Chapter 58 - The Cause of Heartache!

Dialing Wen Ting's phone, Tang's cell phone sent a cold voice: "What?"

  Tang is not discouraged, nor angry. This is Wen Ting's consistent tone, and Tang has long been used to it in three years. Tang smiled and said: "Ting sister, are you busy?"


  If you switch to someone else, you may have ended the conversation between the two. Tang said: "The weather is cold, wear a little more clothes. Also, if you want to eat, go to the restaurant."

  "I have been there yesterday."

  Wen Ting's words made Tang think of his parents. I haven't seen them for a long time, are they okay? Since coming to this world, Tang has accepted all of this very quickly, including Tang Yuantian and his wife.

  Since the beginning of the province, he has started to raise money for his treatment. Tang has felt a simple love. Under the immersion of this kind of love, Tang never gave birth to attachment to them from the bottom of his heart.

  Tang asked: "Are they okay?" His voice was low.

  Wen Ting said: "Very good!"

  Wen Ting's cold voice makes Tang return to reality. Tang wants to find a time to go back and see them, including Wen Ting. The schedule has been too tight in recent times, so I must go back to Lyon after a while.

  Tang never asked: "Is the graduation thesis finished?"

  Wen Ting will graduate from Ph.D. next year. Her most important task now is to complete her thesis. For this talented girl, Tang knows that Wen Ting's graduation thesis is completely difficult for her.

  "almost finished."

  "What are your plans after graduation?"

  This is the main purpose of Tang's call. In his plan, Wen Ting is an important part.

  "I haven't thought about it yet. The instructor suggested that I stay in Lyon II to continue my postdoctoral research. Two pharmaceutical companies invited me. But my parents want me to go back. I am very contradictory now."

  Wen Ting rarely said to the Tang Dynasty, in the past three years, in addition to parents, Cuihua, Tang is the most contacted is Wen Ting. He knows that she is a cold-hearted person. Her heart is strong. If she does not encounter very difficult things, she will never appear in vain.

  Tang asked: "What is your ideal? Or, what was your purpose in coming to France?"

  To solve this problem, we must look for it from the root. A long time later, Wen Ting said: "Become a person who saves people from suffering. Use your knowledge to alleviate people's suffering and even save lives."

  If you say something like this, Tang will definitely be a joke. But this words are spoken from Wen Ting's mouth, and Tang absolutely believes. This may be the ideal of every medical research scholar.

  "Do you think you can do it now?"

  After a while, Wen Ting said: "I can do it in some ways." Wen Ting did not say that she can do it, but that it can be done in some way. It is always accurate to talk to academics, or they have a clear understanding of themselves.

  Tang said: "Then I suggest that you continue your postdoctoral research. You are a capable person. If you have the ability, you must maximize your ability so that you can save more people."

  Finding the reasons from the roots and let Wen Ting continue to study is very important to Tang's plan. Tang will continue to say: "I have a good research topic in my hand. I will provide it to you when you are a postdoctoral researcher."

  Wen Ting is about to graduate from doctoral degree, she is knowledgeable. Tang said that he had research topics in his hands. This is a big joke in the eyes of others. However, Wen Ting did not have a joke, but he suffered from heart disease and kidney failure. Tang did not recover from surgery. Wen Ting had many doubts about this matter.

  Tang gave her an explanation, Wen Ting was dubious. Old Chinese? Wen Ting does not believe that there are such powerful Chinese medicine practitioners in the world. If there is, the world medicine will be rewritten.

  However, it is a fact that Tang will be cured without surgery. This makes Wen Ting very entangled, and there are very good reasons for trust and unbelief.

  Is the topic in Tang's mouth a drug for treating heart disease and kidney failure? If this drug is produced in large quantities, it will certainly save many people's lives.

  Saving people's lives is their highest ideal. If you can carry out mass production through your own hands, this is also a contemporary thing.

  Wen Ting said: "After graduating, talk to your parents."

  Wen Ting did not give Tang a clear answer, but she did not object. For Tang, this is the best way at this stage. Can not eagerly show their attitude, or it will make her heart doubts.

  Tang said: "You have to pay attention to your body." Tang thought about it and asked: "Is anyone chasing you?"

  He wanted to make the atmosphere a bit more relaxed, but when he thought of Wen Ting's cold face, he regretted asking this sentence. Wen Ting's coldness is notorious among the two international students in Lyon. She does not even have a same-sex friend.


  This sentence is like a knife, inserted into the heart of Tang. Tang couldn't help but feel bad, and he didn't know why he had this reaction. The cold Wen Ting is pursued, this is a very good thing. However, Tang's inexplicable heartache.

  "But I didn't agree!"

  Tang feels relaxed and exhales a long breath. I feel that the air has become fresh.

  "He hasn't given up yet."

  Wen Ting's words once again made Tang nervous. Tang seems to feel that there is a lurking enemy, and he will always steal his favorite things. For the enemy, Tang should never face up.

  Tang asked: "What kind of person is he? I will be your staff."

  Xiaofeifei said in an inappropriate time: "Master, you started acting again, obviously..."

  Tang never screamed in his heart: "Shut up!", interrupted the words of Xiaofeifei.

  "No, I will solve it myself." Wen Ting said coldly.


  At 11 o'clock on the morning of November 3, Tang sat on the sofa in the living room to watch TV. After getting up at 7 in the morning, he continued to go downstairs to the Saint-Germain second team training ground. When he got home at nine, he took a shower and he sat at the table.

  There was only one note on the table. Tang wiped the water on the head with a towel and picked up the note, which read: "Don, I went to the model school, the porridge was in the pot." The following is Alice. .

  Tang smiled awkwardly. Alice is a person. She has her own ideals and should not bind her to her side. As can be seen from the above handwriting, she was very happy when she wrote this note.


  Someone knocked on the door, is it Alice? No, Alice has the key. Tang opened the door with doubts, and . It was Arendt who caught his eye.

  "Oh! God! Don you don't look nervous at all." Arendt shouted. Tang knows the meaning of Arendt.

  Tang must let Arendt enter the door and say, "Why should I be nervous, but it is just a Champions League group match, not a Champions League final."

  When Arendt entered the door, he looked around and seemed to be looking for something. Arendt sat on the sofa and looked at Tang and said: "Oh! God! The Champions League is for me, that is the place to realize my dreams. If it is me, I don't know what it is like now. Don, don't you Excited?"

  Tang shook his head and said: "It's too early to be excited. It's not too late to get into the game or beat Porto."

  Allen nodded, the Saint-Germain Champions League group two-game losing streak, almost lost the opportunity to qualify for the group. The team's opponents are strong, and Porto is the Champions League champion last year. Although they have taken a large number of main players this year, they have rich experience in the Champions League.

  Chelsea will not even say anything, although not the seed team of this group, no one dares to despise them. With the arrival of the Magic Bird, and with a few of Porto's main champions, Chelsea is the most powerful team in the group. In the first two group matches, they defeated Saint-Germain three-by-zero in the away game and beat Porto in a three-to-one home game, showing their strong strength.

  Another opponent is the Russian Super League champion CSKA Moscow, which is also a very strong opponent.

  Saint-Germain lost two straight games and the team bottomed out. In this case, it is obviously out of place to make a big eulogy. There is no strong faith or frustration in Tang's words. Very dull, plain as a glass of water.

  Arendt thought about it and said, "I believe that you must have a good performance tonight."