Chapter 63 - The powerful Tang!

The Princes Park Stadium in Paris was packed, and the warm atmosphere caused the temperature to rise abruptly. The blood of Tang is flowing fast, and his blood is already hot. Tonight is his first time in the Champions League.

  At the age of seventeen, he stood in the Champions League, and Tang was proud enough.

  The referee whistled and the game officially began!

  Tang will pass the ball to Boscovich, Boscovic slightly adjusted and passed the football to the backcourt. Porto's forwards Quaresma and Fabiano quickly swept through the half and ran to the football.

  Huang Jianxiang said to the microphone: "The game has begun! We use the time when the game started, and we will introduce you to the lineup of the two sides in detail.

  Tonight, Porto has a four-four-two formation. Goalkeeper Baia is the most stable player in Porto this year. He was the main player in Porto last season.

  The two centre-backs are: Pepe and Setaridis. Pepe, a 20-year-old Brazilian, was transferred from Brazil this summer. The Greek Setaridis is the main hero of Greece's European Cup this summer. In the European Cup, he has been staring at Figo, C Ronaldo, Henry, Pires, Baros, and is simply a universal glue, was selected into the 2004 UEFA official best lineup.

  On the left, Valent is experienced, right back Ricardo Costa.

  The four players in the midfield were: Kosta, Maniche, Alenichev, and the front waist Pecherto.

  The two strikers are: Quaresma, Fabiano.

  After the Champions League win, Porto has added some newcomers after taking a few main players. Now the two forwards on the field are coming from this summer.

  Saint-Germain has a formation of 451. Goalkeeper Leticzi, the four defenders are: left back Mendi, right back Pisote, Zhongwei Sack, Edel.

  The five midfielders are: the midfielder captains Dewu, Mbami, Rothen, Tisera, Boscovic.

  The only striker is Tang from China. We don't know his name yet.

  At the beginning of the game, Porto was mainly anti-customer. After stealing the ball in the midfield, it launched a fierce attack. "

  After Saint-Germain passed the tactical battle within the team, the team unified their thoughts and prepared to play defensive counterattack tactics in the game. In the face of Porto's imposing attack, they calmly fight.

  The fans did not know that Saint-Germain's tactics were adjusted. Watching his team being suppressed by Porto, Paris fans began shouting: "Saint-Germain! Saint-Germain!"

  As the only striker in the team, Tang will travel around the middle circle.

  The white waves of the sky, Porto tightly suppressed Saint-Germain, launched a sharp attack. Brazilian striker Fabiano was extremely excited. In the fourth minute of the game, he completed the first shot of the game.

  Maniche broke through on the left and sent the football to the penalty area five meters from the bottom line. Fabiano's right foot pressed and the football rolled towards the right side of Sac. Sac looked fierce, and when Fabiano's left leg was raised backwards, he extended his right leg to block between the football and the goal.

  "Hey!" A crackling sound, Fabiano's left ankle hit behind the football.

  The hearts of the Paris fans slammed tightly, followed by another scream, giving them a sigh of relief. Sack's right foot blocked Fabiano's shot and the football reflected the bottom line.

  Dewu applauded and shouted loudly toward Sak: "Sack! Good! Just like this!"

  Sac's wonderful defense won the applause of Paris fans. There is a high-pitched whistle that sounds on the court. The whistle is both an appreciation of Sac's excitement and performance, and it is also a player who motivates the Saint-Germain team.

  "Hey!" Dewu leaped high and pushed the football out of the penalty area. Resolved Porto's corner kick. Tisera used the chest to stop the ball and passed it directly to the Boscovich.

  The opportunity to fight back quickly!

  Tang's eyes are bright and he moves forward quickly.

Boscovic is back to Porto when he catches the ball. At the back of Porto, Kostiga was tightly behind him, not letting him turn around.

  Boscovic is worthy of the representative of Saint-Germain's gorgeous play. His left foot is swaying on the football, and the outside of the right foot is on the football. Then suddenly accelerate, leaving Kostiga behind!

  "Hey!" Boscovic kicked the ball out. During these two days of training, Vaid Alilozik has been emphasizing that when launching a quick counterattack, the pass must be fast.

  If placed before, Boscovich will definitely take the ball forward and look for opportunities on the way to the ball and pass the ball to other teammates.

  However, Boscovic's passing can't make Tang mention the speed. Because he is passing the ball to people.

  Tang never greeted the ball, and two meters behind him, Pepe was vigilant to follow him. Pepe did not cling to Tang, and Tang shouted in his heart: "The opportunity is coming!"


  In the dining room of Tang Yuantian, the dishes on the table were already cold. The international students on the three tables watched TV intently. Tang Yuantian and Cuihua, sitting at a table without people. In front of him is a bottle of Erguotou, a wine glass, and a dish of peanuts.

  "Just the baby!" Cuihua pointed to the TV and said to Chen Xiuzhen. Chen Xiuyan nodded and looked awkward. The son grew up and can make a lot of money. When she went last time, Tang gave her a big bag of money, a total of 160,000. 160,000, they have to spend two years to earn enough.

  Now the son appeared on TV. In her impression, as long as the TV is a big man, not an official or a rich person. The son is not an official, can go to TV, it should be rich!

  Finally saw his son on TV, Tang Yuantian looked very calm, he was sitting in danger. At the last moment, his right thumb and index finger, pinching a peanut in a small dish, was about to be sent to his mouth. At this moment, he was completely at rest, like a sculpture. Just watching TV quietly.

  His right hand hangs quietly on the peanut dish.

  "It's him! It's him!" the glasses man shouted. There is excitement between his eyebrows.


  Don't have the right side of the right foot on the side of the football!

  Such as a knife!

  The inside of his right foot is like a knife, the ball is on the side of the football, and the football is rolling towards his left side. Pepe did not blindly stretch his legs to grab the ball, but to use the rules, step by step, the right shoulder to the Tang Dynasty's left shoulder!

  Xiao Feifei's voice rang in Tang's mind: "Pepe, professional high!"

  Tang definitely put speed to the limit, he wants to escape Pepe's right shoulder with speed. Then there was a wind in the foot of Tang, and countless grass clippings began to fly!

  The next moment, "Hey!" a dull sound came out!

  Tang's body moved fiercely to the right, and his footsteps began to be messy. Pepe's right shoulder hits Tang's left shoulder. Tang's wish was not fulfilled. He wanted to escape Pepe's left shoulder with speed.

  Tang is in the midst of embarrassment, and my heart sighs: "Speed ​​is not enough!". He decided in his heart that after the game tonight, he must find ways to improve his speed.

  A fan in the stands shouted: "Go down! Go down!"

  In his view, Tang should scream and then pour on the turf. This will interrupt the game, if they scream again: "yellow card! yellow card!", the referee may give Pepe a yellow card.

  Boscovich is ready to wave his own hand, then find a referee to tell, Pepe must give a yellow card this time. He even thought about the words of the lay: the referee, if he does not foul, we may be a single-handed ball!

  "Ah!" Alice covered her mouth with her little hand, and she could feel the pain on Tang's left shoulder.

  The referee has put the whistle on his lips, and if Tang falls to the ground, he will immediately whistle. When Pepe was in a reasonable collision, the power was too big. This was a foul action.

  Porto left-back Valent, 30, is an experienced player. The referee's whistle did not ring, which means the game is still going on. He rushed to football like a tiger, and football is about four meters away from him.

  Tang never fell to the ground, he was in the shackles, endured the pain of his left shoulder, adjusted his center of gravity, and ran to the football!

  Vaid Alilozik sat on the bench of the bench. He shook his head and said in his heart: The young team members are too lacking in experience. Why don't they fall to the ground?

  Boscovich also shook his head and put down his arms.

  There was horror in Pepe's eyes. He knew how much power he used on his right shoulder. He changed to other players. Now he will lie on the turf and roll painfully. Tang never fell to the ground, which made him very surprised. The young and delicate face flashed through his mind.

  Pepe found the reason: young players have not enough experience!

  Looking at the shadow of Tang, he was cold in his heart: in this case, there is still going to get the ball. This is simply dreaming!

  However, what surprised him was that Tang's focus was quickly adjusted!

  Tang is running fast towards football!

  The contempt in Pepe's eyes slowly changed, his heart jerked, and he experienced the strong taste from Tang's behavior. A red light was shot in his eyes, speeding up his footsteps and rushing toward Tang.

  The strong Tang dynasty inspired Pepe's ambition. Standing in this green field, everyone is strong, no weak. In the face of the powerful Tang, there is only one thought in Pei's heart at this moment: stop him!

  At this moment, Tang is only one meter away from football, and Valent is one meter away from football. The situation is more favorable to Valent because football is rolling towards him!

  There was no surprise in Valent's eyes, and there was horror in his eyes. He thought he could get football easily. With a brow, Valent stretched out his right foot and he wanted to intercept the football!

  Huang Jianxiang shook his head in front of the microphone and said: "Valent extended his foot and he will intercept the ball soon." He believes that Tang has never been able to get the ball.

  Alice did not give up, she waved her fist. Shouted: "Fast! Fast!"

  Tang Yuantian's heart has been raised, and his right hand is still hanging over the peanut dish. The thumb and forefinger squeezed the peanut hard. Peanuts are painful and can be broken at any time!