Chapter 87 - The first hat trick of Ligue 1!

 Saint-Germain beat Marseille 3-0 at home and the media had to re-examine the current Saint-Germain team. Many of the main players were injured, and the third-line battle. At the beginning of this season, Saint-Germain's performance was extremely bad. In the last two weeks, Saint-Germain played four games, which is a dense schedule.

  However, when they were not optimistic about the outside world, they even achieved a four-game winning streak, which made the media stunned. The media were looking for the reasons, and they soon discovered that the Tang Dynasty was born, which made Saint-Germain the key to achieving excellent results.

  In the first three games, the 17-year-old Chinese teenager scored two goals in each game. It is the greatest hero of Saint-Germain's victory. In this game, Saint-Germain's first goal, he also has a certain relationship, is his shot, so that the Marseille goalkeeper will save the ball to the bottom line, to win the corner kick for Saint-Germain.

  Deu took advantage of this corner kick and used a bandaged head to push the football into the goal of Marseille to help Saint-Germain lead by one.

  Saint-Germain's second goal is also the most exciting goal of the game, a complete personal performance. One person singled out the entire line of defense in Marseille, and finally bypassed the goalkeeper and sent the goal to the goal. Not only that, but he also forced Marseille's central defender Meyt to become red, leaving Marseille in a desperate situation and making Marseille players lose their fighting spirit.

  Tang is the greatest hero of Saint-Germain's four-game winning streak.

  In this game, Marseille has developed a special "cutting" tactic for the Tang Dynasty. Explain that the Marseille team attaches great importance to the Chinese striker. In the past, for someone to develop a certain tactic, this person must be a star. Marseille has already made Tang a star, and in order to limit his play, he specially tailored the "cutting" tactics for him.

  However, it is in this case that the defenders of Marseille still can't stop the Chinese teenagers from scoring.

  Goals have been scored in four consecutive games and are important goals. The Chinese teenager has become an important guarantee for Saint-Germain to win. Saint-Germain did not appear in the "Golden Champion phenomenon" predicted by the media, but instead defeated Marseille by three to zero. In the game, Tang's sharp breakthroughs have made the Marseille back line completely impossible.

  After the game, the major media made a large-scale comment on Tang's performance. The team reported the title: "Chinese teenagers singled out the defense behind Marseille, Marseille's 'cutting' tactics are defeated!"

  They think that Tang is the real magic weapon for this game and Saint-Germain to win. It was he who broke the balance between the two sides and one suppressed Marseille's entire defense. Let their two full-backs do not dare to go forward to assist.

  As the most famous sports website in France, the French sports network used such a title: "Saint-Germain has won four consecutive victories, and Tang has become the brightest star on the course."

  They changed the tone of doubt before the game and praised Saint-Germain. They thought that Vad Alilozik's defensive counterattack tactics were very successful. With the Chinese teenager Tang Tang, such a fast-speed forward, the defensive counterattack tactic is the best tactical strategy of Saint-Germain at this stage.

  They ridiculed Marseille and thought that Marseille should not use "cutting" tactics for Tang. Tang is only a 17-year-old teenager, not Ronnie or Ronaldinho. Marseille's approach was entirely self-defeating. The "cutting" tactics allowed Marseille's defender to apply for a yellow card soon, leaving Meyt to be sent off and planting seeds. Meyte's end, directly led to the loss of fighting spirit of Marseille players.

  Not only that, but Tang still used a sharp breakthrough to tear open Marseille's entire defense line and score brilliant goals. The "cutting" tactics completely failed.

  They commented on Tang's escaping from Meyte's foot. They said that the Chinese striker had a sixth sense and could judge what happened after the birth.


  For the comments of the outside media, Tang never smiled, he was not intoxicated, or proud. He knows his own weight, and in the Ligue he may stir up a wind. But in the European arena,

He still does not reach the level of the top stars. His current technical level is only a professional high-level, the most prominent technology, breakthrough technology is only the first stage of the ball star.

  This level of skill is still not enough when it comes to the giants. He still has a long way to go. In particular, his breakthrough technology, not taking the road ahead, embarked on a road. As the game progresses, the French defenders will surely find the one before his breakthrough.

  At that time, it was the moment of true test.

  In the week after the victory over Marseille, Saint-Germain played away to Bordeaux.

  Before the game, the French media believed that the possibility of the two teams was very good, because Bordeaux in the last round, defeated the eighth-ranked Saint Etienne 2-1 away, they returned home, must stop Saint-Germain five-game winning streak pace of. Even if they can't stop the morale of the Saint-Germain chariot, they can't be defeated at home.

  British gambling companies are very cautious, they are more optimistic about Saint-Germain, they gave this game a game that gave a goal, Saint-Germain wins.

  However, at the Sabang Dalma Stadium, the defenders of Bordeaux still can't stop the goal of Tang's goal. Tang once again made a sharp breakthrough at the Shabang Dalma Stadium, messing up Bordeaux's defense line.

  In the twenty-fifth and forty-second minutes of the first half, Tang scored a goal. Let Saint-Germain lead 2-0 in the first half. In the second half, it was fifteen minutes. Ben Ashaul broke through on the left and passed the football to the restricted area arc.

  Tang did not force everything on the inside of the right foot. The football flew over the right side of Bordeaux's lower back. After a step, Tang had already stood on the right side of the football. The right foot is 15 centimeters on the right side of the football, and the left ankle is hit by the upper part of the football.

  "Hey!" A clear sound rang through the audience. Football, such as shells, generally began to roar. The football shuttled between the Bordeaux defenders. When the goalkeeper of Bordeaux saw the football, he could not make any reaction and could only witness the football flying over the goal line.

  The 5,000 Saint-Germain fans from afar, came out of the goose bumps, and they witnessed Tang's first hat trick. Later, they turned the Shabang Dalma Stadium in Bordeaux into the Prince Park Stadium, a blue ocean of joy, and songs and dances in the stands.

  After a brief silence, the fans of Bordeaux gave applause to Tang. This black hair, let them see a wonderful breakthrough, saw a wonderful shot.

  Tang, who rushed on the court, finally realized that it was the key to turning away. It is to use technology, or to win the fans' affirmation with the spirit. In the Abe Deschamps stadium challenge Auxerre, the captain Dewu in the case of a crack in the eyebrows, the grass has been stitched a few stitches, bandaged, re-played.

  Dewu's behavior won the applause of everyone at the Abe Deschamps Stadium. Now, Tang has used the technology to conquer the entire Shabang Dalma Stadium, and he won the applause of Bordeaux fans.

  Sack looked at the fluttering black hair and sighed in his heart: The butcher is back!

  A few months ago, in the French Youth League, he witnessed Tang's many times of hat-trick, big four, and even five times to break the other's door.

  Shortly after the goal, Renaldo replaced Tang. Renaldo is recovering quickly. In the fifth minute after playing, he took advantage of the corner kick and succeeded in heading the ball. Let Saint-Germain win Bordeaux on the road with a four-to-zero victory.

  The five-game winning streak, the Saint-Germain fans rejoice, this is what the French media did not expect. They predicted that the two teams might be leveled before the game. Tang used the first hat trick in Ligue 1 and broke the pre-game predictions of the French media. Not only did Saint-Germain win, but he also won a big victory and scored four goals.

  In the league's three-game winning streak, Saint-Germain's ranking has risen to seventh place.

  After the game, the French media praised Tang.

  "The third French match, the Chinese striker has a hat!"

  "The new record was born, and the teenager staged a hat trick in the third law armor!"

  "The Chinese striker has a cap and Saint-Germain has a four-ball victory over Bordeaux!"


  After returning to Paris, Vaid Alilozik fell into a bitter thinking, because next week will be a devil's race. On November 20th, next Saturday, they will challenge Lyon, the number one on the road. On November 23, two days after they challenged Lyon on the road, they will travel to Portugal to challenge Porto on the road.

  The two away games are so close, Saint-Germain now has no two lineups and can be rotated.

  Ligue is fundamental, and Vaid Alilezic is reluctant to give up. The Champions League is the highest stage of professional competition, and Vaid Alilozic is even more reluctant to give up.

  Lyon's strength is significantly stronger than Saint-Germain, and there are a large number of stars in their team. They also won three consecutive championships in Ligue 1 and they are giants of Ligue 1 who can crush any opponent into powder. This season, Ligue 1 has played fourteen rounds, and Lyon is the only unbeaten team in Ligue 1!

  In addition to last season's Ligue 1 match, Lyon has maintained a record of 20 unbeaten gold at home!

  The champion of the Champions League in Porto, with the magic bird and a few absolute main players, the strength has been worse than before, in addition to the main defender Pepe's absence. These two away games, Saint-Germain to say victory, match the game with Porto, grasp a bigger one.

  If you want to guarantee a good performance with Porto, then in the game with Lyon, he will be the main force of the snow.

  However, if the game is too ugly in the away game, Saint-Germain fans and shareholders will not agree. In addition, if the home defeat in Lyon, the morale of the team will be greatly affected, which will be very unfavorable for the game in Porto.

  The contradictory mood made Vaid Alilozik sleepless. Vaid Alilezic feels keenly that this is the most crucial moment of the season, and what will be achieved by Saint-Germain this season, the two games are the key games.

  If there is a miracle, Saint-Germain gets God's favor, Saint-Germain gets two victories, Their future will be bright. Seven-game winning streak, think about it, let him boil, in the absence of many main players, to achieve such results, Saint-Germain's morale can swallow the sky!

  The only reason for Vaid Alilozik to have such a wild vision is that Lyon will accept the challenge of Sparta Prague at home on November 17. On the third day after this fierce Champions League, they will accept the challenge again at home.

  Id Alilozik even hopes that Sparta Prague will create a miracle on the road, hit Lyon and hit Lyon's morale. However, this kind of thinking is just a thought. Prague Sparta three Champions League teams down, a win, but Lyon has pressed Manchester United, won two wins and one level, temporarily staying in the top spot.

  Sparta Prague is unlikely to hit Lyon on the road. Lyon must take Sparta Prague at home and let himself advance two rounds and qualify for the group stage.

  Lyon is strong and strong. In the Champions League they want to create the glory of Monaco last season and go further in the knockout. Even standing in the Champions League finals!

  They will certainly not give up the Ligue 1 and after three consecutive championships, Lyon will have to win four consecutive championships.

  Because some media have helped to put things on the table, the proud Lyon must send a strong lineup, defeating Saint-Germain at home, blocking the mouth of the media with victory, they gave up the Tang Dynasty, there is nothing wrong with it. Well, they already have Benzema and Ben Alpha. Give up Tang, they are still the strongest team in Ligue.

  To this end, Vaid Alilozik does not believe that they can beat Lyon on the road.

  To this end, he found Cantona. The team is now on the rise, he does not want to make his own decision, ruining a good future. He needs help at Cantona.