Chapter 96 - 1 Thank you, Teacher!

After the goal, Tang did not fly on the turf as usual. He ran to Lyon's bench, and the Lyon player on the bench was still immersed in frustration, looking at the serious Tang, they didn't know what he was going to do!

  Tang definitely pointed to someone behind the bench and shouted: "Pingto!"

  His serious face did not change, but tears appeared in his eyes!

  Many fans don't know who Pinto is, and don't know why Tang has to point to him and yell his name after scoring. From the point of view of Tang, the person sitting there should be Lyon. What does the Pintoli in Tang's mouth have to do with him?

  Someone in the Lyon bench knows who Pintoli is. They used to enlighten him. It was Pinto that led them into the mysterious world of football. They were equally grateful to Pinto in the same way as Tang.

  However, to their surprise, they have never seen Pinto in the Gerland stadium. Today, Pintoli is coming. He is watching the game. Is it to watch Benzema's game?

  Do not!

  If you want to see Benzema, he has already come, why bother to get it today. Well, he is looking at the game of the Chinese striker. Things about Tang have long appeared in the media. They later heard about it.


  The TV camera has been following him at the moment when Tang catches the ball. Alice sat on the bed and looked at the video on the computer. She used to know who Pingto was from Tang's words.

  After the goal, Tang screamed the coach of his youth team?

  The same question appeared in the dining room of Tang Yuantian. The eye man asked to the TV: "Who is Pinto?"

  Tang Yuantian said faintly: "He is the coach of the Lyon Junior team!"

  Tang Yuantian had to learn to be grateful when he was educated from a young age. He knew why his son had shouted the name of the former coach after scoring.

  The man turned his head and asked in confusion: "What are you yelling at?"

  No one answered him, the dining room was quiet.


  Tang's weird move made Quierland quiet. Even the Saint-Germain players who are ready to embrace the Tang Dynasty are quietly watching Tang.

  The long guns and short guns in the hands of many photojournalists were aimed at Lyon's box and aimed at the man who had a finger! They know that there must be a story inside, they are very excited.

  Behind the Lyon bench is the Lyon box, where Lyon's officials and family members are seated. Some officials who know the inside story are extremely ugly.

  Tang definitely pointed to Pinto, and shouted again: "Pitto!"

  There was a slight tremor in his voice, as if the child was crying out to his parents.

  A middle-aged man in a yellow jacket slowly stood up!

  Everyone now knows his name is Pinto.

  The tears in the eyes of Tang slid down the cheeks on the turf. He kneels on one knee and bows to Pinto!

  This worship is to thank him for his education!

  This worship is to thank him and lead himself into the world of football!

  The tears in Pinto's eyes couldn't help but flow down. Tears in front of 40,000 live fans, tears in front of hundreds of millions of viewers, and there is no jealousy in Pinto's heart, only happiness!

  He did nothing, neither took out the paper towel and wiped the tears from his face, nor bent back to honour his disciples. In this way, I silently accepted this worship of Tang!

  At the moment when Tang was on one knee, the long guns and short guns began to flash. They recorded this scene!


  Alice didn't know when she was crying. She wiped her tears with her hands.

  Tang Yuantian's dining room is very quiet. The air is floating in the thick feelings, and some people's eyes begin to linger. They know what Tang is doing. Tang Yuantian is very proud, not for the son to score a ball, but the son knows grateful!


  I don't know who is applauding first.

Then the entire Gerland stadium was applauded. Including the Lyon officials around Pinto, including the plane, the extremely shameful Benzema, including the Saint-Germain fans from afar.

  Boscovic pulled Tang from the turf and hugged him. He found that Tang's body was shaking slightly, so the power on his arm increased a bit. He can appreciate the feelings of Tang at this time.

  Tang never looked at the camera not far away, said in Boskovich's ear: "I am fine!"

  He broke away from Boscovic's hug, walked to the camera and picked up the jersey against the camera!

  The eyes of the man looked at the two lines of the TV very seriously and read: "Lyon is my home!"

  "This ball is dedicated to Pinto!"


  After Tang's departure from Lyon, there has always been a knot. His past life was the first family of Tang family in the world. He is extremely proud. Crossing the founder of the Tang family, his pride almost reached its peak.

  However, after he recovered, Lyon did not send an official to the scene when he went to Lyon for training. At that time, he knew that Lyon had given up on himself. Lyon's second coach, Gujot, only gave him ten minutes of playing time. He knew more firmly that Lyon gave up himself.

  How proud can he endure such humiliation? When he left Lyon, he made up his mind and must find an opportunity to return the humiliation to those who are arrogant.

  Tonight is both an opportunity and an opportunity. It is too difficult to beat the mighty Lyon in Gerland. Only when the performance here is perfect enough, he has the opportunity to return the humiliation to the officials of Lyon.

  The game is not over yet, a goal, an assist, is enough to show that you are perfect. So after scoring, he pointed to Pinto, and shouted his name in front of hundreds of millions of viewers before more than 40,000 live audiences. In the heart of Tang, Lyon, only Pinto is really good to him.

  He wants to repay the cultivation of Pinto's grace in front of everyone.

  Thanks to the flat Tori, he showed two lines of words on his vest in front of the camera. In his view, every letter of the first sentence is a sharp sword, and these swords will surely lie in the hearts of Lyon officials. Looking at their bleeding heart, Tang's knot is open.

  In front of the camera, Tang did not have any expression on his face. In the vagueness, his heart did not solve the ease after the happy knot, but a slight pain.


  After this episode, The game resumed and the atmosphere at the Gerland Stadium changed. The fans on both sides no longer shouted and became a lot quieter.

  The players on both sides were also silent. After a short silence, Lyon players accelerated the pace of the offense. Because they are behind the score. Tang's behavior has won the applause and respect of all the players on the court. Lyon players know how to respect their opponents. That is: defeating the opponent is the greatest respect!

  The white waves were once again raging, and a wave covered the waves. The Saint-Germain players know the significance of this game for Tang. They took out the energy hidden in the body, which was used for three days and was used in battle with Porto.

  Perhaps the stern of Tang, the mentality of the Lyon players has changed, or perhaps the defense of Saint-Germain is too strong, when the whistle sounds at the end of the game, the score is still two to one!

  The Saint-Germain player who won the game was not overjoyed. The Lyon player who lost the game had no face on his face. The friendly handshake between the two sides, Essien patted Tang's shoulder and said: "Hey! Don, we exchange jerseys!"

  Tang never took off his jersey and hugged with Essien. He had already forgotten Essien's black hand on him. But Essien was a little embarrassed. He looked at a few purple pieces on the waist and smiled and shook his head and said, "You won't hate me!"

  When he spoke, he pointed to the purple color of Tang. Tang definitely looked at it, thinking that you are really a generous person, and suffered a loss when he made a dispute with his tongue. There was no revenge. So he smiled and said: "I have forgotten it!"

  The two smiled at each other!