"Don't lie to the Princess, Fortress defense magic required atleast four of the court magician, chanting various spell and inserting various magic equipment to works, even if you just wanted to the fortress defense magic to a small mansion like this, it's just plain impossible!" [Qis]
Geez... atleast let me explain first, you can doubt me all you want later after I explained to them but no, you have to spoil it. Well you know what, change of plan, I will just use the fortress defense magic first and then explain it to them, that will show her
Now then, first, I just need to reactivate the core of the magic core, and since this Behemoth is having an earth type magic core, I should imbued it with such, and since it was only a day after I kill the behemoth, this is an easy part as I only need a small amount of mana to do so. There's the glow! So the first process is a success
Now, come the tricky and hard part, installation of functions. Here lies the uniqueness of the fortress defense magic, it uses a "live" magic core to be applied to a structure, making it akin to a living being, and since it's usually applied to a fortress for enhancing it defense, hence it got its name from there. To install the function, I'll have to give the live magic core a command and the appropriate amount of mana for it to start activating the said function and also the energy to do so at first.
(Let see... here are my command!) [Ash]
1. Integrate yourself into the mansion and the surrounding area (a basic commands so that the magic core knew its new "body")... success
2. Protect those living inside here, protect me, Rean, Elise, Kara, Mara, Zerolith, Karon, Farhah, Singa, Savel, Charlotte and also Claude by any mean possible... Success
(Whoa! The amount of mana taken, is phenomenal... if I haven't received the goddess blessings, I will be death)
3. Self recovery to destroy part... success
(That sure take a lot of my healing mana) [Ash]
4. Darkness aptitude, make it so that Claude can freely transverse your body even when the brightest light magic are thrown... Success
(and now my darkness magic, such an amount, no wonder it requires number of magician) [Ash]
Last but not least
5. Just be here with us through rain and sunshine
Well, Fortress defense magic aren't actually a living things, it's more akin to that of an AI, but nonetheless I felt so wrong if I didn't said that.
(Phew... I'm tired, the second command itself take more than half of my mana, but somehow I feel like I forgot something) [Ash]
As I'm about to just sit down on the floor to rest for a while, a chair just appeared itself,
"Well, thank you... Crap, I forgot to give it a name!" [Ash]
"Crap!" [Charlotte]
"Charlotte!" [Ash]
"Ouch, it hurt! Housey ask brother Ash to stop!" [Charlotte]
As I pinch Charlotte cheeks for imitating my rudeness, Charlotte ask Housey to stop me... just who is this Housey, well it's not long until I get the answer, literally only a second after Charlotte ask Housey to stop me, the now glowing and floating magic core bump itself lightly towards my finger until I release my pinching finger
"Thank you Housey!" [Charlotte]
".-- . .-.. -.-. --- -- ." [Housey]
"Housey huh, well since it looks happy then why not" [Ash]
I mean, just look at it, it glowing even brighter when Charlotte begin to pat it as a thanks.
"Ash... you better explain to me what just happened!" [Diana]
"I, I will, just stop with those scary smile! And Housey no, she isn't a threat, neither are the female guard beside her as well as those 12 guard!" [Ash]
"!" [Qis]
"And explain that as well!" [Diana]
"I get it, I get it, just stop smiling like that, it's even scarier than a ghost, look, even Elise become frightened!" [Ash]
Well, it's true, the calmed Elise from a moment ago just became pale when Diana have those look that said "I won't leave without any explanation", and such a determined look, and yet scary at the same time
For the 12 guard, it's not that of a big deal for me, I just detect them the moment we set out to go to the merchant guild, and to further confirm it, I saw that Qis have make a unique hand movement, signalling those guard from time to time everything is alright
As for the Fortress defense magic
"First, who said that you need to chant a spell to activate Fortress defense magic" [Ash]
"But, chanting is the basic of magic!" [Qis]
"Well, you're wrong there Miss, you don't even required to chant to perform a magic, sure chanting have it benefits but in this case, where I have to install all the necessary command towards Housey, it's far better for me to just tell Housey through my mind" [Ash]
"Huh?" [Diana]
"Well, I'll leave the long explanation for the other time, but to use a magic you don't necessarily required a chant, I mean you don't chant something every time you walk or breath right" [Ash]
"Then how about the required magic equipment? How do you compensate that?" [Diana]
"Those things aren't unnecessary in Housey case, First the scale of Housey new body and the scale for which this magic are usually applied is different, so most magician required a number of magical equipment for two things, one is to supply constant amount of mana and two is to supply them with mana of required element for it to perform what has been command to it, but for me, I have a large mana pool and I can also use all the magic element so I don't required such equipment" [Ash]
"Can I also use all the magic element?" [Zerolith]
"Technically, all creature are able to do so, it's just that your body aren't used to it, I'll explain to all of you later" [Ash]
"I can guess your answer, but let me just ask this final question, the magic circle aren't necessary also, am I right?" [Diana]
"Precisely, but it will help if there is one" [Ash]
""..."" [Diana, Qis]
"you sure are one genius magician..." [Claude]
"Brother Ash, my common sense are crumbling" [Elise]
"Same here" [Rean]
"I don't know whether I should take those as compliment or not" [Ash]
"Ash, won't you considered once again to work with us? I promise you that we will pay you quite a good amount of money and if you don't want to work with other noble and royal, Father and I will find a way!" [Diana]
"It's a tempting offer, but I still have to refuse it, I'm sure you have ton of thing to ask me to do once I started working and that will only reduce the amount of time I will spend with these little brother and sister of mine" [Ash]
For one, I still have to teach them the basic thing like letter, number and mathematics as this world only have school for the rich one, plus they are still weak, unable to defend themselves properly, and with how some stupid people behave, I just can't fathom what they will do to them, especially to the non human Elise, Karon, Zerolith, Farhah Savel and Singa and by extension the other four since they are always together. I mean we do have Housey and Claude now but what happen if they are attacked outside the house
"..-. .. -. .. ... .... / .-. . .--. .- .. .-. .. -. --. / - .... . / -- .- -. ... .. --- -." [Housey]
"I see, thank you Housey" [Ash]
"Hm?" [Farhah]
"I ask Housey to repair the gate, and also to repair any damages structure in the mansion, and looks like Housey have finish it job" [Ash]
"How come you understand Housey?" [Karon]
"Good question, even I don't know that" [Ash]
To be honest, I really don't and it's hurts me as the usually silent Karon ask such questions with enthusiasm only to be turned down like that, but Karon face said otherwise
"I'll find it one day!" [Karon]
"I'll help!" [Farhah]
"I'm sure you will" [Ash]
Kara and Mara then look at Claude and Housey
"Can we start decorating the mansion?" [Kara]
"Can we, Can we?" [Mara]
"Sure, why not" [Claude]
""Yay!"" [Kara Mara]
"But first we have to cleanse the mansion" [Claude]
"I'll do it quickly!" [Singa]
"I won't lose!" [Savel]
Well, since we will start clean the mansion
"Diana, let me escort you back to the castle" [Ash]
"Don't mind me, I have Qis and the other" [Diana]
"Well, I do believe they can perform their job very well, but can't just leave behind a lady walk without any protection when dusk coming" [Ash]
"Show off" [Qis]
"Wel, kinda, since I need to teach the boys how to became a gentleman, plus I can buy some ingredients later on, and let's not forget that I have to tell the innkeeper that we will not be coming tonight" [Ash]
"Well, if you said so, but somehow I still have a feeling that there are one more reason you haven't tell us yet" [Diana]
"Nonsense" [Ash]
That's a princess intuition alright... I am quite lazy to clean the mansion right now after using most of my mana just now, but let not tell her that shall we. With that, I ask them to prioritize the bathroom as well as the two bedroom to be cleaned up first. I then escort Diana until the gate of the Castle