Chapter 34 - No one knows!

With the speed of the two defenders from Metz hit, a strong breakout, Tang will definitely bow and shoot in the restricted area of ​​Metz.

  The Paris fans in the stands raised hope in their hearts, and these hopes quickly gathered at the eyebrows with the blood. So a Parisian fan's eyebrows, a flower of hope!

  Whether this flower will bloom in the Prince Park Stadium depends on whether the shot of Tang can cross the goal line.

  The 500 Metz fans from afar felt strong pressure, just like the football of the arrow, they came directly to them!

  Some Metz fans closed their eyes in pain.

  A white light flashed, and the football flew over the arms of Borbiconi, pointing to the inside of the right side of the goal!

  The five fingers of Wimbe's right hand are like five steel columns, blocking between the football and the goal.

  "Hey!" The football hits five steel pillars!

  The arrow and the steel column violently touched together, no sparks, but the heart of everyone changed!

  Metz's players suddenly raised hope, and the five fingers of Wimbe's right hand are their hopes!

  The flowers of hope from the fans of Paris have signs of falling. There is a sigh in their hearts. Subsequently, they gave birth to a poisonous intention, and wanted to chop the five fingers with a kitchen knife.

  How can the kitchen knife cut off the fingers of the steel column, and when the football touches the finger, Wimbe's wrist is forced forward, and the five fingers are slightly upward.

  He wants to get out the football!

  Football with Tang's decisive temperament, with a huge impact, squatting on Wimbe's fingers.

  Wimbe's fingers are not really steel pillars after all, it is the flesh and blood. The power of Wimbe's wrists and fingers has not yet been passed on to football. Football is like a big knife in the hands of the generals.

  The big knife has a momentum of nowhere!

  Five fingers lean back, football leaves the finger, pointing to the net!

  Wimbe's face showed a desperate look!

  The look of despair has not yet been formed, and the voice of "Hey! Hey!" came from his ear. This is the sound produced by the friction between football and the net!

  The ball is in!

  The score became one to one, Paris Saint-Germain equalized the score!

  Tang will definitely start flying and flying!

  He had two long eyebrows on his brow, such as Feifeng!

  The flower of hope at the eye of the Paris fans finally blooms!

  In an instant, the Prince Park Stadium is full of flowers!

  They flew out of their eyes, and then they made an earth-shattering cheer!

  These cheers touched the walls around the stadium, gathered over the court, and then swayed up, hitting the low clouds, the clouds violently shaking, and there were signs of broken!

  The blue-and-white towels that were waved in their hands were covered with their sweat. At this moment, they are flying like a battle flag in the air!

  Gloria kept saying something in his mouth, but no one knew what he was saying. His voice was drowned in the huge cheers.

  Cantona stood up and applauded!

  Pauletta stood up with a back pain and applauded enthusiastically!

  Vaid Alilozik stood up from the bench, took a cheerful step, walked to the command area, and applauded!

  Ruby smashed out from the bench and blamed!

  More people on the bench can't sit quietly. They have to vent their inner excitement in some way. So some of them clapped their hands, some waved their jerseys, some waved their leggings, and some Simply waving the shoes...

  Sack waved his leggings and his lips trembled and said: "The butcher is really killing!"

  His eyes were wet and the line of sight in front of him began to blur. They entered the first team at the same time. They were all small characters in the team. They built a deep friendship in the second team. At this moment, he is excited about the wonderful performance for his friends!

  The Prince Park Stadium is in great joy!

  to the opposite,

Metz's bench fell into silence, and Mesna's 500 fans from afar came to silence.

  Ribéry snorted on the turf and didn't know what he was thinking.

  Kellet's face was still faintly painful, which was caused by the flying grass clippings he ran after Tang's body. On his right cheek, there are two grass clippings, which are tightly attached to the cheeks and are not willing to fall into the spring mud.

  Wimbe stood up from the turf and was about to anger his teammates, but his mouth opened and he didn't say a word because he didn't know what to say. My teammates didn't have any problems just now. The problem was that the black hair was flying on the turf.

  It was his strong shot from the doubles and broke out.

  Who is he?

  How is his breakthrough so sharp?

  Why is his speed so fast?

  Metz coach Kellert yelled in anger: "Who can tell me who he is?"

  No one answered him behind him.

  The fans in Paris could not answer him.

  After cheering, the fans in the stands also raised the same question as Kellet: "Who is he?"

  "Whoever is who he is, just knowing that he is a Parisian player is enough."

  "Take him who he can, as long as he can score a goal!"

  So they started cheering again.

  This is the second round of a cup, and the TV station did not come to broadcast. Only a photojournalist and a text reporter came. They did not have a list of players on both sides. They also asked the same question: "Who is he?"

  When did the black-haired Asian arrived in Paris?

  Why is Paris not announced?

  From the appearance, he is very young, how big is he?

  Which country does he come from in Asia?

  From the perspective of skilled technology, it may be from Japan. However, the Japanese players lack the strength of him.

  Well, he is from South Korea, but the Korean player, when did the technology become so good?

  There are many questions in the reporter's mind.

  However, no one answered them.

  The photojournalist standing behind and on the side of Metz's goal, and quickly looked back at the scene of the shot. Can't let these photos go wrong. As a football reporter, they have caught a trace of the future from Tang's shooting.

  Perhaps after many years, these photos are precious materials.

  A sharp breakthrough, the speed of lightning. This is a striker and a great foundation.

  Ribéry has become the brightest star in France, and he has such conditions.


  Tang unfolded his arms and flew on the court. Boscovich jumped to the back of Tang, glaring and shouting: "Don, you did it!"

  Tang knows Boscovic's meaning. A rookie in a professional league can score in the first game and score in this way. He did a very good job, even better than many famous stars!

  More teammates came in, and Tang had to stop and gather his arms. Dewu said loudly in Tang's ear: "Don, I said, they can't defend you!"

  Looking at the joy of his teammates, Tang showed his white teeth. He felt very happy and very proud. This sense of well-being urges him to move on and to move forward on the road!


  The game was restarted after two minutes of interruption.

  Paris fans began to sing, some fans, tired of smashing two hamburgers, thirsty to drink two mineral water. When the hamburger is finished, drink water, and when the water is finished, sit down and rest.

  Waiting for the key moment, angering Ribéry, he is a liar and greets the women of his family.

  Waiting for the key moments, screaming and cheering for your fighters!