Chapter 419: Our suspicions

[Turning back the time for a bit]

After the long draining Q&A session, I stretch myself just to vent out the tiredness that's been accumulating. It feels good, albeit not much if it weren't for Diana pinching me, saying it's unfitting for me to do so. My bad, my bad

Still... This feeling of suspicions

(Try to think of it rather naturally. Don't force it) [Diana]

(Can you do it with me?) [Ash]

(Of course. The blessing of the heroes companion might not be there with me no more, but the side effects still persists. It's weaker, but I'm sure it's still stronger than yours) [Diana]

(If that's the case, I'll be depending on you more) [Ash]

(Let just work together, isn't it better) [Diana]

(Right. Can't let my sweetheart do all the works) [Ash]

(This isn't the time to flirt... But I appreciate it) [Diana]

Think naturally... This feeling. It's like Seraph and King Druser are still the same person, but at the same time, isn't. The only thing that I can think of which fit perfectly into the description is

(Doppelganger) [Ash]

(I think the same as well) [Diana]

"Ash, Princess. Are you by any chance?" [Rumia]

"Good timing. I know you and Saint Louis noticed it as well" [Ash]

"O Saint, care to hear on our thoughts?" [Diana]

"That I do, but let move along. Stay vigilant and act natural. We don't want them to be suspicious of us" [Saint Louis]


The three of us nods simultaneously. The four of us started to walk together, talking some random things but at the same time, we add in what Diana and I have been thinking

"Oh no. I forgot to buy something. I guess I'll call Htilorez and ask her to help me" [Ash]

"I forgot my document inside the adventure guild. I guess I'll ask ex guild master Ram to help me" (Should ask Bladel to get something as well. Maybe a strand of hair is available where King Druser stay) [Diana]

Saint Louis and Rumia knows what we are trying to do. Basically, ask Htilorez help and see whether we can confirm our suspicions on those two being doppelgangers.

"I see. I'll need to gather something first. I also need to buy some material as well to prove it as well" [Htilorez]

"If that's the case, maybe she can go with Ram?" [Diana]

"Htilorez, I'll see you in the adventure guild" [Ram]

"Right!" [Htilorez]

Now, all that's left is to act natural and keep our eye on those two

According to those three, Htilorez need some material that can react make the DNA of the original body and the doppelganger to react. At least, that's what I come to understand when they use the term building block of life. It can be cell, it can be tissue, but at the end of the day, they contain DNA, so that's that

My suspicion didn't stop there however. It make sense if it's Seraph, but how did someone as heavily guarded as King Druser can be replaced without the female paladin or his wife notice, unless...

(My brother, am I right?) [Diana]


(But we have no evidence aside from this) [Diana]

(True, which make it rather infuriating) [Ash]

He's involve as well. This sharp instinct that I got from Diana really pointed out to him. Even Diana feel the same

Once we got to the orphanage, we are in for another surprise

(Not Rafiah as well...) [Rumia]

Damn it. If that's indeed the case, I can tell who is the one responsible for all of this, as well as their most motive behind it. Rafiah is the witch with power Seraph and Iblis, Seraph is Seraph... But for King Druser... He might got some ties with the fallen demon king, Iblis...

To finally put the nail in the coffin for us, the conversation with this fake Seraph we are having confirm it all

"Phew... I'm exhausted" [Ash]

"Great job Ash" [Diana]

"Thank you... Seraph, why don't you sing something for us" [Ash]

"Of course, I was about to do that" [Seraph]

"Maybe you should make Alicia join in as well" [Saint Louis]

"SAINT LOUIS!?" [Alaric]

Yup. I was told about Seraph antique during the incident at the New Headquarters, so her not hitting on Alicia, Alaric's little sister is just plain suspicious. He is usually a debaucherous person, but now, it likes he suddenly tone down his personality, by a lot. That might happen naturally after some big trauma or some sort of incidents that change the perspective of someone life, but for him to literally do that rather suddenly is nothing but suspicious

"Ash?" [Rafiah]

"Uncuffed us now!" [King Druser]

We tied down those three using our magic. King Druser, who is friendly and will not get angry suddenly shouted out loud startle even his female paladin and his wife. They both find it strange that Druser actually shouted out loud, so out of his character

As for Rafiah, the fact that she actually almost unaware of the spawning blocks inside our Training Hall is a dead giveaway. Usually, she will be the first among us all to think of what we can do with those spawning blocks, but her response is plain suspicious. It likes she doesn't even realize the existence of those spawning blocks

"What have you done to those three?" [Saint Louis]

"Answer now, or we will not be playing nice cops anymore" [Ash]

"Sorry that I am late, but I finally found it, the necessary materials" [Htilorez]

"Htilorez?" [Zerolith]

"Rumia, I think we better explain it to other" [Diana]

"That, we should" [Rumia]

Thank goodness that Htilorez and Ram are finally here. The situation is a tense one, which prompted Diana and Rumia to quickly explain why we find those three suspicious

"My my, you three look awfully pale, Fake Rafiah, Fake Seraph and Fake Druser" [Ash]

"Htilorez, former guild master, if you would" [Diana]

Amidst all this, Saint Louis and I manage to get a glance at the first prince

(He's suspicious alright, but god he is a pro at hiding his emotion) [Ash]

(No matter how well you hide it, you can't fool thee eyes of a former dark guild master) [Saint Louis]