[Malsia's orphanage]
[Rean point of view]
"Right. I'll help you out" [Rean]
"Thank you so much Rean! I really mean it! And oh, what do you want for your weddi..." [Charlotte]
"Charlotte! That's enough! Good bye Rean, and take care" [Elise]
"Haha. Right, good bye" [Rean]
Sea serpent project. From what I understand, it will be a massive scale project that involve at least six different countries (Estel, Malsia, Kiserre, New Headquarters, Beastman and Demon Kingdom). So, to make this project run as smoothly as possible, various expertise are to be drawn, even at the early stage of prototype development, and Charlotte just now is asking me to find Qudus, since he is now a geographical scholar, a renown one at Malsia.
"Oh Rean, did you pack everything up?" [Mira]
"I am. Thank for all you have done, I appreciate it" [Rean]
"Nonsense. You help us a lot after all. Before going back, make sure you and Muse visit Princess Nurhaliza and say your thanks to her as well. She's currently at the royal library along with few scholars" [Mira]
"I see. I will do just that" [Rean]
"Until we meet again, during your wedding that is. To think you actually find a partner first before I am..." [Mira]
"Haha, I am just lucky" [Rean]
"Don't make Muse cry though! Hero or not, if you make her cry, I'll never forgive you" [Mira]
"Right!" [Rean]
Packing everything back into my item box magic, I quickly leave the orphanage behind, all the while saying goodbye to my fellow siblings. They're good kid after all. Of course, Birdie (Pterodactyl) included.
(Better meet with Muse fast. If I am not mistaken, they're at the church with Kanji, Naoto and Seo Ah) [Rean]
Taking the public bus golem and stopping in front of the church, the sight of enormous Goddess Achalasia statue made out of diamond never fail to amaze me, and
"Darling!" [Muse]
"Flirty, even inside the church" [Naoto]
"Shame on you Rean!" [Kanji]
(He's jealous because Rean married first, isn't he...) [Seo Ah]
Seo Ah, now a full fledge sister, and Naoto and Kanji, making name for themselves as pair of adventure siblings. Not as popular as the S rank adventure siblings Kucin and Anjin, but popular nonetheless.
I speak with them for a bit, and telling them about Charlotte' request
"If that's the case, we should all accompany you" [Naoto]
"True. Big sis here can pretty much enter the castle whenever she feels like it. Plus, the two of us can then search for Qudus as well." [Kanji]
"Maybe he is with Kana currently, maybe with the princess, but who knows" [Seo Ah]
"Only one way to find out" [Muse]
And to the castle we go. Like Kanji said, Naoto, the elemental archer can pretty much gain access to Malsia's castle just by showing her face. I guess the only reason she isn't an S rank adventure just yet is because of political tie I suppose. Maybe the country value her so much, that if she were to become an S rank, she will be forced to take mission somewhere else
At the royal library, we ask the whereabouts of Princess Nurhaliza from the royal librarian, and she quickly guided us to a meeting room at the back. Looks like they're having a meeting. I wonder what
"Oh, looks like Kana and Qudus really are here" [Kanji]
"I suppose we can just wait for a moment" [Naoto]
"True. Let just read a book or anything first" [Muse]
"There is no need for that" [Haliza]
"Your highness!" [Rean]
I guess her meeting with the scholars must have come to it conclusion, or maybe not as she ask us all to join her inside. The topics presented varies, from political instability (with Muse requesting the scholar view about the First prince of Estel and Princess Diana clash) to a bit of history, and finally
"The location of the holy beast" [Rean]
"True. This is in regards to what The Holy Beast of Water, Reshir mentioned the other day, and as such, this has become a daily topic for us" [Kana]
"Unfortunately, we still haven't found a definitive location for the five other holy beasts. Currently, playing wild educated guess based on the evidence is what we have at best" [Haliza]
"Still, that will be really helpful! Please, allow me to express my gratitude on behalf of my fellow siblings" [Rean]
"Don't worry about it. This is for the benefits of all" [Haliza]
I'm glad that they really take this matter seriously. I jotted down note during their discussion, and when the meeting about to come to an end, I ask Qudus regarding Charlotte's request. Princess Nurhaliza also pitch in to hear about it, and so does the other scholars
"I see. This really sound interesting. I suppose I can contact Lisa from R&D at Estel and make some arrangements for us to come" [Qudus]
"Or you could just go straight away with Rean. I can give you the green light right now itself to go" [Haliza]
"Valid options, but I suppose I need to garhera bit of my materials first. I guess I will set out around three day from now on" [Qudus]
"That will be much appreciated. Thank you" [Rean]
The scholars, hearing about the massive sea serpent project, become rather excited to help as well. I guess the best analogy I can give is like a child playing with his new toy
"Hello, this is Princess Nurhaliza of Malsia speaking. Oh, Diana! Guess who's with me right now" [Haliza]
Princess Nurhaliza quickly turn her phone toward Muse and I. Seeing Princess Diana make the two of us feel somehow relieve and happy as well, and I'm glad the feeling is mutual. Seeing as how the conversation between the two princesses will take a serious turn, other scholars move out of the room, leaving us alone
"Right. Getting back to business. First, the bad news, we still couldn't reach out to Lara and Nara. Again, not a single clue is available for us" [Diana]
"I see..." [Rean]
That's rather discouraging... I wonder what happen to them. Please, just be safe. That's all I hope for
"Good news. We finally able to make contact with Farhah, Karon, Mr Filvisar and Calypso at their training location. Them, as well as Seraph and Saint Louis. With this, we can make a phone meeting and strategize regarding our next move on the holy beasts related matter, three days from now on. Is that fine with all of you?" [Diana]