a Baleful Turn

Gary De Sardet huffed a cloud out of effervescent cigarette smoke from his lungs as he dismissed the Team that gave their reports after safely returning back to Nirnkarim Headquarters. He let out a heavy sigh as he swallowed what he just heard. He grows wearier the more this rebellion continues to stretch its duration the riskier things could get for everyone thanks in no part of the Hold Dwarves' homefield advantage.

Not only that, but the more he continues the fight, this proxy war the UFE is conducting, the more of the chilling story behind the seemingly serene Dwarven Mountains revealed its ugly-self to the UFE. In the Ostalrocs, Mining is its claim to fame and thus the most valued form of labor one can find in the region. The mines are all controlled by the Hold's via the Mogul Dynasties who are descendants of great Wizards who specialize in Geomancy. Not only were the profits of rare earth minerals such as Actocolite, Scandanite and Ghyranite were of common place but also Mana Crystals themselves that grows beneath the ground the moutains sat upon. However, despite its lucrative values it holds around Gliesia, the Mogul's maintain a systematic and draconic control of the Mining Industries only remotely on paper in check by the Mining Guilds who acts like a primitive Labor Union between the servile Terrace Dwarves and their opulent lavish Hold Dwarven masters. The Mogul's one and only interests above all else was to maintain their sole control and mastery of the prices and supply of Mana Crystals, Actocolite, Scandanite and Ghyranite within the Continent. There was stiff competition between the Dwarves, the Elves and the Yujegong Empire for the sale of such minerals to the rest of the world as in the case of their hastily panicked emergency conscription of Terrace Dwarves from an earlier Trade Deal between them and the Empire involving a lucrative Order to supply enough of wonder-minerals to equip an army 'worthy of a Chosen One of Legend'. It would have gone smoothly like any other deal as before was it not for the actions of one Captain Mendoza and a caravan of said wonder-minerals being liberated off of its contents. Now the Dwarves were hastily strip-mining the Ostalrocs to make up for the lost shipment.

In their haste, they enacted the tyrannical Forced Labor laws to get the manpower they needed to mine the minerals to fulfill the contract made by the Empire. Many Miners would be subjected to treacherous conditions such as cave-ins, exhaustion and monster attacks in which a dozen casualties would be a normal occurrence every month. Even with the terrifying conditions within the mines that the Dwarves had utilized in the past, several cunning strategies to recruit more workers as it was cheaper for the Mogul Geomancers to recruit more workers,  than to improve working conditions in the mines to maintain a competitive edge within the continent. This exploitative system was especially appealing for the Geomancers of the Mogul Dynasties as their Magicks of Geomancy required a significant amount of Mana Energies to dig further in the ground which said Mana Crystals was more suited for sale to the Mages who demand such goods. But such a large dragon that feeds on the decadent Hold Dwarves requires more food to feed it less it leaves and brings with it the good fortune said dragon brought to the Ostalrocs. In their first attempt to feed said metaphorical dragon it was the establishment of a rudimentary Feudal system of castes between the lordly Hold Dwarves and the commoner Terrace Dwarves that is still being lived by today in the Ostalrocs. When the demand only grew higher, the second attempt was incentivizing Penal and Debt forgiveness to Offenders. The third time, it was attempted through half-promising from silver-tongued Judges to make pursuing a career in the mines appealing before slowly pullin out said statements in the interest of 'shortcomings'. Ultimately, it was the fourth attempt the present-day Forced Labor laws normally reserved for times of War was when the Hold Dwarves had the greatest possible amount of manpower available at their disposal. Such a system was like a bubble, doomed to pop anytime soon and De Sardet will see it that it does pop.

For the past few days after assuming control of the situation and organizing an insurgency for the Terrace Dwarves to be freed of their centuries-old bondage to their opulently decadent Hold masters has seen promising success. His strategy was to snowball the resistance against the Hold Dwarves by rescuing slaves, the assassination of key political figures, and acquiring supplies stolen from enemy armories. Based on the statistics he recorded he initially started with about 1000 Insurgent Dwarves based on the existing amount of supporters that Lutheor Mirrien's kinsmen had collected throughout their time before which had grown to a healthy after some fruitful Slave Raids acquired an additional 1,200 ex-slaves joining their cause ranging from Humans, Dwarves, some of Kimora and Ho'don's kinsmen too. As for assassinations, they have eliminated about 10 Geomancers, 25 Officials working for Mogul Dolmond in Military or Civilian aspects and approximately 200 combined numbers of the elite Ever-Beards and Sting Eye infantry via Ambushes. Lastly, in terms of Supplies, the Resistance managed to secure about 500 pieces of high-quality weapons from Forges that were either raided or destroyed depending on what would be the best-desired outcome before the attack.

In response to their attacks, the Hold Dwarves and their Slaegian allies are employing several tactics to mitigate the damages they made. Body Doubles, doubling their guards, spreading out their supply chains or simply putting themselves into hiding which is what the Intelligence Agent wants them to do. To stretch them thin until they reach a breaking point. But now the challenge is looking for that breaking point. A lot of their most valuable assets such as Mogul Dolmond and his lucrative mines are guarded tightly and they had recently lost contact with the Kur Faldhur Mining Guilds when he attempted to have his agents acquire maps of the more lucratively blessed of Dwarven Mines to plan a raid on. There are still however several more outposts across the Ostalrocs that De Sardet can go for the tiresome 'Death-by-a-thousand-cuts' strategy but it will involve establishing more extensive networks and time was not on his side. The Army that Mogul Dolmond Commands, however, is the most troublesome factor to the freedom of movement for the Resistance so perhaps he should focus the next attacks in whittling the Ever-Beards and Sting Eyes plus their foot-and-core Bondsmen to even the odds.

Strategically speaking, De Sardet knows that he will have to do something to send the Dwarves into a state of disarray if he were to regain the advantage. He needed some sort of opportunity that is explosive, demobilizing, and upsetting.  He sent out scouts to grab as much intelligence for any large projects, major troop movements, or public appearances that he could use to bewilder his opponent and take the fight to the very gilded gates of Kur Faldur itself.

"Lieutenant please tell me something useful if you're here." He asked Samantha who walked inside his makeshift office inside the Dwarven Courthouse that each Hold has one to administrate the local region it respectively controls.

"De Sardet, it is about my Brand… I had a thought." Samantha said.

"Make it quick." De Sardet induced Samantha to invest his time away from his maps, documents, and plans for her.

"There are three Chosen Ones, right? There's me and Doctor Mahelona, right? Followed by this other one that the Slaegians have by the name of 'Faithleann'." Samantha said.

"Oui, that's was the hearsay everyone talks about. A lot of people right now are confused. You fighting on their side and the other way around? Ce'st le bordel I tell you lieutenante." De Sardet responded.

"As you know, my Mark was exposed some days ago and now my Chosen One-ness is being known to the Natives. What are the latest rumors about me now De Sardet? What did everyone else found out?" Samantha sighed.

"Par où je commence? I got so many from Mirrien's folks that it honestly made my head hurt." the Intelligence Officer sighed. "I hear of one rumor that you are a faux-Chosen One. A fake. That you, stolen the branding from the 'real' one or you're just pretending to be the 'Share-Holder'. The other is that you are 'misguided'. That you are not seeing 'the True Evil' or whatever."

"That's a mouthful." Samantha sulked. "What about Faithleann? The Chosen One that the Empire has?" Samantha asked.

"From what I gathered, this petit garçon is said to be a powerful warrior and mage said to be able to overwhelm any opponent with his attacks." He divulged. "High Command recommends that you avoid confrontation with him until we know for certain what kind of sorcier we are dealing with."

"Anything else to go by other than that?" Samantha asked.

"Actually, there are some words going about that is related to both you and this Faithleann…" De Sardet mentions.

"What kind of words?" the Lieutenant leaned closed to listen.

"They say that a certain group of Imperials are VERY interested and finding you. For you are more 'desirable' than Faithleann." De Sardet explained.

"More 'desirable'?" Samantha recoiled in disbelief.

"According to what our informants said, whilst the so-called 'Bane' Chosen One is a powerful individual, he equally has an ego to match and the Empire seeks to acquire you because they hope you are more 'manageable' given your name." De Sardet explained.

"He is still considered the enemy however Lieutenante Rose. We may not know much more about him as of late so we must proceed with caution." The Intelligence Officer warns.

"Of course, if his ��Bane' name is anything to go by. He could be more powerful than me." Samantha nods.

"But I want to be sure of one thing. That if the time comes, you will not hesitate to eliminate him if you cross paths which I believe is simply inevitable." De Sardet told her.

She had seen the amount of mysticism and play that many Fantastic Stories took place over her incessant consumptions of their media. There was always a twist to the tale and hearing about this 'Faithleann' character, her fellow Chosen one had made her contemplate more about the Prophecy that promised 'great change' to all of Gliesia. Already she is witnessing firsthand the Modernization of Tyr Rian being worked on as they spoke with the return of Prince Clovich expediating the process. Meanwhile, this mysterious 'Faithleann' person has been said to be a person of heavy repute being of the 'Bane' Brand that the mysterious artifact had bestowed upon him. There is a Clamor within Samantha that partly, she wanted to get some answers from anyone who knows more of this Sacred Crystal Heart and why did it choose her and Dr. Mahelona? Non-natives of Gliesia to be a Chosen One? Right now, her greatest desire is to find out more about her powers, but yet her loyalty to the UFE State must be of equal priority.

"I understand." Samantha softly accepted.

"Good, I am glad you see it our way." De Sardet nodded before looking down at his map and sighed.

"How goes the operations?" the Lieutenant asked.

"The Good news is that we have the Hold Dwarves on the run. Our raids have been producing successful results. As of late, we have observed that their Armies are switching tactics, more dispersed guards for search and destroy operations to counteract us, body doubles for assassination targets and curfews to limit the Resistance's movements." He explained. "There's just a problem I am having…"

"A Problem?" Samantha asked.

"Nothing critical, just some personal frustrations… Look at me here Lieutenante." De Sardet huffed. "The Dwarves are likely going to plan out for the long game while we want to cut off the Mining Supply as soon as possible. Right now, I am trying to dig in for something we can do to take the fight directly against the Hold Dwarves, you know? Take it to the next level. But right now everything is all hush-hush." The Agent confessed. "If you and your team can find something that could turn up the heat against these Dwarves then take it."

"Yessir." Samantha saluted.

Just as the Lieutenant was about to make her leave, De Sardet's Office Door slammed open to a very alarmed Lutheor Mirrien.

"We are being besieged!" the Dwarf said. "Hlavor Gate!"

Hlavor Gate is the northernmost gate in Nirnkarim that faced the rest of the Ostalrocs behind it. It was also one of the most elevated areas of the Dwarven Hold and so an attack from such a vertically superior position would be devastating to the Resistance forces of Nirnkarim. Officially, the Hold remained untouched by the insurgencies that plagued the rest of the mountains but De Sardet reasoned that the Dwarves would know that Nirnkarim was the poorest and least developed Hold in all of the Ostalrocs as the targets worth a damn would have been the other richer Holds north of Nirnkarim. Unofficially, Nirnkarim, or the Mining Guild's Office of Nirnkarim with the local Courthouse being an extension of the Insurgencies political base where they coordinate with other Terrace Dwarves and Mining Guild's across the rest of the Ostalrocs. A successful attack on Nirnkarim would have decapitated this Insurgency before it could even begin.

However, this could be the case of experience for the Hold Dwarves as Lutheor Mirrien can attest to. He had described that Dwarves from Nirnkarim were looked down upon by the other Hold Moguls for their 'turbulence' against the status quo and how the Hold would have been called 'a Ghetto pretending to be a Hold' as many Moguls would belittle. Despite the impoverished reputation, the Dwarves of Nirnkarim were no born-losers. Instead, they were fighters of the sense that they always try to endure in spite of their less than ideal surroundings compared to their richer kin. The Origins of the Dwarven Mining Guilds can be traced back to Nirnkarim where it was its cradle. They had always been a thorn on the side of the Geomancer Dynasties of the Hold Dwarves for centuries as they try to fight for better working conditions, higher wages, and other sorts of moves that would require the Hold Dwarves to compromise their power to those lower in the socio-economic food chain. Often times, the other Dwarven Holds would cast an irking eye of suspicion towards Nirnkarim whenever the Mining Guilds attempt another power play. Lutheor had several occasions talk about the various times that Nirnkarim was temporarily occupied by another Hold and it was only through the skin of the Mining Guilds were the foreign soldiers left them alone but after having their blades wetted with the blood of a few 'troublemakers' before departure.  Additionally, there was also a budding Tinkerer's Workshop within Nirnkarim's walls that have been trying to build new mining equipment within closed-doored Court Receptions in other Hold Courts for the Mining Guilds whom they are close partners of and together they produced with mixed results. Mirrien often speaks very highly of them despite their several failures at times due to how they would consistently improve upon themselves to learn from their previous mistakes and moved forward from them. So far, De Sardet hadn't looked closely on the Tinkerers as of late due to the circumstances but he does, when the time or if his boredom gets the better of him would pay these inventors a visit.

There were several of them taking part in the defenses of the Walls outside of northern Nirnkarim with their modified crossbows that had a rudimentary telescope attached atop of its flight groove.

"What am I looking at?" Samantha asked one of the Dwarves.

"It's the Army! A…a Coalition of all the Dwarven Hold's brought together here… to kill us all!" the Dwarf stuttered in fright.

"I see even the Armies of the Empire with them too brother Ragni!" Mirrien beamed over the great army lines.

"Estimated Hostile Force size is approximately fifteen thousand enemy combatants," ISAC informed from behind her radio.

They were out-numbered 1 to 15, and that's if they account for the fact that most of their ragtag forces of Insurgent Dwarves were barely trained militiamen with several maladies ranging from injuries to malnourishment due to their supplies stretched to its logistical limits.

"Bollocks! Man the Guns!" Crocker yelled at the UFE Soldiers and Mercenaries as they set up their rifles above the crevices of Nirnkarim's walls. There Dwarven, Goblin and Centaur allies too scrambled to a defensive position as they steeled themselves steadfastly for they now entered as Sun Tzu would call it 'Death Ground'. Either the Rebellion lives to fight another day or they die together within these creaking walls.

Across the battlefield, a proud young knight smiled eagerly for his first-ever battle.

"Is it true that the Share-Holder lives within those walls?" Faithleann asked.

"My Bird never fails me." Mita bowed."But in essence, we have also found the heart of these Rebels and it was unsurprising this 'Bastard City' gives refuge to them."

"Then we shall crush this Rebellion once and for all." Marchog Faughn cheered as he zealously unsheathed his sword from its scabbard.

"Indeed! With my Magicks and my power, I can triumph over anything that is thrown against me. If this Share-Holder cowers behind those walls like the craven she is and not accept her fate then I shall squash her down like those Rebel Scum." Faithleann joined in the Older Knight's zealotry. "Why do we need her anyway? She refuses to fight and we do not need cowards in MY Great Crusade for righteousness."

"Child, do not speak ill of the Share-Holder!" Karliah scolded.

"May you stay your hand for one moment Knights?" Olayra pleaded.

"We also have no clue how powerful this Chosen One truly is and already you are rushing with Blasphemous Boasts. Do stay your confidence at least until after we triumph against these Dwarves." Karliah said. "And we need the Share-Holder and the Scholar to form the Trinity we need to defeat the Demons once more. We need her alive and end this bloody uprising quickly and now." She pressed.

  "If the Share-Holder is within those walls then we must exercise with the utmost discretion. We must not injure the other Chosen One." She reminded.

"Yet the Rebels inside are free to slay." Faithleann smirked.

"Why do you think the Chosen One is colluding with the Rebels Mage?" Faughn asked

"I hypothesize that in a somewhat misguided attempt of virtue, this new Chosen One is aiding these Rebels if her good-aligned morals are what I had observed when we first encountered her." Karliah added. "This is based on what was our Conversation back in Gwesza had transpired. It is an art that no Magic can help master I tell you. The Art of the Tongue."

Karliah, Petur, Findrum and Olayra could remember those scathing words that echoed from the Redheaded ones fiery and passionate heart. She was a fighter for a better future but by the judgment of her yet-wrinkled cheeks and the youth on her eyes, she still has yet to fully understand her place in Gliesia. This Share-Holder better hopes that she can contain Faithleann's passions to a more refined extent that what she and the other of the first Chosen One's mentors could ever do.

"As much as I find her notions noble, she is rather naïve of the world just like my Niece sometimes…" Findrum commented.

"What I find odd about her is that she is a complete unknown, a ghost, a nobody from what I asked of everyon. None of them could tell of seeing a woman such as her before. Perhaps she is lone sellsword or of one of the Southern Barbarians from the Frontiers or a maybe a new member of the Adventurer's Guild." Petur gave his piece.

"I appreciated that you had tried Reikdorf." Karliah smiled softly. "But let bygones be bygones, now is the time that we finish this chapter and capture ourselves the next Chosen One."

Marchog Faugn swaggered his steed in front of the rest of the Coalition's army and presented himself at a good distance that his shouts can be heard.

"Rebels of Nirnkarim heed the words of Marchog Gratianus Faughn, the Will of Emperor Uldin Slaegiac and Mogul Dolmond of Kur Faldhur! You are surrounded and outnumbered greatly! Resistance is futile but if you surrender to me immediately then I shall promise you mercy less you want us to descend upon you and be made an example of those who dare uproot the peace of the Realms!" Marchog Faughn called out and gave his proposition.

But as the venerable Knight yelled, Faithleann galloped forward a plot of the field away from Gratianus' position and called out the top of his lungs.

"Chosen One that bears the Mark of Rhannu-Prietar, the Share-Holder! If you are so brave to be in league with those tough enough to challenge the Empire and the Dwarven Clans then why not you and your lackeys come out and fight us in the honorable and glorious field of battle!" Faithleann shouted gallantly, his head boiling red with battlelust.

The Garrison shuddered silence again as Faithleann's ego see's only that the enemy quivered behind the safety of those walls.

"Come now! Bring your Champion out! Bring your Chosen One the 'Share-Holder' out as your champion or maybe you are all craven peons." Faithleann pressed his verbal assault forward. "I know you are there 'Share-Holder' and your reputation has not escaped my ears of your power, your fiery red hair, and also your slipperiness."

Samantha's resolve shook for one moment at the mentioning of her name, if she was no soldier, her knees would have cowered by this Otherworlder's words but after recovering her volition she knew that it is just what this hostile native wanted her and her allies to do for they will lose their one advantage against the Coalition that is the Walls of Nirnkarim. However, their Native allies who had helped them so far shuddered at the gleaming armor that the Coalition had presented themselves in their march towards their stronghold. In comparison, it was an absolute mismatch between a professional army and a ragtag guerrilla rebels trapped in a corner.

"Don't.Even.Think.About.It"  De Sardet ordered discipline amongst his ranks.

"Boy, what are you doing?" Marchog Faughn questioned the insubordination of Faithleann.

"What we all want, to end this Rebellion once and for all. I have an idea." Faithleann proposed.

"What could possibly be a good idea right now?" the Knight ask.

"Bring out the Gwystlon and hold them out in front of our front line." Faithleann shows his unexpected aptitude of tactics to the Knight.

"Hmm… that does indeed sound like a good idea. I hope this could work." Faugn nodded.

He knows that in spite of Faithleann's boldness they commonly agreed that this insurrection should end quickly one way or the other. Galloping back to the lines as Faithleann proceeded to draw the Rebel's attention with arrogant taunts (which are finally being put to a somewhat beneficial use). The Old Knight made his play. He ordered his men to bring out the Gwystlon's that they had kept and ordered them to be brought out in full view of the two armies. It was a common siege tactic with a subtle yet at times a very potent gambit if one played his cards and honeyed his tongue right.

"What are they doing?" De Sardet looked.

Grabbing his binoculars, the Intelligence Agent zoomed his sight across the horizon as the enemy Coalition parted themselves to reveal perhaps their greatest weapon.

"Merde! You have got to be kidding me!" De Sardet's eyes widened as his frame shuddered, his hands grip weakening upon realizing the sight before him.

"Oh no! It is like the Riots all over again…" Mirrien shuddered alongside him seeing his people in chains and being readied to be put to the sword by cruel-eyed men.

To the dismay of the UFE Soldiers, the Gwystlon's were no Siege Engine nor was it some fantastic beast of monstrous potent, instead they were dozens upon dozens groups of ragged people, Dwarf, Human, Goblin and even Centaur chained-ganged together as they were corralled towards the front of the army in the pain of running themselves towards a line of fire of an archer or a front-lined spear. They were positioned at a forward Element where a contingent of Faithleann's Slaegian Legionnaires was of a few dozen feet-meters away from the eloquent youth. The prisoners' bodies showed the wounds of continuous abuse and neglect as their hopeless and terrified eyes looked on to the bastion that had represented their freedoms before them, it's sweet embrace just out of reach and yet a life of chains tethering them from the haven-hood of Nirnkarim. The presentation of Gwystlon's or Hostages is a common Siege Warfare tactic that can be employed by either side. Such a controversial tactic is used to Negotiate the other side's cessation of hostilities, fulfilment of a specific yet precarious condition or a hefty ransom less the one being struck with the dangerous dilemma see the person/s of value held hostage, often a family member, close friend or in the worst cases entire populaces be thrown into the hungry wolves that is the one pulling for leverage in a very demoralizing fashion. But even then, its' a double-edged sword with its own risks and rewards that throughout several records of the Empire's steel-bloodied history cases of such an attempt of negotiations ended unfavorably for the enactor of such a gambit.

"What you see before you are your kin whom we had gathered to help 'persuade' you to seize your insolence. Come down from Nirnkarim now for I demand a challenge to a Duel! The winner shall have their way with the prisoners." Faithleann proposed, appealing to the rumored trait of the 'Share-Holder' sense of commoner justice as the hostages whimpered behind him.

Silence fell upon the Nirnkarim Garrison as they were struck with a sadistic choice, the death of their loved ones, or the continued dishonor of their own kin once again. Equally frightened were several of Faithleann's own followers who were bewilderment by Faithleann's surprising ruthlessness. Originally, these Hostages were going to go through diplomatic channels and a few underground ones via Ransom Brokers to safely ferry away these rebels back to their families in order to force a peace in concert to the interests of the defenders of such a rebellion of whilst pacifying the region off of any malcontents usually through the use of authoritative examples. Yet even then, to use such Hostages so suddenly in a rush of thought as formally to use Gwystlon's requires a formal letter from the enactor to the targeted party before physical presentation of hostages. one must be willing to suffer penalizing wrath from the offended party or stomach the strongest of wills to be so shrewd of committing.

"Marchog! What are you doing?" Karliah asked the Old Knight. "Some of these prisoners are just children."

"This doesn't seem to be the noblest act to do, using hostages." Olayra argued in support of her senior. "Are we not a Crusade for the Salvation of Gliesia?"

"We are ending this dance today." The Knight bluntly answered with a stern grin to separate himself emotionally from the wailing moans of the Hostages that they present before the Rebels of Nirnkarim.

"We need to have them Surrender immediately. It pains me to do this but we need to end this pointless war and go back to focusing on who the true enemy is." The Knight said.

"This is not the right way! None of this is right. Why I should inform the Emperor and the Grandmaster of all of these happenings is not helping the War Effort at all." Karliah protested.

"Shut your mouth woman! You know nothing of War." The Knight scolded her.

He grabbed the Female Mage and her junior-aged Scholar colleague by their arms to silence the two's incessant protests. He dragged the women's prying eyes away from the tense scene back to their camp as the more War-wired of Faithleann's Retinue readied themselves with their Dwarven Allies.

"However!" Faithleann shouted. "I had traveled too far to be quelling rebellions when there is a Demon Invasion happening and it is within everyone's likings that I propose an alternative solution for you to be chosen at your leisure. I demand you hand over the one called 'the Share-Holder' to be within my Audience and I shall spare several of your kin." Faithleann proposed.

"We are NOT risking Lieutenant Rose with that wanker!" Crocker protested.

"He'll just kill them all anyway and grab Samantha at the first opportunity." De Sardet added.

"They have my people as Hostages!" Mirrien argued, despair creaking from his beard as he pleaded with the Otherworlders.

"And so are ours!" Ho'don and Kimora joined the dialogue in unison.

"I can't bear to see more of my kin die. If they kill them all then the men of those families will surely break." Mirrien cried.

"We cannot leave the Walls, that's what they want us to do." Clay reasoned.

"If we give Samantha to the Empire, we can kiss everything that Aparo and the Doc did in the Lab goodbye!" Diaz says his piece.

"Knowing the Empire and their Magi College, they will use her and the Hecate Suit she wears against us." Iris nodded.

"I hate all of our options! I know!" De Sardet shouted at everyone, flailing his hands uncontrollably.

The Defenders fell quiet, cognitively confounded into a deadlock on how to proceed with their next move. The Hostages are quite frankly the hearts and minds of the whole rebellion in same vein that Nirnkarim is the historical icon of said rebellion too. Losing Samantha Rose would also be of a devastating lost too. For the first time in a long while after their arrival, the Federation has found themselves in a TRUE Disadvantage. Help was a call away but it will not matter when they needed the guardian-like and angelic wings of an A-25 Dragoon the most. All three choices were of equal and devastating compromises for the UFE to take that neither could ill-afford to suffer the loss of and now innocent blood will be shed before their eyes and there is almost not a thing, they can do about it. Several of the Natives began to cause a ruckus below the walls, demanding that the Federation give up Samantha to the Empire at the honorable chance that they may be able to reunite with their loved ones once again.

"Please Ladui Rose! You have to rescue my people and if it means you having to entertain that brat then so be it. I know many of those people he is holding hostage before the Hold's walls right this moment." Mirrien pleaded.

Samantha knew the risks of presenting herself to the Empire before the other Chosen One, they may capture her or attempt to kill her and even then, it doesn't guarantee the safety of the Hostages that Faithleann is holding by a thread before their Rebel allies. She has to say, this 'Bane' Chosen One was really being such a poisonous individual by the way he is acting upon them. Yet her most human side of her mind urged her to do the right thing to rescue those innocent civilians from the clutches of the Empire. Pragmatically speaking if the rebelling Terrace Dwarves breaks as the people, they are fighting to make a future for die, then the whole Hearts and Minds campaign of flipping the Ostalrocs blue goes down the drain in one literal stroke of the blade.

The Lieutenant needed to breathe for one moment, to meditate on her options. Remembering her teaching ins West Point a good commanding officer must share a basic principle of warfare: 'To know thyself'. She remembered the diverse prowess of her allies abilities on the field, how the Centaur's awe-inspiring swiftness, Diaz's Cyberpunked reflexes, Crocker's strength, Kayin's versatile serviceability of his drones, the Dwarven willpower, the Goblin's craftiness, Aliathra and Iris' Magicks and also her own reactive core that became both her blessing and her curse. She even forgot a little feature that Dr. Mahelona mentioned to her about the current incarnation of her suit's abilities.

'the Hecate suit allows the user to discharge Mana energies more efficiently than any other living person can hope to do.'

"Stryder, Ho'don, Kimora, I have a plan." Samantha rallied her friends. "Do what I say and we can save them all."