Chapter 138: This One Night!

The Velodrome stadium has become a sea of ​​joy for Saint Germain, and Tang must be the biggest contributor in the final. Benzema sat on the sofa at home and watched the whole game. He was shocked by Tang Jue 's "Fei Xian Fei Xian" and lost for Tang Jue's savior alone.

  Think of myself as the key training target of the club, and look at Tang Jue's performance on the court. Benzema is endlessly lost. He seemed to see the horrible guy from the Lyon Juniors return. Benzema shook his head and said to himself: "He is even more terrifying than he was!"

  There was endless Xiao Suo in his discourse, and he even remembered the scene of Tang Jue's trial training in Lyon last August. He stood proudly in front of Tang Jue at that time, but Tang Jue scored two goals in just ten minutes, making his hat trick a set off.

  Unexpectedly, a few months later, Tang Jue rose like a comet and became the most popular striker in Ligue 1. And Tang Jue's performance in the UEFA Champions League was still stunning, and the first game was scored twice. The final group stage also featured a hat-trick to help Saint-Germain break into the Champions League semi-finals. Benzema thought: If I had a hat-trick in the Champions League, what would I be ecstatic about?

  Heart disease and kidney failure failed to stop Tang Jue's footsteps in the green field, so who else can stop him from moving forward?


  An hour later, at a press conference.

  Head coach Sochau congratulated Saint Germain for the French Cup in front of reporters, and wished them the last time they could win the league championship and complete the goal of double championship.

  When talking about this game, he thinks Tang's appearance is the key to change the result of this game. The Chinese striker is the master of this game. His sharp breakthrough is in Ligue 1 and no defender can stop it.

  He also focused on Tang Jue 's "Fairy Flying Fairy". He thought it was a world-class goal and the most beautiful goal in France this year. At that moment, he felt like Zidane was playing on the court. The Chinese forward's control of football has reached a very high level. He has the ability to create all kinds of wonderful goals, and hopes that he can bring more exciting goals to the fans.

  Soshaw's captain said the same thing at the meeting, thinking that Tang must have changed the outcome of this game.

  Vayd Alilozik said with a spirit of enthusiasm: Tonight is just the beginning. Eleven days later, Saint-Germain will raise the league's championship trophy.

  Captain Dewu said: Four days later we have important matches and we will not have too many celebration programs tonight. We won't celebrate until we raise the second trophy.


  Just opened the door of the hotel room, a soft body wrapped around a rattan. Familiar light body fragrance, familiar blue eyes, like red lips of rose petals ...

  Tang kissed red lips passionately!

  There was no word, no language was needed at this time, the two turned the bed into a battlefield, and the two youthful bodies were entangled in a desperate fight. As she had just participated in a tense and important final, Tang Jue spent a lot of physical and mental energy. In the final stage of this battle, Alice had the upper hand. She gallops on Tang Jue!

  Forty minutes later, the battle was over, and Alice was lying lazily in Tang Jue's arms. Alice closed her beautiful eyes and said, "Don, the company asked me today if I would like to make a movie. Do you think I should agree?"

  Tang Jue looked at Alice's long eyelashes and said firmly, "No!"

  Alice opened her eyes and looked up at Tang Jue in surprise. Tang Jue stroked her red lips with rose petals and said, "Alice, I belong here alone." He stroked one side where Alice's body was sensitive, and said, "These places belong to me alone! "

  Alice sat up angrily, and she looked at Tang Jue's face and said, "Tang, you can't do this. I have my career, I can't be restrained by you!"

  Tang Ju shook his head in his heart and sighed: In the future, Alice should also strengthen the education of Chinese culture, especially the education of traditional culture.

  Tang said sadly: "Alice, I can't stand other men touching your body. As for your career, haven't you been very successful now, why would you want to make a movie?"

  Alice muttered her mouth and said, "Every girl has a dream of becoming a star, and making a movie is to fulfill the dream."

  "But you are now a household star. You see at the stadium tonight, so many fans are shouting your name."

  Alice said, "Making movies can make more people know me."

  "What do you want so many people to know?" Tang Jue asked.

  Alice tilted her head and thought for a long time before saying, "I want more people to see my beauty."

  Tang said with a smile: "Then what?"

  Alice looked at Tang Jue strangely and said, "Nothing then."

  Tang must hold Alice gently in his arms, and said with a smile: "Alice, you don't know why you want to make a movie."

  Alice was about to speak, Tang Jue continued, "Let more people see your beauty. My dear, the reason is far-fetched. You stand on the T-stage and have made more people realize your beauty It 's no longer necessary to make a movie. "

  Tang asked: "Alice, do you say I played well tonight?"

  Alice did not understand what Tang Jue said about the game, and she nodded. Tang Jue said, "Alice, look, if I think in the game that you are kissing a certain male star on the set, I still have the heart to concentrate on the game. I will not play a wonderful game. Then my career It's ruined! "

  Tang Ju himself knows that the reason is far-fetched, but he has not yet found a better reason, and he continues: "If that is the case, we will not win the game tonight, and we will not raise the championship trophy. German fans will not be so happy tonight, and I will not be happy tonight. You will not be so happy tonight. "

  "You think back to the faces of Sosho players and fans after the game."

  Those disappointed, frustrated, lost faces appeared in Alice's mind. Her picturesque brows were slightly raised, and an expression of intolerance appeared on her face.

  Tang must think of another reason, and said, "Dear, if I lay in my arms instead of you, but other women, what would you think?

  Alice shook her head and said, "Don, we won't discuss this topic now. I will seriously consider this issue."

  Tang Jue said, "Dear, you have to know that I love you deeply. The movie industry is really dirty, and there are all kinds of deals in it. Some female celebrities have no choice but to go to bed with the director. You can understand, I don't want you to get involved, there is really a big dyeing tank, you are so pure, I can't let you step into that dirty world. "

  "You are already very famous now. If you want to make money, we will definitely have a lot of money in the future. Certainly. It will be so much that you will not be able to count it, so much that it will shock the whole world!"

  Alice did not laugh, and she took Tang Jue's last sentence as a comfort, or that was a goal of Tang Jue. Alice didn't have any surprises, because she was rich, which Tang absolutely never expected.

  Alice only knew one thing: the big boy really loved her and cared about her.

  Tang Jue embraced Alice's soft body gently and said, "Dear, let's sleep."

  Alice pillowed Tang Ju's arms carefully and closed her eyes slowly.

  She is really tired. On the football field, like other fans, she cheered for every beautiful match and every wonderful shot, and applauded every shocking and dazzling breakthrough of Tang Jue.

  Back at the hotel, she had another fierce battle with Tang Jue. Alice closed her beautiful eyes and entered the dreamland sweetly.

  This night, Saint-Germain's fans sweetly went to sleep.

  That night, Benzema couldn't sleep.