Chapter 127: Tough and Powerful Lyon!

Tang was also given a yellow card by Essin's severe elbow.

  This is something Tang never expected!

  Essien elbowed Tang Ju and got only a yellow card.

  This is something Tang never thought of!

  Tang is absolutely not angry, but he has another thought in his heart: If Essien attacked me by borrowing from the national team, will I be as angry as him?

  Provocation should also have a bottom line!

  Racial discrimination exceeds this bottom line.


  The game restarted, and the actions of the players on both sides became larger and larger. The referee frequently blew his whistle and raised the yellow cards in his hands from time to time. The game is moving in the other direction, and the football game becomes melee!

  This is obviously not what Tang Jue wants to see. Known for his skills and speed, Tang Jue didn't get any benefit in hand-to-hand combat. He was frequently "taken care of" by Lyon defenders. What makes Tang uncomfortable is that the defenders of Lyon really took out the matter of his fired national team to stimulate him.

  Abidal said in his ear: "Boy, Lyon didn't want you, now even the national team doesn't want you. It's because your mouth is too cheap!"

  Diatta said in his ear: "Boy, do you want to play the World Cup? You have no chance!"

  If it wasn't for Xiao Feifei to mediate his mentality in a timely manner, Tang would definitely explode. Provocation beyond the bottom line is a double-edged sword, which will not only hurt others, but also yourself!

  The first half of the game ended in hand-to-hand combat, and the two sides handed each other in vain.

  During the intermission, the Prince Park Stadium broadcasted to remind fans to pay attention to language, and no racist language appeared.

  Away team locker room.

  Lyon players were comforting Essien, and Legon took the opportunity to say to his players: "We need to use a victory to break racial discrimination!"

  Legon's words inspired the fighting spirit of the Lyon players, who are all committed to winning the game!

  Home team locker room.

  The player who calmed down realized that the cancer of racism finally appeared. FIFA has been fighting racial discrimination on the pitch, and the club will definitely punish the French Football Association after the game. They are proud of being able to stand out from many competitors and become professional players. They must be proud to defeat their opponents, and they must have a bottom line for provocation.

  The atmosphere in the dressing room was a bit depressing.

  Tang Jiu bowed his head and drank the water, his expression was a bit depressed. The game became so much related to him. If it was just the fans who abused Essien and he did not use the words of the fans to stimulate Essien, the first half of the game would not turn into a hand-to-hand combat.

  Dewu went to Tang Jie and sat down, patted Tang Jie's shoulder and said, "Tang, everyone makes mistakes. You don't need to be attentive."

  Anyone can guess why Essien's angry elbow hit Tang Jue. As the captain, Dewu is obliged to solve some problems of the players. Tang Jue looked up at Dewu, Dewu said with a smile: "I did this kind of thing at first."

  Dewu's smile was very contagious, and his words slowly resolved the guilt in Tang Jue's heart.

  The guilt on Tang Jue's face slowly disappeared, and he exhaled a long breath. The burden of my heart also exhales with this tone!


  The second half of the game restarted, and Lyon launched a sharp counterattack in silence. They would use a victory to avenge Essien. The overall strength was dominant, Lyon gradually controlled the midfield, they turned their anger into a strong combat intention, penetrated through the middle again and again, threatening Saint-Germain's goal.

  In the first 15 minutes, Lyon had four goals. Gewu's shot in the ninth minute was the most threatening. The football crossed Letitzi's finger and hit the right column severely. Let the home fans start to sweat!

  The first to break was not Lyon, which was on the offensive, but Saint Germain, who was passive. In the nineteenth minute, Tang Ju, who gave up his burden, made a breakthrough on the right side of Lyon.

  Once trembling, Tang absolutely left Essien behind. When he faced Abidal, his eyes just looked to the right, and when the center of gravity just fell to the right, Essin, who did not want to give up, slammed from behind . Essien slammed his left shoulder fiercely, and Tang Jue was knocked away. Losing his focus, Tang never fell to the ground.

  The referee gave a whistle and pointed his finger at Lyon's goal, signalling that it was a direct free kick outside the penalty area.

  Without quarrel, Tang Jue stood up silently from the turf. Boskovich stood behind football, and Lyon's frontcourt lined the wall. With a whistle from the referee, Boskovich started to speed up slowly. "Pop!" A crisp sound, the football flew over the turf!

  Cross the Lyon wall, the football goes straight to the upper left corner of the goal with an unstoppable momentum!

  In a blink of an eye, the football got into the net nest!

  The goal has been scored!

  The score became one to zero, and the passive Saint-Germain was leading!

  This is the case with football games. Dominating the scene does not mean winning. Passive scenes do not mean that there is no chance of winning.


  Zero to one behind, Lyon did not lose their fighting spirit, their offense is even more fierce. They finally got a reward in the 30th minute. Gavu took advantage of a corner kick to overpower Sack in the penalty area and scored the ball into Letizi's gate.

  The score became one to one, and both sides stood on the same starting line again.

  In the following games, both sides attacked and defended each other. Tang Ju tried to use his sharp breakthrough to tear Lyon's defense line, but he fell to the turf again and again.

  Limited by foul tactics by the Lyon guards, he could not make a sharp breakthrough at the Prince Park Stadium. Tang Ju tried to cooperate with his teammates!

  In the thirty-fifth minute, Tang Jue got Renaldo's header in the penalty area, crossed his back to the goal, and kicked it in the air!

  Just as the home fans were ready to cheer, the beams stuck their throats fiercely. The football hit the crossbar and popped the bottom line.

  In the fortieth minute, Tang Jue received a wonderful pass from Boskovic, which was inserted into the Lyon restricted area like a sharp sword. Abidal kicked the shovel. Tang must only take the ball to the right. After three steps, Tang must kick and shoot!

  Unfortunately, the angle is too small, the football was blocked by Cooper!

  Time is passing fast, when the fans on both sides think that the game will end 1: 1, the situation on the field suddenly changes!

  The importance of this game does not require more words. The tough and powerful Lyon can easily give up the victory. They use every opportunity to put pressure on Saint-Germain's goal.

  In the 43rd minute, the free kick master Juninho used the direct free kick in front of the penalty area to open the goal guarded by Letizi!

  The powerful Lyon actually reversed the score, scoring two consecutive goals and leading two to one in the case of zero to one behind!

  If Lyon takes all three points in this game, the difference between the two sides will become seven points. There are five rounds left in Ligue 1 and the difference of seven points is too large. It is like a wide canyon. Saint Germain can't jump past it. So, this season's Ligue 1 champion is Lyon's bag!

  Saint-Germain players know that the consequences are serious. They cannot expect other Ligue 1 teams to stubbornly block Lyon's footsteps in the last five games.

  After scoring, Lyon players wisely chose to shrink their own half. Time is their biggest weapon. The French Football Association stipulates that the stoppage time of a game cannot exceed five minutes. So with stoppage time, there are eight minutes left in the game. They held these eight minutes, they held this year's Ligue 1 championship, and completed the unprecedented four consecutive championships in team history!

  If such a scene happens to other Ligue 1 teams, their players and coaches will be proud. Let the Ligue 1 boss shrink to defend at halftime, this has never happened!

  If changed to another time, Lyon would definitely not do so, they will continue to attack. The significance of this game victory is too great. Winning this game, they dominated the championship. So their choice is very wise. As long as you win the game, you will believe it. As for winning a few goals, it is not the point.

  There is no pride in the eyes of Saint-Germain players, and no pride in the eyes of Wyed Ariloczik. The champions of the Ligue 1 team gradually disappeared with time. The stunning performance in the Ligue 1 this year will lose its due glory due to the failure of this key match.

  Frustration erupted from Sack's heart, and his eyes were dull.

  Dewu yelled: "Brothers are fighting, the game is not over yet, we are not dead yet!"

  After a brief silence of Saint-Germain fans, burst out with an amazing shout: "Saint-Germain! Saint-Germain!"

  They shouted the frustration in the players' hearts through shouts. The overwhelming shouts sounded like a drum, a urge to get excited, a awakening of the fighting spirit of Saint-Germain players!

  Manchester United completed the triple crown in 1999. In the Champions League final, it scored two consecutive goals in the final stoppage time and completed a great reversal at Camp Nou.

  It was a classic that inspired many teams not to give up when they are behind.

  The significance of that game was far more than a football game. Manchester United's soldiers explained the spirit of never giving up. Only by possessing a spirit of never giving up can a miracle be achieved.

  At this time people did not expect that in the Champions League final more than a month later, such a miracle was staged again. Liverpool in the first half of the unfavorable situation behind the zero-three in the first half, in the second half staged a shocking comeback, even scored three consecutive goals. Drag the two sides into the penalty shootout, and finally Liverpool, in the penalty shootout, defeated Milan like the sky, raised the big ear cup!

  Luyinchang does not lack such a case. Only with a strong heart and a spirit of never giving up can we create such a miracle.

  Saint-Germain also does not want to give up the game, they want to control fate in their own hands. At least you have to equalize the score and keep the difference between the two sides at 4 points, so that they can surpass Lyon in the last five rounds and win the Ligue 1 championship!

  The team has reached the most critical moment, the key game of this year's Ligue 1 title competition has entered the final time. Xiaofeifei said in Tang's mind: "Master, the situation is now in crisis, let me help you!"