Chapter 55 - Tactical Controversy!

In the praise and suspicion of the media, Tang and Saint-Germain returned to Paris.

  It stands to reason that in the away win, the Saint-Germain players should arrange activities last night. However, after three days, I thought that I would welcome Porto at home. The team did not go out crazy.

  At eleven o'clock in the morning, Tang will definitely open the door, and a fire will throw into the embrace of Tang!

  Alice's red lips are printed on Tang's face, and a light body fragrance is drilled into Tang's nostrils. Tang will lightly embrace the soft body in his arms and experience the joy of Alice's heart.

  Alice looked at Tang's eyes and said in Chinese: "Don, the game last night was too military!"

  Tang never looked at the blue pupil, the glamorous blue, corrected: "Alice is wonderful, not military color, jin, jin, wonderful."

  Alice pouted, a little unhappy. But she still read in her mouth: "jin, jin, wonderful."

  Tang definitely put down the sports bag, sitting on the sofa in the living room, Alice Ma Li gave Tang a cup of green tea. Tang never looked at Alice and said: "I was not at home last night, did you miss me?"

  Alice widened her eyes and said, "Yes, it's too lonely to sleep alone."

  Tang swallowed a sip of water and quickly used his end-cup movement to cover up his cockroaches. This girl's film is not reserved. When did she sleep with her?

  Alice looked at Tang's right hand and quickly left the cup, smiling at the eyebrows. I thought to myself: I want to tease me, hehe! We see who is amazing!

  Alice deliberately pulled the clothes down a little, revealing the whiteness of her chest. The two white rabbits seem to break free and jump out. Tang never looked up and saw the white inadvertently. His heartbeat began to accelerate, and a red glow appeared on his cheek.

  Difficult to swallow a sip of water, Tang never used the will to turn his eyes to Alice's face. He murmured: "Alice, you should wear underwear."

  Alice looked down at the white rabbit and was very happy. She finally took the initiative in certain things, Alice said: "Don, I don't think it's more comfortable to wear underwear." When she spoke, she held the chest and made them stand out.

  Tang had an idea of ​​fleeing in his heart, and he suspected that he would become a beast when he waited. All day long, facing the beauty of the fairy, this beauty is still tempting him.

  Tang never looked at Alice's pretty nose and said: "Alice, you are not afraid that I can't stand it and eat you."

  Alice curiously squinted and asked, "Have me? How to eat me? Is it delicious?"

  Tang felt a dry mouth, and he exhaled a long breath and said: "In the Journey to the West, many devils and ghosts want to eat Tang Yan meat. It is said that eating Tang Yan meat can live a hundred years."

  At the request of Tang, Alice knew about the four famous works. She knew Tang Yin. Alice looked at Tang and asked: "I am not Tang Yan, you are not a monster. Why are you going to eat me?"

  Tang shook his head and said: "Alice, although you are not Tang Yan, you are too tempting. Any man who sees you like this, can't help it, wants to take you..."

  Alice looked at the pair of white rabbits above her hands and put her hand down. She smiled and asked: "What about me? You mean you want to be with me..."

  Tang said very embarrassedly: "No, I don't have this idea."

  Alice was very angry, she said: "Is not beautiful enough?"

  Tang quickly said: "No, I have already said it, you are as beautiful as a fairy."

  "Since you admit that I am very beautiful, why haven't you been so long? Is it because you have a problem with your body?" Alice had a flush on her cheek. After all, she never talked about love. If she didn't think of it, she wouldn't have been in this matter. Taking the initiative, she has long ended this embarrassing topic.

  Tang grew up with a big mouth and looked at Alice with surprise.

  "I have no problem with my body."

  "That will prove it to me!"

  "I really have no problem with my body."

  "Certify it to me!"

  Don't look at Alice in the end, is it really necessary to prove that the good way to prove is...

  Tang made up his mind and said, "Okay, I will prove it to you now!"

  Tang was absolutely ready to undress, and Alice suddenly shouted: "Oh! God, the red meat in the pressure cooker is rotten!" After that, she left the Tang and ran to the kitchen.

  Tang always looks at the beautiful body that is gradually disappearing. My heart is very angry. How is this going back? After a while, he finally understood...


  In the away game against Auxerre, Saint-Germain ranked first in the league and ranked 10th. The whole team was not immersed in joy, the Champions League game was imminent, and the two consecutive defeats to a thorn stuck in the throat, making the St. Germain players very difficult.

  In order to maintain that glimmer of hope, the Saint-Germain players did not rest after returning to Paris. Training began in the afternoon. Kana's injury has worsened. After the team doctor's inspection, Saint-Germain's official website announced that Kana will rest for two weeks.

  In the training against Auxerre, Vaid Alilozik played a new lineup. In the match against Auxerre, Dewu replaced Kana and got a good result. Vaid Alilozik put Sack in the main lineup, replacing Dewu and hitting the defender. And Dewu is inescapable to play the waist.

  In training, Dewu communicated with Sack from time to time. When Dewu used the dead ball, he said to Sack: "In the corner kick, you must stick to the other side. You must use your own hands. The referee cannot see. When the other party wants to take off, you must use the body to interfere. he."

  Just entering the first team, he was arranged by the coach to the main lineup, and Sac was very excited. On the other hand, Saint-Germain is really full of wounded soldiers.

  Boscovic and Tang are practicing fast counterattacks, Boskovich's ball is mostly straight ball. Boscovich whispered in his mouth: "The defensive counterattack!"

  Making gorgeous football a practical football, Boscovich is not comfortable in his heart. He is the initiator of the Saint-Germain attack and the representative of Saint-Germain's gorgeous football. He has great opinions on the arrangement of Vaid Alilozik.

  Vaid Alilezic shouted from time to time on the sidelines. He used all his time to infuse his players with tactical ideas of defensive counterattacks.

  Many players disapprove of defensive counterattack tactics, which is not consistent with their style. They used to be a gorgeous pass, using the pass to control the rhythm of the game. Now playing defensive counterattacks, they can't accept it for a while.

  At the break, Vaid Alilozi said to the player sitting on the turf: "I know that you have resistance to the defensive counterattack tactics. But, think about it, we are now full of wounded soldiers, even The lineup must be adjusted.

  What is the purpose of our competition?

  In order to win. Yes, we must pursue victory, Defensive counterattack is our best choice at this stage. We have to let go of our burdens. Can't let the gorgeousness bind us to the pursuit of victory.

  The Italian team's tactics are defensive counterattacks, they won three World Cups. Maybe they are not the most gorgeous teams in the world, but they are opponents that any team must take seriously.

  The club needs victory now, the fans need to win, and the team needs to win. In order to win, we change the tactics. Is this not possible? "

  The players are deeply pondered, and no doubt that Vaid Alilozik is telling the truth. At this stage, Saint-Germain cannot pursue grandeur, and there are too many people whose main force is absent. In the case of overall strength reduction, defensive counterattack is the best choice.

  Dewu's forehead was still bandaged. He looked around for a week and said: "Mr. Vaide Alilozik said it is very good. We are now at the bottom of the valley. The pride in us has been washed away by failure. net.

  Victory is the only way we can regain our confidence. So why do we give up the tactics that can help us win. Let gorgeous football go to hell, we want victory! "

  Boscovic's concept has obviously not changed completely. He said: "If style is formed, it will be difficult to change in a short time. It is difficult for me to accept the change of tactical thinking."

  The air was suddenly tense, Boscovich was the team's amnesty, and there were many followers behind him. Many players are nodding to express their support for Boscovic.

  Vaid Alilozik's face was ugly, and he came to Saint-Germain in July, and his foundation was unstable. Tactical thinking is the core of a team. If the player overturns his tactics, it is difficult for him to stand on the team.