Chapter 149: Reveal the Real Situation of Shame!

Dewu looked at Tang Ju who was desperately breaking without passing the ball, and he had an unknown hunch. The picture of the last game of last year appeared in my mind.

  At 7 pm on May 24, 2004, at the home stadium of Basti, many Saint-Germain fans bought tickets at high prices in the hands of the ox party. They had to witness their team at the scene and obtain the first championship trophy in five years .

  At the beginning of the game, Saint-Germain began a fierce offensive against the guests. In order to prevent Saint-Germain from winning the championship, he calmly set up a line of defense and patiently dealt with Saint-Germain.

  At that time, Pauletta had not yet arrived in Saint-Germain. The two main players in the Saint-Germain striker were Renaldo and Pieroni. The midfielder, led by Boskovic, almost completely controlled the midfield, and they passed the ball to the striker's Renaldo and Pieroni. However, the two forwards wasted time and again.

  The first half ended and the two sides ended with zero to zero. In another match, Lyon led by 2-0 in the first half. Saint-Germain players got the news in the locker room and felt pressured. According to this score, it will not be them who win the championship in the end, but Lyon, which was one point behind them.

  At the beginning of the second half, Boskovich continued to deliver shells to the forward line, but the two forwards continued to waste opportunities. Both strikers want to be heroes, and they rarely cooperate. In the tenth minute of the second half, Basti used a corner kick to score a goal.

  The score of the two sides became one to zero, and Saint-Germain was one goal behind.

  Saint-Germain has reached the most dangerous edge. In this case, the team must be united in order to reverse the score and finally win the championship. However, Saint Germain had problems.

  In the twelfth minute of the second half, Renaldo made a strong breakthrough outside the penalty area. In fact, he still had a second option, which was to pass the better-positioned Pieroni. Renaldo was not known for his breakthrough, and the ball was kicked out of the side by Basti's defender.

  In an anxious mood, under tremendous pressure, and with an insatiable desire for the championship trophy, Pieroni used the opportunity of the dead ball to blame Renard for a few more words. In the same mentality, Renaldo quarreled with him, and under strong pressure, neither of them could control their emotions. Although the quarrel was finally suppressed by the teammates, but a crack had appeared between the two.

  In the next game, the two forwards who played alone played a waste of opportunities. The connection between the two was broken off by themselves. As a result, Saint-Germain lost to zero.

  At the end of the game, Saint-Germain fans looked at the stadium in pain. The fate had been in their own hands, but their soldiers gave up the championship trophy, how could they accept it!

  The most painful is the Saint-Germain players, who cried and shed a bitter tears after the game. Back in the locker room, Pieroni and Renaldo had a fierce quarrel, and both sides believed that the other party was the source of the game's failure.

  Disappointed Pieroni soon applied for a transfer to the club, and the club eventually sold him to Auxerre.

  Some people discovered the molecular formula of benzene because they had a dream; some lost a war because of a horse nail, and then changed the history of Britain; some people were smashed by Apple and discovered the three laws of force.

  Saint-Germain lost the league championship trophy on the evening of May 24 last year because of the striker's internal conflict. The effort of one season has turned into bitter and painful tears, which has achieved the great cause of three consecutive league championships. Is it possible that Saint-Germain will lose the league title due to the internal conflict between the two strikers this year and achieve the other four consecutive championships in the league?

  Dewu's heart was covered with dark clouds. Ten minutes later, Dewu's shadow was heavier.

  Ribery made a breakthrough outside the penalty area, flashing a small space and firing. The football flew from Letizi's fingertips and got into the net. The score of the two sides became one to one!

  Two strikers appeared inward,

Now there are loopholes in the back line. So, is history really going to repeat itself?

  There was a silence on the bench for Saint-Germain, and the players who had experienced the pain of the past years were silent. The blue on the south stand was plunged into a terrible silence.

  Why does my team have infighting when it matters?

  There was endless bitterness in Dewu's heart. At this time, Vaid Alilozik called him to the sidelines, and spoke anxiously in his ear.

  Fortunately, under the calm command of Dewu, Saint Germain's defense line, before the end of the first half, never gave Metz a chance to keep the score of 1: 1 to the end of the first half.

  Tang Jue looked at the sea of ​​fire in the stands empty, and he was thinking about why this game became like this. Of course, he has enough confidence in his heart. He believes that he will still score in the second half, and Saint Germain will definitely win the final victory in this game.

  Because he didn't go through that game of the past year.

  There was a shadow in Renaldo's heart, and he was irritable.

  At the end of the first half, Dewu quickly called Tang Jue and Renaldo on the court.

  Dewu took a serious look at them, neither Tang Jue nor Renaldo looked at each other. Dewu's heart was more sad, but there was no sad expression on his face. It is not a sad time at this time, he must change this situation through his own efforts.

  Dewu said: "The coach asked me to tell you, how can you still play like this, the two will change together in the second half!"

  This sentence seemed to be a thunderous thunder above the heads of the two. Tang looked at Dewu in amazement. Renaldo was thoughtful. He remembered the game last year.

  Dewu looked at Tang Jue and said, "Tang, you have not experienced the game of the past year, and I will tell you the truth. We were not losing to each other in strength at the time, but there was a problem with our mentality. On the inside. "

  Tang Jue raised an eyebrow, and his heart surged. When he came to Saint-Germain, he never knew the actual situation of the last game last year, and his teammates avoided this topic. The spirit of battle will actually affect the final result?

  Dewu turned to look at Renaldo and said, "Last year you were a visitor to that game. Although your teammates have never blamed you, don't you have any guilt in your heart? Shouldn't you give us a league Trophy? Are you still the sinner in the history of shame? "

  Dewu has a strong tone. He is the captain of the team. There is a problem between teammates, and he is responsible for solving this problem. If this kind of thing did not happen at such a critical moment now, Dewu would never say so much.

  Tang Jue is only 17 years old. This is his first professional season. He is a rookie in the professional league. Since he is a rookie, he can be forgiven. However, Renaldo is a veteran on the battlefield for many years. More importantly, he was the initiator of the bitter results of last year.

  Dewu politely and fiercely asked Renaldo three rhetorical questions. Each rhetorical question was a heavy hammer, beating Renaldo's heart fiercely.

  Dewu looked at Renaldo and said, "We have half a game, I need an answer now!"

  Both Tang Jue and Renaldo know what Dewu wants. If they don't say anything now, then they can only sit on the bench in the second half.

  Tang is absolutely proud, but the situation now wants him to bow his head.

  Tang is proud to be a professional player. The purpose of setting up the green field is to become a great striker. Great forwards will definitely play an important role, even protagonists, in critical, great games.

  Tonight's game is the key game. Tang Ju scored a lightning goal in the first eight seconds of the game, setting the fastest record in Ligue 1 history. At that moment, he was the protagonist on the field. If he was allowed to sit on the bench to watch his teammates match, it would be more uncomfortable than killing him.

  Tang never looked at Dewu, reached out to Renaldo and said, "Renaldo, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so impatient!"

  Dewu's words were like sharp knives. They cut off the history of last year with one knife and dug out the guilt hidden deep inside Renaldo. Renaldo looked pale. He looked at Tang Jue's outstretched hand, exhaled a long breath, held Tang Jue's hand and said, "Dang, it was really my fault then, I should pass you!"

  Since last year's history was caused by you, and since the club's shame was caused by yourself, let yourself solve it!

  Renaldo Xiaosuo smiled: "Don, I have been avoiding the pain of last year. I have always pushed the responsibility to Pieroni, and I even found a reason for myself-Pieroni proposed a transfer Requirement. If it is not his responsibility, why would he propose a transfer?

  However, I was wrong! "

  Renaldo looked at Dewu and said, "Thank you for awakening me. I will not run away anymore. The humiliation I have caused to everyone will be resolved by myself. Please tell the coach, me, Renaldo, Will never be a sinner again! "

  Dewu nodded, with a smile on his face, without saying a word, but walking towards the player's channel on the shoulders of the two. Some reporters were sensitively aware that this could be a fragment that changed the outcome of this game. They recorded the moment with the camera on their hands.

  The back of the three remained in the camera in the hands of the reporter, and this profound lesson remained in Tang Jue's memory forever.