Chapter 151: Stubborn Metz!

Judging from the running posture and position on the court, Tang Jue determined that the ball was scored by left-back Ben Assauer. Ben Assauer was flying on the pitch at this time.

  Looking at Ben Assauer flying on the field, Tang Jue's mood was very complicated.

  Vaid Alilotsik stood in the command zone, punching his punches as if to knock down an enemy that did not exist in front of him. He was finally relieved. Only by winning this game could Saint-Germain win the championship. The news of Lyon's victory over Marseille a few hours ago was like a big mountain resting on his heart. To move to this big mountain, he had to direct his disciples to take down Metz.

  The score is not enough to guarantee the final victory of the game. Vayd Alilozick called Deu to the sidelines and whispered a few words before restarting the game. Require his disciples to curb Ribery.

  The game resumed soon. Metz reorganized. Before the game, Ribery told the media that they must strongly block Saint-Germain. Now is the time for them to deliver on their promises.

  Ribery seemed to be going crazy, with a sharp sword in his hand, killing the guard of the pilgrimage Germanic fiercely. He wants to clear the left and deliver shells to the middle.

  A stern look appeared in Ribery's eyes. As France's most dazzling youth star, Ribery who went crazy was terrible. Ribery's right-hand path on Saint-Germain seems to be invincible. After the game restarts, Ribery bypasses the old Carna and breaks through Arman. He is like a member who will directly kill the Saint-Germain penalty area!

  A breakthrough, Metz fans burst into blood, they shouted: "Ribery! Ribery! Ribery!"

  Saint Germain's defense was chaotic, and Dewu shouted, "Stop him! Stop him! Midway! Midway!"

  Instantly, three Saint-Germain players surrounded Ribery!

  Ribery's technology reached the beginning of the star, and it is very difficult to break through the siege of the three Saint-Germain defensive players. It was also the early stage of the star, Tang Ju faced the Metz defenders' double-fold many times in the first half, he tried everything, and the success rate was less than 30%.

  Ribery is not Tang Jue. He is a winger and is ready to pass to his teammates at any time. At this point Ribery suddenly passed the ball to the middle!

  A flaming figure descended from the sky like a magical soldier, heading for the ball from the middle!

  Dewu had been on the midfield to watch out for Ribery's pass to the middle. At the moment of Ribery's pass, Dewu began to move quickly towards football!

  After two steps, Dewu dropped his focus and he wanted to tackle!

  After an instant, Dewu and the red figure were only half a meter away from the football!

  Both feet stretch towards the football!

  The atmosphere at Saint-Germain's bench was very tense, how much they hoped Deu could tackle the ball.

  However, the fact is completely contrary to their hopes, Deu did not meet football. That red figure came into contact with football in advance!

  Seeing that he couldn't reach the ball, Dewu quickly retracted his foot in disappointment. He didn't want to shovel the opponent because it was a penalty area. There was a look of pain in his eyes.

  The sea of ​​fire in the stands seemed to come alive suddenly, and countless flames were burning!

  The sea on the south side of the stadium fell into a deadly silence. Their faces were pale, and their faces were filled with tension and fear.

  Standing in the command zone, Wyid Alilozick stared at the football with wide eyes, as if he was doing his exercises, and wanted to use special functions to move the football to another place.

  Tang Ju, sitting on the bench, was not nervous. The supercomputer Xiaofeifei told Tang Jue the trajectory of football long ago. At this time watching the game off the court, Xiaofeifei had no scruples. It turned on super-computing power and analyzed the games one by one.

  At this point, the football went straight to Letizi!

  How can Letizi miss such an opportunity? With three steps, Letizi is like a hungry tiger.

Pounce on oncoming football!

  The fire in the stands suddenly quieted down, but the southern blue jumped up, the tension on the face was replaced by joy, and the worry in my heart was replaced by pleasure!

  Just like seeing a lover who has been away for several years, Letizi lies on the turf and holds the football tightly in his arms!

  Under the collective power of Saint-Germain players, Metz broke this sharp attack!

  Everyone in the blue jersey at the Saint-Sime-Fourien stadium is applauding the Saint-Germain players!

  They are rejoicing to escape the disaster!

  After a brief disappointment, the sea of ​​fire in the stands came back to life, and they stood up to applaud their generals!

  They are applauding the wonderful performance of their officers and soldiers, hoping that they will have a better performance in the next game and can break through the door of Saint Germain.

  So the applause of the entire St. Simrian stadium!

  With a somber face on Vayd Alilozik, he shouted at his players: "Ladies! Get up! Get up!"


  No one can ever predict the situation in the game, Saint-Germain is stronger than Metz, and they are now one goal ahead. Besides, it is only a few minutes before the end of the game. It is reasonable to say that Saint-Germain should easily win the game.

  However, Metz's players did not give up and Ribery did not give up. They must strongly block Saint-Germain and become a stumbling block on the way to winning the championship.

  After the game restarted, Metz's players went crazy in the midfield and they overwhelmed Saint Germain in momentum!

  Intense physical contact occurs frequently, and dull sounds are made from time to time.

  Five minutes from the end of the game, Metz intercepted the ball in the midfield!

  After several passes, the football flew behind Arman!

  I saw Ribery flying like a cheetah quickly towards the football along the sideline, this is definitely a chance for Metz!

  Dewu's eyes widened, while rushing towards the restricted area, he shouted loudly to remind his teammates. He foresaw that this time was very dangerous!

  Ribery kept the football under his feet at seven meters from the bottom line!

  Powerful, Ribery went directly to the German restricted area to kill!

  This may be the last chance for Metz, Ribery wants to use this opportunity to kill Saint Germain!

  Countless grass dust is flying, Ribery is like a car speeding on the dirt road, and those grass dust is the exhaust of the car. After three steps, Ribery entered Saint Germain's penalty area!

  The whole stadium fell into tension, Tang Jue's face paled!

  Looking from a distance, Saint Germain's restricted area only has two colors of red and blue, and five blue figures flew towards Ribéry. At this time, a red figure from the restricted area line, he did not insert into the restricted area, there is a red figure in the middle of the restricted area.

  At this point Ribery can continue to break through the opportunity to find a shot. He can also pass to teammates lying in the middle!

  However, Ribery neither continued the breakthrough nor passed the ball to the middle. He suddenly passed the ball to the right and rear!

  There was a red figure there. There was no Saint-Germain defender around that red figure. Because Saint-Germain's defensive players focused on Ribery, on the red figure in the middle of the penalty area!

  A cold light flashed, and the football flew towards the Saint-Germain penalty area line in an instant!

  "Pop!" A crisp sound!

  The red figure standing on the penalty line shot at the ball!

  "Guye, professional-grade high section. This ball has a 89% chance of scoring!" Xiao Feifei's voice sounded in Tang Jue's mind!

  Tang Jue's face was even paler!

  Letizzi roared in her heart, and her left foot kicked hard and flew towards her left!

  I saw a white light flashing and the football got into the net of Saint Germain's goal!

  The goal has been scored!

  The score becomes two to two!

  The sea of ​​flames on the stands began to burn violently, and the faces of Mayes fans showed an excited look, and they shouted cheering!

  Stopping the champion is not empty words! Their soldiers did it!

  Wyed Arilozick's clenched fist trembled slightly, his heart began to sink!

  Five minutes ago, the big mountain in his heart was moved away by Ben Assauer's goal, and now Guye's goal puts that big mountain on his heart again!

  Saint-Germain players looked at the football in the net with eyes full of pain. The blue area south of the pitch fell into a deadly silence. Guye's goal was like a sharp sword stabbed in their hearts fiercely!

  Did it die like this?

  The game is not over yet, and there will be miracles! A miracle will definitely occur! for sure!

  Covering the wound on his chest, Saint Germain fans, supported by the idea that a miracle is bound to occur, stood up and shouted towards those frustrated faces on the pitch:

  "Saint Germain! Saint Germain! Saint Germain!"

  In frustration and despair, the shouts of these Saint-Germain fans are like the sunshine of dawn, tearing the shadow of despair!

  Dewu shouted, "Brothers! We are not dead yet! We still have time!"

  In Renaldo's eyes, only perseverance is left. If it was not for him and Tang Ju to have an internal conflict in the first half, it may be possible to solve the battle in the first half. The goal was scored in eight seconds and Saint Germain's start was fantastic.

  Renardol whispered Dewu's words: "Last year you were a visitor to that game. Although your teammates never blame you, don't you have a trace of guilt in your heart? Shouldn't you give us a league back? Trophy? Are you still the sinner in the history of shame? "

  Now that Tang Ju is sitting on the bench because of him, Renaldo has no joy in his heart, only responsibility.