A Gliesian Coda

The gathered masses hushed their flurries of hubbub as the First Laniyea Reifflywr Battalion made their way into their seats signifying this auspicious event in Tyr Rian was about to commence. Tyr Rian was spared no expense adopting the foreign designs of their alien partners with several of the buildings that were burnt down during the tumultuous times of contemporary Earth's. The rest of the Citadel then sported electrical wirings and now traffic stoplights that evolved the heart rates of commerce, peoples and life amongst its denizens. This very Tyr Rian shall become the paragon bedrock to be dawned over all of Gliesia one day.

The curtains of the grand stage outside of Arhaf Square once more opened to reveal a richly dressed, vibrant and lord-like man in mixed indigenous and foreign fashions of Prince… nay the newly christened Emperor of Ysanigrad and all of the former Slaegian Territories, Emperor Clovich Rian. He allowed the crowds standing before him to give a standing ovation to their ruler before he ushered them into silence. Today was the day of great triumph that he is duty-bound to acknowledge.

"Brothers and Sisters, thank you, thank you so much for your inspiriting ardor." Clovich smiled humbly as he took his stand above the Podium. The Windmill Flag of Tyr Rian alongside the Federation's Fleur standing at equal mast.

"On this day, of the Ninth-Month of the Twenty-Seventh Day. Our brave forces struck forth with righteous vigor the darkness of the Old World. Achieved victory not for ourselves but the right of all peoples in Gliesia, the right of self-determination to find its new destiny amongst this great land. The right to be free not just of want, but of belief and of fear!" he made his speech as the crowds cheered him onwards. "The very last bastion of those who had tried to break us, destroy our dreams and aspirations have been snuffed out by the might of my arms and of the growing friendship of our Federation Allies. The Mandate now passes to me, to us to bring about the bright future that is ahead of us. We march the long road forward because you reaffirmed the spirit, the very same spirit I had felt when we shake off the bonds of vassalage against the depths of enslavement to those Masters whose deaf ears forgoe of our plight. I now have the belief that while each of us will pursue our own individual dreams, we are no longer a Tyr Rianni nor a Slaegian Peoples, we are a Gliesian People. We rise or fall together as one nation and as one people."

Fireworks began to erupt behind Clovich as the auspicious event was now being broadcasted in Federation Television and Radio. To many of his subjects both from here in Tyr Rian to as far as the old Capitol of Haringpoint itself this was the very first time that arguably all of them heard the voice of their ruler addressing to them in one moment.

"And when I sayeth unto you Brothers and Sisters of a Gliesian People. I say not just to us Humans who are once subjects of the old Slaegian Empire. But of the Dwarves, the Elves, the Beastfolks any of those born under Malynaris Great Rays on this sacred land of ours shall henceforth and now forever be seen as fellow Gliesians." He radically declared. "And by virtue of this proclamation, and for the purpose aforesaid, I dareth order to declare that all persons held as Slaves, regardless of Race within said designated territories of the old Slaegian Empire and then so beyond henceforward and forever be free from their shackles; and that the Executive Amelioration Government of the New Gliesia, including our valiant Laniyea shall thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom. They shall be given the right the same right to live as they seeth pleased within socially harmonious reason, betrothed to whomever wish they wish to be with and be whatever profession within their merits be allowed the same degree of dignity as all the rest. And I hereby enjoin upon the people so declared to be free to abstain from all violence, unless in necessary self-protection; and I recommend to them that, in all cases when allowed, they labor faithfully for reasonable salaries for themselves."

Once more a standing ovation from his people, louder from his Federation Mentors and Patrons than his citizens for this paragraph of his speech.

"I know that it is surprising how the turn of fates can sometimes seem to start so small, even silly. And that provides plenty of fodder for the cynics who tell us that 'this tryst of yours is just a fad my Prince!' is nothing more than a contest of egos or the domain of ignorant counsel. But now you bear witness not just today but of rallied hordes of peoples of all walks of life crowding together to rebuild and rescue their fellow homes and families, or saw our brave soldiers stand adamant against those naysayers late into the night at their stations, you'll discover something incredible." His voice heartfully fluttered. "The united consciousness of an entire peoples so that they may willingly and gladly fight together with us for victory. We should fire the whole people with the conviction that Gliesia belongs not to the Feudal Lords of Old but to the Gliesian people! To reforge a new nation reborn from the shadowed corpse of the old! The road will be long, I know this but together we can become something much more than not even the wildest of dreamers could dream of!"

A Rallying Cheer from his soldiers filled the air once more. Its roar growing ever more louder as his speech continued.

"There was an old proverb, my tutors taught me when I was just a child. One of the Ancient Cenhilli origin. How this very valley was formed called 'The Foolish Old Man who Removed the Mountains'. It tells of an old man who lived in lived here with his family many, many cycles ago and was known as the Foolish Old Man of Eastern Mountain. His house faced east and beyond his doorway stood the two great peaks, Anhawster and Hamheuaeth, obstructing the way. With great determination, he led his sons in digging up these mountains hoe in hand. Another greybeard, known as the Wise Old Man, saw them and said disdainfully to the Foolish Man, "How silly of you to do this! It is impossible for you to dig up these two huge mountains." The Foolish Old Man replied, "When I die my sons will carry on; when they die, there will be my grandsons and then their sons and grandsons, and so on to infinity. High as they are, the mountains cannot grow any higher and with every bit we dig, they will be that much lower. Why can't we clear them anyway?" Having refuted the Wise Old Man's wrong view, he went on digging every day, unshaken in his conviction. The Gods were moved by this, and he sent down two of his Celestials, who carried the mountains away on their backs. Today, two big mountains lie like a dead weight on the Chinese people. One is Imperialism, the other is Feudalism. The Tyr Rianni Amelioration has long made up its mind to dig them up. We as Gliesians must persevere and work unceasingly, and we too, will touch the Gods' hearts. Our Gods is none other than the masses of the Chinese people. If they stand up and dig together with us, why can't these mountains be cleared away? Our work now has only just begun!"

"I'm not talking about blind passion, the kind of hope that just ignores the enormity of the tasks ahead or the many inevitable obstacles that stand in our path. I'm not talking about the wishful dreaming that allows us to just sit on the sidelines or shirk from pursuing our aspirations. I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all that sayeth to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep moving forward, to keep working, to keep fighting. The Fall of Ghana's Wall today, of which I proclaim this Twenty-Seventh Day of the Ninth-Month be forever commemorated as the Day of the Broken Wall! When we finally rid of our shackles that had binded us for so long and now ran towards the great bright star of self-determination to control our collected futures together!"

Clovich sighed as he readies to conclude his speech, to wrap this all in a nice bow for the Press and those witnessing him.

"Together, with your help and grace, we will continue our journey forward and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on Gliesia. Thank you, Tyr Rian, Souviel, Haringpoint and all of the Federation. May Malynaris smile upon you. Smile upon all of Gliesia!" he bowed to the roaring ovation of his people.


The time of grandiosity has passed now after the fireworks and cocktail foods dried up. Now it has come to the difficult road ahead for the Amelioration. The Statesmanship of the now former Imperial Lands befallen upon the newly mandated ruler to govern.

"With what has happened with the 88th Back at the North it is, whether we like it or not. Magic is and can be a danger to those roguish elements." Agent De Sardet declared.

  "Then have some guards patrol all of the known Mages from Tyr Rian to Haringpoint to address this inevitable threat Pri--- I mean… Emperor Rian." Ser Bardu Maghe answered.

"That is not so simple now Mr. Maghe. We can't just throw your own men every time some mage shoots off a fireball at some poor vendor's stall anymore." Karliah Silverdane shook her head. "We must now reform how we view Magicks with a registration of every known Magical User under our citizenship whilst also using the old classification systems from the College as a basis on what Spells are to be deemed too dangerous to cast. From there we should establish new laws to regulate the practice of such arts to ensure our society stays safe." The Collegiate proposed.

"We must be proactive about this." The Bureau Agent placed his fist on the table. "We shall establish a Magical Investigative Body to investigate, secure, enforce and protect against rogue magicks. And I am appointing Ser Edmurl here to be its Director. Its leader." De Sardet announced.

"Additonally, the Old College of Magics shall be reformed into a new institution. One greater, more open than what came before it. Free from the graft and decadence of its predecessor." Karliah added. "And I shall be its first Head Mistress." She volunteered.

"Aye." Lutheor Mirrien immediately supported the motion.

"Aye." Followed the approving hands of the Councilors Imma Traville andt Hatdrand Dor.

"I believe this action will help consolidate our power now that the burden of rulership falls upon us. You have my blessing Ser De Sardet and Ladui Silverdane." Prince Clovich nodded.

"Ser Maghe, I will need a contingent of your best men who have the most experience in handling against Rogue Mages. Give me candidates I can trust." Karliah turned to the Knight-Captain.

"I do have one." Maghe nodded. "Sergeant Beynon? He does want to settle down now back home now that the war is over." He remembered the heroic Laniyea Soldier who had faced off against the College's Finests, Elves and much more magical creatures. He would have been the primest of recruits for such an organization.

"Moving onwards. How goeth's the progress of all the projects I had initiated whilst the war had raged?" Clovich turned to Chief of the Interior, Councilor Jaro Gonra.

"The new Prifford, the Super-Road I call it is now fully connected and open between here and Souviel. With its grand opening tomorrow. Commerce shall flow like never before greatly between our two lands with the Prifford extending off to Neuogonia and Haringpoint much soon!" Gonra announced.

"Don't forget that Maglev Train too." Thomas Sight added.

Clovich gave a well pleased smile to such good news. He hopes his cousin is enjoying this just great back at his palace in that bejeweled Draguitoise Coastal City. Now travel would be instantaneous of tremendous speeds only the swiftest of angels could dare rival. If Tyr Rian is the economic heart, Souviel is its soul. A land of love, artistry and abundance in a renaissance like eternal festival now that the Duchy has gained access to its own blissful amelioration thanks in part to both his own and Stryder Groups valorous interventions from its lecherous cancer of yore.

"When it comes to military matters. The Tours of Duty will be extended for Major Holyfield's men here in Gliesia for the foreseeable future. External threats still include the Elves with the remnants of the old Slaegian Government, followed by the Daosne Beastfolks that are now flowing down below to us from the North now that Ghana's Wall is gone, then finally the Eastern Suzerainities." Colonel Polonsky lectured.

"I know of this. See to it that there are Diplomatic Missions to each of them of that tell of my my intentions clearly: That is my orders remain firm. If they wish to seek peace, I shall gladly offer parlay. But if they seek war, I too will gladly oblige them. Have those men keep an eye on them and report to me of what their responses are." Clovich nodded. "Now what else should I know of?"

"A mix of several proposals and inquiries that requires your stern judgement milord." Imma Traville held several stacks of papers with her. "From many folks. Guildsmen, Soldiers and Citizens for you to sanction as you deem fit."

Clovich sighed, now comes the monotonous part of his new job. Paperwork.

"Let me see them." He gestured to her.

He grabbed the first few papers to his hands and began to read them aloud. On his right hand are two stamps. One to give his seal of approval, the other the opposite. He will have to think carefully of each decision. But with the council of the best of Tyr Rian and of Federation Advisorship, he can be, he can do so much more than the Emperors of Old Slaegia.


"My first question, Abacus." Dr. David Mahelona confided. "What exactly are you to the Gliesians?"

Abacus, otherwise known as the Sacred Crystal Heart the Natives held in such a high regard was unlike most magical artifacts in his inventory. Most of them were weapons, scrolls, staves and enchanted armors that were cross-referenced with the help of Iris and Karliah. Some could allow users to walk on water, others can be set on fire. But none of them could talk and hold a conversation such as Abacus.

"I am what you would call a 'Computer'. Many aeons ago, when the tailed-comet known as Geltagar's Comet passed over Gleisia. I was with my original creators to foster life here on this plane, Gliesia our first children call this world. Those whom you call the Elves." Abacus answered.

"Original Creators? There are more of you?" the Doctor furrowed. "What do you do exactly though? And how did you ended up with the Ysanigradi?" David pressed.

"You speak as if they are completely alien to you Scholar. Even if they look and act just like you. Similar to you all." Abacus answered.

"Similar?" the Scientist furrowed.

"Humanity, you and now Clovich have succeeded, despite being aided by you succeeded where many had failed. Their Test of Ascension. Now is the time for Gliesian Human's to reunite with your Humanity and also confederate with your Nation as time now marches onwards finally for this world." The Heart smiled.

"Then what of me? Samantha and Faithleann?" David raised.

"You, the Scholar, Samantha the Share-Holder. To perform such deeds so daring required bravery. A bravery so pitifully lacking amongst the Children I had raised. Only you two, tramorwyr, had humbled the Gliesians on what they had not dared seen with their own eyes and hands for millenia. You two were the only ones capable of shattering the veil of ignorant arrogance that had plagued this world for millenia. That stagnated them into decadence. Your ingenuity and her bravery became the catalysts to the missing missing factor to my original creation's purposes." The Heart answered.

"And what of Faithleann?" Dr. Mahelona added.

"He too a catalyst. Whilst the Share-Holder and Scholar are meant to accelerate creation, the Bane accelerates destruction." Abacus replied. "He was the very epitome of the Gliesian's arrogant decadence. He can never be 'the Hero' he had dreamt to be for alas, he never had the correct conviction that could apply to what the world had become. Solving problems with the solutions of last ones."

David sat down on his chair and stared directly at his reflection to the mirror. He saw himself too progress, the vast sweat of his unveiling body thinning is once rotund figure into a less morbid but loosened flesh-fold self. He and Samantha were play pieces to some great change of Gliesia, a destiny only now they just realized they had held a part in creating. And this Abacus pupeteered every action to go the way that would have created the final answer to his great equation. He crashed on his deck, inhaling as much bravery he could muster before facing Abacus once again.

"So, what happens now?" he asked.

"Forward." The Heart blinked stoically.


It was a struggle, to feebly raise her body up from her therapeutic bed, but the Doctors had indeed worked their magic on Captain Rose. She had finally after what is weeks paralyzed from the neck down able to finally lift herself off her bed. Her legs maybe a bit weakened from the exhaustive tearing the Hecate Suit had extolled upon her but her steady diet of carbs and proteins allowed her body to repair itself in no time. The moment she touched back down in New Albany, she was immediately separated from her squad for debrief so they could attend to her many physical ailments. The past week was perhaps the most harrowing time for the Captain. Spending her entire days alone in her bed, unable to lift her muscles less she risk tearing herself apart was a battlefield, or a prison that no magic could dispel.

Dragging herself along her room, she stood proudly towards her window, admiring the scenery outside of her hospital room. It was this time, a rising Malynaris beckoning above the horizon. Her rays reinvigorating the captain's body with each pierce of her gaze.

"Mrs. Rose! Eager to get back out there aren't you?" Dr. Lee Haneul entered her room, closing the door behind her. She went over various diagnostic equipment on Samantha's bed to observe her vitals before giving an approving nod to the Captain that she has returned to health once again.

"Yeah, though maybe I should take some of that shit easy for a while. Tell me, what's up back at HQ?" Samantha asked.

"Most of the Soldiers not already assigned to help Prince Clovich with the reconstruction effort are hunkering down for the Planet's Winter. Governor White forwarded orders to build shelters for as many people displaced by the last war's fighting before the first snowfall hits us which should be only just months away from now." The Doctor answered.

"That's good to hear." She nodded." Any news for me or about Stryder?" Samantha asked.

"Oh thanks for reminding me!" Doctor Lee Haneul clapped her hands as she stepped aside the diagnostic equipment. "All that effort you have done for the past months had earned you and your team some much deserved R&R and a few extra government benefits that your bank accounts should be all wired with some fresh bonus Credits from here on out. Just to inform you."

The Doctor turned her back to the door and opened it, gesturing an invisibile person away from Samantha's Sight.

"Captain!" Clay and Crocker's voice announced themselves. They carried merrily several cloth bags. In tow with the rest of the Stryder Group. All their faces painted with great elation. Eager to see Samantha once again.

"Team… Guys!" Samantha smiled warmly at the reunion of her teammates.

"Doc told us you should be back'on yer feet today so me and the lads got as'many we could to greet ya back out there." Crocker passed her a thermos bottle that had her name labeled on it.

"What you did there was incredible. You got folks talking back home of all the crazy shit. Some negative, some positive. But everyone's talking about You and Gliesia now!" Clay passed her the cloth bag.

She took those items, first opening the bag to realized it was her Jacket and some clothes she had kept in her bunk. No longer she had to wear her the bland blue medical gown butt-naked anymore. All that sleeping idly by at her bed with the only entertainment being a single channeled television and the rising and falling actions of the local star, this was a much-needed relief. And just reminiscing her faux-imprisonment in that damned hospital made her thirsty.

"This water is weir—" Samantha took a whiff off her Thermos. The water smelled too, fruity to be anything normal that the people in the Hospital would normally allow their charges to consume.

"Shh…" Crocker and Dr. Lee Haneul hushed their hands onto their mouth and winked playfully.

Taking a gulp of her thermos, she realized that Crocker, with the help of Dr. Lee Haneul had smuggled her favorite bar drink into the hospital. A Strawberry Margarita. Another sweet release from the monotony of analog 'meats' , steamed vegetables drowned in safely universal béchamel sauces. It was a sweetening release from all of her time alone.

"I guess its over for now right?" Samantha put on her jacket and pants.

"At least until Spring. Then its back to work. Got a whole lotta shit next season, unless something else comes up with the Brass this season to kicks us out of it." Crocker explained.

"We got time in our hands for a lot of things. With ourselves and with you." Iris cheered, embracing Kayin.

"Like what?" Samantha asked.

"I group Photo!" Clay answered. "We have been together so long that I am surprised we haven't done a Group Picture now. I even made a flag of our Emblem here." He showed him the

"Our Land Cruiser is outside by the parking lot. We can take it there." Crocker grabbed a camera from his pocket. "Doctor Lee? Can you take it?"

"Of course I will." She obliged him.

Stryder Group exited the Hospital Bed as Samantha discharges from the Infirmary. Although out of her Hecate Suit, people still recognized Samantha as the Share-Holder Hero. Her name and face spoke in deified whispers amongst the hospital goers as they made their way outside to the awaiting Land Cruiser.

"Like this?" Dr. Lee Haneul smiled, raising the Camera at the ready towards the Team. Crocker gave her a nod. "One…Two… Three!"

"Stryder!" All of the squad declared proudly in unision.

For they have journeyed together and back, where Angels fear to tread.