Chapter 69 - People remember, always the winner!

Score a goal in the Champions League and the club will reward one million. Tang never knows how many bets Alen has received. He should have been happy. If he can't score in the second half, at least he has money to gamble.

  However, Tang at the moment is not happy. The scene of losing control was caused by his hand.

  If he used to take the ball and deliberately insulted the words of the Porto defenders, then he ran back to his half-court and did not want to irritate the other. He just wants to raise the football and accept the cheers of the fans.

  However, he really angered the defending champion, seven yellow cards at halftime, six of which occurred after his goal. Proud to be like him, he wants to use his strength before the game to defeat the opponent. Let the flag of pride be inserted on the wall of the defending champion and let them know that Saint-Germain is not the gully that you want to cross.

  Saint-Germain is a big river, even if you grow your wings, don't even fly over!

  Tang's purpose of insulting the other defender is just to tell them that you don't want to use the way of pulling to stop me from moving forward.

  Valenter knocked him down, and he made up his mind to use speed to surpass all opponents.

  After the goal, he only wanted to raise the football and accept the congratulations of the fans. Who knows that the response of the Porto players is so intense.

  He can understand the anger of the opposing player. Now, the fans of both sides are jealous of each other, which is completely beyond his expectations. If this matter has nothing to do with him, he can be a wall, but all this is up to him.

  Dewu's words did not relieve the feeling of sorrow in Tang's heart. Tang once again asked himself: Can you really do anything to win the victory?

  If he is at the height of morality, his approach is completely unacceptable. This is also the reason why Tang is absolutely unruly.

  But when the player is not trying to win, raise the trophy?

  Is this wrong?

  The tormented Tang must be, and he walked into the locker room.

  Looking down at the head, the look of Tang is absolutely. Boscovich came forward and patted Tang's shoulder and said, "Do you know Jordan?"

  Tang nodded, Jordan, known as the god of basketball, raised the championship trophy six times in the playoffs. It is the object of admiration of their generation of players and the goal pursued by all the latecomers. He is an unattainable peak!

  But what does Jordan have to do with the present?

  Boscovic said: "Everyone just remembers that Jordan raised the O'Brien Cup six times, but the player of the same era will always remember the swear words in his mouth. Every time the key game, he In this way, the opponent will be irritated and the opponent will lose his mind.

  Especially when he takes the ball, he always chats with trash, affecting his opponent's emotions. As long as you look closely, speak to his mouth. You will be shocked. It turns out that Jordan is such a person. "

  Tang was shocked to see Boscovich, the original ball god for victory, no choice!

  Looking at Tang's expression, Boscovic smiled and said: "I didn't do it like you. I think your original purpose must be to irritate your opponent. Since you did, you should not regret it. People will always I only remember that Jordan, who raised the O'Brien Cup six times, never remembered Jordan, who was full of trash.

  do you understand? "

  People are multifaceted, what fans want to know is the most glorious side of the players. As for how he gets the trophy, they may care, but they will forget it soon. It is always a glorious scene to stay in their memory. This is human nature, who will remember the dirty things that make you uncomfortable.

  Tang seems to understand a lot of things, he exhaled a long breath, let go of the burden of the heart. He even remembered Ribéry, who fell on the turf seven days ago.

  It now appears that Ribéry's approach is only for victory. Tang must look at it from this angle,

He fully understood Ribery. If Ribery knew Tang's current thoughts, he didn't know what to say.

  A relaxed smile on the face of Tang, Boscovic smiled and patted Tang's shoulder. His mission was perfectly completed, and the unloading of the Tang must be removed to make it easy to play. The two main strikers were injured in the back and they were embarrassed.

  God blessed Saint-Germain and sent the Chinese striker at this time of crisis. The Chinese striker has a sharp breakthrough and is extremely fast. In the first two games, scored four goals to help the team out of the bottom.

  In this game, he proved himself again.

  Helping him is a matter of righteousness, not to mention his bones, a Frenchman whose technique is French technology. The French player Yang Wei Champions League is the pride of every French player!

  In Boscovich's heart, Tang is a Frenchman. He received training in French football from an early age. His blood flowing from his body was the blood of French football.

  The atmosphere in the locker room was very relaxed, one to zero, leading the score, and Porto also carried seven yellow cards. If they can't control their emotions in the second half, the red card will appear sooner or later.

  Saint-Germain players believe that the second half of the game is very easy. Vaid Alilozik saw the problem. He said aloud: "Don't be too optimistic. Don't forget that Porto is the defending champion. Anyone who defies his opponent or despise his opponent will often gain bitter results.

  What I want is victory, a victory in a game.

  More than 40,000 fans sitting outside are also victorious. In order to win, they do not hesitate to fight against their opponents. We can't take it lightly. "

  The ease of the Saint-Germain player's face was replaced by solemnity. The words of Vaid Alilozik, if you are a good drinker, let them wake up, the game is not over, anything will happen!

  Moreover, there are still forty-five minutes, and there have been too many war cases that have been reversed in history. The fans did not abandon them when the team was in a downturn. Give them a victory and let them go home to have a few drinks, this is the duty of Saint-Germain players.

  Vaid Alilozik breathed a sigh of relief and said: "If we want to win this game, we must take it seriously in the second half and play a 12-point spirit. The situation is good for us, which is good for us. But you never thought about it. If we are in this situation, we can't win this game.

  Will you forgive yourself?

  How sad the fans should be! "

  Professional coaches, everyone has their own means, Vaid Alilozik has his own way of controlling the emotional control of players. He found the player's high emotions, which is very dangerous.

  Vaid Alilozik continued: "Our tactics were very successful in the first half, and we should continue to do so in the second half. We must move forward quickly after the ball is in the backcourt. The lateral pass should be a little less, and the vertical pass should be a little more. ""


  Unlike the atmosphere of the Saint-Germain dressing room, the Porto locker room is full of anger, and if you just throw a Mars, there will be an amazing explosion.

  There are dangerous factors in silence.

  Pepe's towel on the hand was still on the wooden floor and there was no sound. However, there is a "pong!" in the hearts of the players in Porto, which is a signal of anger to the extreme.

  Ke Adrian had no expression on his face, only his eyes were full of worry. took the pointer from the magic bird, he was deeply pressured. With the departure of the magic bird, there are still a few absolute main forces.

  Although the club bought a few young players with good strength, but Porto's strength is greatly damaged, anyone can see. As the defending champion, they were unsatisfactory in the first two games of the Champions League.

  One level and one loss, if the game is defeated again, they are really standing on the edge of the cliff. It is a great irony that the defending champions team can't qualify. The media's saliva can drown him.

  Ke Adrians broke the silence of the locker room and said quietly: "I know the reason for your anger, but anger can't help us equalize the score, even help us to control the referee, let the referee punish the Saint-Germain player.

  What we need now is calm!

  Calmness allows us to stand up again, and we have reached the most dangerous edge. Seven yellow cards, if you can't calm down anymore, we can only accept one failure.

  Saint-Germain just doesn't want us to be calm, only then can they profit from it. Why do we want them to succeed!

  This is the conspiracy of Saint-Germain!

  Let Saint Germain's plot go to hell! "

  Pepe's tense facial muscles began to relax, and he closed his eyes for deep breathing. He wants to calm himself down!

  Baia said: "Yes! We must calm down. There are still Porto fans coming from afar. We have to give them an account!"

  More players began to take a deep breath, and the anger in the locker room of Porto, with these deep breaths, was sucked into the body by the players, tightly pressed in the bottom of my heart. Perhaps at the moment they equalized the score and even overtook the score, they spurted out and turned into a shout!