Chapter 15: Training part 3

"You there, unless the information that I received was wrong, wasn't the saint and saintess forbid the baseless hatred towards non human and twin" [Ash]

Wow, I'm surprised as to how calmed I am right now, sincerely speaking, I just wanted to tear and ripped them apart but nonetheless I hold back, knowing that if I lashes out now, it will nothing but trouble, plus I sincerely doesn't want to ruined the teaching of both the saint and saintess, they are trying their best to advocate their teaching, so that human and non human can walk together in peace and that any old believe such as twin bring nothing but bad luck to be disposed off

"So what, we are in a dungeon now, so we could do all that we want" [Follower C]

Such a retarded reason, almost enough to actually make me snapped. Well, any country rules doesn't applied once you are inside a dungeon, there's no clear cut reason for that, it just that they believe the dungeon, or more specifically the wormhole that covered the dungeon are a neutral area where one shouldn't interfere with, and those stupid thought do cause a fair share of problem. Assassination, rape, slavery, you name it there will always be a case of crime inside the dungeon and yet the country couldn't do anything! Even if there's evidence of it, that is the watcher, the surviving victims couldn't even get the justice that they are supposed to get. Honestly speaking, it's a shocking thing for me and yet nothing have been done to change them

"Sigh... who am I kidding, I forgot most of the old follower are retarded, so it only make sense that you do such barbaric act" [Ash]

"What did you say!" [Follower A]

"Not only a retard, but also deaf, I see. Such pitiable follower" [Ash]

"Why you, by the name of the Goddess Achalasia, we should purge you and those kids" [Follower E]

"Goddess Achalasia huh..." [Ash]

Nonsense, Goddess Achalasia doesn't tell me to hate those non human, instead, she is a sweet and kind hearted goddess, hearing them spouting nonsense by using the goddess name really irk me to no end

"What are those weapon?" [Follower B]

"Who knew, it strangely shape" [Follower D]

I bring out my Scythe, and in an instant

"My, my arm!" [Follower C]

"Shit!" [Follower A]

I ripped their arm by using the scythe, I could just go for the head, but I sincerely doesn't want to make things worse, it's not for their sake but rather for the sake of saint and saintess as I don't want any of their effort to goes down the drain with my act

and once all of them become armless, I simply burn their detached arm right Infront of them

"Now go or else!" [Ash]

As I said that, I unleash large amount of light magic, light sword, light arrow, light mace, light golem, you name it, there's enough variant of spell with various sizes all surrounding them and each one of them ready to shred them apart

"Such powerful light magic" [Follower B]

"His power can even rival the saint!" [Follower D]

"But I thought he uses dark magic just now, so how?" [Follower E]

"Still babbling around huh..." [Ash]

and one of the light sword magic pierce the toes of one of them, aaaaand they all run away, toward the dungeon entrance, I swear to god these people are so... sigh...

With that, I dispel the dark shield barrier surrounding those cutie pie

"That's awesome! As expected of you brother Ash!" [Zerolith]

"If only I can become as strong as you are..." [Rean]

"Rean..." [Elise]

Rean once again, feeling down, just like the other day... well he was the one protecting the other before I came and now that he see how effortlessly I bring those rascal down, he must be feeling powerless. Well, time to act like a good big brother

"Rean, it's alright. I know how you feel like, feeling helpless, only relying on other to protect you but for now it's alright" [Ash]

"?" [Rean]

"Right now, Claude, Housey and I are here, just to protect you, to nurture all of you to become strong and useful member of society, so that's why rely on us when you still can. Once you become strong enough, it's your turn to protect other" [Ash]

"Just like what you did?" [Rean]

"Exactly" [Ash]

Well, I am weak back on earth, but Goddess Achalasia and God of Death gave me their blessings to help me, and now it's my turn to help them, and once they are all ready to leave the nest, it's their turn to do the same

(and when that day come, Claude, Housey and I will be lonely...) [Ash]

Well, it's inevitable, but that's still a long way to go

"Brother Ash, what is this?" [Zerolith]

Zerolith, just when did you, nevermind, well he is asking about all the loot that were spawned when we defeat the zombies, there are weapon, ore and various other loots, as expected of human like monster, the variety of drop they gave can really filled the pocket of an adventure with money

As we collect all the drop, I stumbled upon two things, first is that there appear to be a spawning block for those zombie, a rare item (well, let just said it's rarity is that of an S class) that spawn zombies as long as there are enough mana being supply

(I bet Diana, Gizzere and Ram will approach me later to buy this thing) [Ash]

and secondly, well that thing is the one that stumble upon me

"A light baby Behemoth?" [Farhah]

"So cute!" [Kara]

"Why did an S rank monster appear in the first floor?" [Rean]

"Soon to be S rank monster, right now it's a C rank monster and good question" [Ash]

Well, I can falter a guess, and that is because it's attracted by my light magic just now, light baby Behemoth only feed the mana light from their parents, and as such rarely if not never separate from their parents which mean...

"Brother Ash, can we take Behe home?" [Charlotte]

"Can we, Can we?" [Savel]

"Please" [Mara]

And Charlotte already gave it a name, but can we?

"Meow" [Behe]

"Alright there, you won my heart with that cute meow" [Ash]

"What about food?" [Singa]

"Light baby Behemoth feed on light mana, so Elise, Kara, Mara and I can feed Behe" [Ash]

"Can I?" [Elise]

"Sure" [Ash]

Elise make a number of light ball magic and Behe started to feed on them and gosh Behe must be starving...

"Still, where are Behe's parents?" [Rean]

"Good question... I should discuss it with the adventure guild master and Diana" [Ash]

Something that can separate an S rank monster from it child, this could spell trouble. Well, this might be rude but this isn't a laughing matter so...

"Diana, Guild Master Ram, can you please come to our home around 600pm to discuss this thing?" [Ash]

"Brother, such rude behaviour!" [Elise]

"Well, it's an emergency so..." [Ash]

"Look, Zerolith, Singa and Savel are copying you!" [Elise]

I looked at the now shouting trio... well I shouted so that Diana and Ram or atleast someone can relay those message toward them, barbarian act of course (and crap, I should address her as Princess just now... well too late) but one that should be done

"I'm sorry Elise..." [Ash]

"Don't do it next time!" [Elise]

"Yes..." [Ash]

"Haha" [Rean]