
Outside the Jade city, the morning sun was rising.

A handsome juvenile youth with delicate features, clad in black clothes, was treading fast and arrived near a deserted grassland then turned back and said: "You can say it now, what secret information do you want to provide me?"

Behind him, two men in gray clothes had followed behind him all the way to this area.

These two fat and thin servants, who were running with ease without losing their breaths, and clearly had some martial cultivation. They came rushing over to the grassland which was surrounded by desolate and uninhabited areas and suddenly a vicious and ruthless cast emerged in their eyes.

"A waste like you should just go and repent in hell! You are just a handicapped kid but you still dare to drool over our young Miss Feng Yao, die!"

The fat man cursed and surrounded the black-clothed boy together with the thin man.

Black-clothed youth's complexion changed.

They had been assigned to take his life?

The youth was named Tian Shen and since his childhood, he had lived in the city with the 'Feng clan' as the adopted son of Feng clan's head, Feng Changge. However, in this world of cultivation, from an early age, he grew up with blocked meridians and because of that, he was incapable of practicing and even if he was the adopted son of the head of the clan, he could never earn anyone's respect. It was quite a shame and people mocked his name and disdained him for his lack of power.

(Tian Shen - Heavenly God)

As for Feng Yao, she was Feng Changge's daughter. She was only sixteen years old this year, but not only was she beautiful, but her figure also was slim, and she had already stepped into the seventh stage of Body tempering Stage. She was a genius disciple of the Cold Ice Sect.

"Who ordered you to kill me?"

Tian Shen calmly asked. In fact, he had never bothered about this girl.

"Since you would die, I will be merciful to tell you. Young Miss personally wants you dead and you have nowhere to escape, so die!"

The fat man shouted loudly then suddenly rushed forward and threw a heavy punch towards Tian Shen.

Tian Shen was unable to train and, he couldn't even see when the fat man's punch had already reached him. He received a heavy punch on the stomach with a great strength of 1000 Jin which directly shattered his bones into fragments and instantly destroyed his whole body and he fell down on the dirt.

"Cough! Cough!"

Tian Shen coughed out a mouthful of blood and tightly clenched his teeth but didn't utter a single groan.

He was tenacious and was not willing to resign so easily!

In this world, strength represented everything. This fat servant was only at the 1st stage of the body tempering stage, but he could condense a thousand jin of strength with a wave of his hand. With a single punch, he had seriously injured Tian Shen who was on the verge of death.

"I can't die."

Tian Shen's eyes were bloodshot as he watched the two approaching before him. He used all his strength to stand up and flee.

"Tsk, tsk look at this resilient cockroach hanging to his life ", the two servants laughed.

"Where are you running brat, just a mere cripple, and dare lust after the swan's meat haha"

"I cannot die here ", thought Tian Shen as he ran through the dirt-filled plains, his vision dizzy as he was quite wounded.

"Die brat", a sound came from behind as Tian Shen crashed to the ground. Blood filled his vision.

Tian Shen's whole body was already injured with multiple broken bones, ruptured internal organs and his whole body were covered in severe agony.

Death was slowly approaching him.

"How can I die like this….."

Tian Shen clenched his teeth but the severe pain had made both his mind and body go numb. While his body fell towards the ground, it severely rammed into a giant rock and his blood sprayed out and stained the rock.

In a while, his consciousness had slowly started to get fuzzy and everything went blank...

"Ha ha ha , the trash died at last , such a tenacious bastard wasting this master's precious time", the fat man laughed.

"Ha, trash like him is better off the sooner dead. He throws the face of the prestigious Feng Family."

They dug a hole near Tian Shen's dead body and they threw the body in the pit. They were sure nobody had noticed the deed as this was a deserted plain often frequented by beasts.

Laugh they went away from the place.

But they were mistaken as the whole scenario was seen by a wandering spirit and even if those servant's cultivation would have been million times greater they still wouldn't be able to sense the presence of that spirit.

"Hmm, a heavenly blocked meridian body, its the one I was searching for all over the world", the spirit was quite excited.

Fortunately or Unfortunately, Tian Shen's body was of special constitution with all his meridians blocked. The owners with Special constitution bodies were of peerless talents but with the exception of Heavenly blocked meridian constitution as its owner could never cultivate and would remain a cripple forever. This type of cursed body was only present two times including Tian Shen from the beginning of time so the spirit was excited. The Spirit was trying to be reborn for many eons but was not fortunate enough to find these types of bodies, as only with this "Heavenly blocked Meridian' body could the spirit be reborn and fully manifest his powers.

"Hong!" The spirit fused together with the body.

A miracle was occurring as the spirit fused with the dead body, the body was undergoing miraculous transformations.

Time passes and Tian Shen finally opened his eyes again. His brow wrinkled slightly and he carefully felt the throbbing of his soul.

"Not bad", mumbled him he was quite content with this new body.

This wasn't actually Tian Shen as he had already died.

This was soul/spirit which now possesses Tian Shen's body.

"Heh it feels quite nice having a body for the first time "the man laughed, "Boy since you have died miserably which allowed me to take your body...I would allow you to reincarnate to a good life in your next life, also as I would be using your name and identity from now I would take care of those weeds for you", Tian Shen sounded casual.

(Tian Shen would be called with the same name as the soul has taken his identity)

Tian Shen lifted himself up from the ground as he slowly started walking in the direction those two servants went towards...

Tian Shen seems to walk slowly but his speed was insanely fast.

The fat man and the thin man were quite happy as they have successfully killed that waste and they would be praised by the young mistress.

They nearly drooled thinking about their beautiful miss praising them. They walked slowly towards the Jade city.

Suddenly the noticed a figure coming towards them from the front.

Both servants were stunned and dumbfounded seeing the person coming from the front