Summo Imperio

Samantha gritted her teeth as she waddled through the gutter-like caverns of the Kobold's Hollow with the rest of Stryder Group. The Army Grunts had finally after a grueling clearing operation a path for her squad to gain entry into the College's Tunnels inside the hollow. There were still several isolated hold outs of resistance and the still erratically behaving populace of whom the occupation forces are now tasked into screen over for whilst the assault troops breach the last strongpoints of the defenders. The Military Operation over Haringpoint has been an almost overwhelming success with negligible casualties on the Federation's side but maximum damages on the Alliance's. The Coalition Troops had eliminated several more of the Mana Obelisks with the help of King Martainne and Ho'Don. Slowly but surely, the fires of war began to crumble into embers.

Yet still, the Defense of Haringpoint stood against such overwhelming forces albeit hanging by a thread. The loss of the Walls and most of its garrison has immediately shifted the remnants of the defenders into fight-or-flight mode. Screaming sheets of radio chatter reported of multitudes of masses of people fleeing the Imperial Capital to the north via two gates that the UFEAF-Laniyea are hurrying to plug any crevices of escape, less their human targets escape beneath the blanket of refugee caravans. Yet still, many of the Imperial Leadership has been fighting on to continue to either buy time for the civilians to escape North or to enact a final stand against the Otherworlders. Most of these last-ditched efforts were empowered by Mages who use their spells to stubbornly push off the Coalition's Assaults. These hold outs are by Major Holyfield's intuitiveness that is stopping the Federation and Laniyea from fully conquering the city. The Source of all Magic Powers that the City's remaining defenders still maintain a weakening yet present grip on, the Mirror of Aunsellus by the College of Magi. If they can capture that Source of Power, all whatever is left of an adequate resistance within Haringpoint would be crushed.

The Plan to capture this esteemed institution had many prongs that seek to tear the College apart by the weight of the Federation's technology. A Diversionary assault from the ground would commence affixing the College's defenders into focusing their fire onto them whilst Samantha's squad leads her elite team into the underground Tunnel Network to sap the enemies from the inside. Stryder's objects would be tasked to neutralize any Mages they can come across, specifically those specializing in offensive-based Destruction Spells and the very last still active Mana Obelisks that situate themselves within the middle of the college that needs to be neutralized. Both tasks are in conjunction with the second phase of the operation that is the support of an oncoming Airborne Commando attack from the Tenacity's in-ship Marine Corps. With the support of the Marines, the defenses will be crumbled upon the weight of their assault clearing a path to the main chamber where the Mirror of Aunsellus is supposed to be.

"Shush." Karliah urged the group into silence as she gestured for them to stop.

She was leading Stryder into the tunnels, the same tunnels that she and her fellow students of the College use to discreetly walk in and out of the campus of the scholarly building for academic work or to contact any underground Covens within the Kobold's Hollow. As they made their way deeper into the caverns. The squad could quietly feel trotting above them, footsteps, heavy, very weighted of footwork that trembles like heavy rain. They were likely right above Knights and Mages who are scrambling in defense of the college as they speak.

"Great danger is ahead." Aliathra's ears perked up. Hers is much more audibly sensitive than the rest.

"Let's go to work then. Ready'up." Clay muttered.

"Captain what's the R.O.E.?" Kayin inquired.

"Your free to engage anyone that tries to kill you…" Samantha ordered them as she readied her Bullpup Rifle. "Karliah I know that you know that we won't hesitate to kill anyone in our way. I want to be sure that… at the added benefit that our journey through the school would be as smooth as possible that you would pacify your fellow students… non-lethally I am right?" she turned to the ex-Collegiate.

"I assure you. I will see to them they will not harm you." Karliah nodded.

"Good, the less blood on anyone's hands the better." The Captain smiled.

The squad soon reached the end of the tunnel where a clandestinely hidden brick wall that bore, once shone with Mage-Light an invisible insignia bearing the heraldry of the College of Magi, a sun shining Hand sealed exposing its palms where the Arcane Sigils, symbols representing of the Schools of Magics being idiosyncratically evinced. In the Arcane Scholarly thought, this somatic Gesture is called by the Elves as the 'Gúl Bor' or the Flowing Hand.

Karliah flicked her finger onto one of the concrete bricks of the wall as a magically-powered mechanism gave way to an opening. It was a threshold contrasting the dark, dilapidated underground of the Kobold's Hollow to the stately glow of carpeted hallways of the College of Magi.

"Follow me, we must hurry. My College's Obelisk is not too far away from here but we must pass by the dormitories of which I am sure will be patrolling with soldiers and students." Karliah funneled Stryder Group through "As for the Mirror of Aunsellus is at the other side of the campus and there will be many of my fellow Mages between us and our goal."

Keeping their arrival as cloaked as possible for a 9-man infiltration team, the squad weaved their way through the College's Halls under their guide's lead. The school was as prestigious in name from the outside as it was in the inside as Stryder passed through semi-circular archways that peaked over doorways and windows, bricked hallways made of the snowiest of stone and Candlelight (the Magic Spell) receptacles illuminated dimly the pathways through the College which gives the building a Fey-like aura compared to its more mundane neighbors. Sam couldn't honestly wait to take some photos of the building for her own personal album if it were not the fact that in contrast to its supposedly prestigious visage, the foul disease known as the war had infected itself inside the campus. Ransacked classrooms and dormitories were barred of anything useable for barricades that Kayin and Crocker had to lift away to allow access through, several windows too darkened the school into a derelict state and of course the occasional rush passes of the patrolling student body and Legionnaire remnants that scatter about from the school.

"Let's take them out… but quietly." Samantha ordered as she rolled into her Gladius Pistol's barrel a silencer.

They needed to sabotage as much of their defenses as quietly as possible and so they proceed to do. Karliah demonstrated that each of the students, who most of are still wearing their uniforms wield a badge on their persons that signify what field of magicks they are studying based on the Arcane Sygilry of the Schools. They prioritized neutralizing the ones who bore the badges of the Destruction and Alteration Magicks. As much as they could disable the defenses to smooth the final assault into the College they did. Practicing extreme restraint in contrast to De Sardet earlier that day. Samantha, alongside Aliathra and the brutish Sergeant Crocker went out of there, way as much as they could, to incapacitate healthily Karliah's fellow Mages much to her appreciation. They used a combination of clever misdirection alongside a few grappling techniques and some Restoration Magicks to as much as they can harmlessly neutralize the College Mages on their passage by. There were still at times when either Stryder missed a tango who was about to attack them or were simply about to get caught that they have to tragically shoot down quietly but it was inevitable, albeit not as perniciously expected in quantity for Miss Silverdane.

"Ladui Silverdane? Athrawes! What are you doing here?" a young boy, carrying war hastily fletched arrows, materials for spells and several rations destined for his roommates who took up defensive positions by their dormitory.

Stryder Group quietly sat behind away from the child's line of sight as Karliah volunteered to personally deal with this young boy and his friends for she recognizes them all. Their hope is that these students would listen to her and give up.

The young boy looked by Samantha's eyes no younger than 12 or so autumns old. Not like the adults such as she and Stryder were used to dispatching of. Over his colored College Uniform was a breastplate too large even at the most minimum of specifications for the little lad to wear. With gaping hollows between its surface and his body's girth were simply sub-ideal let alone properly protect his fragile body from what sorts of lethal gadgets Federation's soldiers had in the disposal. His equally armed compatriots wielded crossbows, their own set of spears and swords for their preparations for the inevitable defense of the College, all wearing a crudely painted armband of the Imperial Legions upon themselves, bespeaking their allegiance. There were 7 other students in the room, 3 on watch with crossbows and their magical wands at the ready, the other 4 preparing their supplies for the coming violence ahead. It was obvious from the start, much to the disturbance of Stryder Group what they are.

Iris winced. "Even Vampires wouldn't be that cruel." the Vampire Witch recoiled on such a sordid sight for a squad of 'soldiers'.

"Natan da'len…" Karliah knelt down. "What are you doing?"

"W-we were ordered by the Canwriad … to 'set a line thing of dee-fence' around the windows of our rooms and 'n-not let--- Demon enter the College.'." The boy explained, feebly recalling his orders.

"What do you expect to accomplish with yourselves here?" Karliah questioned their motives. "Natan, Mabyn, Jakub, Elza? You are still children you have so much more to live for than be here." Their teacher pleaded.

"No Barbarians shall pass as long as we are here." Replied a little girl, no older than a decade who sat by the battlements. Her body, like the rest of Jakub's friends, fatigued with worry. "As long as their I—is still one true Slaegian to defend even one pole of the nation, then the Empire is not lost."

"This war is over." Samantha emerged from her squad's hiding spot. "Don't waste your lives here." She held out her arms up to show she is not intending to harm them but kept her FBR-20 and Gladius pistol quick on the draw if the situation slides south.

"Samantha, have I not told you I will handle this?" Karliah turned to the Captain.

The children in the room eyes widened in abject horror, recognizing the newcomer's name. The fact that Samantha's distinct and alien equipment, not helping her case of blending in amongst the medieval-renaissance-styled populace for that manner.

"A--- a Demon! The rumors are true!" Natan dropped what he carried and swiftly pulled out his short sword, thrusting threateningly at both his now-former teacher and Samantha. He was followed by the rest of his cadre who pointed their weapons towards them. "The Shareholder?! The Corrupted Heroine has been brought here to our door?"

"Why Samantha? Why do you fight against the forces of the Light? Abandon and betray your people? Your home?" one of the child soldiers behind Natan asked.

The rest of the children pointed their weapons towards her and Karliah, readying to strike both of them down by the twitch of their fingers.

Captain Rose upon closer examination of their fortified position, realized that those students don't stand a hair's chance in even surviving the first few volleys of shots once the main assault begins. They were improperly holding their weapons upright towards her despite the graveness of such a threat directed. Some even shed tears, exposing their fragile state to them, a lost innocence that was eroded before her very eyes. Boys and girls plucked from their studies and play to be thrust into a hopeless war; barely trained, barely armed, and barely able to accomplish nothing but die tragically for a regime that is now beating its final heartbeats. A recipe for a disastrous and tragic end to such promising youths. Rose felt the weight of their fate hang by her threads. She needed to do something… anything to avert this tragedy.

"Karliah and I will explain everything later." Samantha warned them as she cocked her hand to ready a Spell. "Stand down! Don't make me do this." she set out her final terms.

Silence gripped the room before Natan nodded, denying the reality he is in. One of his classmates took aim of his crossbow and squeezed the trigger.

"No!" Samantha shouted as she cast her spell.

Conjuring on her hand a small yet tangible amount of Mana, Samantha flung a minuscule Magic Missile with cat-like reflexes. Within a split second the bolt misaligned the trajectory of her assailant's aim causing the bolt to land harmlessly a few inches away from her and Karliah.

"I am sorry little ones." Karliah glowered as she too casted her Magicks. Using the Sleep Spell, she enchanted each of the 8 students in the room to be lulled into a deep, magical slumber. Their bodies fell numb as they collapsed harmlessly, Sam and Karliah, being there to catch their fall.

The Captain ordered Crocker, Diaz and Iris to destroy the children's War Supplies so that even if they wake up, they are in no effective capacity to fight back against the Federation's assault or for any other defender that chanced upon these items. Meanwhile, the students were carried off to a nearby room where they will be locked inside for their safety until the College is secured where Karliah will personally return to them. A sigh of relief escaped Stryder as they finished their tasks and regrouped back at the ruined dormitory as they huddled up for their next orders.

"Child Soldiers. Being forced to be made to murderers and mindless beasts… I… I… this is an affront to everything the All-Mother's Teachings. Unlike anything I thought I know of the 'noble' Humans of Slaegia." Aliathra shuddered.

"If you have seen what I have seen Alie… Wars can turn anyone into monsters." Crocker huffed, his fist tightening as his sentence passed. Obediah, beside the sarge too was also equally shaken by those children.

"The audacity of the Grandmaster! The Council! The Emperor!" Karliah exclaimed. "Instead of keeping safe of the younglings, they instead turn them into mindless thralls." her disgusts aired for Samantha to breathe in equal revulsions.

"I know Karliah. Let's hurry to the Mana Obelisk now and shut that rock off." Samantha synchronized her watch. They are at a time limit and it won't be long before the inhabitants of the College realize what is about to be happening. "Once the Assault begins, we push up towards the Mirror and we end this once and for all."

Stryder consigned with their Team Leader, moving away from the sleeping children they made their way downstairs where the last Mana Obelisk is being guarded. A light complement of Guards and caretakers that were oblivious to the looming predators that approached them… with Aliathra's aid in Illusion, a few suppressors, and the timely reflexes of Diaz, the squad disposed of the guards without alarming the rest of the denizens of the College. Karliah and Sam quickly went to work severing the monument's connection from the Weave for several minutes as Stryder watched the area for any threats, silently eliminating any one coming to investigate or were unfortunate enough to pass by. It didn't take another moment longer for the Mages to fully cut the connection of the Obelisk from the Aether. Immediately, the effects of Mana were now being felt all over by the defenders, their magic began to weaken or fail entirely with none of them the wiser.

"Calling Stryder Lead! This is Redbelly 1-3. Over. No more signs of the Magic Field being up. Can we begin the assault?" Clay's radio sparked to life. The codename that was overheard was from one of the Air Reconnaissance Commanders.

"Reading you Redbelly 1-3 loud and clear." Clay answered. "It is confirmed, the Mana Obelisk has been destroyed. You are clear to commence the assault. Over."

In the distance, thanks to Samantha's team, the assault faced minimal resistance from the severely weakened defenders who at best casted several weak magical missiles of their own fire before being swiftly overrun. Outside of the makeshift battlements, the squad saw the UFEAF forces making their push towards the College. Their earlier sabotages against the defenders had blunted their abilities to fight back resulting in less casualties as feared may happen by Colonel Polonsky and Major Holyfield. They easily over ran the various myriad fighting positions through the strength of their fire or the fear within the defender's hearts as they lay down their arms and surrendered. It only took within a span of five minutes for the Soldiers to swarm into the interior of the College.

"Stryder, one of my drowns has spotted Priority Target: Coal Czar moving a hundred meters from my position with about fifty-foot mobiles over. Sending you the coordinates. I-I think they are trying to get to Checkpoint Mike-Alpha to escape." Redbelly 1-3 divulged.

Stryder Group collectively were pulled into by the CO's words. Their heart racing, remembering their briefings about the terminologies used for the Federation's targets within Haringpoint. 'Coal Czar' being the codename for Emperor Uldin himself. Objective 'Mike-Alpha' a simplified term for the initials of the Chamber of the Mirror of Aunsellus. In all likelihood, the Emperor will attempt to use the Mirror to escape from the Federation's grasp! If this opportunity to capture the King is wasted, then in all likelihood this war will be prolonged to more agonizing days ahead.

"Captain Rose, you heard him." Colonel Polonsky voice pushed himself into Clay's channel. "Your team is the closest to the Mirror. Move-in and intercept the Emperor. Dead or Alive!" he ordered.

"You heard the Colonel." Crocker nodded. "Fish on!"

"Time to motor Stryder." Samantha leaped as she led her team, kicking the door forward.

Now was the hour where no longer Stryder vie for patience and subterfuge, the heat has now been turned up stoking Samantha's passion as she raced through the College Hallways as the…

"Protect the Emperor!" an Imperial Knight rallied. But just as he was about to raise his sword, his body burst into the blood causing him to collapse into the floor as Stryder Group blitzed through anyone and anything between them and Emperor Uldin.

They didn't stop to count nor look at the eyes of those whom they killed, the rush enrapturing the squad as they inched closer to their objective. Just as predicted, Samantha caught a small glimpse of the Slaegian Emperor being hastily retreating the sanctum of the Mirror of Aunsellus.

"This is the only entrance into the Chamber." Karliah clarified as Stryder conferred by a grand and engraved onyx door. "The Mirror will likely take the Emperor and his closest circle away from here."

"This is it Stryder. Check your weapons." Samantha ordered the squad. "Let's all go in at the count of three."

"I don't think so Captain." Crocker protested. "This place is still crawling with Imps all over. If we all go in now, they might sneak up behind us. How about some of us stay here and keep our six secured while the rest goes off to get the Emperor?" the Sarge elucidated the Captain's youthful energy.

"Aye! We can do that." Kayin nodded.

"Who will stay and who will go?" Iris questioned the Captain.

Samantha gave a moment to pause to collect her thoughts. It didn't take a second longer for her to spark her decision.

"Crocker, I want you to stay with Kayin, Clay and Obed here. Diaz, you're the fastest among us, come. The Emperor will not go down quietly without a fight." She ordered.

The squad are going to need their best foot forward beyond this threshold now more than ever.


Uldin shook away feebly the disorientation he had felt when his bodyguards boorishly carried him away from danger as soon as he and his inner circle arrived at the College of Magi. His heart skipped many beats when he was informed that the Otherworlders were beginning their assault to overrun the college and that his chance of escape through the Mirror's Teleportation Spell diminished the longer he dallied. Among his inner circle were several essential ministers of the Imperial Ruling Elites with their families alongside with Mogul Dolmond's followers. Guarding them were the praetorian Dewiswyd Bodyguard alongside several High-Ranking Adventurers and Mages.

"We must hurry with the Portal and escape this gods-forsaken city!" Grandmaster Owyne roused himself faster as his hands conjured magical energies channeled from the Mirror of Aunsellus. "Adept! What is the plight of our city right this instance?" he turned his gaze to one of the attending Mages they met.

"Grandmaster, there has been a setback." the Adept stuttered.

"Speak swiftly of it then." The Grandmaster ushered.

"Your order of retrieving the Sacred Crystal Heart so it may be moved to safety… our people cannot…" he explained, his voice faltering as he reported.

"Cannot? What do you mean Cannot!?" Owyne yelled.

"Those sent to retrieve the Heart speaks of a powerful force field that denies us access to the artifact…" The Adept explained.

"By the Gods, must I do this myself?! The whole city is about to be overrun by barbaric Demons!" Owyne if he still had any hair left would have torn them from their roots. Instead, his agitated hands met the cloth of his outer worn white robes, tearing them in half

"Grandmaster is everything alright?" Mogul Dolmond approached.

"Y-yes… none of your concern…" Owyne reconstituted himself. "We must evacuate you and your people out first. I just have several affairs for the College to take care of before I make my departure." He explained.

Owyne caught his breath as he absorbed the new facts. He needed to evacuate that Crystal Heart out of the Capital before the Otherworlder get their unholy hands onto them. They will need its power if they are to stand back against the coming darkness ahead. But for now, all he can do is evacuate his master's people out of the city. The Heart will have to wait for a few moments longer.

"Headcount! The Portal is opening!" an Adept called out to the crowd. Teleportation Magicks is a very mana-intensive ritual to enact directly, proportionally increased by the weight of what people the said spell is displacing. Luckily the Mirror of Aunsellus plus the Adepts were handpicked by the Grandmaster for such an immense task.

The first batch of souls were the households of prominent Legionnaire, Grey Order, and College followed by several Grey Order Guildsmen carrying on their tow several magical artifacts that managed to be evacuated from the Imperial Vaults. The next batch would be the Terrace Dwarven Retinue of Mogul Dolmond and the second wave of evacuating artifacts from Haringpoints precious vaults and safe keeps. Their destinations being the city of Marves north of Haringpoint where they are ordered to march from their headstart northward up to Ghana's Wall close to the frigid northern frontier colonias. The third batch would be the Imperial Household of Slaegiac accompanied by the retinues of Marshall Huguet and the Chosen One Faithleann Garmhaic accompanied. The final batch is reserved for Grandmaster Owyne and the Arch Magi of the College. This second half of the evacuees are destined to cross in a one-way cross-ocean displacement to the Elven Continent of the city of Ethuilen where they will enjoy the refuge under King Aslanidor's Court and form an exiled administration generously given by the Elves. From there as a safe powerbase to rebuild the Empire's strength, Uldin and his lieutenants can plan out the continued defense of what is left of Ysanigrad with Aslanidor's support.

The first quarter group of evacuees were swiftly displaced without trouble, the Adepts channeling the Mirror of Aunsellus to swiftly displaced the very important people to Marves. Their bodies dissipating into residual mana dust. Meanwhile those that remained collected themselves to ensure that their belongings and loved ones are all at their needed place for the next arcane discharge.

The Emperor made the final checks of his luggage and personnel… counting his group of 50 people abounding.

"Forty-even, forty-eight, forty-nine…" he mumbled quietly, counting his people before reaching the end where his heart skipped a beat. The last of his count were to be his two children, but only his son Arthurfrir was present.

"My son! Where is your sister Estrice?" Uldin shook his single child accounted for.

"She… she…" the boy stuttered. A quick and desperate shake from his father however loosened his tongue. "Chwaer ran away to find her friends…" he confessed.

"She did what? The brass of that girl!" Uldin roared.

"Milord, The Mage's Mana has been replenished. Please step into the Portal immediately." Huguet ushered the Emperor. But he resisted him.

"No-No!" Uldin wailed. "My daughter, the Princess! She is missing!" Uldin cried.

"The Princess?! Milord, if you allow me, I volunteer to search for your daughter." Faithleann knelt down.

"Out of the question boy! You are too valuable to stay behind. I should look for the Imperial Daughter. Let me stay behind." One Knightess, of the Marchog Gyfraith Order, Ladui Haelioni Elussenol volunteered.

"Don't move!" a voice echoed in the hallway.

Five figures emerged from above the chamber's seating podium. One wore a jacket as red as blood carrying with him a magical wand, on one hand, a curved sword of gleaming Actocolite on the other. The next individual, in contrast, was a woman of blackest hair and snowiest of skin that made the Emperor and several of the Guard's amulets alert to that this female was a vile Sochairfuil harlot of ageless arcane might. The last three individuals however were faces familiar to the Imperials. One bore an elegant Elven braid of finest gold beauty, yet her body bore the corrupted effects of the Otherworlder's influence, the Fallen Princess Aliathra. The second one was far more sinister of sights, the Chosen One, seduced by the dark powers, the Rhannu-Prietar, the Share Holder, Samantha. But the last one was by far the coldest of treachery that invokes chilled hearts and fiery ire of all of the people present in the room, one Karliah Silverdane.

"Samantha! You dare raise your hand against his Imperial Majesty, Emperor Uldin of the Empire of Slaegia?" Faithleann drew his sword as he stood before her and the trembling luminaries he swore to protect. He was followed by Petur, Findrum, several Teaghlaigh Garda, and brave Adepts who also challenged the Otherworlders alongside him.

"I have heard of you and what you have done to my lands Share Holder." Mogul Dolmond's anger aroused him away from his beleaguered family as he unsheathed his ax against the Captain. "My Ancestors, my people's ancestors and all of Dwarfdom will curse your name in a thousand cups of our rancor, and I seek to end your abominable rampage now. I am tired of running away!" The Mogul stepped slowly to Faithleann's side as tension arose the two warring sides into an impasse as they looked each other into their eyes face to face.

The Captain scanned her gun across the horizon of tangoes in front of her. Sweat dripped from her beret as she cleared her throat to speak. "Enough talk, this war… this pointless war ends now." She raised her rifle. "Surrender now and I will promise all of you clemency." The rest of Samantha's companions too readied their weapons, faced against the congregation.

"So you must be the Share Holder, one by the name of 'Samantha' are you not?" stepped forward Grandmaster Owyne. His eye carefully discerning and secretly admitting to admiring the composure of the Captain as he stood resolute in her gaze against him. "How many more lies did the Otherworlders fed you Share Holder of us? What sweet nothings did Alboen tainted into your mind that cause you, Princess Aliathra and I dare say, one of what used to be one of my finest students, Ladui Silverdane herself to fall into his wiles?" he questioned their motives.

"No lies… just the truth…" Sam smiled. "What matters now is that this ends today."

"You want the Stars!" Owyne flailed. "But I assure you, WE will stop you!"

"To think, you are the daughter of House Lareththor, Aliathra can fall so easily! How could you turn your back against your own people? Elves of honor, virtue and prestige? You... now consort with these disgusting creatures like the Vampire and that Thug behind you?" Ambassador Hamtumil, Ethuilen Diplomat to Haringpoint lay an accusatory finger upon Iris and Diaz who stood beside the Elf. "Your entire family have been gravely mortified by your disgrace. No matter how much you excelled, you could never rise up by your older siblings. Perhaps it was better that your parents had followed their advisors to have you hidden away as his third and youngest within the walls of Helyanwe Palace until you are of age to be mar---"

Aliathra immediately cut the ambassador off:

"You speak of 'virtue', 'prestige' and 'honor'?" fire boiled from the Elf's words. "So, you sent the Sefydliad to steal money from one of the Empire's richest cities, attacking Tyr Rian and killing children? This is what the True Elves of Alfel Nora are now? We are no better than the Pact and their Camarilla. No better than the Demons you claim to fight against!" She rebutted, shedding cathartic tears streaming on her cheek.

"Then what of you Ladui Silverdane? You seek to now make union with these… vile and sinful creatures? I thought better of you of one of the Silverdane Bloodline. But now… look at you!" Owyne mocked the ex-Collegiate.

"Do not invoke my family's name you backstabbing... backstabbing… whoreson!" Karliah lashed, intentionally foregoing the honorifics that Owyne didn't deserve. She initially struggled to curse but found it in herself, almost disturbingly for both her and everyone in the room to gain the coarse valor to speak with such emotion. "You are the villain in this room, not the Otherworlders." She refuted.

The Slaegians were taken aback, insulted greatly from the Collegiate's words.

"Your crimes far exceed whatever transgressions they have done." Karliah's words shifted into the offensive. "I know of your dealings with Mogul Dolmond of suppressing the Terrace Dwarves so they continue to be indentured on the Hold Dwarves rule by destroying their non-magical inventions. But that pales to the great crime of fraud for self-gain. Ysberin's Will… you forged his handwriting so that YOU could become Grandmaster of the College instead of my father, Kemar. Then sent my father on an expedition that you could easily dispose of him so that you can secure your power. All of these times, the cloaks and daggers, the bribery and the deceit? All so you can maintain your grip of being the Grandmaster? And what of that Prophecy Spell you used on that very Mirror? What did it truly say? Or perhaps it is true that you had fought so hard to prevent only for it to come all into fruition? The 'End of the Empire'?"

The Grandmaster of the College, now cornered and exposed by Karliah's piercing accusations recoiled. All he had done was to protect the Empire from threats, those he trample along the way are simply unknowing hindrances to the growing star ascendant of Slaegia. It didn't matter who they are or where they come from, he must squash any challenge to the status quo before they are left to fester into an incurable cancer that could destroy the Magistocratic balance of society.

"You can call us anything you want. 'Freaks', 'Monsters', 'Demons'… I don't care… none of us care… we all stopped caring anymore until now we have you cornered." Sam snickered. "and you know what's so funny?" she asked them. "You all act so perfect and mighty on the outside but you're all rotten through and through! All those Freaks, Monsters, Demons… hell should I say… 'Peons' you blab about? In all my travels so far… they are more 'Virtuous' and 'Honorable' than all of you could ever be." Sam proudly states, remembering all the folks she had met, helped and befriended.

From the gumptious Lutheor Mirrien, the desire-seeking Iris Cadohagan, the hope-searching citizenry of Tyr Rian and their dreaming Prince, the good-hearted Sandulf, the lost-now-found Aliathra, the freedom-crying Ho'don and Kimora, the redemption-seeking Karliah Silverdane, the aspirant Olayra, and lastly above all, herself who now sees herself founded a higher calling, perhaps even greater than her Father's name ever could. All of those people's and her own strengths converging into her soul in that very hour, clearing Samantha's mind forward as she challenged the mountain in front of her.

"Dead or Alive… you are all coming with us." The Captain raised her gun.

"That is enough of your poisonous words Demons! I will not hear anymore of it!" Emperor Uldin shot her off. He is adamantly confident of their overwhelming advantage of numbers and overall combined potency of their talents they can overwhelm five individuals with Faithleann alone being the greatest of them.

"Share Holder!" yelled a taunting Faithleann, raising his blade upwards to rattle himself before combat. "I have learned much, improved much from our last encounter. Many powerful spells and many fighting styles! I even have forged myself my own armor and sword that you and your minions had tried but failed to prevent me from obtaining from the Dwarven Mountains. You will not best me a second time!" the Youth bragged. "Engarde!" he charged forth.

The Captain silently accepted her rival's challenge. Not wanting to entertain this boy's bloated ego. He was ultimately just another obstacle and no more to her. Samantha's eyes were on the Emperor.

"I have dominion over the elements of Fireball Barrage, Thunderstorm, and many more! I wonder what I shall strike you down with what spell? All of them perhaps?" Conjectures of varying magical energies circled around Faithleann's body as he readied his full strength displayed for all eyes in the chamber to marvel at his prowess.

"Sam, be rid of that brat swiftly. Remember there are much larger cattle to steal." Iris roguishly goaded her, placing her faith onto the training she delivered onto the Captain many months ago. Such an overly-pompous Mage such as Faithleann still has not learned that those spells he described he can master were never meant for Dueling other Mages from a practical standpoint. Great if accomplished but simply too risky to cast in such a tense face-off such as this.

"Taste my wrath!" Faithleann hurled himself towards Samantha, his sword and sorceries at hand readying to burst forth his impetuous powers unto her. He launched a barrage of elemental magicks onto the Captain, all homed in to obliterate her.

It was predictable… as last time for Samantha to foresee. It's always the Amateurs who go all out without any such backup plan or plan at all. She can tell easily by the way he composed himself that he was all muscle but no thought. Stepping forward, she imbued her leg and right fist with electron-nuclear discharge that enables her to dash at Faithleann at a blinding speed. As fast and as unexpected as the crane's dive, Samantha thunderously uppercut punch onto the so-called Bane's torso him with thunder force of the spell she learned "Thunder's Fist" sending him hurling back to his allies at their side of the room. The duel, to put such an event into question mildly, was over in just a single stroke. It was a simple spell, meant by mages to immobilize targets without the messy shedding of blood, yet effective against single targets of any kind when you apply the right force somatically or through artificial means of capacitating the Mana Energies needed to produce such a devastating attack.

"Hu-How!?" Uldin jolted.

Was this the power of the Share Holder be made witness by his very eyes?

"You still know nothing child. I saw that from a mile off." Samantha shook her fist that was made rather stiff from such a high-stopping power force it had produced even with the shock absorption of her Hecate Suit.

Faithleann wiggled himself back upright albeit barely, shaking his now ringing head. He stared into double the sight of Samantha in front of him with bloodshot gaze. "You still think… you truly… bested me… I… won't… let…" his head rang the more he attempted to stay conscious to speak to Samantha only for him to collapse onto the ground where his followers caught him as the young man spat blood from out of his nose and mouth.

"I… I will… it is not over yet you evil witch! Final Transmutation!" Faithleann shook away his helpers as he attempts to cast one more powerful spell to recover from such a devastating strike to his vitals.

"I would not continue on with this fight at your state if I were you." Aliathra shuddered when her ears twitched upon hearing the Bane's youthful arrogance but her warnings fell on death Ears.

For Samantha's intuition of the of the Arcane, her opponent Faithleann yet again has made another perilous error. So perilous in fact she didn't even need to act, simply standing still as if awaiting the Bane's best shot. Overconfident as he is always, Faithleann readied himself to enchant himself with the Final Transmutation Spell, gifting his body the exponential strength of a legion of soldiers to turn him into a warrior worth a thousand men…only for his body to fully fail him as he collapsed cold onto the floor, his body giving out to the debilitative state of Mana Exhaustion due to Overcasting. Sparks of latent Mana escape his body as blood began to seep out of his orifices, just as Samantha had predicted.

"That's a nasty case of Overcasting." Samantha commented on the defeated Chosen One. "Definitely not want to be like him now." She coughed.

"You scholars of the College allowed him to study within your halls?" Iris questioned Karliah. "That Brat just... can't duel with anyone that is his equal!"

The ex-Collegiate embarrassingly nodded, confirming the witch's suspicions. "I never thought the other Professors would... after all I have seen allow him to learn such high-demanding Spells without going through the basics of Body Flow." She looked down pitifully at Faithleanns exhausted body, an embarassment to his name and to Mages everywhere

"He is such a Fool! Perhaps he should reconsider being some lord's private Fool." The Vampire mocked upon Faithleann's injured state.

The Captain couldn't help but give a playful chuckle to this. Faithleann's so called prowess as a warrior was so lacking that it felt more like a crude joke being played on a weekend cartoon than anything else more serious than this display if you could even say it is a 'display'.

"Yeah… I win again… thanks to you Iris and Alie." She nodded to the Elf and Vampire Witch.

"I see clearly now, what Petur and many others speak of you is true, Shareholder. The Cadohagan Scion and the Corrupted Elven Princess has indeed trained you to the best of your form at present. Your arcane skill is indeed master level and this is the first time I see a mage channel their Magicks through the leg to cast a spell. Where do you come from? There are many places across the Realms, and beyond I know of many. Where is your homeland Share Holder? Whose bloodline you belong to? Surely I must know that there is a part of you in there wanting to protect this world from the Forces of Destruction? If Alboen wins, this world and all that is good in it shall be destroyed!" Owyne interrogated her.

"You know what… I will entertain that one…" Samantha smiled. "Bouncherville, Quebec. Of the… Rose Bloodline" She immediately answered… her cheeks flushed with blush. It was her hometown.

"Bow-sher… Kwe-beck? Forgive me, I have never heard of a 'Rose' Bloodline." Owyne was momentarily stunned of Sam's answer. The name was exotic but he was sure he could remember the dialect somehow within his memory. "Is that like a tribe from the South? Maybe one of the Nomads or Grassfolks?" the Grandmaster asked.

"Earth… I am from the Earth." Samantha indulged in this amusement further.

"You come from the underground? Oh, you mean you are from the Southern Deserts then? I remember one such tribe of Nomads who would hide their brethren in caves to protect from sand storms… are you one of those folks?" Owyne asked shooting his answer from the hip.

"Why they are dumber than shit." Diaz whispered. "I never knew you can be a cunt when you wanna be Cap." He barely held his laughter.

"That is because this planet is not my home Grandmaster!" Samantha delivered her gag's line. "I am one of the Otherworlders… and this!" she exposed her Chosen One Brand of the Rhannu-Prietar from her glove to the Slaegians. To their horror, the brand was indeed the genuine seal as bestowed authentically by the Sacred Crystal Heart's infinite wisdom.

"I was not a mage, yet the Sacred Crystal Heart of yours chose me. Now I can tap to the Weave just like you all can… but better." Samantha revealed.

"The Heart… chose you?! An Otherworlder?" the Grandmaster froze. "No… No… No… that's not true… the Heart… that's… Impossible!" he despaired.

All of his followers, the Rulers, their Guards, and Servants stood silent as Samantha and her team continued to aim their weapons towards them.

"You better believe Old Man..." Samantha smiled.

"No…" Owyne denied her once again. The room's heartbeat skipped a beat. "I do not believe one word of you! The Heart would never brand an Otherworlder. You are brainwashed by the Demon Alboen! You have to be!" he stubbornly exclaimed.

A cruel finger pushed forward by the Grandmaster that all of the Slaegian witnessed.

"Relona Maxima!" the Grandmaster fired the powerful Dispell incantation onto Samantha. Its blinding light filled the rule in it its radiance.

But as the light faded, to the Imperial's shock... there stood again the 'Corrupted' Share Holder unfazed and undeterred by one of the most powerful evocations of the Wizard's Book.

"Men, Children and the Faithful of the Empire! If the Shareholder continues to speak and act blasphemies under the Dark Powers then we have no choice but to liberate her ourselves. Dispose of these Demons that have beguiled her and take Share Holder alive! I wish to leave with her as my guest… my captive guest." Owyne desperately ordered.

Samantha gritted her teeth; they were not going to lay a single hand on her as long as she stands.

The Imperials followed the Grandmaster to the letter. Those that are willing to fight charged forth towards Samantha and her friends whilst another contingent of them shielded the Elites of the Empire with their bodies.

"Owyne! Open the Portals!" Ordered Ser Huguet as he clutched under him a cowering Emperor Uldin who in turn shielded his son Arthurfrir.

Both the Marshall and the Grandmaster agreed, that as long as the Emperor and his court remains in Haringpoint they are in mortal danger. Turning around under the protection of a protective ward and using the last bits of his energy he can muster left, Owyne began to conjure a Portal, its destination the northern Fishing and Shipbuilding Port of Marves. Uldin cursed himself and was left into a flurry-hearted stupor over the revelation, a part of him wonders if what Samantha speaks of her being not of this world was true?

Meanwhile for the Captain and her braves had their hands quite literally full with the several dozens of Elite Guards and Adept Mages trying to power through them by their superior numbers. They were much more stubborn and much more capable in a fight compared to their regular counterparts, thus giving honor and respect to their high-positions. Using their superior numbers against Stryder, they made their charge against Samantha through a pincer attack seeking to out flank their adversaries.

The praetorian-like Teaghlaigh Guards wore the best quality of armor that is able to resist both the blade and magic with a degree of bullet resistance in addition to several magical enchantments given out by the Adepts to boost their prowess in battle. Diaz danced around their formations with his high-frequency Katana, relying on swift thrusting expansions of his body, probing skirmish fire from Ruiner, before contracting back for a parry thanks to the Teaghlaigh's aluvium-defensive focused sword-and-board fighting style that clashed with his rapid-water aggression. As faith in Aparo Engineering had have it, it only took one dead centered slash of his blade to strike down Teaghlaigh through their armor as its molecular-breaking frequencies eradicated all forms of solid cohesion on their breastplates. To them, the Corpo was like a blur, a cursed cloud that, wherever it walked, the spilling of blood followed.

As for the Adepts a heavenly show of Arcane fire of every spectrum erupted inside the Chamber. Both opposing parties powered greatly by the nearby Mirror of Aunsellus. Yet Samantha, Iris, and Aliathra alone were more than a match of the two dozen or so Adepts that met them. Aliathra using her Abjuration Magicks to shield her allies whilst Samantha and Iris strenuously lasted Arcane Fire… over wide their intended targets, the projectiles flying meters ahead of them much to the Slaegian Adept's relief.

"Samantha! You are missing!" Karliah cried.

"Watch. Look." Samantha demonstratively pointed as sweat dripped from her brow.

It was a technique that she and the Vampire Witch were inspired by a category of Federation Weapons dubbed 'Smart Weapons' and their cybernetic micro-missile Bullet technology. By applying a little will power via summoning techniques to control summoned puppets as per principles from the Conjuration School of Magic, one can take direct control of their magical projectile. They can precisely land their spell casts from more challenging ranges and terrains. The 'Homing Spell' technique was devised by Samantha in response as a bypassing means against Wards and the simple act of hiding for cover that many Mages and normal people would do when facing against a Mage. By the time the Adepts realized those 'missed' attacks circled around a pass like a spear-thrusting cataphract it was too late to raise any response as they were shot down in Arcane Energy. The downside to this tactic was that it was slower and cost extra effort for the caster to successfully fire off compared to conventional attacks. At best given the situation, it can only bring down about ten of their attackers before the rest managed to close the distance.

"Aliathra! Blast some water on the ground!" Samantha cried.

The Elf shifted her hands and cast atop of her 'Create Water' spell, unleashing an aquatic flood of water that spilled onto the Chamber floor managing to slip many of the charging enemy combatants clumsily onto the ground. At first, those tangoes didn't understand why would their adversary blast them with an ultimately harmless spell as, despite their embarrassing state, they are still alive and can climb themselves back up. Yet it was another creative ploy of Samantha. Just as the Slaegians were about to stand back up, a blinding light from Samantha's hands fueled by Lightning magicks flash before their eyes.

"Fried Tin Cans coming up!" Sam announced as she fired lightning a single lightning bolt onto the wet floor. The conductive properties of Aliathra's Water spell allowed the lightning bolt to seed itself greatly across the wet area that those unfortunate hostiles found themselves in. They were electrocuted, volts escaping from their mouths before falling down dead, the electricity stopping all life inside them.

"This… cannot be!" Dolmond wailed.

The Elders couldn't believe that these three mages were besting the so-called best and brightest of the Empire with such little effort and so little input of Magicks. Using supposedly weaker spells and some kind of unholy sight being able to exploit such powers to ends not fully understood by even the Grandmaster himself.

"Don't you see now Grandmaster?" Karliah called him forth. "Do you remember that invention your people tries so hard to stop its birth? The Steam Drill from the Ostalrocs? This is the power it has if you had only given it a chance."

"They will destroy me! Those sniveling peasants would destroy me and everything my ancestors built for! I will not allow your measly lives to desecrate my sight no longer!" Mogul Dolmond brandished his axe before he and a cadre of Geomancers hurled themselves into the fray.

They let loose a hail of rocks made out of the broken marble plucked out from the Chamber's stately floor intending to use suppress the Otherworlders off their balance.

"Don't lose focus!" Karliah shouted to Samantha as she cast her magicks to counteract the Dwarven barrage.

The rocks were pulverized to dust, encapsulating the room into a thick and choking smog impairing vision short of a couple or so feet.

Samantha quickly activated the Hecate Suits built-in Helmet Visor allowing her to retain her vision amidst all of the smoke. Immediately a painting of silhouettes, all of the humanoid shapes from those of at least average high to those deemed dwarfish illuminated on Samantha's sight. All of whom were tagged with the glow of Red signifying one is deemed hostile based on parameters of weapon, mood, and several pre-existing inputs that ISAC had fed into that helmet. They were blinded and dazed either trying to expel the smoke around them or to escape the disadvantageous ground.

Without dawdling at the moment, Samantha took aim with her FBR-20 and allowed herself to be consumed with bull-angered fury, bursting her Bullpup rifle onto the group of hostiles passing over each of them indiscriminately. 8 bodies she dropped onto the floor, mostly of dwarfish size before the choking mist dissipated in full. For all of this death, it took 25 rounds of 7.62mm bullets, an entire clip to produce this devastation. It was by far the most visceral act of violence the young captain has made in her entire soldiering career.

"Dolmond!" a Dwarfen woman cried from across the room.

Laid before Samantha's feet was one sumptuously dressed Dwarf, adorned with jewels and carrying an equally luxurious bearded ax signifying his elevated status whose body was pierced into. The Dwarven Noble life slowly ebbed away; eyes wide open to gaze onto his killers as he holds his still warm body together. A second later, his hands that stifled his bleeding body faltered as the gaping cracks within his resplendent armor from the FBR-20's armor-piercing bullets discharge blood that stigmatizes the white marble floor in sacred Highborn blood, Mogul Dolmond's blood.

"Owyne! Get that portal open now!" Ser Huguet desperately pleaded. They needed to escape now more than ever or they too will be put down onto the floor like sheep awaiting slaughter if they dally any longer.

The Grandmaster needed more time to properly input the correct amount of Mana into the slowly materializing floor. By all accounts, this next spell would not be as so clean and straightforward as the last Teleportation earlier. As soon as the portal opens, it is the point of no return. He had faith in the remaining healthy bodies still left to contend with the Corrupted Chosen One that the Grandmaster can hold out just a while longer…

"It's over!" Sam declared as she raised her FBR-20 towards Owyne.

But just as she was about to pull the trigger of her rifle, her gun was knocked away by a magically-phantasmic sword, violently diverting her plan to disrupt the Grandmaster's ritual.

"No further!" cried Ser Petur Reikdorf, who emerged away from the group of guards protecting the Imperial Elites to enter himself into the fray. He summoned across his body dozens; a weapons rack full of magically summoned weapons to his beckoned call. Their material form was of a crystalline yet still a faintly visible sight. He released forth his weapons that darted towards the Captain in frightening speeds.

The Dwarfen Monster Hunter Findrum and the Crow Master Mita charged forth towards Samantha's allies whilst Petur had her all to himself.

Samantha barely had enough time to conjure her shield to protect herself, one such of the Armiger Knight's magical blades cutting a glancing pass across the Captain's cheek before her defense was fully set up. If she was a split second shorter, that magic blade would have delivered a crippling blow to her shoulder. Now the tables had turned on Sam as now she is forced to be put into the defensive as Petur besieged her with his storm of magic blades. It wouldn't take long before those vorpal weapons of his get much luckier strike on her than just a simple scratch that now heavily suppressed her…

"I will defeat you Share Holder!" Petur charged towards Sam, his heavyweight knocking down Samantha to the ground. His frontal attack a ruse to hamstring her senses allowing Petur the opportunity to tackle her into the ground.

The Armiger Knight had more than enough experience disposing and facilitating the arrest of Rogue Mages in his many adventurers, Samantha being no different. Mages require immersive amounts of concentration to perform their spells, if one can imbalance that, the mage's extraplanar abilities can be stifled by those of lesser of Arcane prowess or none at all. Targeting the Captain's two arms, the Magic Knight grappled for her arms so that she will not be able to fire her magicks properly and nor escape thanks to his superior weight mounted atop of her.

"Master Owyne… hurry…" Petur huffed as he locked Samantha down.

The portal by this point has reached its fullest strength, its destination, the sanctuary of Marves. His task completed the Grandmaster to stepped away from the portal and came down to assist Ser Reikdorf in seizing and securing the Corrupted Chosen One.

Meanwhile, the Imperial Elites eyes raced with excitement, seeing salvation finally arrived. Already the first few peoples rushed towards the portal, enjoying the salvation of Marves immediately upon coming across through time and space to reach its sanctimonious blue ocean coast. But as for Emperor Uldin, he stubbornly against the good intentions of his bodyguards to dislodge from his frozen state, not without his daughter Estrice of whom he cannot fathom to leave behind.

"We shall have a much more… intimate time together from this point forward Share Holder." Owyne smiled as he approached Samantha.

Fear, panic, and anger gripped the captain as she attempted to kick, rattle and cry for help. Catching glimpse of her squadmates, she saw that all four were pre-occupied fighting against the Teaghlaigh Guards assisted by the dexterous Mita who struggled against Iris whilst the equally tenacious Findrum dueled with Aliathra whilst Karliah and Diaz kept the enemy Praetorian's away. They realized too late when they saw their Commanding Officer being dragged away beyond their reach, bound and gagged.

"Not likely!" Sam gnashed her teeth as she concentrated her mind into work.

Casting upon herself the spell Blur, the Captain became briefly surrounded by a silvery mist that made her body become as empyrean as incense smoke, something she had learned from the Black Elven Sisters of the Blade upon reverse engineering their spell techniques. This allowed Samantha to slip away from Petur's grip before the Magic Knight could react. Re-Imposing his battle stance with his floating vorpal weapons at the ready to attack when his crafty adversary reappears.

"Hey!" Samantha shouted from one direction.

Petur launched his weapons, their strikes intending to maim the Share Holder so that they can facilitate the ease of her capture. But just as the tables turned, Petur himself was fooled by a playful trick of Samantha's own. For that 'Samantha' was an illusion, a misdirection to draw his attacks away from where the Captain truly will strike from. Displaced atop of Petur, Samantha ambushed the Armiger with a hammering Axe Kick dead striking onto the area between his shoulder and neck. The strike instantly knocked the magical knight onto the ground. A soft sigh escaped Petur's mouth as he faded into a lethargic state, his magic swords dissipating in due part of his now dislocated right shoulder.

Landing roughly onto the ground, Samantha was about to pull out her back up secondary sidearm to open fire at the escaping Imperial Elites when suddenly her body stiffened into a standstill. She has been paralyzed! With no physical weight restraining her it was all in the likelihood that she was being magically bounded via the Hold Person Spell. She had dreaded being under such enchantment as it leaves her most vulnerable against anyone's mercy as she not only cannot at most perform most if not all of the spells, she can cast but also her limbs to fight back. This relies instead in another spell caster or with some force of will on her own end to dispel the enchantment away which already those two countermeasures alone invited all sorts of tactical vulnerabilities.

"You have been causing too much mischief for far too long Share Holder." Owyne caressed her rose wine hair perilously as he marveled for a brief moment observing Samantha's Hecate Suit. 

The Grandmaster turned his gaze with an elated glee to Samantha's still struggling squadmates. "Kill them all. We have our greatest treasure about to leave right here." He besmirched his palm atop of the Captain's head.

Sam struggled with her willpower once again. They will not cut down her friends under her watch. Not whilst she is standing, not while she can still fight.

Forcing herself off of the Arcane bindings. Samantha channeled what remains of her will and the limits of well beyond what the current incarnation of the Hecate Suit is intended to capacitate her powers for.

Owyne barely fathomed what the Share Holder is about to do when Samantha's olive eyes bloomed brilliantly in Arcane Light. A focused yet scorching beam of energy escaped her from her oculus, powerful enough to give force yet not as so due to her own bodily limitations cause direct harm that repulsed the Grandmaster who held her captive away flying across the room before crashing violently onto the podium seats of the Chamber. Upon the instant Samantha's sudden outburst faded away, the spell on her broke allowing full bodily control of herself once again. The captain was left in a gaze as protective saline tears secreted onto her eyes. Such a powerful output of magic had nearly caused permanent damage to her corneas.

Meanwhile from up above them, Stryder Group can hear the violent drumming of Super Osprey's hovering above them as the doors of the Chamber sprung open and out swarm a flood of the Federation's Soldiers descending down the stairs readying to tighten the noose on those remnants of the Empire attempting to flee.

"Sammy! The Emperor is about to escape!" Diaz warned her.

Regaining her senses, Samantha can see that Findrum and Mita had dragged off Faithleann and Petur away to safety as the Stubborn Emperor who witnessed the whole spectacle was being slowly escorted off with his retinue to the slowly dissipating portal.

Catching herself, Samantha grabbed just as she originally sought out to do and took aim with her Gladius. She aimed center mass, intending to fatally shoot down the Emperor as he is about to escape. When he got a clear shot onto his vitals… she squeezes the trigger.

"Athair!" cried a young female voice.

From out of nowhere, a girl of cream long hair wearing a modest blue and gold robe of the Imperial Colors aslant Samantha's arm away causing her to miss her shot, careening harmlessly of course.

"Merched! Hedryd I mi!" Uldin cried out. Reaching out his arms desperately as he and his son Arhturfrir were forcibly dragged by Ser Huguet into the portal. Faithleann's retinue had already limped away towards the Portal ahead of them leaving the Emperor, his son, and his Marshall being the only people left to evacuate this now doomed city.

"We must leave now!" Huguet shouted. Reluctantly, he had to make what could perhaps be arduous of difficult choices in all of his life. Expending all of his strength, the Marshall forcibly pushed his still belligerent Liege and his son into the portal before he too jumped into its illuminated embrace just as the magic dissipated and their exit closed away leaving a disappointed Stryder Group who stood down as the rest of their fellow Federation Soldiers secured the Chamber.

Samantha without thinking pushed off her pint-sized assaulter away angered that she missed her shot. A moment of last-minute nuisance had just caused the Federation the prize of the Emperor's Head. Standing up quickly, the Captain grabbed the girl and locked her flailing arms into grapple trapping the rebellious native in her hostile clutches.

"Objective is secured! I repeat Shield-Father, the Mirror of Aunsellus is secured." A UFEAF Squad Leader radioed.

"Bollocks! He got away…" Crocker grumbled frustratingly witnessing firsthand of how the Emperor had slipped away by the skin of his teeth.

"Hey Karliah! This Brat is getting feisty here… can I get some help?" Samantha called the Collegiate as she grappled the interloper roughly to prevent any chance of escape.

"Let me go!" the Girl struggled, tears of tribulation shed down her porcelain cheeks, staining them with a sanguine blush.

The Collegiate, however, stood there silently staring down onto the short young woman that Samantha held captive and defiant. Karliah instantly, to her astonishment and horror, recognized the young girl.

"That 'Brat' is Princess Estrice Slaegiac! Daughter of Emperor Uldin." she explained.

A rather embarrassed Samantha had her body electrocute stiffed as her blood froze. She gently let go of the girl that she had apprehended so callously as the custody of Estrice transferred to Karliah. The Imperial Princess wasted no time, using her lithe bare hands to batter Karliah with weak hammering blows on her thighs to signify her defiance.

"My father and the Chosen Hero will return for me and slay all of you Villains! I will never allow myself to be married off to the wicked Prince Clovich… or… or… be turned into some kind of Sacrifice for an evil Ritual of evil!" Estrice roared. She had read of many stories of what many villains and cretins do to fair noble ladies such as herself and feared she may be befallen of such a fate if not for the dreaming hope of a Knight in shining armor bravely sallying forth to her rescue.

Not wanting to get the trouble of such a feisty subject, Karliah quickly cast a simple Sleep spell onto the Imperial Princess of which she immediately calmed down and fell limp onto the Collegiate's arms fast asleep.

"I shall take care of her for now. Estrice must be taken away from all of this madness… She simply cannot fathom any of this." Karliah nodded to Stryder.

"She is the Daughter, right? That's one hell of a card we could play against her father. I say we don't waste it and jiggle Ole' Uldie off of winnings yeah?" Diaz suggested.

"God damnit Vinny this is a kid we are dealing with!" Clay protested such an appalling suggestion.

"A Hostage is still a hostage kid… even if they are well… an actual kid. Still, I suggest for now we should keep her under House Arrest until Command figures out something to deal with her." Crocker says his piece.

"I do believe Prince Clovich will likely has final say on what we should do with the Imperial Princess Ser Crocker." Karliah cradled Estrice into her arms carefully.

"So just her? The Emperor's kid? Barely worth a damn…" Obediah disappointingly kicked the loose rocks that lay scattered around the Chamber.

"Captain, Objective Coal Tzar is a bust then? I command needs a status report…" Clay wielded his radio and asked Samantha.

"Hold on, did I not see you hurl the Grandmaster over there?" Karliah reminded her.

Now grasping that there could still be a prize worth capturing in the Federation's claw-crane gambit, Samantha leaped from her stand and raced towards where she saw Grandmaster Owyne crashed onto. As expected, his unconscious body laying almost tranquil amongst the broken splinters of seatings amongst the podium. Cocking her pistol and holding onto her, special magic canceling handcuffs, the Share Holder slowly approached Owyne ready to take him Alive-or-Dead back to her Commanders. As she was mere feet away from him, the wizened old mage awoke from his wounded slumber, a single painful moan emitted from his mouth.

"You will not have me that easily!" Owyne growled. Casting Mist Step, he faded into smoke as his silvery form began to dash away just before the Captain could get a shot or grasp of him off. Vapors of smoke tailed his back as he evaded the Federation Soldiers.

"Chase him! Don't let him get away!" Kayin shouted.

Samantha's Mana thirst kicked into her as she gave chase, her squad following with her.


"That is… unfortunate Colonel. I expected better from you." Prince Clovich answered. His disappointment stressing his word as he returned the radio back from his personal adjutant.

He was just told of everything that had transpired in the College from his Federation Allies. Of how they were so close, but alas the prized slipped away from right under their reach.

With Emperor Uldin and most of the vital members of the Imperial Ruling Elite successfully escaping from their grasps, the prize of Total Victory escaped the Usurper Prince. It will be a long if not grueling interim of time before an opportunity similar to this wasted event to arise, thus resulting in a more stretched out Civil War between his faction and the Imperial Remnants, a war he simply desired to see the shadow of war taint his homeland. But alas, nothing ever truly goes guaranteed as planned there always setbacks and for now, the prize of Haringpoint and its geostrategic position within the Empire has acquired him albeit superficially substantial claim to the Mandate of Heaven across all of Ysanigrad. But still, there many challenges of his self-declared claim that would disrupt his newfound prestige. Although he may have the industrial and mercantile sections of the slowly crumbling Empire into his dominion, there is still much of the Agricultural Heartlands that he will need to seize from his foe's most especially now that Harvest Season has arrived onto Ysanigrad at this cycle. By all accounts, Uldin is plotting his retaliation of what remains of his Empire as he stands idle on his former seat of power. He must act quickly if he is to secure his position.

Speaking of his foes from out, he also faced challenges from within. Despite his best efforts the ravages of war still defaced its visage unto much of the lands between Tifrait and Haringpoint with many men who would have otherwise be in their farms or in their homelands never returning back which that too will leave a gaping hole into the future of his new empire's economy. Much at it pains him, but he will have to curry favor with his Patrons within the Federation for their aid, even if its against the sensitive wishes of his newly conquered subjects who despite all of this, are still considered by many within his homeland of Tyr Rian to be their kin.

Meditating on his words, Prince Clovich exited himself from the ruined Imperial Throne, once the seat of Emperor Uldin as he made his way out of the newly annexed Imperial Palace. In all his honesty, it will be the last time he would sit on the throne, now that his revolution is about to achieve so many great new leaps forward that it had become a relic, a painful relic of a past brought low by its own hubris. Making pass his personal guards who celebrated with their Federation Allies over the victory he called into attention all men who can hear him.

"Brothers and Sisters of the New Ysanigrad! Of all the cycles of time I have seen, experienced, and journeyed through, none of them have filled me with greater anxieties than what we have all accomplished today." He began his victory speech to his men.

About 10,000 attendants, soldiers, and civilians alike flocked to hear him speak. Some burning with the same hope Clovich bore into his heart. Others, most especially the newly conquered burghers of Haringpoint fearfully hearing the words of what their conqueror intends to do with their fair city.

"From the southern tail of the Ostalrocs, they say that Little Hill can never yield. To the depths of the sloughs of the Draguitoise Coast of where one Demon Lord's folly cost him his conquest, they say that Marnia's Bluff could never be conquered. Over the walls of this mighty city, they say that the very heart of the Empire, Haringpoint, could never be overcome. But I see you now, here were Emperors stood firm on their dominion as far as their eyes could see that we… the Laniyea of New Ysanigard have achieved… THE IMPOSSIBLE!"

An orchestra of cheers bravado Prince Clovich with thunderous applause from the Laniyea whilst the newly conquered shuddered silently, the Prince's speech sounding more of a conqueror.

"But, even then…" the Prince digressed "After all we have done… I ask you once more my Followers… to follow me one more time. Not through swords, shields, and other such arms, I ask you to turn your weapons, not of war but to protect those of what you cherish your lives to see and grow into a mighty tree to stand the test of times. To turn our blades of old whose cadaver we now stand upon from symbols of the old order and of a past unneeded into plowshares, to building hammers and quills! I speak to you that this war with the misguided old Empire is far from over! A new type of War, perhaps as or even more paramount than the battlefield is the War for Structure! We must bring about a new Ysanigrad just as many have dreamed, we shall dream unto truth from the corpse of the Old World a legacy to last ten thousand years. We shall bring unto thy realm, Paradwys onto our lands. Free from fear and from want! What we have brought upon ourselves that us to are equally guilty of its bringing is a broken inheritance, a shattered homeland. It is our fervid duty, now as the day grayeths to nightfall, tomorrow shall bring about a new rising star over all of Ysanigrad. I shall end my speech with one single, daring question unto all of you: What is the Ysanigrad you wish to leave to your children and their future?"

The crowd cheered and hailed his name once again to a vigor stronger than he had received back home in Tyr Rian.

Clovich humbly descended down upon his elevated stand as he met up with his closest advisors and attendants. They have much work to do if they are to see his dream to fruition.


  Owyne locked the door behind him, his body begging for breath as he inhaled and exhaled heavily. Using whatever is left of his powers. He managed to evade the now rampant patrols of Demons that swarmed Haringpoint, using his own disposed knowledge of the Hollow's shortcuts to reaching to the holy sanctuaries of the Grand Cathedral. Quite miraculously, the building remained immaculate despite the devastations brought forth albeit most of the abbots and clergy had either fled into hiding North or were captured. In all likelihood, he might be the only living soul left inside the building. After a brief moment of respite, he stood back up, grabbed a nearby torch, and began to descend into the Cathedral's Sanctums. Thanks to the sanctified ground of the building, Owyne could feel assured that no Demons would dare step foot under the Gods' holy presence into this sacred structure. Walking past the half-desecrated Vaults filled with holy treasures and relics of the Empire's Pantheon, there was one Object he needed to rescue before he could leave, confident that he is crafty enough to smuggle the Sacred Relic out of Haringpoint on his own means.

Thankfully, the door to its respective vault was previously unlocked during the extrication.

"Oh… it is you again… how quaint." The voice of the Sacred Crystal Heart greeted coldly the Grandmaster. Its reverberated voice capable of piercing his bones.

"You speak to us now… I must hurry and hide you under my enchanted Bag of Holding. We must leave this place at once whilst Malynaris still shines north of us." The Grandmaster informed the relic.

He attempted to lay his hands on its crystalline body but as he attempted to lift the Sacred Heart off of its velvet cushion, the object refuses to allow Gravity to enact its will upon it. As if firmly attaching itself to its pedestal and no matter what desperate attempts the Old Wizard tried to dispel whatever enchantments it emplaced into itself, the Relic simply to his horrified chagrin refused to yield.

"Do not waste your efforts again Old Man. I will not allow myself to be moved from my rather lofty abode by the hands of most especially you." The Heart protested.

"What blasphemies you speak of?" Owyne couldn't believe that he is having a tense argument with a grandiose piece of sentient magical rock at such an ill-chosen time. "The Demons are about to come into this Cathedral and defile this place off all of its treasures, you included if you do not allow me to carry you!"

"Why do you even bother with me? I have already fulfilled my purpose. What more do you want from me?" the Heart pressed the Grandmaster for an answer.

"All of this Prophecy, we are about to be devastated by these Otherworlders and we need guidance on how to enact the Empire's Salvation! Owyne explained himself, still continuing to pull away from the Heart from its stationary position. "I saw the monstrous beasts that came out of the void to swallow our world. Have you not chosen Three People to be blessed with your brandings? We need guidance to save us all! We are lost now that the Capital has fallen…" he cried.

Several tense moments passed before Owyne could hear a faint yet repeating beat rhythmically arising from the Sacred Heart.

  It had sounded like… Laughing.

"You are just a slave Owyne to your own fears of losing. Your so-called 'Salvation' that you so desperately sought? You have been running away from it this entire time!" the Heart answered.

Owyne silently stepped back, frightened of these mysterious revelations. What was this Relic speaking of?

"I shall admit, that my choice of those three Chosen Ones is indeed the best of choice given the circumstances I have appraised and measured over thousands of scrying calculations in all of my existence of being. It is simply… as I now have to explain to such children such as yourself, but your so-called interests for the Empire is not in concert of my predetermined calculations." The Heart explained, his tone sharpened to belittle its hearer. "I never expected your nation of troglodytes to stand a chance to begin with…"

"W-what---What are you speaking of!?" Owyne lashed out.

The Sacred Crystal Heart began to shine brightly, similar to its holy radiance when it activated to choose the next Chosen Branded. A ray of its light then directed itself sharply onto Owyne's face, but instead of fluttering his eyes in natural instinct, his eyes lay widened and unblinking as a deluge of magical energies was forcefully being fed into his body all at once by the Relic.

"Let me speak you the many truths of this world…" The Heart began to lecture "Caldell… was never the Hero you thought he be."

Owyne's painfully screamed… but there was nobody for him to hear his pleas.


"Clear!" Samantha shouted as her team entered the Sacred Crystal Heart's Vault.

It had been a long a grueling chase in Haringpoint as they tracked down the whereabouts of the runaway Grandmaster. Thanks in part to the Hecate Suit's ability to track magical traces, specifically the unique frequency of magical spells being cast, Samantha's squad tracked down their quarry into the Grand Cathedral of the Imperial Capital. They didn't have time to stop and admire its opulent religious artwork as they turned on their flashlights to illuminate the room.

Immediately they spotted Owyne, in his white and College heralded Grandmaster Robes laying prone onto the polished stone floor.

Kayin approached the Grandmaster and examined his body, placing his fingers onto his neck as his googles observed his conditions. He silently turned to his C.O. and nodded disapprovingly, at 8pm the Grandmaster of the College was found dead in the Cathedral Vaults. His eyes and mouth bawled fluids alongside his body that stiffened to the touch.

Cause of Death: Suicide by Poison consumption

Just as Samantha was about to take a sigh of dissatisfaction that all of her efforts in hunting the VIP down had all been for naught.

Until she heard a voice coming from across the chamber:

"Greetings Samantha. You have taken a long time to finally get here." The Crystal Heart spoke.