbed against each other which unfortunately allows open wounds, unsightly gashes, and broken branches.

"Bousquet told me a lot about your society. So many troublesome problems and pests that plague your homeland and you deep down wish to end it all not for your sake, your sister or but for your people. You may not hear it, but deep down, if this Bonsai tree could talk, it is in deep anguish. Pain basically and I am helping alleviate its pain."

The emperor cut the parasitic branches and scraped off the troublesome wood away from the tree as a whole. He then proceeds to fall down upon the leaves shaving off much of its verdigris mane from its wavy crown.

"There are many people that will hold you back, of the 'good old ways' but they are ultimately like parasites that seek to stifle your potential to see a better future. Such as those Adventurer's and some chivalric Samurai of yours. Don't you see that they are holding you back when it comes to protecting your people from the terrors of the world and for what? Money? What is money compared to the value of an innocent person's life?"

"Samurai?" Clovich asked.

"Knights, that is what we call Knights in Japan Prince Clovich." Shinharu explained.

"When Meiji returned from his travels to the Western Powers he had to fight for his reforms. Many people thought he had become 'corrupted' by the otherworldly barbarians overseas but deep down, Meiji knew that if Japan were to survive the next turn of his time, the reforms must happen whether they want it or not." He said.

"I see, but him fighting his own countrymen must have been very terrifying to muster the will to persevere." Clovich nodded.

"Indeed it does." The Japanese Emperor said. "But by the time he had triumphed, Japan had successfully transitioned itself from a medieval society isolated from the world to a technological powerhouse in Asia. The key here is that sometimes, to grow you need to let go." The Emperor rhymed.

He then proceeded to apply a healing balm onto the wound areas where the troublesome parts had been sheared over whilst he also applied water and add a light sprinkling of fertilizer to the Bonsai tree's roots.

"My pruning of this Bonsai tree should be like how you will enact those reforms Prince Clovich. Closing certain paths forever to allow the opening of new growth is like what you have seen me done today. My country, my Japan had gone through so much ever since Meiji reformed every corner of the country but we all didn't regret it soon after now that we enjoy so many new things that we didn't know we would or could have if we had stayed like before." Shinharu concluded his lecture.

"Tell me one more thing. Tell me one more thing Emperor Shinharu." Clovich raised his hand. "How will I know what path I should lead my people to take?" He asked.

"The one where the most amount of people benefits the most. Listen to them but don't be afraid to intervene yourself less the stray to a path that will lead to their self-destruction. When you do have to inevitably tear down a 'tradition' to build a new one in its place, make sure you replace it with a tradition that all peoples can progress with."

"I do not understand." Clovich pleaded.

"Never stop learning Clovich. Never ever stop learning. To know the price for the progress you need to be able to stomach a few mistakes, hiccups and bumps along the road." The Emperor said.

"Must I be the only one alone to build this future?" he asked.

"Not really, there are likely as many people who when they hear of this, will gladly reach out for your hand to build the future that you envision to seek. UFE? Gliesian? It matters not where they come from, just that they share the same vision. Now tell me Prince, what kind of future you wish to build in Tyr Rian?"

"I dream of a future where the People of Tyr Rian are free from the plagues from want and fear." Clovich answered.

"That is noble but quite broad. Tell me what you mean of these 'plagues' you wish to eradicate so badly?" the Emperor asked.

"Raiders, Famine, Banditry and Fire. That is what plagues Tyr Rian before the arrival of the Federation." He explained.

"You are a smart one, how would you fight about it if you had no limits to what you can dispose of to defeat these 'plagues'?" the Emperor asked.

"My Army, they could use the weapons that your Federation possess, with those weapons they can be able to protect all from the raiders and banditry. For famine and fire, your people's possess a mag--- I mean technology where infernos and droughts are trivial to you." He said.

"That is something my great grandfather had seeked the Western Powers for." The Emperor gave off an amused laugh. "I believe I know several people that can help you with that." The Emperor nodded.

"Oh? I am willing to learn everything I can from them." Clovich asked.

"Of course, you would." He smiled. "Their names are Osei and Hanjin-Shibusawa." The Emperor nodded. "But I fear that you are not ready…" he muttered.

"Not ready?" Clovich asked. He had come so far that he could not fail now.

"Are you ready to pay for the price of progress Prince Clovich? Are you ready to 'Prune your Tree' to see it grow?" the Emperor asked.

"Yes. Yes, I am ready." Prince Clovich decisively vowed.

"So, you are ready now. Just like my great grandfather Meiji." The Emperor smiled.

The door to an unknown future lay ahead for not only Clovich nor Tyr Rian but for Gliesia now. On this day, as Clovich had inwardly decreed, the beginning of the Clovician Amelioration. The advancement of Tyr Rian has begun!