Chapter 113: Secret Discovered!

A sign is placed at the door of Sichuan Hotel, which says: Closed today!

  The dinner was made by Tang Yuantian and Alice. Tang Yuantian praised Alice and thought that she had a high understanding. Alice's face smiled into a flower, and she didn't feel the taste of home for a long time.

  Tang Jue called Wenting for dinner, and Wenting agreed. Not only does she have to take prescriptions for weight-loss pills in Tang Jue, she also has some questions to ask.

  At seven o'clock in the evening, wearing a white down jacket, black pants, and a ponytail, Wen Ting stood like this in front of Tang Jue. His face was still cold, so the air was outside. The age of nineteen was a time when youth was pressing, and Wen Ting was about to graduate from a doctorate.

  I remembered deceiving her and studying her body's genetic medicine in her laboratory. I remembered that after taking the gene medicine, Wenting sent him to the hospital because of severe pain. Tang must feel a bit ashamed of her.

  After graduating with a PhD, Wen Ting can return to China to find a good job and reunite with her parents. You can also work for a French pharmaceutical company. In a word, Wenting gave up these opportunities and wanted to stay in Lyon II.

  Thinking of this, Tang must be even more guilty.

  Looking at this girl who has kindness to herself, Tang Jue quickly laughed: "Sister Ting, the longer you look, the more beautiful!"

  Wenting ignored Tang Jue at all and went to the kitchen to help. After a while, Wen Ting came out of the kitchen, Tang Ju was sitting on a chair in the dining room, and looked at her awkwardly, because Alice was also inside.

  "Her name is Alice, and she is an ordinary friend." Tang Jue said, looking at Wen Ting.

  Wenting said coldly, "I don't care about your relationship."

  Tang never knew if Wen Ting was angry or not, she always spoke so coldly. Even the last time she called him, saying that her doctoral dissertation had been completed, all were cold. To be able to say such a happy thing in cold words, it seems that only Wen Ting can do it.

  At this time, Cuihua began to serve on the table, and the table was full of rich dishes. Everyone around the table, Tang Yuantian raised his red wine glass and said, "Our family hasn't been together for a long time. Come, toast!"

  After drinking the wine in the glass, Chen Xiu'e signaled everyone to eat, and she also specially prepared vegetables for Alice. Wen Ting looked at Alice eating with chopsticks, and then glanced at the white jade bracelet on Alice's wrist casually, and then looked at Chen Xiu'e's wrist. There was no expression on her face.

  All this was seen by Tang Jue. He looked more embarrassed at Wen Ting's face.

  Tang Jue quickly clipped Wen Ting a piece of her favorite steamed meat, Wen Ting said coldly, "I will clip it myself." That being said, she didn't refuse the slice of steamed meat.

  Tang said with a smile: "I know, I always have to do a little land friendship."

  Wen Ting said coldly, "I have been here longer than you for the past six months."

  Wen Ting has always been cold-spoken. Tang Yuantian and his wife have long been taught. In the process of communication, they slowly realized that Wen Ting was a girl who was cold outside and hot inside, and every time she came to a restaurant to eat, she always liked to help do something. Chen Xiu'e started to be sincere and frightened. The doctor's halo on Wen Ting's head was too dazzling. Later she gradually adapted, after all, she was a friend of her son.

  Chen Xi'e quickly came to the round and said, "Wen Ting is eating food. He can't do anything about it. His time is too tight. He returned to Lyon last month and he didn't come back so recently.

  Alice began to look at Wen Ting. There was not much expression on Leng Ao's face. The white feathers made her white complexion look more white. It was really a beautiful sister. Alice heard of Wen Ting from Tang Juezi, saying that she was a genius girl. Are geniuses cold and arrogant?


  At ten in the evening, Tang Jue and Wen Ting were on their way back to school. The cold night wind struck, Wen Ting tightened down jacket. The night is cold, there are few people on the road, and people stay in warm homes.

  Wenting looked at the campus building in the distance and said, "Did the prescription come?"

  Tang must rub his hands to make himself warmer. He whispered, "Brought it back."

  "Will you write your name in the paper?" Wen Ting kicked the stone under his foot, like a child.

  Tang frowned, and it took him a long time to understand what Wen Ting meant. Tang said with a smile: "No, sister Ting, I'm a player, these things have nothing to do with me, and I don't need to appraise the title. Besides, those results are also researched by you."

  Wen Ting said very confidently, she has not started her research yet, she is already thinking about the thesis.

  Tang Jue looked at the genius girl around him, and hesitated for a long time before he said, "Sister Ting, I have a request, the key part cannot be written as a dissertation."

  Wen Ting stopped and looked at Tang Jue. She needed an answer. Tang Jue looked at her big bright eyes and said shamelessly: "Sister Ting, this is the case. After you have researched out, you must first apply for a patent and then obtain a drug production license. After we obtain the production license, we will Open a factory for production. Finally we bring it to market. "

  Tang Jue pulled out his plan in full, he continued: "The key data and key production steps are the core secrets of the company in the future and should not be known to outsiders."

  Wen Ting looked down at her toes and fell into deep thought. She did not expect that Tang Jue had already formulated a set of plans. If from the perspective of scientific research, she should turn all her research results into papers in the future to benefit people all over the world.

  But if Tang Jue's plan is followed, she really can't turn the key points into a dissertation. In this way, she will reduce a lot of scientific research results.

  Tang Jue looked at Wen Ting firmly and said, "Sister Ting, this is the key. If we want to have a broad space for our future career, we must do so."

  From the world's first family thousands of years later, the children of the Tang family have mastered how to run a company and do business since childhood.

  Wen Ting looked up at Tang Jue and asked, "Is this your condition?"

  Tang Jue shook his head and said, "Sister Ting, I have no conditions for you. Just for our future career, or our future business empire, we must do this."

  This is the second time Tang Jue said the word "we". Wen Ting, who has a high IQ, couldn't understand what Tang Jue said.

  Tang Jue said that they must create a business empire. If others heard Tang Jue's words, they would laugh. A football player actually said that he wanted to establish a business empire. If he was engaged in sports-related business, he could use his influence to do so. Li Ning in China is such a model.

  However, Tang Jue is engaged in the pharmaceutical industry, an industry that has little to do with sports. He actually wanted to build a business empire in the pharmaceutical industry. Isn't this a joke!

  Wen Ting didn't smile, she didn't even laugh at her eyes. Don't be surprised at her expression, she has always been cold. However, in the following conversation, he finally understood why Wen Ting didn't laugh.

  Wen Tingbei bit her lip lightly, her eyebrows frowned slightly, as if she was making a decision. Tang was greatly surprised. He rarely saw Wen Ting show such an expression.

  Wenting looked up and asked, "Why? Why did you find me?"

  Tang Jue has always thought that talking to a genius like Wenting is really tired, her language is very jumpy, and she needs time to analyze it carefully to understand what she is talking about. For example, now that she has a problem, Tang never understands what the original intention of her problem is.

  Tang Jue looked at Wenting in pain and said, "Sister Ting, can you explain the words a little bit, I don't know what you mean."

  Wen Ting dropped Tang Jue and walked forward. A wind blew, and the horse tail behind her head fluttered in the wind, really like a horse tail.

  Wen Ting walked and said, "What did you do in my laboratory, do you think I don't know? Chinese medicine? You cured your own disease. The medicine powder you drank in my dormitory that night was made in the laboratory. from."

  Wen Ting didn't turn his head, Tang felt cold all over, as if he had entered an ice cellar. Four years ago, he made a plan with Xiaofeifei, created a chance encounter, met Wenting, and then cleverly allowed Wenting to agree to him and use him in the laboratory.

  He was very careful and always thought that God was blind. Who knows all this, Wen Ting has always known.

  What should I do? If she pursues the source and asks the source of the prescription, what should be explained to her. Is it to tell her that she came from the 31st century?

  Wen Ting didn't turn around at all, she said to the air in front: "I checked the locker with the code lock and found that some medicines are missing. The teacher once asked this strangely, and I perfunctory it."

  Wen Ting looked up at the full moon in the night sky and exhaled a long breath. "You can make your own medicines for heart disease and kidney failure. Weight loss pills are too easy for you. I just do n't understand, Why did you find me and let me do it. "

  Tang Jue began to sweat, and a wind blew through, and he felt his forehead very cold. His sweat is cold!

  They all say that women are too clever and bad, and that women doctors are extinct teachers. Sure enough, there are few things to hide from her. Compared to Alice, she told her that the medicine was a prescription of Chinese medicine, and Alice believed it.

  Now how to do?

  Tang must wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

  Wen Ting stopped suddenly, turned around, looked at Tang Jue and said, "I won't ask you where your prescription comes from. I can trust your word that your prescription came from the hands of a Chinese medicine practitioner. He is a fairy-like figure, and he leaves the responsibility of saving the world to you, freeing himself in the dust. "

  The stone in Tang Jue 's heart dropped, he became relaxed, and opened his mouth and said, "Sister Ting, my prescription really came from his hand, you must believe me."

  Wen Ting shook her head and said, "I don't want to explore your secrets. I might as well read a book with this energy. I asked your question just now and you haven't answered me!"