"Master, is that you!?" [Claude]
"Claude, you're still..." [Filvisar]
Alive. I'm sure he wanted to say you're still alive. Well, technically yes but no.
"Master Filvisar" [Calypso]
"Calypso, you have awakened from dormant the state!" [Filvisar]
Oh yeah, I forgot the annoying Calypso used to travel with him. Well, let those three have their touching reunion. It's been over a hundred of year, literally since they last met
And now, it brings us to
""Mother!!"" [Kucin, Anjin]
"Both of you, meet Miriam, your new younger siblings" [Black cat lady]
""EHH!!"" [Kucin, Anjin]
"What Ehh! You don't even know your mother being caught! Come here, you're gonna get lecture!" [Khamishah]
""But..."" [Kucin, Anjin]
Let them have their own reunion as well I suppose
Right now, all of us are at the orphanage, after making sure Agnes power is properly sealed by me, he/she is taken by the Ministry of Defense for interrogation after he/she wakes up. Well, I appreciate if it is only us, but
"No! They're not for your personal use!" [Mira]
"Use? They will have far better life at the castle rather than shit hole here! And who are you to deny it!" [Some prince]
"I am Head of Director of Orphanage" [Mira]
"And I am a prince. Surely you understand tha..." [Some prince]
Annoying. I don't have the mood to argue right now, so I just simply kick him in the face, and as for those guards of him, they don't have enough time to retaliate as I already blast them away with hurricane magic.
"You! HOW DARE YOU!" [Some prince]
"Two options, either I cripple you down and throw you like a garbage, or you scram by yourself, choice is yours" [Ash]
"That's it! I'll send an army to arrest you!" [Some prince]
""Bring it"" [Ash, Diana]
"Princess Diana!" [Some prince]
Ooh, Diana come. She looks awfully tired. Pity her, but I must say, I like how our response matches perfectly. The prince, seeing as there are no other way to convince us from adopting those ten, left.
Speaking of adoption
(She is still unconscious. She is way past her limit after all. But, is adoption even the right word here, for Aries, Kara and Mara?) [Ash]
Flinar and the young healers says she's stable, so that's good. Kara and Mara, and by extension, the other can't help but to excessively feel worried about Aries. They try not to show it, but as their guardian, we can see right through them. For now, let Rafiah take care of them. She's like the eldest sister figure beside Elise that is
Still, the mood is heavy. There are too many things happening simultaneously, so
"Dia..." [Ash]
She already left. Must be busy as hell. Pity her, and I could only imagine what sort of thought going inside her mind right now. I wish I could help her... In that case
"Alright everyone, listen up! We are going to prepare for the 3rd day of debutante party!" [Ash]
"!" [Other]
All of them, bewildered by my suggestion, just stood there, thinking, what in Goddess Achalasia name am I suggesting. Well
"True, there are some who lost their lives, and those who are injured, but what better way for us to honour them by celebrating the third day? They're all looking forward for it, I can assure you" [Ash]
And in case they didn't believe in me, simple, I just ask the soul of those lingering around to answer it. Guess my God of Death blessing have improved
"Still... Right! I got it! The church will help you, just..." [Rumia]
"Just?" [Ash]
"At the end of celebration, let me send them off properly" [Rumia]
"You betcha" [Ash]
As for the other
"Fine, guess it will improve the spirit after all" [Ram]
"I'll start calculating the food budget" [Gizzere]
"Man o man, guess I'll help spread the news. Yo kids, help us will you" [Swordman adventure]
"!" [Orphan]
"Come on now, don't be shy" [Borg]
"They're good people, so you can trust them" [Rafiah]
"Seo Ah, if you would" [Rumia]
"Right, dear teacher, I mean saintess!" [Seo Ah]
"Then I'll join in as well" [Kanji]
Well, I can just announce it with the communication stone being placed all over the neighborhood. You know what, let us do that as well as sending the kids and adventure
"Some music and choir will be nice" [Seraph]
"I can help with that, Liyana, let us join" [Muse]
"But I'm not that good!" [Liyana]
"Who care! It fun. Kara, Mara, Lara, Elise, Lily and Mile, you join us as well. All girl choirs" [Muse]
"Hmm... I guess us boys stuck with miscellaneous chores" [Rean]
""Better than stuck with choirs!!"" [Kadeus, Zerolith]
"True" [Karon]
Slowly, all of us come up with idea after idea on what to do. Guess we don't need to use the initial plan by Ceanu, Crow and I. Let just make it and go with the flow
(Linda, can you tell Diana and the other?) [Ash]
(I will) [Linda]
"We will provide some food!" [Kebab stall owner]
""Same as us"" [Alice's parents]
"Then I will take the photos throughout the event and give it for free" [Clothing shop aunty]
It sure is nice seeing as how they can still keep their spirit up like this despite what just happened. I better survey the hall. No, pretty sure it dangerous with rubbles and all, so let just make a small platform outside the hall, and put in multiple chairs and tables for food etc.
"Oh yeah! Better ask them about any material they need. The Goddess Achalasia Treasure Chest can cover it all" [Ash]
And should they not believe it, I'll demonstrate it to them, and credited it all to Diana. This is her birthday present after all. Kinda wanted it to be honest, but let just said it's OUR birthday present. Yeah, sound nice.
(Goddess, I feel bad now) [Ash]
Well, move move move! Got a lot of things to do in
such a short notice after all
"Who cares. Or do you want me to kidnap you, force you to dress in front of me and drag you here" [Ash]
"ASH!" [Haliza]
"He seems serious" [Linda]
"Well, Alaric and I can't stop him. We are too "tired" right now" [Qis]
"You guys! Fine! But I'll come only for a short while!" [Diana]
"All of you heard that! She will be coming!" [Ash]
Yeah, glad they manage to convince Diana to come. All that's left is to celebrate I guess, and once all of us see her personal carriage
"There she is! Everyone, give her a loud clap! So loud that you will scare all those arrogant noble and royal in the castle! On count of 3, 2, and 1!" [Ash]
She sure seem surprise. Not that I care, well, maybe a little. This is after all, to liften up the mood, especially her I suppose
"Come on now, don't be a snail. And Kara, I can't hear your voice! Sing louder please" [Ash]
"But!" [Kara]
"LOUDER" [Ash]
Haha, being the host sure is fun. Now ,time to reveal her birthday present
And done. All that's left now is for the dance and other fun stuff, and we will end it all with proper farewell for those who lost their live. For dancing, Rumia had agreed to be Diana's partner. It's the safest choice, can't have any men dance with her since the first dance partner beside father and grandfather I suppose will usually end up as her life long partner, and since King Estel is busy, Rumia agreed to dance with Diana
"Alright! Onto the next part! Dancing. I don't know who but this single girl don't even have a partner, so..." [Ash]
"Would you do the honour of dancing with me, Ash?" [Diana]
"Saintess Rumia, please, dance with her... WHAT!" [Ash]
And even when I gave her various excuses, she still wanted to dance with me. She wanted to expose the part of me who is a terrible dancer, isn't she. Sigh... screw it! Fine! Don't blame me for any rumour after this
(What is this feeling?) [Ash]
As we dance, my feet suddenly got cold and limp, guess I am a terrible dancer after all
"Ouch!" [Diana]
"Sorry" [Ash]
"Haha, it's fine, just follow my lead" [Diana]
""We want to join!!"" [Cupid, Charlotte]
""Sure"" [Ash, Diana]
Haha, what a relief. But now, all the kids wanted to join us, so we make multiple circles by holding each other hands and dance in circles.
After dance, eat, sing, and repeat, it's time for the final event.
Taking my scythe, I quickly gather the lingering soul. I wanted to resurrect them as Minion of God of Death just like Linda, but they simply refuse. I suppose they know what is the best for them, for which I will respect their decision
"The souls. They're all, sparkling" [Diana]
"O souls who loses their life, please, pass on without any worry, pass on without any hesitation, for the goddess embrace you all under her arm" [Rumia]
With that, Day 3 of debutante party end after the soul slowly disappear