[Agnes point of view]
"Ughh..." [Thanatos]
There are rubble everywhere, with the area feel with mana from both Agnes and Thanatos alike. One would think that a group of army/mercenary happen to fight here but that's not the case as there's only two people involved that causes all this
For Agnes
I did it, with my power slowly coming back to me, I can finally take down this thing. I still have a long way to go before reaching my peak back, but with all the experimentation and the dumb person following me, I can do it once more
"Now, to convert you back" [Agnes]
Last time, that witch was with me, so it wasn't very difficult for me to take this Thanatos down, but now, I can slowly gather back a monster or two for the sake of my master
"!" [Agnes]
"Don't celebrate to early" [?]
A beautiful lady with a scythe on her left hand and a cube containing Achalasia map in another hand attacked me. That is
"So you have came" [Thanatos]
"Tchh..." [Agnes]
Such nuisance, this personafication of God of Death itself. I can't fight the two of them at once, better retreat
"I'm sorry, but I simply can't allow you to escape, dear fallen god minion" [?]
With the cube in her hand, she tries to block my escape route through the special portal stone
(This is bad!) [Agnes]
I wonder if that cube is from the god of light? Or maybe from the holy beast Angkasa? Either way, the situation is dire now and behind me, that Thanatos is fast approaching, ready to slice me with his scythe
(For my lord! I have to survive! I won't give up no matter how many times I have to repeat it!) [Agnes]
The portal stone in Agnes hand prevail, allowing Agnes to escape from the two personafication of death by breath of hair
"She escape" [Thanatos]
"I'm sorry dear Thanatos, if only I came early" [?]
"It's alright, lady of the holy death" [Thanatos]
"Good morning!" [Farhah]
"Breakfast ready. Charlotte, how about you ask Mahsuri there to join us" [Ash]
"Alright" [Charlotte]
There Charlotte go, running towards Mahsuri. But as always, she just stand (or in this case, sit) on the sofa. Only talking or moving whenever she pleases
"If only Cupid is here, then I can get you to smile" [Charlotte]
"Like this?" [Mahsuri]
"Like that!" [Charlotte]
Well, at least she's warming up to us (I hope so). But, Charlotte is right, I wonder what happen to Bond, Kronbir, Elsa and Cupid. I should ask anyone to inform their current situation to me ASAP
"Thinking about something?" [Khamishah]
"Yeah, about Bond and other" [Ash]
"Well, I can ask around later on if you want" [Khamishah]
"Please do so!" [Ash]
"Sure" [Khamishah]
And that's one down from my list to do, so that just leave me with
1) Telephone. Need to do it ASAP. Well, the frame for it is ready, and the camera function has been installed for video call (but for them to understand, I just said all of it are the function of telephone)
2) Regarding school. Have to discuss with Diana. Whether this orphanage will function as a school or as a community center, depending on that, the plan will greatly differ. Need all other opinion as well
3) I have three S rank magic core and half of magical seed still left with me. Need to determine what should I do with it. Well, I already had one in mind, but by doing so, I can't give one of the magic core to Mira. Need serious thought in this
4) Final inspection of the mansion. I believe Claude and others have done a magnificent job on this one, but just to confirm it.
(Guess I should just see the damage by myself first) [Ash]
With that, all of us started our day with a honey pancake breakfast, as usual, Claude really is good at cooking, and couple with his tea making skill, I sincerely forgot that I am now under a house arrest
After breakfast, I started to inspect the area that is needed to be repaired, and all of them quickly show me the fences that need attention the most. Well, like they said, I will usually bring high quality material for it, but...
(I don't think I have that much material now, and waiting for it from Mira will just bring a problem for me) [Ash]
I wonder if I should just use the magic core and do that?
As I weighed upon each option,
"Mr Bond!" [Zerolith]
"And not to mention you guys as well" [Elise]
"Something wrong?" [Ash]
"Well, can the three of us talk with you for a while?" [Bond]
That was fast! Khamishah really did a great job finding them quickly
As Bond, Kronbir and Elsa enter an empty room together with Claude and I (as for Cupid, she's playing in the pool with other), Kronbir started to talk
"I see. Are you sure about that?" [Claude]
"We are. We can't just keep relying on your kindness, that's why, after we go to Kiserre, we will start moving out and live here in Estel" [Bond]
"I will respect that, including your wish to take Cupid with you" [Ash]
Apparently, they thought matter relating to an orphan must be directed towards me, I can guess who have said that to them, but I'll just let that slide.
Not to mention, Cupid feels more comfortable with the three of them, so it only make sense for them to keep on watching her
"So, when are you guys departing?" [Claude]
"We will wait for a carriage to be send from the castle, from there, a group of knight and those whose family members reported missing at Kiserre will depart together" [Kronbir]
"Well, there are few centers that are open, so just ask the adventure to ease your process" [Ash]
"We were told the same thing by The Saga" [Elsa]
"Here's hoping for the best" [Bond]
"Same here, I wish nothing but the best, for all four of you" [Ash]
I just wish that their family member is somewhere out there, still alive and well. The chance is slim, and we might be deluding ourselves, but I don't want to see them all depressed because of losing a family member, I have gone through that and it was hell, so I don't want the same thing happen to them