Chapter 51 - The secret weapon of the opponent!

Auxerre players in the flag shouting, re-collecting the courage inside the body, waving the sword in their hands, killing Saint-Germain.

  For a time, Saint-Germain's half, the sword and the sword. The Saint-Germain player in the red jersey has a firm look and casts a strong defense line in his own half. Saint-Germain players use the body as a shield to block Auxerre's fierce attacks.

  There is no perfect line of defense in the world, and the Italian defense line, known as "reinforced concrete", will also leak. What's more, Saint-Germain is not known for its defense.

  Kana, who was injured, fell again in front of the penalty area. Auxerre striker Pieroni used a rare opportunity to take a shot outside the penalty area!

  This ball, full of strength, like a cannonball, whistling to the right side of the goal!

  Letizzi fought bravely, and when the fingers hit the ball in the air, the fans in Paris raised hope. However, after an instant, I hope that like a bubble, a football that is flying over the goal line will break.

  The ball went in and Auxerre pulled back a goal before the end of the first half.

  Mickel said excitedly: "The ball went in! Pieroni made a strong shot outside the penalty area and broke the goal that Leticzi guarded. Now the score becomes one to two. This goal is too important. This ball, Will certainly encourage the Auxerre player's confidence to win. The first half is coming to an end, the second half of Auxerre will be fighting to defend the home unbeaten, and fought bravely."

  Abe Deschan stadium, caught in the world of carnival. There is applause and there is a bark.

  Saint-Germain left-back Atba stepped forward and pulled Letizzi up, patted his shoulder and encouraged him. Before that, he showed great courage and repeatedly resolved the fierce shot of the other side. It also includes a single-handedly defending Pieroni from the bottom line.

  "Sure enough, very tenacious!" Tang brows slightly wrinkled. The first five rounds were unbeaten at home, and Auxerre players did have strong confidence.

  Kana looked frustrated at the football in the net, and his right hand furiously beat the turf. If the injury on his right leg is not healed, he will not fall at a critical moment. Pieroni will not finish the shot so easily.

  This damn right leg!

  Saint-Germain lacked Major General, and Kana was the main midfielder. His injury was not serious. So Vaid Alilozik let him start. It seems that this decision is wrong now.

  The bandage on Dewu's head was infiltrated with bright red blood. He reached out and pulled up the frustrated and angry Kana. Pat Kana's shoulder, Dewu did not say anything. Because at this time, no need for comfort.

  Facing a strong opponent, comfort has no effect. Only by turning anger into courage can you compete with each other!

  A minute later, the referee blew the whistle at the end of the first half.


  The atmosphere in the Saint-Germain locker room was not suppressed and there was no joy. The score changed from 2 to 0 and became one to two. Auxerre used a goal to tell Saint-Germain, here is their home. Any opponent, I want to take away three points.

  Losing the ball in the last minute of the first half, let the Saint-Germain players fully realize that the second half of the game will be more difficult. The players are adding moisture and wiping the sweat on their forehead and body. They are accumulating energy and will fight each other in the second half.

  The substitute team was whispering about some details of the first half of the game. Tang must break through the triple-team to become the focus.

  "At the time, I thought that Tang would not succeed. Who knows that he finally succeeded."

  "The action at the foot of Tang was really fast. I saw it only a little slower than Ronnie."

  Sacker silently sat next to Tang, as the team's younger generation, no one took the initiative to talk to him. But his heart is not lonely, lonely, but full of clothes.

  Tang's stunning performance in the first half made him look a little proud from time to time: the newcomer can also shine, even more brilliant than the old man!

  Vaid Alilozik coughed twice.

The locker room suddenly calmed down.

  "Auxerre's home game is very difficult to play." Vaid Alilozik sat in the chair of the locker room and said: "But we are the leader of the first half."

  "This game will be very difficult. I emphasized this point in the pre-match meeting. It seems that it is true now. But we should have the courage to fight with our opponents. Victory will be more brave. One side!"

  "The defensive counterattack is our main strategy for the second half. After taking the ball, we must quickly transfer the ball to the frontcourt. Remember to take the ball less."

  Vaid Alilozik looks at Cana, thinking of Auxerre's last minute goal. He exhaled a long breath and said: "Kana is injured and can only play half a game."

  Kana had no complaints on his face and was very quiet. It seems that he had already known this substitution decision. He wiped the sweat from his forehead quietly with a white towel.

  "The second half of Sac played, Dewu replaced Kana to play the lower back." Vaid Alilozik looked at Sack and encouraged him to say: "Don't be nervous, Don is also the first time in the league today, he is very good. Ok. I believe in you, you can do well too!"

  Tang will definitely look at Sack, who is still in a surprise, patted his shoulder. Sark's eyes were a little scattered, and apparently he had not broken free from surprises.

  Vaid Alilozik turned his head to Dewu and asked, "No problem?"

  Dewu touched the bandage on his forehead and said: "No problem, as long as you can beat Auxerre, let me keep the door!"

  Dewu's words caused a laugh in the locker room. The atmosphere in the locker room has become easier. Vaid Alilozik nodded and smiled on his face. This is the role of the old players. Sometimes they can change the atmosphere of the whole team in one sentence.


  However, the second half of the game, can not make Tang easy.

  A whistle sounded and the second half began.

  Everyone knows that Auxerre will definitely launch in the second half, which is even more fierce than the first half. The tide-like attack came to the half of Saint-Germain. Dewu replaced Kana in the back, and it really played an immediate effect.

  The powerful Dewu uses the body to block the opponent's shooting angle, and even uses the body to block Auxerre's shot. Use the tackle to destroy the opponent's ball and disintegrate the opponent's attack in front of the penalty area.

  As the game progressed, Sac slowly entered the game. His eyes are not scattered, and he is firmly watching Auxerre's striker.

  Sack jumped high on the small restricted area line and used his forehead to push the football out. Lettie shouted: "Sack, good!"

  Sark's eyes are bright and he looks at football more focused!

  In the face of Aussie's fierce attack, Saint-Germain played a defensive counterattack in accordance with Vaid Alilozik's arrangement at the intermission.

  Tang was definitely defended by Auxerre's midfielder in the second half.

  Violu replaced Coulibaly in the second half. St. Germain backup striker Luboa, who was sitting on the bench, looked at Violu and shook his head. My heart thought: "Oh, God, Auxerre is too mean, and began to use secret weapons. Tang is miserable!"

  A stock of body odor was uploaded from Vio Lu and drilled into the nose of Tang, and Tang had a feeling of wanting to breathe.

  The most terrible thing is that Violu spread his arms when the ball fell under the feet of the Saint-Germain players. This exhibition, he has a thicker fox smell, and he does not want to drill into the nose.

  Tang was stunned by the attack of Violu's secret weapon. He wants to get rid of Violu, but Violu is like a dog skin plaster, and it is tightly attached to him.

  Boscovic in the middle circle, a straight pass, the football flew behind Viollu!

  Tang turned and was about to move forward quickly, and a dizzying body odor drifted out of Viollu's armpits. Tang's instinctive pause, Violu turned and quickly flew to the football.

  Tang was so angry that he exhaled a long breath, and seemed to exhale the body odor of the lungs, and then he quickly flew to the football.

  "Hey!" Violu kicked the football out of the line. At the last moment, Tang came to the forefront and almost controlled the football at his feet.

  Tang never looked at the football flying out of the sideline, and asked in his heart: "Xiaofeifei, what should I do now?"

  He is fed up with the smell of body odor, and it is really unbearable. He must find a solution. If he had not stopped after the turn, the football must be at his feet.

  "Master, I have no choice. Everything must be solved by yourself!"

  Xiaofeifei's words almost made Tang's desperate mood.

  "What should I do! My God!" Tang yelled helplessly in his heart.