Chapter 139: Kiserre's castle under attack part 6. Plus, Lara and Nara


[Alaric point of view]


Another loud explosive sound can be heard coming from up above.

Knowing all four of them, I'm sure things will be alright. It isn't an exaggeration to say that those four are probably one of the strongest mortal to ever live in this decade, maybe even century. Only the other S rank adventure and few notable and noteworthy people a candle against them

""Ughhh..." [Twin]

"It still hurts?" [Queen Rinz]

No response. This twin is a mystery. All of us here can feel the same aura and energy coming from that prince reside within them, but they managed to hold it well. Plus

(Just then, are they reacting to Ash?) [Alaric]

Maybe it got something to do with his title as the guardian of children, of the fact that just like Princess Diana, he is blessed with a blessing

~Sudden surge of enegies~

"This is, it's coming from the prison!" [Queen Rinz]

"What! What is that thing!" [Royal retainer A]

It's a human...? I can tell that it is a human but

~Eyes being bitten~

"!" [Others]

(Why are they cannibalized each other!?) [Alaric]

Whatever they are, they are strong! Stronger than a regular goon at least, plus

"It's coming!" [Royal retainer B]

"The target is... ughh!" [Queen Rinz]

"Your highness, she's affected as well!" [Royal magician A]

"Must be because of the curse! Stand back everyone!" [Alaric]

Just like what Queen Rinz about to say, they're targeting the one with the highest amount of same energy, and in this case

(Have to protect the twin and the queen) [Alaric]

I don't know why the twin still able to hold themselves pretty well with all those malicious energy within them, but right now they're the target of these... "things" because of it

"Shadow bind!" [Alaric]

With my specially designed throwing knives, I targeted their shadow to bind their movement before

(Vampire magic: Life force drain) [Alaric]

While other vampire required the targeted person bodily fluids, most easily available being the blood, someone like me only need to touch them before


(Good but...) [Alaric]

There's still this weird energy oozing out from them

(The four of you, quickly!) [Alaric]

"Get ready!" [Royal retainer B]

"More incoming!" [Royal retainer A]

"I'll give you some buffs!" [Royal magician B]

"Then I'll debuff them all!" [Royal magician A]


[Crow point of view]

"Incoming from the left!" [Knight A]

"Gotcha!" [Estel adventure A]

"Nicely done!" [Lisa]

"Quickly, immobilize them, but don't kill any of them" [Naoto]

"That's easier said than done!" [Knight B]

"True, but they're the subject of our protection, as well as the subject under your highness protection, so we as a noble and knight should do our best to stop them!" [Noble]

"True" [Crow]

This people/things, they keep on coming. Waves after waves, immobilize them is an issue, they breaking out afterwards and start to attack at random is a whole other issue

"Sir Crow!" [Bodyguard B]

"I know! Hey, all of you knights there! If you want to reduce your punishment, then fight with us!" [Crow]

"!" [Others]

"That's dangerous!" [Noble]

"We don't have much choice. If you corporate with us, with this seal and stamp in my hand, I will personally beg Queen Rinz herself to reduce it, but do anything funny, death will be your only punishment!" [Crow]

"..." [Capture knight]

Looking at each other, they all reach a mutual silent agreement

"Release them!" [Crow]

"Yes" [Bodyguard A]

"Now quickly!" [Crow]

"Yes!" [Capture knight]

"Have to keep on watching them, extra work load here" [Crow's noble friend]

"Indeed, but it should be worth it" [Crow]

I hope so


Tchh! Just how many of them, plus

(That Drakon head, it finally regenerated fully!) [Ash]

"DIE DIE DIE DIE" [Fawan/Drakon]

"Shield" [Aries]

"Dark hurricane" [Fawan/Drakon]

"Shield, absorb!" [Aries]

"Tchh!" [Aries]

This monster attack, it becomes stronger with each passing second, plus

"It finally able to talk huh" [Ash]

"Yeah, if this keep on, we are doom" [Saint Louis]

"Then let finish it quickly" [Khamishah]

With the stone pillar from the palace, Khamishah simply use it like a rod, clearing of all these things. What a bad ass, and Rean wanted to become like her... he has a lot of things to do, but I'm sure he can achieve an even greater result

(This feels like!) [Ash]


A giant mindless abyss centipede break through the floor, and

"Tchh, another one!" [Aries]

"It's core feel like an S rank monster" [Saint Louis]

"I'll handle it, you three focus on the Drakon" [Ash]

"""Roger!!!""" [Aries, Khamishah, Saint Louis]

I said that, but just how will I able to handle this thing, god knows but I have to do it


"Tchh!" [Ash]

Big, fast and strong. This is a bit of bad news, plus the scale is just as hard as the Drakon. Guess my target will be...

~Purposely getting devour~

"What in the Goddess Achalasia name is he doing!" [Khamishah]

""Focus!!"" [Aries, Saint Louis]

Ughhh... gross, plus the acid and digestive enzymes quickly kicks in, glad my adaptability magic work perfectly

(Now, there's three magic core, an S rank one for that. Plus, it doesn't seems contaminated with that energy, so...) [Ash]

It's mine then!

"Acceleration magic! Boost" [Ash]

Guess the only way out is moving forward, but doesn't the digestive system end with...

(Oh look, the first magic core!) [Ash]

Lucky me! Well, there are resistances but that should be expected, plus

(Earth and wood magic core huh... this is nice) [Ash]

So nice that I forgot that my final stop will be...

(Ohh, a magical seed, and so many of them!) [Ash]

Abyss centipede grows by devouring and joining with each other, so one of them must have eaten this many magical seed. I should store them inside my item box, plus, I can use some of it to defeat that Drakon

(There's the second and third magic cores!) [Ash]

It's of a different type. One is that of purely earth S rank magic core and another is purely wood. Well, store it, store it

(And that's the...) [Ash]


Well, the moment I snatch all three magic core, it's basically death. I have to thank the parasitic nature of this energy which constantly challenging the magic core, making my job way, and by way I really, really, really meant way easier than it should be

~Mountainous punch~

"Shield" [Aries]

"I appreciate it!" [Ash]

~Dark spear stab~

"Tchh!" [Ash]

Shit, a direct hit to my abdomen, luckily I managed to react and quickly use defense up and cure magic at the same time

"Now you have done it!" [Ash]

Taking the magic seed, I enhance it with using every last bit of my mana and

"Ice missiles shark!" [Ash]

Using the ice missile shark, I ask them to implant those seed right into the Drakon flesh, and

"Now! GREAT FLORA MAGIC! Chrono Mellontikós" [Ash]

Moving the time around the magical seed forward, bud started to grow and

(Quickly! Give everything that you got!) [Ash]

Fire, water, air, thunder, earth, steel, poison, confusion, sloth, defense down, attack down, neutral, light, dark, space, time, mirage. Just give the bud of the magical seed all the properties that you can think of so that I can slowly wear that monster off

"!" [Fawan/Drakon]

"Ohh, you're reacting!" [Ash]

The bud quickly sprouts into a small tree before making planting their roots right into the flesh. Some become poisonous magic plant, some become fire plants, and it all depends on which magical properties they absorb the most. And now, they slowly release their mana into the Drakon, damaging it. The poisonous plants poison it, the ice plant freeze it, the sloth plant make the monster slower etc! Good, give everything that you got!

"Tchh! How annoying" [Fawan/Drakon]

Well, a strong monster like you should have a high defense against this kind of thing, but when those things are injected directly into your bloodstream, than it's a different story

"HOW DARE YOU!" [Fawan/Drakon]

Now the effect finally kicks in!

Gathering a ball of mass made out of dark energy, it quickly shoots it at me, but

"Shield" [Aries]

"Thanks!" [Ash]

And I quickly give her a boost, her destination, the chest

"Counteract multiplies!" [Aries]


A hole can be seen, with some part of the lung and heart still intact

"Khamishah!" Catch!" [Ash]

"Understood" [Khamishah]

Giving some of the seeds to her, she quickly pierces the heart and implant the seed directly inside one of the chamber before quickly retreating

(Now, to do it once again) [Ash]

"DON'T!" [Fawan/Drakon]

"I don't think so!" Giant berserker, light golem!" [Saint Louis]

Saint Louis quickly use her light golem, nice!

The monster is becoming weaker and weaker

"O lance in my hand, reinforced yourself and become even stronger than titanium, than orechalum and become the strongest metal to ever exist! Steel magic!" [Aries]

Ooh! She can do more than being a tank! But wait...

(Her eyes... like an... insect? A chimera? No, she's a human, no doubt about it, but I wonder what happen?) [Ash]

"HAAAA!" [Aries]

""Attack boost!!"" [Ash, Saint Louis]

"Don't you...!" [Fawan/Drakon]

"Gotcha!" [Khamishah]

With her neutral whip magic, she restraints all the arms of the monster and thus

"NO NO NO NO!" [Fawan/Drakon]

"Take this!" [Aries]

Piercing the head in one shot, Aries quickly grab the monstrous magic core before shattering it into pieces, leaving the first prince, Fawan open

As for the Drakon

"It disintegrated..." [Saint Louis]

"Not only that!" [Khamishah]

"Yeah, the people, those energies are starting to leave them" [Ash]

"You guys really did it!" [Alaric]

"Hey! Don't suddenly use my shadow!" [Ash]

Alaric, the queen and the twin. I guess Alaric didn't want to leave the twin behind with someone that he doesn't trust. Well, good

"I'm tired..." [Ash]

Let me get a rest for a moment. Look, the queen are slowly approaching her son, and as for the twin

""..."" [Twin homunculus]

"You want this?" [Ash]

They stare intensely at the scythe, sincerely reminded me of Mahsuri.

~Move to left~

~Head follow~

Huh... this is fun

~Move to right~

~Head follow~

Then how about this?

~Store scythe inside item box~

""..."" [Twin homunculus]

They look ready to cry... now I feel bad, but

"Are you two alone?" [Ash]


"No family?" [Ash]

~Shooking thier head~

"Your name" [Ash]

~Shooking their head~

"Sigh..." [Ash]

Can't leave a children in need alone, can't I

"Lara, Nara" [Ash]

The girl will be called Lara, and the boy, Nara. Now I have a quadruplet. Kara, Mara, Lara and Nara

"Lara?" [Nara]

"Nara?" [Lara]

"Yup, and call me Brother Ash" [Ash]

""Brother Ash??"" [Nara, Lara]

"Perfect!" [Ash]

Well, can't leave them in a country which is basically fanatical with the old teaching.

"Arrest him!" [Queen Rinz]

""""Yes!!!!"""" [Alaric, Aries, Khamishah, Saint Louis]

Guess it's over...

(Oh yeah... Bond, Kronbir, Elsa and Cupid families... have to search for them) [Ash]

"I hope they're alright" [Ash]

""Alright??"" [Lara, Nara]

"Yup, let us pray for that" [Ash]