Chapter 20 - Stupid thief!

After all, Tang wants to find a maid. A maid who can take care of him in life and can comfort him in spirit, a maid who belongs to him completely.

  This has the influence of past lives. The past life took care of his life and he was a robot maid.

  Tang never stood up from the chair, put his face in front of Alice, and continued to seduce her: "Alice, I know that you still have a dream, you want to board the T-stage. You think, if I am cured You can realize your dreams when you are sick."

  Tang's words are like a potent agent, and Alice's eyes have a strange look. Her sly face has the smallest change.

  Dreams, this is the driving force for young people to fight for it, let people boil, and then rush to rush. Everyone has a dream in their youth. Alice did not think about how this liar knew her dreams. She appeared in her mind and boarded the T-shaped stage of Paris Fashion Week to show her outstanding body in front of people all over the world.

  That would be a look forward to the scene!

  But how can this world cure someone? Even the best doctors in the world are helpless. The liar actually said that he would treat it well.

  The look of Alice's eyes, like the snow, quickly melted in the sun, her eyes returned to dim!

  Tang sat in a chair and his eyes continued to turn. Finally he bit his teeth and took action. He found a bag in the room, then opened the closet and searched for some clothes inside.

  Alice heard these sly voices and sneered in her heart. This is really a thief. The thief also has a special hobby that he likes to steal women's clothes.

  Steal it, take it all, it doesn't do much to me anyway. I will return to the embrace of God to the mother's world.

  Alice feels shaking in front of her eyes, and the objects in her eyes are moving fast. She heard the man's breath, she smelled a man.

  These breathing sounds, unlike mothers, are strong and powerful. These tastes are different and deep and make her feel at ease. There is doubt in Alice's eyes: Does he not only steal clothes, but also steal people?

  Alice laughed in her heart: This is really a stupid thief. In the mother's room, there are a lot of valuable jewelry. He doesn't steal, actually steals a person!

  Steal a person who is about to return to the arms of God, a person who is dying!

  Oh, maybe he has stolen his mother's jewelry.

  What did he steal from me? Does he have a special hobby? However, I am so ugly now. Does he like an ugly girl like me?

  Alice knows that she is now at the elevator. She smells the smell of other people, has a woman's perfume, and has a man's tobacco flavor.

  Tang holds Alice, and carries a bag on his right hand. Alice is skinny and has no weight at all. Tang must hold Alice, no difficulty.

  Alice was curious in her heart, she wanted to see what the thief had to do. This may be before God returns to God's embrace, God wants her to have a different experience.

  A blond man in his thirties in the elevator, dressed in a suit, looked curiously at Tang. Tang smiled and said: "This is my cousin, she is sick. I am taking her to the hospital now."

  Xiao Feifei's voice rang in Tang's mind: "Master, you will act!"

  Tang never has time to deal with it.

  Paris is open and people from all over the world live and work here. It is not uncommon for different races to form a family. For an Asian youth, it is not uncommon for a blonde girl to be his cousin.

  The man nodded and glanced at Alice. The cockroaches on Alice's face, and the pale face, caught his eye. He believed in the words of Tang.

  A blonde beauty, dressed in evening wear, should be going to see the party.

She stood on the right side of Tang, and the beautiful woman shook her head and sighed: "Oh, God! It seems that her illness is very serious. Her age is still so small, poor!"

  Tang nodded and said yes.

  Out of the elevator, the security of two African-Americans went to Tang. Tang stopped the pace and said anxiously to the two security guards: "My cousin was seriously ill, I have to send her to the hospital. No delay!"

  Tang's heartbeat did not accelerate, and Alice thought: When she was lying, she was still so calm, he was really a liar!

  The voice of Xiaofeifei sounded: "Master, you started acting again!"

  Tang is a secret, now is the time for acting, not only to play, but also to perform well. Otherwise, you will not be able to pass.

  The two security guards looked at the bag on his right hand. Tang said: "It's all her clothes, or you check it. But you have to hurry!"

  Alice shouted in her heart: "Come on, he is a thief!"

  The man in the elevator looked at the two security guards and said with some anger: "It is important to save people!"

  The beautiful woman in the elevator shot a disgust in her eyes. She said to the security guard: "Oh, God! What do you want to do?"

  Tang did not say anything to the men and women. He wants the two security guards to think that the three of them have known each other and that the two security guards mistakenly believe that the three of them may be together to send the sick girl to the hospital.

  Alice sighed in her heart: the liar's deception was really high, and the couple were deceived. The men and women also took the initiative to help him.

  The security guard knew the two men and women who spoke and they lived on it. The two security guards exchanged their eyes and made a "please" gesture to let the road open.

  Tang has long breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and this pass has finally passed!

  After leaving the building, Tang said in his heart: "Small Feifei, remove the surveillance video. Don't leave any traces."

  Xiaofeifei said cheerfully: "Master, no problem." Then he asked: "Master, you just talked to the two people in the elevator. If someone investigates, this is a clue. There are two Security guard."

  Tang said: "Don't worry about them, in their eyes, all Asians are the same. They won't remember my appearance."

  Out of the silver-white building, Tang was absolutely under the night, thanking the men and women. The two asked him to take his cousin and go to the hospital for treatment. Tang got into a taxi and waved goodbye to the two.

  In the process of returning to his residence, Tang has changed three taxis and five subways. After half a trip to Paris, I got home. When he was riding, he put Alice on his side, in order not to attract the attention of others.

  Xiaofeifei said in Tang's mind: "Master, you are too careful to do things!"

  Tang said in his heart: "Small Feifei, we have to be careful when we do things. Otherwise, it may be very troublesome. You think, I took away a big living person, not something else."

  Tang must hold Alice to another bedroom and put her on the bed. Tang absolutely said to her: "Alice, now we have arrived home. Here is our common home."

  If there is ambiguity in the words of Tang, it is easy to cause misunderstanding. Alice is ashamed, she lives with her mother, she has never lived with a man.

  Tang walked to the bedroom, sat on the sofa, daze!

  The room was quiet as night, and Xiaofeifei did not bother him. It took a long time for Tang to break free from meditation. He took out a small piece of white paper and placed it on a white marble table. Take out a generic drug, open it, and then carefully pour the small piece of paper on it. After dumping a tenth of the weight, he stopped and wrapped the remaining genetic drugs.

  He took out another small bag and poured out some of the painkillers.

  Xiaofeifei asked in confusion: "Master, why are you doing this? Why not give the whole medicine to her?"

  The behavior of Tang caused the question of Xiao Feifei.