Chapter 73: Princess Nurhaliza


[Diana point of view]

"Mini rainbow" [Diana]

"Now that's quick!" [Ash]

"Not as quick as Charlotte though" [Zerolith]

"Yeah, Charlotte did it in an hour" [Savel]

"She's naturally gifted" [Singa]

"That's pretty!" [Charlotte]

"Thank you Charlotte" [Diana]

"Just how?" [Qis]

"Can you teach us?" [Alice]

"Me too!" [Young healer A]

I did it, not at a level where I can use chantless magic at a fight, but with this, I'm one step away from chantless magic.

Truth to be told, I had never heard of this kind of technique being taught in any school. So when Ash mentioned something about an Organnelles called as Mitral, there's a little bit of skepticism inside me, nonetheless, I still attend the session and here I am right now. I asked Ash about it, and he say that he simply thought of it when he was teaching the orphans back then. In other words, this is his own school style. That's simply amazing, plus with achieving such a feat at a young age, he should be considered genius.

(Maybe he's blessed just like I am?) [Diana]

Looking closely, I do feel some sort of blessings inside of him, is it the same as mine? Plus, his scythe also have some sort of blessings bestowed upon. As for the orphans, my intuition tells me that they will also receive the same blessings as I am, from Goddess Achalasia herself, I don't know what makes me think of that, but this intuition of mine is usually right about this kind of thing. Well, it's part of the blessings, so I has no doubt about it

During dinner with them, I am sincerely envious seeing as how close those kids with Ash. They're not even blood related, but they share a strong bond, unlike me and my other siblings. No, even mother herself didn't really acknowledge me, but thankfully father does...

"Then Princess Diana can become our big sister, just like in fairy tale, a commoner and a princess!" [Charlotte]

That really caught me off guard, and from the sound of it, this must be Alice doing, telling the orphans that fairy tale of her.

"Hahaha, that's a nice suggestion Charlotte, but if she's to become your big sister, then my relaxing life with you all will be over as she will work me to the bone, so no thank" [Ash]

"Well, this is a first, this must be how those guys and the holy palace feels like, simply getting rejected by me" [Diana]

This really is the first time. I get mixed feeling about it. Qis is angry because of Ash's words. Now, now, I'm sure he just say it as a joke, no need to get so uptight, but the part where I will work him to the bone, who know, that might happen

As the dinner ends, Qis and I dropped Liyana to her mansion first, she's drowsy right now, so inside the carriage, neither of us make any sound as to let her sleep. Her maid then carried her to her bed and we went back to the castle straight afterward. One of the workers tells me that Princess Nurhaliza had sent me a letter but I'm too tired, so I will check it later, or so I thought

"I'm tired..." [Diana]

"You're working hard today, how about you go and sleep first" [Qis]

"I'll do just that" [Diana]

Work keeps on piling and I haven't even touched the letter Haliza send to me. I'll do it tomorrow but somehow I get a bad feeling about it.

(It's not an official letter, so maybe it's fine) [Diana]

How wrong of me. The first thing I do after waking up is reading the letter, and thinking of apologetic message to send, but...

"I'll be sneaking out of castle and see you three days from now. Love, Haliza" [Princess Nurhaliza]

"..." [Diana]

Wait a minute, that mean...

"Princess Diana! Princess Nurhaliza is here!" [Qis]

"I knew it!" [Diana]

"Ohh, you just wakes up? Wake up sleepy head!" [Princess Nurhaliza]

"At least let me dress myself first!" [Diana]

As I prepare myself quickly, she just sit there, inside my room accompanied by her commoner friend, Mira and her guard

Once I'm done, the five of us stroll the castle first before moving on to the topic when

"Ohh, Ash is early" [Diana]

"Who?" [Princess Nurhaliza]

"The Behemoth Slayer" [Diana]

"Ohh! So that's him!" [Princess Nurhaliza]

"Haliza, wait!" [Diana]

This girl, seriously!

"So there you are!" [Princess Nurhaliza]

"?" [Ash]

Of course, Ash will be confused


Who is this black hair girl? She's emitting an aura of assertiveness similar to Diana...

"Diana, is she a princess?" [Ash]

I'm sure other royal and noble aren't that interested in seeing me, so I have a feeling she is a noble from a foreign country, and her aura really is similar to Diana, so that's why I came to that conclusion

"She is" [Diana]

"Wait, did he seriously just called you Diana?" [Princess Nurhaliza]

"He did, and I'm fine with it. Plus, he is a traveler, not Estel's citizen, so I will just let it slide" [Diana]

Somehow, I get a bad feeling about this, should retreat first

"Ohh, where are you going dear Behemoth Slayer" [Princess Nurhaliza]

"Escaping" [Ash]

"How rude, at least introduce yourself first" [Princess Nurhaliza]

"Well, you already knew who I am so it's pointless. Plus, I get this impression that you didn't even mind it with the way I talked" [Ash]

"Ash, just do it..." [Diana]

Diana seems to be giving up already... Well, no demerits on doing so, so I guess it's fine

"I'm Ash, son of Vincent and Maria, a traveler currently taking care of ten cute siblings of mine. Nice to meet you Princess...?" [Ash]

"Nice to meet you Ash, I'm Princess Nurhaliza from Malsia and this two here who just joined us is my friend and my guard" [Princess Nurhaliza]

"I'm Mira, nice to meet you" [Mira]

"..." [Guard]

"I'll just called your guard Qis 2.0 then" [Ash]

"Hey!" [Guard]

"Why am I getting dragged into this first thing in the morning" [Qis]

"How about we all have some breakfast first. It's still early plus, the meeting will start after the breakfast" [Diana]

"If you said so" [Ash]

"You sure jump quickly on this matter" [Princess Nurhaliza]

"I'm too hungry after scanning this kingdom the whole night non-stop, so a nice breakfast is just what I need" [Ash]

"Tchh... first Mira and now this traveler!" [Guard]

"Well, you better get used to it then, I'm just too lazy right now to change my way of speaking Qis 2.0" [Ash]

"Why me..." [Qis]

"Alright then, rude Captain 2.0 it is" [Ash]

During breakfast, the princess tells us that she actually sneaked out from the castle last night and ask Mira to accompany her at last minute. Really, that sound absurd but

"Haha, it's true, plus, Haliza always does that and her father will scold her for that alongside me" [Mira]

"And you're dragged along with her whim?" [Ash]

"Sure am, but it's fun nonetheless" [Mira]

"I just get to know Diana recently but I can relate to you on personal level" [Ash]

"Haha, we are in the same boat then" [Mira]

""Hey!!"" [Diana, Haliza]

And after that, she told me that she will join the princess to the meeting as well since she had been tasked by the princess to investigate the outbreak of ghosts monsters in Malsia for Which I updated them regarding my opinion on the corrupted Thanatos

"I see, that sure is interesting" [Mira]

"Hey Ash, why don't you come to Malsia?" [Haliza]

"!" [Ash]