Chapter 84 - It’s not just people who return, but also those who lost!

 Alice fell into a faint sorrow, and Tang's question raised her reminded her of her mother. The eyebrows were slightly stunned, and the sorrowful eyes in the eyes made the heat on the coffee cup slower. It seems that those heats are also sad.

  Tang looked at Alice's micro-brows and felt very guilty. He whispered: "Alice, you don't have to answer my question."

  Alice looked up at Tang, she browed and snorted, saying: "Since you want to know, I will tell you. I don't have a relative now, you are satisfied!"

  After that, Alice stood up from the sofa and left the living room to Tang.

  Tang desperately looked back at the far away, and his heart was inexplicably sad. He began to blame again, should not ask such questions, hooked Alice's sad memories. She was only sixteen years old and she was alone.

  Sniffing the smell of sadness in the air, Tang is about to comfort Alice, only to hear the "pong!", Alice closed herself, her door closed.

  The people inside the door are very sad, and the people outside the door are very guilty.


  Winning 4.26 million, Tang is never as excited as he imagined. His plan needs a lot of money, and this money is not enough.

  The next day, he received a notice from Cantona that his weekly salary rose to 300,000. This made Tang a happy one. When talking about the contract with Cantona, Cantona once said that salary is the value of the player. That means that your performance is recognized by the club.

  Cantona also told him that the two million bonuses of the Champions League goal also scored in his account.

  A game actually earned more than six million!

  Tang is absolutely thinking about the next Champions League game, whether to open a gamble. If you follow this progress, his money will accumulate quickly. Xiaofeifei's words made Tang's dreams broken.

  "Master, the IQ of professional players is very high, no one will give you the hard earned money. Maybe they will bet a few times before, if you always win, they will not Note."

  Tang must feel that Xiaofeifei is justified. He is a person who pursues victory and pursues greatness. It is absolutely impossible to deliberately not kick the ball into the opponent's goal because of a bet.


  Painful speed training continues, and physical coach Tulu has to admire Tang. For the first time, he has seen such a desperate player. Strength training is very painful for the players. No one is willing to train day after day.

  Tulu told Tang that the effect of strength training every other day is similar to that of daily training. He suggested that Tang should not train once every other day. But Tang never said, almost, always worse.

  Tang is absolutely serious in the early morning training. He knows that his speed is increasing under the stimulation of great power. If technical training is not taken care of, there will be a disconnect between technology and speed. Moreover, the combination between his technique and speed is far from perfect.

  When others are sleeping and resting, Tang is sweating.

  A few years later, Tulu told the media: "Don is different from most players. He is very hard and very strict with himself. He can achieve his current achievements, and I am not surprised at all. Success is always an effort. ""


  At 3 pm on Wednesday, after two days of rest, Saint-Germain regrouped. What makes the players happy is that Renaldo is back, because the waist injury Renaldo rested for half a month, Ronaldo greeted his teammates as soon as he entered the training ground.

  Vaid Alilezic's face showed a rare smile, and finally one came back. With the first one, there is the second, the third...

  There is a dish in your hand to make a big meal. The three-game winning streak did not make him lose his senses. As the head coach, he saw from the course of these three games that his team's strength really needs to be strengthened. If it is not for the outstanding performance of individual players, let alone a three-game winning streak, it is good to win a game.

  In the game against Porto, he had to change his tactics and fight an ugly defensive counterattack. For this reason, Boscovic and his dispute occurred during the development of defensive counterattack tactics. Although the dispute was finally resolved with the help of Dewu and Tang, he knew that the subconscious of the players was still opposed.

  The return of Renaldo has strengthened the strength of the forward line. If you return to a few main players, he can adjust the tactics to the past and let Saint-Germain re-grow.

  Another reason for Vaid Alilozik to have this idea is that the media has published some authoritative views, and the authorities have attacked St. Germain's defensive counterattack tactics. They think that this is different from the style of French football. French football pursues technical football, which is offensive, not defensive.

  They called Vaid Alilozik an Italian. A Frenchman, known by his compatriots as an Italian, has only one reason, that is, betrayal. The French football authority believes that Vaid Alilozik betrayed French football. This made him very sad.

  Some fans also posted the same type of opinion on the official website of Saint-Germain. This made Vaid Alilozik feel pressured.

  Vaid Alilozik and Renaldo embraced him with enthusiasm. He said in Renaldo's ear: "It's good to come back! Just come back!"

  Renaldo heard the joy of the head coach, he knows that the team's life is not so good, far from the surface. A three-game winning streak cannot hide the plight of the team.

  Renaldo smiled and said: "No, I can get a three-game winning streak. When I come back, we will continue the pace of winning streak."

  The words of Renaldo swept away the haze in the heart of Vaid Aliloczic. Life always needs a little sunshine, getting into depression, and not having any benefit to life.

  Vaid Alilezic patted Renaldo's shoulder and said sincerely: "Thank you!"

  Renaldo smiled and said: "Don't thank me, it is your excellent work, leading the team to a three-game winning streak. I support your defensive counterattack tactics. We block those mouths with victory!"

  With the support of Renaldo, Vaid Alilozik is sincerely happy.

  Tang was absolutely talking to Sack, Renaldo came to him, Tang never looked at Renaldo, and the two did not say a word, they came to a warm hug. Renaldo said in Tang's ear: "Don, you shocked me. You will do better!"

  Tang's face is full of joy, and Renaldo's attitude is different from that of Pauleta. People are social animals, and in the team, they all want to be recognized by others. It is always a happy thing to be recognized by those with high status.

  The unexpected rise of Tang has had a huge impact on Saint-Germain's striker line. If the two main strikers return from injury, in the hands of Vaid Alilozik, there are three forwards that can be used.

  According to the previous 442 formation of Saint-Germain, only two forwards can be played in each game. Tang's strong performance has earned an important weight for his starting lineup. Then another starter can only be produced in Pauleta and Renaldo. Pauleta's strength and fame are bigger than Renal.

  Therefore, the rise of Tang will have more impact on Renaldo.

  However, it is surprising that Pauleta has maintained enough vigilance against Tang, and Renaldo has welcomed Tang's smile. Is this generous or confident? I think I can definitely be in the brutal competition, wins?

  Or maybe Renaldo thinks that Pauleta will not return in the short term. Now thinking about such a problem is purely worrying and troublesome.

  Tang never thought about this problem. He said in Renaldo's ear: "Let us fight side by side and achieve more victories!"

  Renaldo loosened Tang, nodded firmly, then looked at Sack and patted him on the shoulder and said: "Sac, in the game with Porto, you performed very well. Congratulations!"

  Sac was so flattered that Renaldo went on to say: "Your head is very important. I watched the video carefully. At the time, Letizy had lost his position. If it weren't for you, Quaresma's foot shot. Will progress. You made a great defense!"

  Watch the game video after the game?

  Sack's joy is even red.

  Leaving Sak in joy, Renaldo headed to Dewu, Boscovich...

  He embraced them with enthusiasm and talked to them, and there were laughter and laughter from time to time!

  Vaid Alilozik shook his head and sighed in his heart: There has been no such laughter for a long time!

  Renaldo's return is not just a return to a striker. He brings ease and confidence to the team.

  In a tough situation, I won a three-game winning streak, which has a lucky component and a lucky component. The players know that what they need now is confidence.

  Those long-lost laughter, returning to the training ground of Saint-Germain, returning confidently in laughter!