Chapter 155: Fake Training!

Tang Jue got up on time the next day at seven o'clock, and he kept this habit. Being able to reach the current level in the first season is not so much a gift as he is, but he has been trained hard. In order to achieve breakthrough technology as early as possible in the middle of the star, Tang Ju has two personal trainings in addition to following club training.

  One is morning exercise. Every morning from 7:30 to 9:30, the main training skills are. One is noon training, two to three noon every day, mainly training physical fitness.

  Getting dressed, Tang looked at Alice's bright red lips, long eyelashes, and silky smooth skin, and couldn't help kissing her gently. Looking at Alice's quiet smile, Tang never thought she must be dreaming, Tang never remembered the madness of last night, and the smile on her face was stronger.

  There is no time to lament that he is the happiest man in the world. Tang must quickly get dressed, wash up, and take football to the second team training ground not far downstairs.

  In order to take his technology to the next level, and to allow himself to stand firm among the giants, he was sweating in the morning light. The left foot technology must also be improved. In the future, when playing in the giants, the opponents are getting stronger and stronger, and eating on one leg is very dangerous.

  There are some stars in the world who eat on one leg. For example, Sukh, the media and fans praised the Croatian star who can play the violin with his left foot. For example, Maradona's right foot technique is not particularly good.

  But they have one thing in common, and that is that their left foot technology has reached its peak. Tang Jue's right foot technique is still a long way from reaching the peak, and the most important thing is the glance before his breakthrough. If he can't break through on both sides, then he will always look only to his right.

  That glance was like a beacon in the night sea, which pointed out the direction that Tang must go forward for the defensive players. In order to break through, in addition to combining speed and technology more closely, he must also have multiple choices. For example, increase the direction of the break, improve the left foot technology, so that you can break to the left.

  The road has been found, the rest is to improve your skills in training and then use them in competitions. The game is like a sledgehammer. The sword of technology is severely tempered to make it sharper.

  With his left foot quickly touching the football, Tang Ju appeared in front of many virtual obstacles. He used his left foot to quickly move through the obstacles with the football. Tang must feel that he is back to the sycamore forest of Lyon II!

  Fifteen meters from the goal, Tang Ju stepped on the right side of the football with his right foot, his left leg quickly tilted back, and then swayed toward the football like a whip. Immediately after the "slap!", Tang Jue's left ankle hit the football fiercely. The football was like a sharp sword, pierced the cold air in the morning, and flew towards the right goal post!

  "Pong!" With a loud noise, the football hit the post!

  Tang never stopped, wiped the sweat from his forehead, watched the football flying to his left, and shook his head. Tang Jue suddenly shot a stern, shouting at the rolling football: "Come again!"

  The virtual obstacle in the eyes was created by Xiaofeifei, which is to make the training closer to actual combat. According to Xiao Feifei, with the improvement of technology in the future, those virtual obstacles will be replaced with virtual figures, so that it will be closer to actual combat.

  Tang Jue trained his left foot technique for forty minutes, and then trained his right foot technique for half an hour. Soon more than an hour passed.


  Tang Ju sat on the side of the field and looked at the east sky, his body covered with sweat. The morning sun in his eyes is like a large fireball, emitting infinite light and heat. The clouds below the morning sun are plated with gold rim, which is a beautiful picture.

  Tang must think of Nietzsche's famous saying: I am the sun and the light is endless!

  Tang Jue looked at the sun with a smile and said, "I am the sun, and I want to shine the entire history of football!"

  Many people say that Nietzsche is crazy. If anyone hears Tang Jue 's words,

He must be considered a lunatic like Nietzsche. However, Tang Jue does not think he is a lunatic. If he has to say that he is a lunatic, he is also a sensible lunatic, a lunatic who is crazy for football, a lunatic who is chasing dreams!

  The grandson said: Soldier, so do tricks!

  Fake action is tricky. The purpose of deceiving each other with realistic fake actions is to break through each other. Dewu told him that at the last moment of the breakthrough, Ronaldinho looked at the opposite direction of his upcoming breakthrough, and Daluo chose not to look at it. Tang Jue stubbornly chose a dead end. He wanted to see it, and he looked at his breakthrough.

  After all, it was his pride that made him choose this path. He has to follow a path that others have never succeeded in. Since he wants to become great, he has to leave something for the world football!

  However, in actual combat, he paid the price for it. He was spotted by the defender of Ligue 1. Tang Jue did not score for three consecutive games. At that time Tang Jue began to think about solutions. His method was to continue to improve his speed; to train his left foot skills.

  As time went on and the number of matches increased, Tang Jue realized that he had made a mistake in his thinking. What you have discarded and what you have previously rejected.

  There are three ways to break through: direction change, speed change, fake action.

  With the hardening of many games, his change of direction and speed have been used very well, but fake moves are not used much in the game.

  That glance is my pride, and that will never change.

  Then you can always make fake moves when you bring the ball!

  Tang Ju stood up, patted his buttocks habitually, glanced at the glowing sun, and gently turned the football upside down with his feet, like an acrobatic master, tumbling the football towards the green field!

  Tang Jue took the ball forward in the slightly cold morning breeze, and his left foot suddenly stepped on the football. He pulled the ball gently and successively, and the football slowly rolled backwards. When the left foot landed, his body took the left leg as the axis. Mind, The whole body rotates 180 degrees backwards, while raising the right foot, the bottom of the right foot is pulled back strongly on the football!

  A beautiful Marseille roundabout!

  This action is very much like a martial arts action, Tang must have forgotten the name of that martial arts action. He has been practicing Marseille maneuvers for a month, and it should be said that he has achieved little.

  If Zidane was standing next to him at this time, he would surely find that there was still a discontinuity in Tang Jue's movements, of course, ordinary people could not see it.

  If Zidane knew that Tang Jue had only practiced this technique for a month, he would definitely leave here immediately because it hurts self-esteem. Think about how many years it took him to practice Marseille maneuvers into his own trick, and this little guy has such achievements in a month, what makes him feel embarrassed!

  After fifty rounds of Marseilles, Tang Jue began cycling on the turf, his two feet quickly dangling on the football, making people feel dazzled.

  After riding the bicycle, Tang Jue began to train a new technique he created. This technique is a turning technique facing away from the goal. The reason why it is called newly created is because no such technology has been seen in recorded games.

  At this moment Alice was standing on the balcony, holding a glass of hot boiling water, and wearing a red coat on her shoulders. She watched her lover in the cold morning breeze.

  A faint smile appeared on Alice's face. In her eyes, Tang Jue was now an acrobatic master, and the football under his feet was his prop!

  Alice remembered the madness at noon and night yesterday, her face turned red in the morning sun!