Chapter 135: Reappearing "Flying Immortals"!

Ten men fought, and the score fell behind, but St. Germain burst out with an astonishing momentum. Immediately after the game restarted, Saint-Germain's midfielder rushed to Sochau's half-court, their fighting spirit was high!

  It's all because Tang must play!

  Soon, Kana snatched the ball in the opponent's half and Saint-Germain began to attack.

  After being instructed by the head coach, Sochow retracted the line of defense and held the penalty zone tightly. Saint Germain launched waves of attacks and soon Renaldo got a shot.

  Twenty minutes into the second half of the game, Ben Assauer dribbled from the sideline, Renaldo stood up in the penalty area, struggling to grab the point, and his forehead hit the ball severely!

  The football changed direction and flew straight towards the upper right corner of the goal!

  "Pong!", Just as Saint-Germain fans were cheering, the football hit the crossbar and flew out of the bottom line.

  Renaldo patted his forehead in anger.

  He scored 25 goals in 24 Ligue 1 games and eight goals in six Champions League games. Tang has long been a prominent striker in Ligue 1.

  Tang Ju's appearance had a great impact on the hearts of the defenders of Suo Shao. He seemed to be a big mountain, pressing on them, they had trouble breathing, and they were afraid.

  This fear peaked in the 30th minute of the second half!

  Tang Jue led Cana's pass on the left side of Sosho and faced Sosho's two defenders directly. A fierce murderous flickered out of Tang Jue's eyes, and Tang Jue started.

  At the beginning of the game, Tang Jue, the breakthrough technology is rapidly progressing. Xiaofeifei told him ten days ago that his breakthrough technology is close to the mid-level of the star.

  The ankle is like a snake, changing rapidly, dazzling the two Soshaw defenders defending him. Every time Tang Ju's ankle changes, it's like wielding a sword. The two defenders in front of him have long been stabbed with scars.

  Tang Jue glanced to his right!

  Two Sosho defenders, ready for action!

  At this moment, a shout came from the back and left of Tang Jue: "Pass!"

  The voice is by Ben Assauer, who is sticking straight along the sideline!

  If put in the past, Tang will never pass, he must break through. However, with the increase in game experience, he knows that football is not played alone, it depends on the whole.

  Therefore, Tang never hesitated, stopped his idea of ​​breakthrough, and directly passed the ball to his left front. I saw a blue figure moving forward quickly. After three steps, he controlled the ball under his feet and quickly bottomed along the sideline!

  The two Sosho players in front of Tang Jue quickly acted after a short stint. The player in front of Tang Jue quickly turned to catch up with Ben Assauer, and another player quickly ran to his penalty area!

  After Tang Ju passed the ball, he ran to the restricted area of ​​Sosho. His speed was not very fast, even slower than Sosho's back defense. Standing one meter and seven five, heading is his advantage. He will not go to the penalty area for a header. His purpose is to be outside the penalty area, waiting for the Sosho defender to push the football out of the penalty area, and then wait for the opportunity.

  Ben Assauer drew the ball very fast, like a sharp knife, slammed to the right of Sosio outside the penalty area. Thanks to the early start, Ben Assauer's speed advantage is very obvious.

  So when passing the ball to the middle, he has enough time to observe.

  At this time, Sochau had six players in the penalty area, while Saint-Germain had only two players, one was center Renardo and the other was right midfielder Tierra.

  Tang must still be outside the restricted area!

  With a decision, Ben Assauer kicked the football in the middle.

  The ball is a half-air ball, the direction of the ball is not inside the penalty area, but goes straight to Tang!

  Ben Assauer's pass relieved the players in Sosha's restricted area. When they saw the football go straight to Tang, they immediately changed their eyes. The player closest to Tang Ju quickly slammed Tang go with.

  Tang Jue has already determined the trajectory of football, and his mind quickly formulated the next action!

  Zidane appeared in his mind for a moment, and the "Fairy Flying Immortal" appeared!

  Move your left foot forward quickly, and lift your right foot backwards!

  Tang Jue decided to have a volley!

  Looking at Tang Jue's posture, he jumped at Tang Suo's defender, and fear appeared in his eyes.

  Because Ben Assauer's mid-air ball passing speed was not very fast, Tang Ju made a shooting action without defense, and the entire audience saw the whole process clearly.

  Different expressions appear on the faces of different people. Those who support Saint Germain have hope in their eyes, and those who support Sosho are full of worry!

  "Pop!" A crisp sound, Tang Jue 's right ankle kicked fiercely in the middle and lower part of the football. At the moment when the football was about to leave the ankle, his ankle lifted upward!

  After the crackling, the football started to whistle like a cannonball!

  The direction of football is the upper right corner of the goal!

  Alice's eyes glowed!

  Saint Germain fans began to scream with shocking emotions!

  Cantona's eyes were bright!

  G. Simeon held his breath and stared!

  Pauletta, sitting on the bench, opened his mouth in shock!

  Sosho's fans were shocked!


  When the football passed the body side of Sau Shaw's right back, he instinctively hid. Because the power of the football was too great, he instinctively thought that if the ball hit him, it would cause him serious injury. This is the same reason as when the player closes his eyes instantly.

  I saw a white light flashing, such as Ben Lei, such as lightning, the football instantly penetrated into the goal of Sochau!

  At this time, the fans closest to the incident only heard that crisp sound!

  The goal has been scored!

  The score becomes two to two!

  Saint-Germain equalized the score!

  Tang must slap on his chest, and grow up!

  This is a world-class goal!

  Su Shao's defenders looked at the football in the net nest suddenly, and the long howling made them turn their heads. Looking at Tang Jue, who was looking up, the fear in their eyes was even worse!

  Volley volley outside the penalty area is very difficult and not easy to enter. This requires players to have very strong control over football.

  Zidane staged a volley shot at the French Stadium in Paris in the 01-02 UEFA Champions League final. This ball was called by fans as "Fairy!" The ball became the world's best goal of the year. And repeatedly ranked into the world's top 50 goals. After many years, UEFA will select the top 20 goals in the Champions League. Zidane's "Outer Space Flying Fairy" ranked second!

  To this day, fans around the world are talking about it.

  At this moment, Tang Jue reproduced Zidane's "Flying in the Sky!"

  Unexpectedly, three years later, Paris fans were once again fortunate enough to witness such a shocking goal. At that time Zidane represented Real Madrid, and now Tang Jue represents Paris Saint-Germain.

  Saint-Germain fans started going crazy, they started barking, there were countless items still in the air, water bottles, blue towels, hamburgers ...

  There were tears of excitement and happiness in their eyes, and the ball shook their hearts!

  After a short period of misunderstanding, stood up and applauded Tang Jue's goal. His heart was full of excitement. Zidane gradually grew old. Tang Jue's performance made him see hope!

  No one directed, everyone in the VIP table stood up and applauded!

  A red tide appeared on Cantona's cheek, as if he was back in the green field.

  After a short silence, Sosho's fans stood up and applauded!

  Alice stood up and applauded!

  It is said that beauties love heroes, Tang Jue is now a hero on the green field.

  What is a hero? People coming forward in distress!

  Saint-Germain's bench was plunged into madness. They ran out of the bench and danced crazy on the sidelines.

  Renaldo first embraced Tang Jue, he lifted Tang Jue!

  Tang must become the tallest person on the field!

  There was applause in the stands, and after a moment of hesitation, the players on the court began to applaud.

  There was excited tears on Sack's face, and he was alone in the locker room. However, he didn't feel alone. He turned the dressing room into a ballroom by himself. In the howling, he provoked the most primitive dance. The dance has no beauty at all, just endless joy!

  Saint-Germain fans began to calm down at this time. They looked at the tallest person on the green field and began to call the magic name neatly and proudly:

  "Don! Don! Don!"

  At this moment, the Velodrome stadium became a unique one, because only his name sounded in the sky!

  Because he equalized the score with a horrifying "Tian Wai Fei Xian"!