Chapter 28 - Tonight, start!

Under the cliffs, countless people are looking up!

  Some people are cheering for Tang, some people are cold-eyed, and don't believe that Tang can climb the mountain!

  There are always gravel falling from the top of Tang!

  This is a road to death!


  "Don, what's wrong with you? You are very strange today!" Alice looked at Tang in doubt. Put the key on the door, then stand in the doorway daze; suddenly stop when eating; just asked her how to pronounce.

  Alice's words shattered the picture in Tang's mind. Going back to the reality of Tang, looking at Alice's lips, the charming sly, suddenly smiled happily!

  "Alice, you solved a question in my heart. I am very grateful to you, then, how do you say that I should thank you?"

  Do not cook with recipes, let Tang think of it, you can not leave the road of the predecessors.

  Following the recording to read Chinese, let Tang think that he has to take the nearest road and climb the mountain. Despite this road, no one has succeeded, he still has to go!

  The road ahead has been confirmed, Tang is never lost!

  The flaw is not the eye, it is the other party from the eyes, catching the direction that they will break through, and then predict in advance. The flaw is because your speed is not fast enough, as long as the speed is fast enough, the flaw is not a flaw.

  If you are fast enough, the other person knows his own breakthrough route and can't stop it. So, how much impact will this have on the other's mind?

  In doing so, how much momentum will you increase?

  In doing so, will the defenders be frightened?

  In doing so, will it reach the realm of killing people with eyes?

  At the time, at that glance, it is no longer a flaw, but a death knell, a death knell for the other party!

  Alice blinked, her long eyelashes sparkled with glamour. Alice looked at Tang and said: "Can you tell me how did you know my situation? How did you get into my room?"

  The joy on the face of Tang became a beggar, and then burying his head to eat!


  Six o'clock, Paris Princes Stadium.

  In the locker room of the home team, the players of Paris Saint-Germain are preparing for warm-up. Dewu is listening to music with headphones, Lettie is wearing gloves, Badian is wearing socks...

  Ruby is discussing the content of the preparation activities with Vaid Alilozik.

  Sark's expression was a little nervous, and he was tying his shoes. He has been tied three times, but he is not very satisfied. Dewu took the headset down and handed it to Sack.

  "Listening to the concert is better. Before I first played, I was very nervous. Even before I went on the court, I wanted to go to the bathroom." Deu said to Sack with a smile.

  There was a warm current in Sac's heart, and he took the headphones.

  Dewu turned to look at the Tang Dynasty next to Sak, and Tang was wearing shoes seriously. Dewu did not find tension from Tang's face.


  Before the game, all media were not optimistic about Paris.

  Canal+TV believes that tonight at home, if Paris can achieve a draw, it will be very exciting. Unless the miracle occurs, Paris can't beat Metz at home.

  Canal+ TV is still breaking the news, Paris's major shareholder, French media giant Kennopras TV, rejecting Greer's winter transfer purchase plan.

  Canal+ TV believes that Paris will have no revenue this season.

  French Sports Network believes that the lack of two main strikers, Paris can not stop Meshao to take the four-game winning streak. The highlight of this French Cup is what kind of score Metz will use to slaughter Paris!

  The biggest attraction tonight is that France's new star Ribery will score several goals!


  At seven o'clock, the Prince Park Stadium is brightly lit and many fans have already entered the stadium. They are coming to the stadium to cheer for their team. In the eyes of Paris fans, without their existence,

Your own team can't play the biggest fighting power.

  The two main strikers were injured and could not play. The Champions League group two-game losing streak, the league temporarily ranked eleventh. The team fell into the biggest crisis of the season.

  Tonight's opponent in Paris is Metz, Metz has three consecutive victories in the league, they beat the powerful Monaco two to one in the away game three days ago, they are in full swing. Before the game, Metz's head coach, Kelly, told the media that their only goal tonight was to beat Paris.

  The media is not optimistic, the opponent is strong, and their own team has fallen into a huge dilemma. In the eyes of the fans, there was no cheering for them, and Paris could not beat Metz, who was in the limelight.

  So tonight, Prince Stadium has a lot of fans. They wore blue scarves and blue and white jerseys. As if each of them is a player, let Mes fall into the blue-white ocean.

  Some fans hold hamburgers in their hands to supplement their energy. Because this game, can not help but the players on the field are in the game, they also come to the game. Their weapons are sounds and their opponents are Metz fans!

  They will drink a few mouthfuls of mineral water after their hoarse voice, and then continue to shout!

  They will lick a few hamburgers after they are exhausted, then re-aggregate their body energy and continue to shout!

  According to statistics, the number of fans who arrived at the scene tonight reached 30,000! There are only five hundred Metz fans!

  This created this season, the French Cup's attendance rate is the first!


  The home team is changing rooms.

  Vaid Alilozik is reading the starting list, and Sack and Tang have never entered. Sack seems to be free from the general, secretly taking a breath.

  Tang has no expression on his face. Many players, the first professional game, are on the bench. Obviously, this is to protect the players, let them first on the field, feel the atmosphere of the stadium, and minimize their tension.

  Pauletta is in a suit and sits under her closet. His meaning tonight is very clear, he can't play alongside his teammates. He wants to cheer his players when the team is in the most difficult time. to cheer them up.

  Vaid Alilozik stood up and said with a strong eye: "You guys, tonight, we have to defend our home court and let the media shut their mouths. Take out our momentum and defeat the opponent!"

  trust yourself!

  Take our courage and let us bravely! "

  Pauleta waved his fist and shouted: "Must win! Win! Win!"

  "Win! Win! Win!"

  More sounds to join. Every sound "must win!" is like a drum dance, knocking on the hearts of Paris players, they raise their minds in their chests, and their hearts begin to stir!

  Out of the predicament, you can only rely on yourself, no one helps them!

  Dewu yelled: "We are warriors, we are warriors!"

  All the people in the locker room shouted in excitement: "We are warriors! We are warriors!"

  There is a red light in the eyes of Tang, and this night will inevitably occur. He has many career careers. He sat for the first time in the bench of Prince Park Stadium. For the first time in the locker room, he realized the situation before the professional competition. Times...

  Such scenes have appeared in his imagination many times. He likes this atmosphere very much. This is a man's world. This is a world full of fighting spirit and full of war.

  Let Tang have a feeling of returning to the ancient battlefield. Those generals, before the two armies confront each other, always use some warm words to motivate their own fighters, let them bravely move forward and heroically kill the enemy!

  Treat your disease with the knowledge of past lives. In order to fulfill his dream of football, Tang decided to change his life path and set foot on the road of professional football.

  Everything has started tonight!

  The curtain of professional football is slowly opened in front of Tang!