"A Doppelganger flower" [All]
"That's right. That's what happen for those mingles with those fake doppelgangers for far too long" [Resistance leader]
After getting our proper rest, all of us are ready to hear what the resistance leader inside of this Mountain Nation have to say, and the thing that we saw while trying to get here, something that was made out of silvery flesh all sticking together, like that of a child building something with scraps and hot melt glue is term as Doppelganger flower
"That flower. I'm not sure how it was form, and I am not even sure which come first, the flower or the fake doppelgangers, but I can say confidently, that they're both interconnected and interdependent with one another" [Resistance leader]
Like the chicken or the egg, which come first, but
"Is it really important to deduce which come first in this case?" [Alaric]
"If I'm being honest, as of now, not that important" [Resistance leader]
"True, so why don't we just continue" [Diana]
"As you wish" [Resistance leader]
As all of us start to adjust our seat and give our full attention, the resistance leader, the dark elf start filling us detail after detail
"This is based on our observations, but the Doppelganger first started to come into picture around two months ago. During that time, they aren't that many of them. Of course, all of us are actually surprised by it, but there is someone that, no, two person that help quell down all those worries" [Resistance leader]
"And that person were... The First Prince of Kiserre Fawan and The Seriel Killer Dwarf..." [Long hair girl]
"FATHER!" ""HIM!?"" [Karon] [Lara, Nara]
"Are you serious?" [Elise]
Not only the long hair girl from Kiserre's Orphanage, but the other nods along as to reaffirm the statement
"Let me guess, they try to convince all of you that the Doppelganger meant no harm?" [Ash]
"Exactly that, and somehow... Just somehow... Neither of us felt anything wrong in that situation during that time" [Resistance member A]
"And you guys?" [Zerolith]
"As much as we hate to admit, we feel the same..." [Rabbit beastman]
"Looking back, that might be why none of the information regarding what happen here didn't rrach any of your ears" [Lizard Beastman]
"As if we were convinced that everything was alright, even when we can just tell Mrs Saga or any of you for that matter" [Long hair girl]
Hypnotism? Maybe. But...
"Does the Doppelganger flowes have something to do with it?" [Muse]
"That, we aren't sure, but those flowers started to bloom around that time" [Resistance leader]
"It isn't something that I can control, nor something I have knowledge in" [Farhah]
"That's depressing, hearing an Avery saying that" [Resistance leader]
"Meow" [Behe]
"So, what happen next?" [Savel]
"Ah, forgive me. Well, for a month or so, you can say everything was fine... Until..." [Resistance leader]
"Until?" [Kara]
"Until I noticed that some of us were there no more... Starting with my mother, then my father, and before I knew it... I was left alone, surrounded by those fake doppelgangers" [Resistance leader]
"That's scary..." [Charlotte]
"Well it is. Though of course, we kinda learn something as well" [Resistance member C]
"What did you learn?" [Mara]
"I saw my fiance getting along well with her fake doppelgangers, and that dastard brought her to the flower before... Before..." [Resistance member D]
The dragonewt try his best to talk, only to be pat in the back not only by other resistance members, but by Savel as well, and the long hair girl start talking as to fill the gap
"That flower consume the person, growing ever stronger and powerful before birthing out another version of that person at regular intervals" [Long hair girl]
"!" [All]
All of us made the same surprise face. Without a pause
"Birthing them?" [Qis]
"At regular intervals?" [Linda]
"Then did the previous demon king actually do the same when he was there at the Holy Palace?" [Sachmis]
"That, we aren't sure..." [Resistance leader]
"Maybs it is. Maybe it wasn't. Maybe it's a variation, we can't talk about what the demon king do as it's something still unknown for us" [Dwarf trader]
"But given how the meddling third party was involved, the chance of the method being the same is quite high" [Diana]
"That's something we can all agree with" [Ash]
"So helping them here will definitely help us uncover the truth along the way" [Rean]
So, to summarize
Fake Doppelganger suddenly appear two months ago --> Fawan and the serial killer dwarf convinced them that it was alright --> the fake doppelgangers brought their real live version to the flower --> the flower consumed that person and birth out another variation of that person at regular intervals
"What about the thing that ate the flower?" [Aries]
"Oh yeah, that thing..." [Charlotte]
"That thing was something beyond us as well..." [Resistance member A]
"Though of course, it try it best to destroy the flowers and the fake doppelgangers" [Resistance leader]
((Could it be...)) [Diana, Ash]
"Your highness, Ash, did you figure something out?" [Qis]
Qis, seeing as to how both Diana and I making "that face" interrupt our train of thought but before we can tell them what we think
"Could it be, that thing that try to eat the flower... The real Doppelganger?" [Zerolith]
"Sincerely, I feel the same" [Rean]
(Oh wow, I'm impressed they can come to the same conclusion as us) [Ash]
"It isn't a far stretch to say that" [Diana]
"True. We lack any sort of evidence, but that's the only thing that we can think of" [Ash]
"But that thing appearance is... Hideous to say the least" [Farhah]
"Yeah. This isn't something good to say, but it's hard to disagree given how hideous that thing was" [Singa]
And that's about it, that wrap our discussion
"So, any idea where our two preparator are?" [Karon]
Karon, who seems to be losing patience when hearing his father was involved, quickly ask the next question
"They will occasionally come, just to check at the situation" [Resistance leader A]
"Fawan is a bit predictable, as he always come at regular intervals. In fact, his next visit will be tomorrow itself, but..." [Long hair girl]
"As of the serial killer dwarf, we aren't sure ourselves" [Elf Girl]
"That's plenty of information already. You done well figuring that out" [Aries]
"True, so we can start preparing on our "greeting" with Fawan tomorrow itself" [Ash]
"Ash, Alaric and Mrs Aries, given how the three of you dealt with him once, I reckon you can take the lead here" [Diana]
""Count us in"" [Lara, Nara]
""Both of you!!??"" [Kara, Mara]
"Sure why not" [Ash]
"Then can you leave thing related to my father to me!" [Karon]
"You always become hot heades when your father is involved... You know what, Charlotte and I will follow you and make sure you are not acting reckless" [Farhah]
"I will. Even I started to worry looking at you now" [Charlotte]
"Then the rest can simply join either of those two, while also making a third group for miscellaneous job" [Muse]
"Right!" [All]
So, the three group will be
Team capturing Fawan = Ash, Aries, Alaric, Lara, Nara, Kara, Mara
Team investigating Serial killer dwarf = Karon, Farhah, Charlotte, Linda, Zerolith, Savel, Singa
Team miscellaneous = Diana, Muse, Sachmis, Rean, Elise, Zerolith, Behe