Chapter 118: Milan's Offensive!

After equalizing the score, Saint-Germain's offense was even more fierce. However, at this time, time is Saint Germain's greatest enemy. In front of the mighty Saint-Germain, the Milanese continuously consumed time, and the four-minute stoppage time was quickly exhausted. The referee whistle sounded at the end of the two short and one long game.

  This round of twists and turns is finally over. Tang Jue's first Champions League knockout game was over. He broke the door guarded by Dida twice with bad luck. He is the brightest star in the field.

  Ancelotti stepped forward and shook hands with Vaid Alilotsik, his face still expressionless. Ancelotti said: "Congratulations! Your 29 is doing well!"

  "Your team is too strong and I can't beat you," Vaid Alilozick said with a smile.

  Ancelotti frowned slightly, and he couldn't hear the meaning of Vayd Alilocik: If my team is stronger, I will beat you. The real winner of this draw is my Wyed Arilocik!


  Pirlo shook hands with Tang Jue, pointing at his jersey, and Tang Jue took off his jersey. Pirlo took over Tang Jue's jersey and said in French with a smile in his ear: "Welcome to Milan!"

  Tang looked at Pirlo by mistake, the club only told him that Real Madrid wanted to buy him, and did not say Milan wanted to buy him. Pirlo continued: "Gallani is watching your game on the VIP table tonight." After that he pointed in the direction of Galliani. Tang Jue followed his fingers and saw a bald head waving at them!

  Now is not the time to think about this, Tang Jue patted Pirlo on the shoulder and said with diplomatic words: "Milan is a great team, joining Milan is the dream of every player."

  There was more smile on Pirlo's face. Where did Tang think of this, his words got into Galiani's ears an hour later. After hearing this, the bald laughed a few times. He thought that he had taken the lead in the competition with Real Madrid!

  In their own home defeat of the powerful AC Milan, Saint-Germain fans did not feel depressed, but very happy. With zero to two behind, their generals did not give up, and almost equalized the score almost at the last moment of the game. Their soldiers were heroic enough!

  Saint-Germain fans did not want to leave the field for a long time after the game. Dewu took Saint-Germain players to the side of the field and bowed to the fans!

  The fans reported their applause!


  Half an hour later, at the press conference, coaches from both sides praised Tang Jue. Vayd Alilocik said his lover was the brightest star in the game, and it was Tang Jue 's outstanding performance that helped Saint Germain avoid shame at home.

  Ancelotti praised the Chinese striker for dominating the game and Milan would return to San Siro with a victory if not for Tang Jue. He also said that in San Siro, his team must defend the Chinese forward and not allow him to score a goal.

  The scented Milan Sporting News reporter asked Ancelotti: "I heard that Milan has offered to Saint-Germain and wants to buy the Chinese striker. Is Milan ready to let Shepchenko let the Chinese striker make up for him s position?"

  Ancelotti avoids the topic and said: "Everyone comes in and some people come out of the club. Whoever goes and who goes in, everything will not be known until the end of the season."

  A reporter from the Milano Sports Daily apparently didn't want to let Ancelotti do this, he continued to ask, "What do you think of the Chinese striker?"

  Ancelotti knew that there was no way to evade some problems, and they had to give reporters some information before they would give up, so he said: "I have just said that he is the master of this game. As for his technology ... A 17-year-old young player, he is already leading the same age group.

  Well, Barcelona has already had a Messi, and now Saint Germain has another Don. Both of them are 17 years old and both have great potential. "

  Fans later said that the 2004-2005 season was the time for the rise of the Twins. Since this season, the two have been fighting for a lifetime. The fateful opponent gradually entered the sight of the world's fans in this year.


  The next day, major European media evaluated the game.

  The title of the team newspaper is: Tang Fawei, Saint Germain miraculously equalized the score!

  The team, which has always been known for its fairness, believes that Saint-Germain can equalize the score at the last moment, avoiding shame at home, and luck accounts for a large part. From the scene, AC Milan did better offensively or defensively than Saint Germain.

  The headline of the Milan Sports News is: The Chinese teenager attacked strongly, Milan was flat!

  In their comments, they said: AC Milan reportedly reported to Saint-Germain 10 million Euros three days before the match and wanted to buy a Chinese striker. In this game, the Chinese teenager played in the tenth minute of the second half. In just 39 minutes, he scored twice to help Saint-Germain equalize the score.

  They criticized Ancelotti's conservative strategy again, thinking that if AC Milan strengthened their offense in the second half instead of staying in the half, Milan would bring back a victory.

  The headline of the Spanish newspaper Marca is: Conservative loses Milan!

  The Spanish have always had an opinion on Italian football. Spanish football pursues a gorgeous offense, while Italy pursues a defensive, timely offensive football. The two countries have different football concepts.

  The Marca newspaper criticized Ancelotti with a lot of space, thinking that he did not want to make progress, and when he was leading by 2-0, he began to stand still. Finally, with the strong strike of the Chinese striker, Milan could only swallow the bitter fruit. The strength was obviously dominant, but failed to bring back a victory at the Prince Park Stadium.

  British Sky Television said in the post-match report: "The Chinese striker scored twice to help Saint-Germain equalize. Now Real Madrid and Milan have started chasing Chinese young talents."

  Their words have a sour taste, and in the feast of Tang Jue, there is no such thing as a Premier League giant. Without him, Tang never played a game on behalf of the national team, he could not get a labor certificate.


  In the strong draw with AC Milan at home, Saint Germain did not have time to rest. They ushered in the Ligue 1 game three days later, and they faced Bastia at home.

  Vayd Alilocik gave most of the main players off, Tang Jue and Renaldo sat on the bench throughout the game, with Pauletta and Luboa at the forward.

  Pauletta blasted Bastie's goal with a header in the second half of the 15th minute, and he proved his worth again. In the end Saint-Germain defeated the opponent by 1-0 and continued to exert pressure on Lyon.

  Lyon defeated Bremen 3-0 in the away game four days ago. Back in Ligue 1, they also let most of the main players take turns. Lyon's substitutes stood up to pressure and beat Etienne 3-2 at home.

  The difference in points between the two sides is still seven points.

  At a critical time this season, Saint-Germain's three-line battle, and their team members began to show fatigue.

  Just then, the Chinese Football Association made a request to Saint-Germain, hoping that Tang must return to China to participate in the national team's training and prepare for the warm-up match with Uruguay on March 12.

  Glelie directly rejected the Chinese Football Association's request. The club is now at a critical moment. On March 9th they will go to San Siro to challenge AC Milan. Will Tang Ju return to China after playing this game? Then Ligue 1 on March 13 was destined that Tang could never rush back to Paris.

  There was actually another reason in Gellert's mind that Tang hadn't cultivated in France. You didn't make any effort in China. When the fruits were ripe, you wanted to pick them!

  The Chinese Football Association's behavior this time seems very reckless. In fact, they are trying to test Saint-Germain. In the future, there will be many matches for the national team. They will test Saint-Germain's attitude. In addition, they are also testing Tang Ju, to see the player's attitude towards the country who grew up in France.

  To this end, Qi Shaohui, the leader of the national team, also called Tang Jue at the same time. After Tang Jue said wrongly, it depends on the meaning of the club, because the club's game is now at a critical moment.

  Qi Shaohui was very dissatisfied with Tang Jue 's attitude. He told Tang Jue that national interests and interests prevailed above everything else. The attitude of the club was the attitude of the club, and the personal attitude was the personal attitude.

  Qi Shaohui has his own mind, he wants to give Tang Jue a power. Now Tang Ju hasn't got any big hits. Taking this opportunity to subdue him is good for his future work. Qi Shaohui's predecessor failed to suppress Hao Haidong and Fan Zhiyi, causing the two to become the real masters of the national team.

  Qi Shaohui didn't want to take the anger of taking office, he wanted to subdue all players. Let all players understand that he is the real master of the national team. Although Ali Han is the head coach, the real decision is in his hands.

  Tang Ju, who has always been proud, ended the conversation between the two in silence. If this is what others have said, Tang will definitely fight back. However, Qi Shaohui represents the National Football Association!

  Every citizen has an obligation to contribute to his country. This is the righteousness. Even in his previous life, the Tang family would stand on the same front with the country in the national righteousness.

  Growing up in France since he was a child, he accepted French culture and had no habit of lying on major issues. Tang has a heart and soul. He can return to the country. The decision is not in his own hands, but in the hands of the club. He didn't have a good impression of Qi Shaohui, and Qi Shaohui's words clearly embarrassed him. This has seeded the conflict between the two.