Chapter 8 - Facing difficulties, heading up!

In front of Tang Yuantian, a bottle of Beijing Erguotou was placed. He was drinking alone. After a hard day, he had to drink a few cups, a cup in his hand, a cup for one or two drinks. He picked up the glass in his left hand, put it on his mouth, went down and drank half a glass of wine. Then a meaningful exhalation, as if the day's fatigue, exhaled.

  Chen Xiuzhen gave Tang Tang a bowl and put a piece of pork in the pot. He said: "There is a lot of food for the baby. It is the most energy-consuming to play. You are now growing up and eating more."

  Tang was unconscious, and glanced at the chest of Cuihua.

  "Look what!" Xiao Cui was a little angry and had a flush on her cheeks. This little guy, this year, always sweeps on his chest. I am actually watching it now.

  Tang is very embarrassed, and immediately burying his head to eat. On the face of her mother Chen Xiuyan, she was not angry and looked at her son. She smiled at her eyebrows. When my son grew up, he went to see the girl's chest and really grew up!

  Tang Yuantian swallowed the meat in his mouth and said to Tang: "My son, how did you kick the ball today, how many goals did you score?"

  Tang never looked up and said: "Four."

  Tang Yuan Tianxiao smiled and said after the laugh: "The kind of Laozi is good."

  Chen Xiuyan's face became a flower, and her face was proudly generated.

  Tang Yuantian came from a small town in northern Sichuan. He had never seen football in his childhood. After finishing junior high school, he went out to learn cooking. At that time, he only knew what football was.

  When he came to France, he did not expect his son to enter the Lyon Junior team when he was seven years old. This made his heart full of pride, he almost said that his son entered the Lyon Junior team.

  This is absolutely worthy of pride. A Chinese child has even entered the talented Lyon club. Although it is only a junior team, this is also worthy of pride.

  Tang is definitely the couple, the hope of the future!

  Tang always looked at his parents' faces. He had to tell them that he was now swept out by the Lyon youth team. Looking at the pride of the two faces, he hesitated, I don't know if I should tell them.

  After eating the last meal in the bowl, Tang stood up from the chair and he was going to go upstairs and return to his room. At this time, a piece of paper fell in his trouser pocket.

  Chen Xiuzhen said to his son, "I am flustered and everything is falling on the ground." After that, she bent down and picked up the piece of paper. When I opened it, she didn't know a word, it's all in French.

  Tang turned around and saw it, it was a test report. Chen Xiuyan smiled and asked: "Is it a love letter?"

  Cuihua came to listen to this and came to interest. She put down the bowl in her hand and quickly came over and said, "I look." Chen Xiuxiao smiled and handed it to Cuihua. He smiled and said, "Show it to you!"

  Can the test report be used as a love letter? Tang never knows what the eyes of the two are.

  Cuihua took a look, blinked, and her face was angry. She said with anger: "Where are some letters, where do I know. You, I am making fun of me."

  "Get it!" Cuihua handed the test report in her hand to Tang. The face is that the green flower is compelling, and Tang has never taken the test report. Cuihua's sly eyes blinked and said to Tang: "You read our love letter for us."

  Cuihua has been in France for several months. She has heard that foreign girls are very open. She wants to hear how the foreign girl's love letter is written.

  Tang murmurs: "Read it?"

  how to read? This is obviously a physical test report. Is it a lie?

  Now I am fourteen, not eighteen. Parents will know sooner or later, if they are concealed, then they are too mature. Well, that won't work.

  What's more, if parents know about it later, what should they think? The fourteen-year-old child dared to hide such a big thing. They will not doubt, now Tang is absolutely not the original Tang. In that case, it is not a problem!

  Tang's determination is already down,

Re-sitting at the table and greeting the mother to sit down. The couple looked strangely at the 14-year-old son. Is the son really in love? Cuihua sat down again and picked up the bowl to start eating.

  Tang never looked at Tang Yuantian's face and said: "Dad, I left the Lyon Junior team."

  The laughter just now is still in the air, not all dissipated. The air in the room is now suddenly tense. Tang Yuantian's face was gloomy, Chen Xiuyan looked at his son nervously, and Cuihua looked at Tang's surprise.

  Tang Yuantian looked closely, and Tang had a slightly tender face, and his face had anger. Chen Xiuyan waited for her husband to speak, anxiously asked: "Why? Is your technology bad? Or are you fighting?"

  Chen Xiuzhen immediately denied his own words. His son was well-behaved and never played. And I heard that he is also very good at the team. She thought of a possibility, so she asked: "Don't you because you are not French?"

  Tang shook his head and said: "No, it is because I have a problem in my body. I can't do strenuous exercise."

  Tang Yuantian's face changed from gloomy to anxious. He asked: "What disease?"

  "Heart valve insufficiency, surgery is recommended. Left kidney begins to fail, it is recommended to undergo kidney transplant surgery. This is the doctor's advice." Tang pointed out that the paper on the table said: "This is the hospital's test report. ""

  This paper, mother and Cuihua just thought that it was a love letter for a French girl.

  This is like a slap in the face, blowing up on the top of the head. Tang Yuantian's face turned into a dead gray, looking at the dementia, the test report. Chen Xiuqi began to cry. The bowl in the hand of Cuihua fell to the ground and fell into several petals. The rice grains in the bowl are scattered radially, and the rice grains scattered on the ground of the water mill also emit heat. The four corners of the room are still sharp when the reverberant bowl is broken!

  Tang never looked at the three people, broke the silence, and said calmly: "This is no big deal, the problem of illness, I solve it myself."

  Tang Yuantian looked at the glass of wine, fell full of wine, swallowed a bit, and there was a trace of unhealthy flush on his face. The left hand smeared at the corner of his mouth and looked at his son and said, "Do you solve it yourself, how do you solve it? Are you a doctor? Are you rich?"

  Chen Xiuyan said loudly to her husband: "What do you say about children? The child is sick, what do you blame for the child!"

  Cuihua looked at Tang's slightly tender face and thought: This is the Tang Dynasty, and it's so calm. Or is that the child with two eyes smashing his chest? The 14-year-old child, in this case, did not panic, but seemed so calm!

  As for Tang's own problem of solving the problem, Cuihua believes that it is purely nonsense.

  Tang Yuantian bite a bloodless lip, said to his wife: "You calculate, how much cash we have now, if not enough, put this store out."

  Chen Xiuyan stopped crying, wiped a hand on her face, and her hands were full of tears and nose. She looked at her husband and choked: "On the last month, the deposit is 110,000 francs. Now there are about 5,000 francs in the store. The two operations should be hundreds of thousands of francs, even if the store is out, it is not enough. ""

  Tang Yuantian's image was a decision and said: "Then we will borrow from the big brother."

  Cuihua said: "I have five thousand francs here, you take it."

  Tang Yuantian said: "No, otherwise you are not good to explain to the family."

  The big scorpion of Cuihua said, "This is the money I earn. How to spend it is my own business. They can't manage me."

  Chen Xiuyan said in a hurry: "Thank you!"

  In the past life, Tang would never worry about money. Now, for a family of more than 300,000, it is difficult to achieve this. More than 300,000 people are really a big number for this family.

  Tang is touched by the eyes, he feels deep love, this kind of love is simple and moving. There was no earth-shattering, and even when Tang said that he was sick, they were a little embarrassed and a little panicked. However, no matter from the reaction of the parents or the words of Cuihua, they did not escape in the face of difficulties, but actively faced.

  The three are very ordinary people, and Tang feels that at this moment, they seem so uncommon. In the face of difficulties, there is no blame for the sky, self-pity and self-blame, grievances and grievances, but actively face difficulties and do not escape.

  This should be the shining point of humanity!

  At this moment, Tang learned from his parents and Cuihua: face the difficulties, face up!