Chapter 49 - Breakthrough technology, the first stage of the ball star!

Go ahead to dangers!

  The pocket array has been laid, just waiting for Tang to come. Five meters behind the three of them, there is also a defender, and once Tang has never stood out from their encirclement, he will make a thunder blow.

  Don't have a big knife, try it. So he took up the knife and killed it with an imposing manner!

  In the 1998 World Cup in France, Suk led Croatia to the semi-finals. At that time, Suk was called "Golden Left Foot" by the outside world. Some media praised his left foot and could play the violin.

  Tang wants to play with his right foot and play a wonderful song of killing. Football is a string, and his right foot begins to play. Every time I play, it's a note. In the dazzling moment, Tang has traveled two meters.

  Auxerre's three guards, at this moment, seem to be a little intoxicated, they dance with the notes. Its dancing is strong and it quickly shrinks the encirclement!

  They want to catch up!

  "It's hard to escape!"

  Saint-Germain's bench began to shake his head. The scorn of Auxerre's fans is even worse, and the heart sneers: Who do you think you are, are you Ronnie?

  Sark's eyes are firm, and he firmly believes that Tang can succeed.

  The three Auxerre defenders have a strong momentum and they are stunned by the Tang Dynasty. They crushed the Tang!

  Strong pressure is coming. Face the pressure, when you face up!

  Under strong pressure, Tang's spiritual power is quickly consumed. He forcibly took out all the spiritual power in his mind!

  Under the pressure of strong pressure, the five hundred changes under the foot of Tang began to grow. His ankle changes are faster and more unpredictable, and countless afterimages appear!

  Tang has no joy in his heart, what he expected!

  In the end of the Tang dynasty, it seems like a sudden "hey!", it seems that something has been broken!

  Tang is almost like entering another realm, his technical movements, people have a natural feeling!

  "Breakthrough technology, the first stage of the ball star!" Xiaofeifei's voice sounded in Tang's mind.

  The star is a thick film, and Tang touched it in two months. However, this film is too strong, and Tang can't pierce it.

  The three defenders of Auxerre are three huge pressures. These pressures are on the back of Tang, and they will be pushed to the brink. There is no despair in Tang. He uses these three pressures to smash the strong film of the star-studded star!

  The membrane is broken, and the new world is now!

  Boscovic first discovered the change of Tang, his eyes suddenly brightened!

  "Can he really stand out successfully?"

  Such as the antelope hanging corners, Tang's action at the foot, no trace can be found!

  The heart of Tang's heart was suddenly surrounded by great joy, and strong self-confidence was generated from the bottom of my heart. He forced the suppression of joy, and now is not the moment of joy, highlighting the encirclement is the key!

  The three Auxerre guards found that the black-haired Asian striker in front of him suddenly became stronger. They had a feeling of being helpless, like the one in front of them, a star that has been famous for a long time!

  The world of Tang is silent again, there is no sound, no taste, and there are only three defenders in his eyes. If these three people are three big mountains and block the road ahead, Tang will definitely decide to go forward in their own way!

  The momentum of Tang's body suddenly changed, and there was a cold in his body. His eyes made two ice swords, and wherever they went, they became like ice sculptures!

  Windy, this wind is so cold. The cold wind passed through the skin and got into the body of the three defenders of Auxerre. The three people stopped in an instant!

  Tang must see the right time, in a piece of afterimage, such as the right ankle of the changing snake snake, suddenly force a glimpse!

  The football passed through the encirclement of the three people and flew out to the left in front of Tang!

  The center of gravity is pressing forward, and Tang is like an arrow from the string and starts to accelerate!

  The guard at the five meters behind the three,

Start to accelerate, and quickly rush to the football!

  If Tang is absolutely awkward, he is the oriole!


  No one thought that Tang would have used this method to break through the triple-team. In this simple glimpse, football is out of the encirclement. If the body of Tang can stand out from the encirclement, he will succeed!

  This embarrassment seems simple. If there is no change under the footsteps, Tang will be very difficult to succeed. If he just enters the encirclement and smashes the ball, the three defenders only need to use the body to form a wall of people, and they can block Tang.

  The fans in Paris were shocked and shocked, and Auxerre fans were chilling!

  The three defenders of Auxerre are still suffering from the cold wind, and a humiliation emerges from the bottom of my heart. The three men circled and surrounded him in the middle, and they could not rob the football under his feet.

  This person, has nothing to look at them!

  The humiliation gave birth to courage, and Han Xin was insulted by his sins, and later became the biggest hero of Liu Bang's establishment of the Dahan Dynasty. In the late Qing Dynasty, China was weak and was oppressed by the powers. Countless volunteers fought back and overthrew the Qing Dynasty.

  The three defenders of Auxerre did not make eye contact, and the time passed, and now there is no time. Then someone reached out and went to pull, some people used their bodies as weapons, such as tanks, and they slammed into Tang!

  The hand stretched out and grabbed the jersey of Tang. The Paris fans were so happy that they wanted to cut this hand with a knife. Just too far away, they can't do it. So in their hearts, they used swear words, greeted the master of the hand, and greeted the women of his family.

  Fingers just grab the jersey, Tang will forcefully pull, the jersey is out of someone's finger!

  The body crashed like a tank, and some Paris fans had closed their eyes in pain.

  The shoulders suffered a fierce impact, and Tang's left shoulder turned back, dissolving the power!

  Obviously, this impact plays a role. Tang's footsteps were still messy, and he became embarrassed.

  Tang's shoulders are still faintly painful, and there is no hint of fear or retreat in Tang's eyes. Among them, he quickly adjusted his body weight. After two steps, his center of gravity re-stable. He played the speed to the extreme, so he was born at the foot!

  Tang will never step on the grass!

  Tang will never go by the wind!

  I saw a red lightning flashing through the encirclement of the three!

  At this moment, Tang is three meters away from the football, and the fourth Auxerre defender who is thrown at the football, four meters from the football!

  At this moment, Abe Deshang Stadium is silent, like the world of Tang. The scorn of Auxerre's eyebrows began to condense, as if it was eroded by the chill of Tang's body!

  Auxerre's bench is silent as night, they have fear in their eyes, and a compelling chill is generated from the bottom of their hearts.

  "Where did this guy come from?"

  At this moment, Auxerre's three guards, like the ice and snow in the Antarctic, were wrapped in cold, they became ice sculptures!

  The pain on the faces of Paris fans was replaced by shock!

  They were filled with ecstasy in their hearts, and this ecstasy flowed quickly into their lungs, and their chests became bigger. Quickly compress the chest, they have to spread this huge joy!

  The next moment, Abe Deshang east has a long screaming scream!

  Vaid Alilozik trembled with his right hand and his eyes bright!

  Sack began to tremble, his lips trembled and said: "He succeeded! He succeeded!"

  The teammates around Sac were full of shock.

  Dewu fisted a wave and said loudly: "He did it! He did it!"

  Alice opened her mouth and looked at the black hair in dementia, fluttering in the wind.

  Mikar said with amazement: "Tang actually broke out from the three-person double-team, which is so shocking!"


  After dropping three Auxerre guards who became ice sculptures, Tang would never go away. There is also an Auxerre defender on his right.

  The Cardigan quickly rushed to the football, and he didn't want his own victory to be snatched by him!

  After three steps in Tang, he controlled the football at his own feet.

  The greater humiliation emerged from the hearts of the three Auxerre guards. This humiliation turned into anger, and anger turned the ice inside and outside the body into water vapor. They shake off the ice on their bodies and walk on the grass!

  never give up!

  They quickly catch up with Tang!

  Such as the three Daoli arrows, they are divided into three ways to move forward!

  One person chased after the death of Tang, one person was on the left side of Tang, one person was on the right side of Tang, and three arrows were issued. I vow to stop Tang!

  Boscovic was silent, and he quickly advanced to the Auxerre restricted area!

  Breaking through the Auxerre trio, the momentum of Tang has reached its peak!

  There was a wind blowing behind him, and Tang knew that he was about to be attacked by four people. Tang had a squat on the outside of his right foot, and he quickly took the ball forward. At the moment, Auxerre's left-back on his right appears in his field of vision!

  Keep pace with him, only one meter from his right shoulder.

  There is also a red figure on the right side of the field of view!

  Tang will face a choice, continue to break through or pass?