Chapter 43 - Who rejected who at that time?

Batinic is annoying and really annoying.

  As a press officer in Lyon, he usually does not have a lot of work. Mainly released some news of the club. After 10 o'clock last night, his cell phone was almost blown up.

  If these reporters ask the club about the problem, he can answer. However, they asked about the striker of Paris Saint-Germain. The Chinese striker became famous almost overnight. In the 45 minutes of playing, he scored two goals and made a penalty. In the last three minutes, help the team reverse the score.

  He did not know anything about the reporter's question.

  Did Tang Yue return to Lyon after the death?

  Where do I know.

  Why did Lyon not sign Tang?

  Where do I know.

  For what reason did Tang left the Lyon Junior team three years ago?

  My god, I am not a coach of the junior team, how do I know.

  After communicating with the club's general manager, Matthias, he received instructions that he would not accept any interviews with Don.


  Lan Tuode is very annoying. Really annoying.

  As the director of the Lyon Youth Department, he is mainly responsible for the signing of young players. At eleven o'clock last night, he was struggling to kill the hotel and a beautiful woman, and the phone rang.

  He was going to turn off the phone, but when he saw the name on the phone screen, he had to answer the phone. He indicated that the beauty voice was a little smaller. The beauty under her body turned over to be the master and ride on him.

  General Manager Matiazi asked: "St. Germanic Chinese striker Tang, who has been training in our youth team for seven years, why did he finally arrive in Paris?"

  Lan Tuide was very puzzled. Why did Matia Qiqi ask this question? How did he know Tang? There is only one possibility. Is it...

  Lan Tuode said: "Three years ago, he left the junior team because of heart disease and kidney failure. In August he re-trained. At that time we considered that he had left the club for three years. Without the guidance of the coach, his technique should be No, so no officials were sent to the scene."

  "Later, Gujot said that he was good. I called him that night and invited him to try the next day. He refused."

  Matthias said after a moment: "He played in the second half in the game with Metz last night, scored two goals and made a penalty. In the last three minutes, he helped Saint-Germain reverse the score."

  "Do you know what you did, what made us lose?"

  Guessing became the truth, and Lan Tuide had sweat on his head. Gradually, the beauty riding on him didn't feel. Because Lan Tuode has become smaller.

  Lan Tuode explained: "Restoration of kidney requires kidney replacement surgery. There may be a rejection of kidney replacement. Signing a contract with him is risky, let alone we already have this Zama."

  Matthias said after a moment: "Okay, I hope your judgment is accurate."

  After winning the French championship for three consecutive years, Lyon is very emboldened. Now they are in the limelight in France, ranking first. There is a tendency for the league to have four consecutive championships.

  In the Champions League group stage, they won all the two games, and they hoped to qualify from the group and enter the Champions League.

  Excellent young players, they are not lacking. Four small swans in France, they have two. Even if you lose one, there is no big problem. Tang performed well, which also shows that Lyon's youth training is very high. The promotion of Lyon can also play a good role.

  Lan Tuode finally breathed a sigh of relief, he did not regret the original decision, and other people may do so. A player who has not participated in the youth training camp can become a professional player?

  Before Tang, this was a joke.

  Lan Tuo De's thoughts are chaotic, and the beauty has come down from him, and he is busy with him.

  Lan Tuide thought that when he lowered his body, he invited Tang to go to Lyon for a trial. On the phone, Tang never fired at him, not only refused to try the training, but also compared himself to Messi.

  Randot was very angry at the time and then vented his dissatisfaction on the secretary.

  Now he is not angry in his heart, but his mood is a bit heavy, his mouth muttered: "Half game, two goals, one penalty. Can Benzema do it?"

  The beauty is still working hard. In ten minutes, the beauty gave up.

  Lan Tuo De is very annoying and really annoying. He actually found that he did not raise it!


  Early this morning, the media's phone began to bomb again, and Lyon press officer Batinic had to close the phone.

  In the office of the general manager of Lyon, Matthias, the phone kept ringing, which made him unable to quiet for a while. In the end, he had to inform the secretary to let her inform the media that the club would announce the situation of Tang Tang at the right time.

  The media was dissatisfied with Lyon's treatment, and they called the office of the President of Lyon. Chairman Olas is full of doubts calling Matthias to the office.

  After ten minutes, the two reached a consensus, and the interview on Tang was rejected.

  The media turned their attention to Saint-Germain, and Greeley kicked the ball to Cantona on the grounds that Tang signed him. This kind of thing is given to him.

  At eleven o'clock, Cantona appeared at a press conference in Saint-Germain.

  When playing as a player, Cantona didn't like the reporters. The guys didn't pay attention to his performance on the court. They always asked questions that made him angry. Ask him why he is in conflict with the opponent in the game; what he said to the other player and what he did before the conflict.

  Can these questions answer them? Certainly not, should you say in front of the media that I greeted all the women in his family in order to anger the opponent.

  Today, Cantona was not angry, but she was very comfortable. For Tang, the silence of Lyon makes him very cool. He will sprinkle a handful of salt on the other's wound.

  Looking at the reporters under the stage, Cantona said: "Tang is seven years old and entered the Lyon Junior Team. He left Lyon three years ago because of heart disease and kidney failure. After he recovered, he went to Lyon for training on August 17 this year. There was no official in Lyon.

  Lyon's attitude is clear, they do not want to sign Tang.

  The way Lyon tried to train was to let Tang play in the match with our second team. At that time, Lyon played the time for Tang, the last ten minutes of the game.

  Our second team coach, Lackenbe, knew that Tang was coming to the training after the game. So after the game, he ignored the danger, crossed the road, found Tang, and hoped he would come to Paris. Tang was moved by Lackenbee and readily agreed to come to Paris.

  After the workout, I signed him without hesitation.

  Tang has been very good in Paris. We have developed a detailed growth plan for him to grow quickly in the shortest possible time. It seems that this plan is very successful. "

  When Cantona's face was cold, his heart was really cool. Lyon used silence and wanted to cover up the facts. And he unveiled Lyon's old bottom.

  Cantona unveiled the beginning of the Tang football career, and journalists are quickly analyzing the information.

  A reporter from the French Sports Network asked: "Don't leave Lyon for three years. How can his level improve without the guidance of a coach?"

  Cantona said: "He received physical treatment, while training alone. I admire his spirit, he is a determined person. He is a modern football, the first did not go through the youth camp Training, become a professional player."

  Countless reporters are amazed!

  The reporter from the Paris Times asked: "Why did your second team coach invite him? Did Tang perform well in that game? Ten minutes of playing time, for a striker, time is too short."

  Cantona looked serious and said: "He scored two goals and assisted a goal."

  The reporters had amazed expression on their faces. They were amazed at the amazing performance of Tang in ten minutes. They have more doubts in their hearts. In this case, why should Lyon give up Tang? Or is it that Tang refused the arrogant Lyon?

  Cantona will certainly not know the reason, this question can only ask Lyon.

  Canal+ TV asked: "What is the plan you gave him?"

  Cantona had a sharp eye in his eyes and said: "The game, non-stop games, U17, U19, Youth League, he participated. From late August to the end of October, he played thirty-eight games in more than sixty days. From the game last night, the effect of this plan is very good."

  The reporter was shocked to see Cantona!


  After the press conference ended, the media reported in detail that they did not get the information they wanted in the silent Lyon. They began to speculate whether Lyon refused to die, or refused to refuse Lyon.

  The media did not bombard Lyon because Lyon is now the leader of Ligue 1 . They are the hope of the French European War. However, the media's words contain sarcasm. This kind of sarcasm gradually grew with the amazing performance of Tang. After one month, the first vertex was reached.