[In the old lion mansion, Beastman Kingdom]
[Savel point of view]
My skin. I don't know what kind of sensation I am currently feeling right now. Cold, crawling, something seeping through it. All kinds of sensation all mixed up and stimulate the nerve ending on my skin. It feels weird, but at least there isn't any pain sensation
Let see, where was I...
"Wait! Where am I?" [Savel]
"Savel! You wake up sooner than I thought. Thank goodness" [Singa]
Singa, a 14-year old (one year older than I am), with golden fiery fur and a fierce lion like faces seems completely calm despite his tone just now. Us both being under the apprenticeship under his grandfather to become noble for the Beastman Kingdom really change us. From two always in rush loud boys to... Well, I guess two rush loud teenage boys, with some brain to think through of the situation, and some mannerism at least
"Wake up sooner? Just how long am I sleeping?" [Savel]
"Around one and a half day maybe" [Singa]
"That long... But wait, why did you said I wake up sooner than you thought?" [Savel]
How long did he think I will fall asleep? Three day? A week maybe?
"To be honest... One full year" [Singa]
"What nonsense?!" [Savel]
"Just hear me out. Grandfather and I ask some physicians to come and check you up. He said that you're experiencing mana intoxication at first, but upon closer look, I noticed that wasn't the case. You're experiencing the same thing back then six years ago, but even more intense. At one point when you're sleeping, I could have sworn I heard a dragon like voice coming from you, so I thought you change into a dragon and start hibernating like those ancient dragons in folkfore" [Singa]
"Dragon? True ancient dragon already went extinct, so how did you know about ... Wait... RESHIR the Ice Dragon!" [Savel]
Take a deep breath and recall what happened. The first thing I remember is hearing Charlotte's voice... No, before that even happen, I remember a sting like sensation coming from the bluish mark on my cheek, a proof that I was blessed with The Holy Beast of Water blessing. After that, I remember that
"Savel? What are you thinking right now?" [Singa]
"That's right! The other holy beast have agreed to lend us their power, so right now we need to search for them" [Savel]
"Elise said the same thing. Guess you really do "meet" with the holy beast, albeit meet is a very strong word here" [Singa]
I see. That's good. Now that I think of it, I can faintly recall hearing the youngest prince of Estel, Zaidi's voice alongside Charlotte back then, so if Charlotte is experiencing the same thing as I do, Zaidi must be the one relaying all the info to Princess Diana and the other. Speaking of Charlotte
"How is Charlotte doing? Is she still unconscious like I did?" [Savel]
"She wakes up a little bit early than you do" [Singa]
"I see. That's good to hear" [Savel]
My body feel a bit sluggish, but otherwise, I can clearly feel something different inside of me. Apart from the goddess blessing, I can sense that the blessing from the holy beast becoming stronger, and that's not all
(The holy beast did mentioned he will be giving me extra portion of power, and yet somehow... I get this feeling it isn't an increase in my water and by extension ice magic) [Savel]
This sensation, this strange sensation and feeling that I get right now. Only one way to find out
"Singa. Can you spar with me for a bit? I would like to test something out" [Savel]
"Are you sure? I can easily beat you back then, and right now, you're making my job easier" [Singa]
"Ohh! I remember you're the one always kneeling on the ground after I beat you!" [Savel]
"Say that again!" [Singa]
The two of us rush straight to the training ground. I can see the maids and butlers trying to stop me from moving, some telling me to get some rest. Even the soldiers under Singa's grandfather try to say the same thing. I would agree to them, but I really want to test my new power and beat Singa up for good! In the end, I just drink a cup of tea and some breads to convince them I am doing just fine
Taking our weapon, me with my usual broadsword and Singa with his trusty claymore. Both of us are a magical swordman, albeit unlike Rean, maybe we rely more on our physical side of the spectrum, taking full advantage of our gifted physiques
Nodding to each other, we start the battle. Singa as usual, a used of light magic with specialization on space magic begin by teleporting toward me. This time, he teleported right In front of me. I use ice wall with spikes containing strong mirage magic that can disorient those who touches it, my favourite defensive technique, and both of us can tell one thing
((The ice wall, it's stronger!!)) [Singa, Savel]
I'm pretty sure of it! Even though I just wake up and barely have a proper meal, I can tell the thickness and the defensive capability of the ice wall actually jack up
"Impressive! Show me more!" [Singa]
With his brute strength, he plow through the ice wall, like it's made out of butter... Man, he's strong, that I have to admit, but
The two sword clashes. He is strong, but so am I.
(Still, with my condition, I will be the one to be defeated... Have to think fast) [Savel]
With each strike, I can feel that my grip is becoming weaker and weaker. Knowing this, Singa relentlessly increase the frequency of his strike. I can tell that he's actually going easy on me, which actually makes my blood boil, and
"Dragonewt racial magic: Dragon roar!" [Savel]
"WHAT!" [Singa]
A loud roar that shatter the glass, and even leave a crack on the training ground. Wait...
"Dragonewt racial magic! Since... Since when? Could, could it be..." [Singa]
"WAIT... Is this what Reshir meant when he said he will give me more portion of his power!?" [Savel]
The lost art of dragonewt racial magic, dragon transformation. Just like beastman, us dragonewt supposedly can use racial magic to turn to, only to dragon, not anything else, but no one is capable of doing it, making it a lost art... Until now