Chapter 73 - Saving the fans!

  In the panic and fear, Valent's passing power is small. Tang's lightning flashed into football, and the tense atmosphere filled the entire Prince Park Stadium.

  Saint-Germain has been suppressed by Porto in the second half and rarely forms a real threatening shot. In the third game in seven days, the physical strength of the Saint-Germain players reached the limit. Tang is so lonely as a lone wolf, can only look at the other side besieged their goal.

  Can not get the support of teammates, Tang must go to intercept. This is why he does not give up in the absence of a header. The looting of Tang made the fear of Valent's heart. Under fear, his passing problem appeared.

  At the foot of the wind, Tang will not step on the grass!

  A blue lightning flashed a chilling light, like a dagger inserted into the heart of Pepe and Setaridis. Pepe screamed and played the speed to the extreme, like a tiger, and rushed to football. Pepe's strange screams are like a sharp sword stabbing to Tang. If there is even a slight pause in Tang, Pepe can get football before Tang.

  However, at this moment, the world of extinction is silent, no sound, no smell. Pepe's blame has not affected Tang, and Tang is absolutely in the shadows, flying close to football.

  "Fast! Fast!" Alice's little fist was pinched tightly, and her eyes were looking forward to the blue pupil.

  "Fast! Fast!" The Paris fans in the stands are screaming in their hearts, nervous, and are about to stop beating. Perhaps this is the most crucial moment in this game.

  The flash in the hands of the reporter on the side of the field flashed quickly. Keen what they feel!

  The two fast-moving figures are getting closer and closer to football, and the Porto bench is caught in panic. Because in their painful eyes, Tang's right foot has already touched the football!

  "Hey!" The small voice, Tang's right foot on the outside of the force!

  Huang Jianxiang said loudly: "Tang got the football before Pepe, he quickly took the ball to Porto's restricted area. Saint-Germain's best shot in the second half appeared!

  This is God, give him the best gift of never giving up! "

  Pepe almost fell into despair. After the moment of despair, Pepe's eyes flashed a cold, his footsteps never stopped for a moment, adjust the direction, Pepe quickly flew forward in the left side of Tang.

  In the moment when Tang's right foot touched the football, Alice's eyes burst into joyful flowers, and the beautiful face was at this moment.

  There was no change in the expression on Cantona's face, his chest's slow and powerful contraction, and then he exhaled a long breath. There is a hidden hope in the eyes.

  The shadow of Tang's rapid flight is a sharp sword, and the goal is the heart of Porto fans. As Tang became more and more close to the goal, the Porto fans really felt the twinkling light on the sword, and their hearts could not help but start to tremble. The panic in my eyes is even worse!

  "Hey!" A piece of dark brown soil covered with grass, hitting Pepe's right face, and a few grass clippings stuck in the sweat on his face. The burning pain did not make Pepe's feet have a slight pause.

  Porto's old goalkeeper Baia quickly moved from the goal line, and his moving line remained between Tang and the goal. He knew that this save was the most important save in his game. It has reached the most critical moment. His attention is highly concentrated, and the sound of football rolling on the turf is in the ear. He even heard Tang's rhythmic breathing!

  After five steps, Tang will definitely enter the restricted area from the side of the restricted area!

  The Prince Park Stadium is in a silence, and there is an astounding trembling hope under the silence. Perhaps in the next moment, these hopes are like a volcanic eruption!

  At this moment, Tang became an ice sword made by a thousand years of cold ice. The cold did not let Baia retreat. There is a struggle in Pepe's eyes. He has two choices at the moment, either to use the tackle to put Tang down, or to pin his hopes on Baia.

  In Pepe's struggling eyes, Tang is closer to the goal.

  The Tang will be put down, the result is a penalty kick, a red card. The red card means that his next Champions League game will be suspended. What's more, Tang will not necessarily send football to the goal.

  Pepe's eyes are no longer struggling, and he pinned his hopes on Baia. Pepe's footsteps began to slow down.

  Huang Jianxiang quickly said: "Tang is only seven or eight meters away from the goal, he can already shoot!" His heart is very anxious, this anxiety is a kind of suffering, he wants to get out of the torment.

  In the torment of the fans in Paris, they hope that the next time Tang will shoot football into the goal of Porto.

  Three meters away from Baia, the Tang in the silent world is extremely calm, and the angle of shooting has already appeared. He decided to shoot!

  The left foot is about fifteen centimeters from the side of the football, and the right foot is quickly waving to the football!

  Huang Jianxiang said excitedly: "Tang is absolutely shot!"

  With Tang's right foot approaching football quickly, the eyes of Paris fans began to flash, so staring in the night sky!

  There is also a flash of flash in the hands of the reporter on the side of the field!

  Cantona's eyes suddenly made a splendid look, and he caught what he had caught from the right leg of Tang's swing. Cantona found that the swing speed of Tang's right leg was slowing down!

  The Porto fans chose to close their eyes in pain. They didn't want to see the sword and inserted the sword into their heart. They are in the deep pool of despair. Now, the only one who can pull them out of the deep pool of despair is Bai Ya.

  Bai Ya's body fell to the left, and his left foot began to exert force. He was ready to fly out when Tang's foot touched the football. At this moment, he only has football in his eyes!

  The next moment, Tang's tiptoe stopped at the back of the football two centimeters!

  As if it was before the climax, the Paris fans are about to jump out of the heart of the chest, with Tang's right foot stopped. The flower of hope at their brows stopped blooming!

  Despair in the eyes of Baia!

  Pepe was three meters behind Tang's death. He suddenly discovered that the sword in front of him had wisdom in addition to his rapidity. How can such a sword be defended? There was a feeling of powerlessness in Pepe's heart.

  Boscovic, standing in the middle circle, looked at this scene. Tang's right foot stopped as if he was stepping on his heart, and Tang's weight in his heart became heavier.

  Huang Jianxiang said with amazement: "Tang has made a fake action and will deceive Baia to the ground. His maturity exceeds people's imagination! At this moment, Porto's goal is wide open!"

  He shook his head and exclaimed: "It's incredible! He is only seventeen and seventy days!"


  Tang never shot!

  Baia has been unable to adjust his own focus and cannot stop his body. In desperation, Baia's body rushed forward, but he was no longer fierce in the past, like a straw falling into the rice fields!

  Baia has been unable to help Porto fans get rid of despair. Then the Porto fans who refused to close their eyes smelled the death. After three rounds of the group, they may be ranked last in the group. They are the defending champions. If the team can't even qualify...

  In the next moment, Tang's right leg moved backwards, and the swing was small, only a dozen degrees. Then, the right leg swings forward quickly!

  With the foot of Tang's swinging forward, the flower of hope at the eye of the Parisian fans began to bloom again!

  "Hey!" Tang's tiptoe was inserted under the football, and the football flew gently!

  The next moment, the football flew over Baia, flying over the goal line and drilling into the net!

  The ball is in!

  The score becomes two to one!

  Saint-Germain leads again!

  The flower of hope in the eyebrows of Paris fans, full of anger!

  Greerley waved his fist hard, as if to smash the obstacles in front of him. His eyes are bright and his face is very excited!

  Cantona's mouth was upturned and his fists were fiercely squeezed. Although he was already very high in his heart, Tang's performance was beyond his expectations.

  Huang Jianxiang said loudly: "The ball is in! The ball is in! Tang has scored twice to help Saint-Germain lead again! Prince Park Stadium is in a huge carnival!"

  Inside the stadium, the blue figure of the road, like waking up from a deep sleep, they found the exhausted body, reappearing full of strength.

  Dewu stood on the sidelines, there was no dead ball, he was still on the field. In the blink of an eye when he witnessed the goal of football flying, he turned and ran to Vaid Alilozik in the command area. Dewu's mouth screamed with ecstasy and flew to Vaid Alilozik!

  Vaid Alilozik clasped Dewu tightly and couldn't stop talking about anything. In the huge cheers, Lian Dewu did not know what he was talking about.

  At this moment, the Prince Park Stadium screams amazing energy, and the fans turn these energy into screaming, cheering, and screaming. Huge ecstasy is in the body, and only then can they be better.

  There were tears in their eyes, and Tang never used the spirit of never giving up. forced Valent to make mistakes, grabbed football before Pepe, then took the ball into the penalty area and shot successfully. The spirit that Tang never gave up made them touched.

  The blue joyous ocean drowned the white sadness. In the carnival of Paris fans, the Porto fans wearing white jerseys fell into despair.

  In Tang Yuantian's dining room, he also entered the carnival at the moment. Cuihua didn't know football and looked at these foreign students like crazy people. She didn't understand why they were so excited.

  The glasses man's eyes didn't know where to fly. He squinted, stood at the table, waving his hands, and shouted in his mouth: "Come in! Come in!"


  Tang will fly at the Prince Park Stadium, as if an eagle soars over the green grassland. The Paris fans watched the flying Tang, and everyone stopped barking, screaming and cheering. A name rang in the sky above the Prince Park Stadium: "Don! Don!"

  They are calling for the hero's name. After Brazilian striker Fabiano, helping Porto score the goal of equalizing. Porto launched the most fierce attack, and Saint-Germain fell into extreme danger. Saint-Germain, where the player's physical problems are extremely problematic, is like a small boat in a huge wave, and will be overwhelmed at any time.

  At that time, the Saint-Germain fans were in the midst of ice and snow. Their heart almost stopped beating. They need someone to save. Tang never saved them with a goal and kept them away from the ice and snow.

  At the moment, they are calling for the hero's name!

  Huang Jianxiang said: "At this moment, Prince Park Stadium has only one person's name. He is a forward from China. Tang will use the goal to save the Saint-Germain fans, save Saint-Germain, and leave a trace for the Saint-Germain Champions League. hope."