Chapter 80 - The reaction of the media!

 At 7:00 the next morning after the end of the game with Porto, Tang will never get out of bed. After the genetically modified body, all the residual alcohol in the body was decomposed last night. The hangover did not affect the habit of practicing in the morning.

  The sky is blue, the sun tears the curtain of the night, and the warm sun shines on the earth. The cloud next to the sun seems to be plated with gold, which is very nice. The morning breeze is cold, sending the breath of late autumn.

  Tang is jogging around the Saint-Germain second team training ground, breathing the cold air, thinking about the game last night. He is quick to analyze and find out his own shortcomings.

  The empty training ground is only one person, and he looks very lonely. Under the breeze of the autumn wind, it seems as if the big leaf grass fades green during the night, and it is replaced with yellow and green clothes.

  Time is the magician, and the turf is changed in color in a blink of an eye. Time is a magician. Overnight, Tang will appear in the world football and appear in the eyes of Chinese fans. They don't even have time to prepare, so they are rushed and passively accept this reality.

  Consciously and passively accepting a reality, the most common reaction is people's confusion, even helplessness. However, Chinese fans are indeed happy and excited.

  Football is the world's number one sport. Even though Chinese football is unsatisfactory, China is not lacking in fans. Some fans who watched the game day and night, after the excitement of joy, turned these joys into words and placed them on famous forums in China.

  "Champions League, ushered in the Chinese striker!"

  "A generation of talented people, Tang must fight for the Prince Park Stadium!"

  "The Champions League Chinese scored the first!"


  The three major domestic portals have made big headlines in the sports channel.

  "Rewrite the record of the youngest goal in the Champions League, the Chinese teenager will sing the strongest voice in China!"

  "Yangwei Champions League, Tang will definitely score the first goal in the Champions League!"

  "Chinese Champions League first ball!"

  It was like a pool of stagnant water, and a blockbuster exploded in the pool. After a brief silence, the deep pool began to roll violently. Chinese fans from the bottom of their hearts, a happy, proud emotions filled the face. After they woke up in the morning, they quickly finished washing and finished breakfast. When I come to the classroom or office, the first sentence is: "Have you watched the live broadcast last night?"

  Whether the other party has seen it or not, they will vent their excitement through the language, and those excited spit will fly around. On the collar of the other party, the desk and the desk are all left with a little bit of stars.

  Some office workers who have not seen the game, after receiving the baptism of the spit, quickly turned on the computer and watched the video of last night's game. Looking at the black hair, he hurried forward in the wind, watching him raise his football and accept the thunderous cheers of Prince Park Stadium.

  There was shock on their faces, and some even left tears. Chinese football really has such a person, standing on the highest stage of the world's professional football, scoring opponents with goals, accepting the cheers of the fans.

  Is this a dream?

  Even dreaming!

  In this way, overnight, the Chinese fans knew Tang, knowing that he played in Saint-Germain. His age is only seventeen.


  At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, cctv-1's midday news reported such a news: Last night at 7:30 pm local time in France, at 1:30 am Beijing time, in the third round of the Champions League group stage at the Prince Park Stadium in Paris. the match of. The two sides of the match are Paris Saint-Germain and defending champion Porto.

  China's seventeen-year-old striker Tang Ji, scored a goal in the first half and helped Saint-Germain to beat Porto by a score of two to one.

  Tang made a number of records last night: Chinese players stood in the Champions League for the first time; Chinese players scored for the first time in the Champions League, and Chinese players scored two goals in the Champions League for the first time.

  Not only that, but Tang has created a new record for the youngest Champions League.

17 years and 70 days. The previous record was created by the famous Spanish star Raul, 18 years and 112 days. This was created on October 18, 1995, in Real Madrid's six-by-one victory over Ferenc Valence!


  Compared to the short cctv-1, the cctv-5's midday sports news reported the game in five minutes. The beauty anchor Yi Miao said: "Last night, for the Chinese fans who watched the Champions League staying up late, they were the happiest people in the world. They saw the Chinese players making their first appearance in the Champions League, the first goal. They saw, new The record of the youngest goals in the Champions League was produced.

  All this is created by a young teenager named Tang. Seventeen years and seventy days, Tang is so young. This is also the time for the newest Champions League record.

  Let's go to the scene to see the game. "

  The TV screen was switched to the game last night. In just two short goals, the TV screen was put up for two minutes. The screen was switched back to the live broadcast scene. Yi Miao said: "Let's take a look at the world's major sports media and comment on this game. The first is the official website of UEFA."

  "The title of UEFA is: Chinese teenager Yang Wei, defending champions lost!"

  "China striker Tang, who created a new record, scored one goal in the first half 30 minutes and the second half 38 minutes respectively. The defending champion was scored by Brazilian striker Fabiano and scored 30 minutes in the second half.

  The scores of the two sides were finally fixed at two to one. Saint-Germain, who was at home, defeated the defending champion and retained the possibility of the group's qualifying.

  In the game, Tang showed his skills and speed to fans around the world. Good technology and speed, this is also a must for a good striker. "

  Yi Miao said: "Let's look at the most famous sports media in France - what the team newspaper said."

  "The title of the team report is: Saint-Germain changed the tactics, Porto lost!"

  "The lack of generals Saint-Germain last night, changed the tactics, abandoned the previous gorgeous style, from the control of the midfield attack, changed to play defensive counterattack.

  The tactical changes, Saint-Germain's scene is very ugly, the entire game, Porto has always taken the initiative, their ball control rate reached 69%, the number of shots reached twelve. Saint-Germain has only five shots.

  However, Saint-Germain's change of tactics is very good. The Chinese teenager Tang is very fast and has repeatedly threatened Porto's goal with speed.

  The Chinese teenager decided the outcome of the game. He defeated the visiting defending champion with two wonderful goals. The Porto player received four yellow cards and a red card on him. "

  Yi Miao continued: "Let's browse the titles of other media.

  Milan Sports News 'breakthrough! breakthrough! Chinese teenagers beat Porto! ', they attributed the merits of this victory to Tang. "

  "German kickers" defensive counterattack win over midfield control, the Chinese teenager will become the key to the outcome of the game!'"

  "Spain's Marca newspaper's teenager is the master, Saint-Germain leaves the seeds of hope'"

  "The new edition of the British Guardian's sports version was born, and the defending champion was shamed!"

  "We can see from these titles that they praised the performance of Tang. Before the game, many French media made predictions before the game, they are not optimistic about Saint-Germain. The British gambling company gave this The opening of the game was Porto's hemisphere.

  The Chinese striker Tang, with two goals, overthrew the pre-game predictions of the French media.

  We are here to congratulate Saint-Germain for winning this game and hope that Tang will bring us more surprises. "


  The Portuguese media analyzed the game and they made two reasons for the failure of Porto. The first point was bad luck, twelve shots, two hits in the door frame, and Porto only scored one goal. Saint-Germain, who only had five shots, scored two goals.

  The second point is Tang's provocative behavior, which made the Porto players lose their calm in the game. In Tang, the Porto players received four yellow cards and one red card.

  The consequences are very serious, which directly led Pepe to not play in the next game. Several other players have also suffered and are facing the threat of this suspension. This cast a shadow over the three Champions League games behind Porto.

  In their words, they attacked Tang's behavior and thought that he was inferior to sportsmanship.