Chapter 60 - Who is he?

Tang smiled and asked: "Would you like to go to the game tonight?"

  Alice was surprised to see Tang, she had rarely let her go out before, and yesterday agreed to go to the model school to re-learn, which has made her very surprised. Now Tang always asks her, I want to go to the scene to watch the game tonight.

  "I am willing!" Alice desperately wanted to go out and suffocated at home for nearly two months. She had long wanted to go out. As if this home is a cage, she tried to get rid of it. Just because of the promise, she will not be able to leave here after five years.

  "At half past six, Deu's wife, Maria, will come to pick you up." Tang did not know the prophet, as if he had known that Alice would go to see the game, he had already made arrangements in advance.


  For the third round of the Champions League tonight, the media conducted a pre-match analysis.

  Canal+TV believes that Saint-Germain is so fierce tonight, and Porto will definitely fight for it tonight, leaving a seed for hope for the group. Although Saint-Germain has won consecutive victories in four days, it is not easy for them to win from the course of the game.

  Two days ago, Saint-Germain announced that their main midfielder, Kana, was injured and needed to recuperate for two weeks. Saint-Germain, who was already stretched, had to adjust his staff. From the second half of Auxerre three days ago, Dewu went to the lower back and the young player Sack hit the defender.

  This adjustment was very effective in the day's game. But tonight is the Champions League, the teenager Sack can play normally, this is an unknown number.

  Tang's performance in the first two games was amazing. According to the current Saint-Germain personnel, he may start the game tonight. The same problem, this is his first Champions League game. Under tremendous pressure, whether Tang can have a good performance is doubtful.

  French Sports Network commented on the Internet, they analyzed the situation of Group H: Chelsea, the Blues who won the two games, is undoubtedly the biggest hot spot in this group. Another quota will be produced in Porto and the Central Army.

  The defending champion Porto wants to qualify from the group and the game tonight is very important to them. If they take three points at the Prince Park Stadium, they will accumulate four points. Not surprisingly, Chelsea will surely defeat the Central Army at home to hold the initiative in the hands of the team.

  If this is the case, Porto will share the same score with the Central Army on the same starting line.

  Saint-Germain's chances of qualifying for the lack of generals are slim, and they are fighting for honor more tonight.

  The team report is more direct, they believe that it is difficult for Saint-Germain to stop Porto's progress tonight. Porto will definitely step on the shoulders of Saint-Germain and stand at the same height as the Central Army.

  One of the important reasons is that Saint-Germain is in the third game within seven days. Even if Saint-Germain is not short of the generals, they will have problems in physical fitness and concentration.

  Even the French media are not optimistic about Saint-Germain, let alone the media of other countries. Without exception, they are all optimistic about Porto.

  The British gambling company, which has the most keen sense of the game, opened the game with the game: Porto makes the hemisphere.


  At seven o'clock in the evening, the Prince Park Stadium is crowded with people. Forty-nine thousand seats are packed. The team won two consecutive victories in four days, allowing them to see the hope of the re-emergence of Saint-Germain.

  In seven days, this is the third game of Saint-Germain. The fans know that the players' physical fitness is almost at the limit. Tonight they will use their own voices to motivate their soldiers and let them defeat themselves and defeat their opponents.

  Saint-Germain fans wore blue jerseys, and some fans actually wrote a big "29" in front of the jersey. This is the number of the jersey. Perhaps in their view, the 29th is their hope for tonight. Tang won two consecutive games, let the Paris fans know the Chinese player, he is a player trained by French football.

  From the roots of football technology,

Tang is definitely a French player. In this case, then Tang is definitely a Frenchman.

  A 17-year-old fan said to his companion: "Do you still score two goals tonight?"

  The companion said in an unquestionable tone: "Sure, he will even have a hat trick!"

  The two of them were at the Abe Deshang Stadium three days ago and witnessed Tang's breakthrough from the containment of the three defenders of Auxerre. They burst out with tears. Just like two years ago, Ronaldinho wore a blue and white jersey in the battle for Saint-Germain. At that moment, they remembered Ronaldinho and then forgot him.


  Behind the Saint-Germain bench is the club box, where club officials and family members of the players sit. Said to be a box, in fact, the same as other seats, just closer to the stadium, closer to their players.

  Cantona was wearing a brown jacket and Glaley sitting together, and the unruly face did not show any emotion. Not far behind them, Alice and Deu's wife, Maria, sat together.

  Alice was sitting in the stadium for the first time to watch football matches, watching the crowd of black pressure, Alice's inexplicable excitement. From a young age, I dreamed of standing on the T-shaped platform. The T-shaped platform is the place to focus on people's sights. There are countless flashes on the stage against the models on the stage.

  Alice looked at the long guns and short guns outside the stadium, and she was filled with emotions. This is a stage that is highly anticipated, and it is also more noticeable than the T-shaped platform. If Tang can score here, what a grand event!

  Thinking of this, Alice's face was blushing and her eyes were scattered.

  Maria turned to look at Alice's beautiful face. Half an hour ago, she first saw Alice and fell in love with her. She has never seen such a beautiful girl. As the wife of the star, she has seen the wife or girlfriend of the Saint-Germain player.

  Football stars are an affluent class. They have high incomes and high exposure. They are the pursuit of beauty. Therefore, many girlfriends of football stars are the stars of the entertainment industry. Without exception, they are all beautiful.

  Paris is the capital of fashion, beautiful like a cloud.

  Maria was used to beauty, but she was shocked by the beauty of Alice. The dark brown hair of the cloud is full of feminine, blue pupils, full of mystery. The perfect five senses, this is the most beautiful girl God created.

  Maria lamented that there are such beautiful girls in the world. She looked at Alice's scattered eyes and remembered that when she first walked into the stadium, it seemed to be the same.

  Maria whispered in Alice's ear: "Alice, when I first came here, I was very excited. When I saw Dewu, I wanted to run to him and give him a gentle Kiss, then tell him, 'I love you! I believe in you!'."

  Alice remembered the lipstick on her face at noon, and the frown of the painting was slightly upturned. She smiled and said: "I will not say in front of him, 'I love you!'"

  I remembered sitting on the bed three days ago and watching the online video. When Tang scored the second goal, he shouted loudly: Don! I love you!

  Alice has a flush on her cheeks. The two are not lovers now. It is a five-year contract that connects the two. Not a lover, you have to say "I love you!" in person, Alice can't do it.


  At the moment, Beijing time is 1:12 am, and the CCTV cctv_5 broadcast hall is brightly lit. Huang Jianxiang explained before the game: "Saint-Germain lost two straight in the group stage, If they can't beat Porto at home tonight, they will be the first team in Group H to be eliminated. "

  On the morning of yesterday morning, Huang Jianxiang also discussed with the director of the sports program of CCTV, whether it would let UEFA send another broadcast right to CCTV. Chelsea have big names, both players and coaches, and their names are familiar. He is very familiar with their situation.

  There is nothing to watch in this game between Saint-Germain and Porto. The team has no big names and is ranked in the last two places in the group rankings. This game is not attractive to Chinese fans.

  Huang Jianxiang's wish was not fulfilled and the director did not agree with him.

  In a group match, whoever broadcasts the same game.

  After the proposal was rejected, Huang Jianxiang was somewhat depressed. He prepared to routinely broadcast the game, and there were not many people watching it. Therefore, he basically did not collect data before the game.

  At this time, he got the list of players on both sides. When the guest Zhang Lu made a pre-match analysis, he quickly scanned it. The 29th on the Saint-Germain list caught his attention.

  Tang No. 29.

  This name is very Chinese. In the past, he saw "Li" in European names.

  Chinese people?

  His eyes squinted to the right, and his face was shocked because he saw "CHN" and he suspected that he was wrong, so he looked at it carefully again. That's right! It is "CHN" and the age is seventeen!

  He also saw the player named Tang, who is a forward and is the starting player!

  Who is he?

  Why haven't you heard of this player?

  At the age of seventeen, he played the main role in Paris Saint-Germain and boarded the Champions League!