Chapter 67 - Football Game?

Huang Jianxiang said excitedly: "Don created the record of the youngest goal in the Champions League, 17 years and 70 days. Prior to this, this record was maintained by Raul. His record is 18 years old and 112 days! This is in 1995. On October 18th, Real Madrid scored six to one victory over Ferenc Valence!

  In the history of world football, the Chinese have once again written new records. China is the creator of football. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, China had '蹴鞠', which is the origin of football.

  Now, the Chinese striker has left his own name in the history of world football. We believe that he will also bring us more records.

  Tonight, it is destined to belong to Chinese fans!

  Tonight, the eyes of the world football are destined to notice that this Chinese striker is only seventeen years old and seventy days old! "


  After the goal was scored, Tang picked up the football and prepared to run to the middle circle. This is his first goal in the Champions League, which is the beginning of his Champions League journey. He wants to kiss the football and then raises the football in front of the fans.

  Pepe rushed up and rushed to grab the football. Now, as long as Tang wants to do something, he must stop it. This black hair is too odious, actually insulting him in the Champions League, insulting the defending champion.

  The thinking on the football field is straight, but if the other party wants to do something, he must find a way to stop him. The other side should launch a quick counterattack, and must find a way to delay his passing, or not let him pass the ball in depth, or even use fouls to stop him. Don must hold the ball, no matter what his purpose, he must stop him. This is the logic of Pepe.

  Tang did not see the fierce light. He knew that Pepe's purpose was not to grab this football. In an instant, the football field seems to be a football field, and Tang is a sham, running from the right side of Pepe!

  stop me! Then come faster than anyone else!

  The players in Porto are angry, and they are going to rob the football in the hands of Tang. So at the Prince Park Stadium, played a football game.

  Tang's constant shifting and changing direction, as if he had returned to the phoenix tree in Lyon II, the players in Porto are those sycamore trees.

  The goal of the two sides is now football, and the purpose of the battle is momentum. The players of Porto want to stop Tang, as long as they stop what he wants to do, the humiliation in their hearts will be reduced, and they will not be weaker than the other.

  If you let Tang ran back to their field with football, what is their face?

  The fans on the court didn't understand the players' minds, and they were surprised to see what happened on the field. Even the referee did not understand what happened. Despite his experience in law enforcement, he has never seen such a situation. For a time, he didn't know what to do.

  Saint-Germain's players on the field understood the hearts of the players in Porto, so they quickly ran to Tang, not to meet him, let him throw the football. But they know the mind of Tang, he wants to raise football in front of the fans. They are going to protect him!

  They are going forward, and after Tang has entered his own half, he will form a circle of protection behind him, let him fulfill his wish and raise his football in front of the fans.

  Looking at the teammates flying to himself, Tang was moved in the heart. He has strengthened his beliefs and passed away!

  Alice looked at everything that happened on the field. She didn't understand why Tang had to run with football. Why did the opponent's players stop him? Why did his teammates help him?

  In her confused eyes, Tang is constantly dodging!

  This is a contest about imposing, or about humiliation. Tang wants to hold football and return to his half from the half of Porto. The players in Porto will intercept him. If he does, what is the face of the Porto player?

  So many people can't leave him!

  Tang's body seems to be covered with lubricant, such as a slippery loach moving at half speed in Porto.

  Cantona is serious,

His mood is not in color. At this moment, he can no longer maintain his own expression of the millennium. Cantona laughed happily and said loudly: "He is such a wonderful person!"

  Gloria is not a player born, although he does not quite understand why Tang must do this. But he knows that there is an alternative game on the field. Because the faces of both players are very serious.

  The short gun at the side of the field began to flash again after a brief stop. They are catching the tidbits of this game, even the turning point of the game.


  In the dining room, the last moment was full of joy, now they are sitting in chairs and watching TV strangely. How did this football game become a football game?

  Even the fake fans like glasses men don't know why there is such a scene on TV.

  Is he going to be remembered? But the game is not over yet!

  The glasses man painfully pushed his glasses. Because at this time, the tall companion around him is looking at him with a questioning eye.

  He is the one who sits here and knows the most.

  The glasses man shouted in his heart: "Who can tell me why he is doing this?"


  There are endless gullies and countless levels. Tang is like a warrior with a dynamite bag, constantly avoiding bullets that shoot at himself. He has to stand in his own half and raise the explosives bag, like Dong Chengrui, to kill the enemy!

  There are actually flying legs straight to the feet of Tang, and the spikes flash in the light, such as the teeth in the mouth of the monster. Tang will hold football like an eagle to spread wings and fly away from the turf!

  One hand stretched out like an eagle claw and touched the jersey of Tang. The next moment, Tang's fierce battle, got rid of the claws!

  The distance of just fifty or sixty meters, at this moment for Tang, it seems that entering the battlefield of the bullets, it may fall at any time.

  The Paris fans looked at everything that happened on the field. Tang is their warrior. At this moment, Tang is fighting on the court. Whether it is a football match or a rugby match, as long as he is fighting, they need them.

  The Paris fans suddenly shouted neatly: "Don! Don!"

  After the drums reappeared, Tang felt that he was not alone in combat, and must rush out from here!

  Huang Jianxiang stunned and his experience in broadcasting football matches was extremely rich. He had never seen such a scene. In a football match, when one side falls behind more than one ball, they will rush back to the middle circle with the ball after scoring a goal. The purpose is to start the game as soon as possible.

  The other party may prevent him from holding the ball, and the two sides have at most some disputes in the penalty area.

  And now this scene on the field makes him speechless. He didn't know what language to use to explain. Zhang Lu was born as a player. Before retiring, he was the main goalkeeper of the Beijing Youth Team. He understood the intent of Tang.

  Zhang Lu is worried about Huang Jianxiang: "Tang wants to hold the football back to his own half, raise the football in front of the fans and accept the congratulations from the fans. The players in Porto want to stop this scene from happening. Because before this, Tang's The way the goal has been scored has insulted the defenders of Porto."

  Huang Jianxiang suddenly, he smiled and said: "Don is indeed a very distinctive player, the more the other side wants to stop, the more he has to complete. To be honest, our domestic players lack such personality.

  A player has to stand out from the harsh competition, and no clear personality is not enough. "

  Huang Jianxiang suddenly remembered Cantona in the TV footage. He said: "Cantona is a very distinctive star. He is angry with reporters and flying fans."

  He suddenly realized what he said: "Of course, his behavior is not advisable. However, we can find his personality from his actions. In addition, we can find a large number in the football. Superstars such as Maradona, such as Manchester United's Keane..."


  Seeing that I will successfully run back to my half, Tang is full of joy. Porto striker Fabiano slammed into the Tang Dynasty, and he is a famous bad boy in Brazil. He wants to throw Tang to the ground and grab the football in his hand.

  Just when Fabiano reached out, he was going to be on the jersey. A blue figure suddenly appeared on his left side, and he slammed into him, and Tang flew over the left side of the two!

  The elegant Boscovich became a fighter at the moment. He slammed Fabiano and said to him wickedly: "No one can stop him!"

  Tang finally ran back to his own half, he entered the protection circle composed of Saint-Germain players. The Porto players stopped in amazement, and they saw a murderous eye in their eyes.

  Their Dutch coach, A. Adrian, could no longer sit on the bench in the bench. He walked anxiously into the command area and shouted: "Calm! Calm!"


  Before Tang ran to the bench, he knew there were club officials and Alice. He is in the hands of football!

  The two long eyebrows at the brow's eye are flying!

  Countless flashes record this moment!

  Alice now seems to understand that Tang must be eager to run football. She stood up and applauded.

  Thunderous applause sounded at the Princes Park Stadium in Paris, and countless screams almost pierced people's eardrums. This scene is forever remembered in the minds of Saint-Germain fans. Many years later, as long as the name of Tang is mentioned, this scene will appear in their minds!

  At the moment, Prince Park Stadium has only one person's name:

  "Don! Don!"