Chapter 326: What their enemies are doing part 1


[At Diana's hall]

[Muse point of view]

"Here you go, some of the financial report Mrs Gizzere manage to dig up in the past" [Cupid]

"Thank you Cupid for bringing it for us in secrecy" [Ceanu]

"No problem, still, would you care if I join the conversation. I might not be able to help much, but just by knowing what happen, I can act better in the future" [Cupid]

"So long as you keep in a secret" [Ceanu]

"Right" [Cupid]

Cupid, giving us the financial report of several nobles house and transaction history made by the first. She wrap it carefully with a kebab, and disguise such important documents as a food wrapper. Thank goodness it's not dirty at all

While I did know they will help me, we must first assess the situation in hand. Ultimately

"It all boils down to power struggle between the first prince and Princess Diana. That much is obvious, and going down by the line, crudely speaking, those who get ahold of the heroes will be more favoured by King Estel, other nobles houses as well as the citizens to inherit the throne. Not to mention, other countries will likely support the one with the heroes support" [Ceanu]

"And obviously speaking, those kids are happily helping Princess Diana, with the bonds between them are practically that of a sibling. Knowing this, the first prince and those nobles supporting him have to search for alternative" [Crow]

"Which is us" [Liyana]

"Me. You. Rafiah, Principal Alice who have a good relationship with them, and..." [Muse]

"Don't sweat it. I know for a fact that even I am targeted by them. I mean, whenever you see Singa, Savel and Charlotte, you will also see me as well" [Cupid]

"I'm sorry, but how so?" [Crow]

"Well, it isn't that obvious to me at first, but the reason why Mrs Gizzere forbid me from working as an accounting apprentice at certain noble houses is precisely because they are trying to get to my good side. Still, so far, their attempts have been mild, at least compare to Madam Duchess back in the past" [Cupid]

"I see" [Crow]

There are others as well. Kadeus and Lily for their relationship with Rean. The Syah family (Syah, Mimi, Borg, Lin, Ray, Mile, Kat, Blanc), as they're "offered" with good jobs at the nobles estate. They even went as far as trying to adopt the younger orphans only for the orphans to be neglected in the end. Of course, we manage to save them, and in the end, the whole adoption process becoming even difficult for the sake of the orphans themselves

"Still. I am a bit lost here. I know for a fact that those who got ahold of the heroes will likely get the throne, but don't you think that the first prince is acting rather... nice?" [Cupid]

"In all honesty, yes. Even I myself think of the same" [Liyana]

"True, which mean two things" [Crow]

"Either he totally giving up on the throne which is next to impossible, or..." [Muse]

"Correct. He has something in his mind. Here, take a look at this" [Ceanu]

Sir Ceanu, while listening to our conversation, keep looking at the financial report that Cupid brought. He them pointed towards some transaction made by the first prince


[At the guild master office, New Headquarters]

[Kana point of view]

There are two important matters that we are about to discuss, with the first being

"I guess it best if we approach this matter with what you told us Louis. They really are trying to recreate the beginning of devil invasion right here itself" [Gilbert]

""We agree. Now that we look at it, at a certain point, rather than chasing us, that hunter of a devil commander was actually trying to "guide" us here, in hope of meeting with Saint Louis and thus, gaining entries to this country together with the vampires and giants"" [Lara, Nara]

"In the public eyes, I am that of a death man, but I'm sure Saintess Angela think otherwise. She must have known that the announcement of my death was nothing more than a bluff" [Saint Louis]

"Which mean, the situation can be summarised as follow" [Kana]

Saintess Angela capturing vampires and giants and experimented on them with the goals of recreating the incident known as beginning of devil invasion --> Lara and Nara save them --> A devil commander like that of a hunter chase them down to kill Lara and Nara, as well as retrieving back their pawns --> Saintess Angela ordered the hunter to lure them to the curse land in hope for them to meet with Saint Louis

"And thus the next question is, when, but judging by the event..." [Jacks]

"When Rean and the other come here" [Seo Ah]

"And just when we wanted to look for The Holy Beast of Wind itself, they wanted to act!" [Kanji]

"Wait... Kanji, can you repeat that!" [Alicia]

"Huh?" [Kanji]

"I see. The matter of when is easily solve. It's rather obvious isn't it" [Seraph]

"Agree. The heroes will most likely come here next in order to get their blessing from The Holy Beast of Wind, Rampaging Garuda. I bet they will strike then itself" [Gilbert]

"But, just before or after they left is also a good time" [Saint Louis]

"What do you mean? Are they afraid their plan will go down the drain with those guys being here" [Seo Ah]

"That, as well as..." [Saint Louis]

If they strike before the kids arrive, they can cause total destruction, and the kids will definitely rush here, so maybe they can set up an ambush as well

If they strike after they leave, the same can be said true, as well as giving the blame towards them. I'm sure they will somehow convince their followers as well as those who are still divided between supporting the new or old religion.

"What should we do" [Alicia]

"Apart from tightening the measure, what else can we do?" [Seo Ah]

"Damn, if only we can find the Rampaging Garuda, and ask for it help, problem can be solved" [Kanji]

"..." [Other]

"What?" [Kanji]

I see. That's another option that we can use.