[Rean point of view]
The mood is heavy, with neither of them saying a word. Only the sound of Charlotte's hiccup can be heard, most likely due to her crying rather excessively. Brother Ash didn't even have his dinner, and usually, he would go out at night with Elise, but not today. He seems to be in a bad mood.
Come morning, as usual, I can hear Brother Ash downstairs, making breakfast as well as having some sort of discussion with both Grandpa Claude and Sis Rafiah. Guess, everything turn out fine for today.
"Come! Let us say sorry to him!" [Zerolith]
"Yes!" [Boys]
They sure feel guilty right now. I couldn't imagine what will happen if Princess Diana decided to scold them after Brother Ash went to his room yesterday. I don't know what or how she will scold them but I do heard her soft voice, talking to herself
(Is this how an elder sister feels like? When their little siblings in trouble?) [Diana]
Well, the red hair saintess quickly cheer her up, and of course, all of us will be surprise by her presence. Even the princess herself found it unbelievable. Saintess Rumia wanted to meet Brother Ash yesterday, but seeing as what just happened, she decided not to, only giggling, as if she knew what is in Brother Ash mind.
"Morning, Brother Ash" [Zerolith]
"..." [Ash]
"Brother?" [Singa]
"..." [Ash]
The last among the boys to arrive downstairs, I can see that Brother Ash keeps on ignoring them, which make them even more desperate. Savel tackle Brother Ash left foot multiple times, only to be ignored
"Umm... morning?" [Rean]
"Ooh, good morning Rean, can you please take this white rice?" [Ash]
"!" [Boys]
"Umm... sure?" [Rean]
I think I get what Brother Ash trying to do, no wonder the saintess only giggle yesterday. Maybe she knew this would happen, but how? They never met before
"Morning!" [Charlotte]
"..." [Ash]
"Haa! Morning" [Farhah]
"..." [Ash]
Even Farhah usual energetic morning was ignored, and as expected
"Umm... do you want me to help with anything?" [Elise]
"Yeah, please take this juice. Claude, Rafiah and I can take care of the rest" [Ash]
"!" [Girls]
"Ri.. Right" [Elise]
I don't know which one of them is childish now. Elise, knowing what's Brother Ash is planning, look at me to confirm it. A slight nod is all she need as an answer.
(She looks like she wanted to play along...) [Rean]
I wanted to say no, don't do that, but
(If this help prevents them from misbehaving, then why not) [Rean]
Maybe not... I don't think I have what it needs to ignore them for an entire day.
During breakfast
"Ooh... I hate this spinach!" [Singa]
As usual, Singa complaint of not eating his portion of vegetables. The usual response is "Eat it! Don't you want to be strong like me!" from Brother Ash, but this time
"..." [Ash]
Brother Ash keeps on eating his food without any concerns.
Then come Charlotte's turn. Usually, he will bring a piece of bread and ask Brother Ash to spread some honey or butter in it before asking him to feed her, and
"Please..." [Charlotte]
"..." [Ash]
I could have sworn Brother Ash almost reflexively trying to grab a butter knife. It's only a slight movement, so I don't think they would appreciate it, but nevertheless, it seems like this whole thing is even harder for Brother Ash.
"Please please please please" [Charlotte]
"..." [Ash]
"Charlotte, let me help you" [Rafiah]
"Don't want!" [Charlotte]
"Fine, I will ask Sis Elise!" [Charlotte]
She quickly went to Elise, but
"..." [Elise]
"Ehh!" [Charlotte]
It's just not your day today...
"Hey Ash, don't just ignore them!" [Calypso]
"..." [Ash]
"Hoo! So you're doing it to me as well, then take this..." [Calypso]
Brother Ash simply use gust toward Calypso, and there she goes, flying around haphazardly before landing gracefully in the floor, once again, due to the gust magic.
"I'll get you next time!" [Calypso]
"Meow!" [Behe]
"No, stop it Behe!" [Calypso]
Well, maybe you should defeat that arc nemesis of your first and foremost
After breakfast, Brother Ash will usually wait for all of us to finish our breakfast before heading out, but
"That was delicious. Claude, I'll wash this first" [Ash]
"Got it" [Claude]
He quickly stand and went to the kitchen, wash his plates and cups before once again, going back to his room
"This is... frustrating..." [Zerolith]
"But, it is our own fault..." [Kara]
""Right..."" [Lara, Nara]
"My chest feels like it will burst any minutes now" [Mara]
And now, all of them stare at me. I know the meaning of that stare
"I'll see what I can do" [Rean]
"Thank you, Rean" [Karon]
After breakfast, I drag Elise along with me (which somehow having fun joining the fray), we knock on the door
"Come on in Rean, Elise" [Ash]
""Excuse us"" [Rean, Elise]
Looks like Brother Ash is doing something
"Is that, the pistol you mention?" [Elise]
"True, need to work on it ASAP" [Ash]
"And why is that? I thought you had other things to do" [Rean]
"So that they wouldn't be in danger should something like this happen again. I should just have finish it after I get back from Kiserre though..." [Ash]
"Haha, so you do love them a lot" [Elise]
"Of course, you guys are my family after all, but as an elder, the three of us need to become strict every once in a while" [Ash]
"I don't think I can ignore them the whole day like the two of you though" [Rean]
He really is nice to us all.
"Still, you didn't want to ignore this, and consider their actions as "training"? All of us will become the ten heroes after all" [Rean]
"If they can't even gauge their own abilities, then they will have a hard time in the future. Mahsuri have repeatedly told them about it" [Ash]
"Guess you're right" [Rean]
Guess I can't convince him to stop. Whatever, I know he did it for their benefits in the end of the day
"Want my help for testing it out?" [Rean]
"I thought this is for staff user only?" [Elise]
"Naah, anyone can use it actually. Elise, you join us at the training hall as well" [Ash]
"Right" [Elise]
"You won't go out today?" [Rean]
"No. I'll finish this project first. It takes priority over other matter right now" [Ash]
"Then, how about the work related to debutante party?" [Elise]
"Claude will take care of it. He already agree to it this morning" [Ash]
Putting all the different models of pistol (or guns whichever one Brother Ash always use), the three of us went to the training hall, and
~Follow along~
(They're like ducklings following around) [Elise]
Brother Ash then quickly pour out all the different models and prototype before. Brother Ash use the zombie spawning block, spawn one regular zombie, before taking one of the model and
~Mana gathering around~
"Failure number 1" [Ash]
"Why is that?" [Karon]
"..." [Ash]
"Something must have cause the explosion, why is that?" [Rean]
"Too much mana, the core can't handle it" [Ash]
""I see"" [Rean, Karon]
"Let me record the finding" [Kara]
"..." [Ash]
Guess we should just continue
It dusk, and all of us have depleted our mana several time after helping testing out different models of pistols (Singa was the first one, but he didn't tell about it, for fearing of getting scolded, but Brother Ash notices it straight away. So, he just bring out boxes of mana potion and put it beside piles of prototypes for us to use)
"Here is the note..." [Kara]
Once again, getting ignore. Kara looks really sad right now. The other looking really sad and frustrated at themselves as well, and suddenly
"Bro... Brother Ash!" [Kara]
"There, now you guys will never forget this day" [Ash]
Printing the photos of one of them (which actually makes me wanted to laugh a little), Brother Ash quickly stores it inside his album
"Hungry" [Charlotte]
"Right, you guys did skip lunch after all. So, let us cook some dinner" [Ash]
"Honey bread, spread it!" [Charlotte]
"Fine, but promise me one thing, and that includes Rean and Elise as well!" [Ash]
"!" [Others]
"Never do it again! Always know your own limitation, and seek help when needed. Got it!?" [Ash]
"Right!" [Other]
The mood lifted up during dinner, with special crispy goat cheese made by Grandpa Claude and Sis Rafiah.
"Oh, I almost forgot, the saintess and Princess Diana would like to visit the orphanage tomorrow" [Claude]
"I see. Very well" [Ash]