Dusk in the spring

Spring has come, Flowers are blooming, Sunlight is dawning from the East Horizon, making Morning feel very bright.

In a forest seen a fawn eating grass underneath.

Shortly thereafter, a gurgling sound could be heard from the bushes which were several tens of meters away from the fawn.

* Krsss *

The fawn immediately stopped eating the grass and raised his head, he then looked around him using his black eyes that looked blank.

Feeling no threat felt, the Fawn then moved slightly forward and resumed his breakfast. After a while, the forest was in silence and only the sound of birds was heard.

A snapping sound rang out, which was immediately greeted with the sound of the air being cut.

* Fwuosssh *

An arrow shot quickly towards the Fawn, however, the reflexes of a Fawn cannot be underestimated.

With his agility, the fawn jumped forward and managed to avoid the Arrow. The Fawn, which felt that its current place was already insecure, immediately ran without looking back, until without realizing a rope had been wrapped around it, which was then again greeted with arrows flying towards the tree in front of it.

The arrows may look missed, even though they are aimed right at the rope attached to the tree and cut it perfectly.

Then, the stone on the tree fell and immediately made a withdrawal effect on the rope at the legs of the deer.

after that, the poor calf can only surrender hanging over the tree and can only squirm in the air because his legs are bound and won't let go.

Meanwhile, someone who had shot an arrow from behind the bushes.

The one who shoots an arrow is not an adult, but a child, only about 140 cm tall.

He has Navy-blue hair that extends to the neck, then sapphire blue pupils that shine as bright as blue in the sky.

The boy had a cold expression with a flat gaze slowly approaching the Fawn who was trapped.

This child is none other than a child born 11 years ago on New Year's Eve, Yashuhiro Tetsuya.

11 years have passed since that night, and now Tetsuya is 11 years old.

He was seen wearing a simple kimono that covered his pale skin from wrist to ankle.

After walking casually toward the fawn, Tetsuya finally arrived in front of the fawn.

He paused for a moment as he looked coldly at the deer that hung upside down in the air and groaned in pain, surprisingly Tetsuya held his hands together as if he was praying for the quietness of the fawn.

After praying, he then took the knife in his pocket and mercilessly cut the fawn's Neck.

After that, the fawn was finally killed with blood that continued to flow to the ground, while Tetsuya was cutting the rope that bound the fawn.

Then, after the fawn fell to the ground, Tetsuya joined his four legs and tied them together, then he put them into a large basket, and put the basket on his shoulders.

The knife he used to cut the deer had also been cleaned, which he then put into his scabbard.

After a while, Tetsuya started walking while wearing a basket of fawn on his small back.

And so, Tetsuya's Daily Hunting Activity was a success as usual.


In a modest house, seen a middle-aged woman cooking something, she smiled broadly and seemed to enjoy what she was doing now.

This woman is Nanami, it's been 11 years and now her face has gotten older. He is 49 years old now

When she was cooking, suddenly there was a knock from the door of her house.

* Knock *

* Knock *

Hearing that, she then took off his apron and hung it on the wall, he then walked to the door and tried to open the door.

" Alright, wait a minute. "

After that, Nanami opened the door of her house to invite the person who knocked on the door.

And when she opened the door, what was seen was Tetsuya who still with his flat expression stood looking at Nanami.

"I'm home, Kaa-san."

Kaa-san, a child's call to his mother, and why did Tetsuya call Nanami his mother, that's because since childhood, who was taking care of Tetsuya was Nanami.

Right the next day, Ms. Yashuhiro refused to take care of her son, Tetsuya, until finally, Nanami was willing to take care of Tetsuya, after all, she lived alone.

She doesn't have a husband and live alone without a child, so no one objected when Nanami adopted Tetsuya as her son.

And in these 11 years, Tetsuya had no idea that Nanami was not his biological mother, it was because of Nanami never told Tetsuya and Tetsuya was indeed a quiet child.

Since childhood, he never smiled even when he had a birthday and celebrated a year, he was never seen crying or sad even when he fell from a rock when he was a child, and many other things.

His expression was still as usual, calm, and cold. Because of that, he was shunned by everyone in the village.

"Um, welcome home, Tetsu."

Tetsuya's daily life is like this, he will leave in the morning and return in the evening, and Nanami already knows that.

After that, Tetsuya entered the house while carrying a large basket on his back, looking at the basket bag, the expression and smile on Nanami's face disappeared and turned into anger.

He then pinched Tetsuya's left ear using her right hand, Tatsuya whose ears were pinched felt a little pain and tried to release Nanami's hand from his ear.

"It hurts, it hurts, Kaa-san"

Even though speaking like he was in pain, the expression shown on Tetsuya's face was ... Nothing.

"I told you how many times don't hunt a deer in the Forest near the Village!!! Even if you go to the forest during the day and Oni won't appear, there are still many dangerous wild animals that live in the forest !!!"

Nanami slightly raised her tone as she scolded Tetsuya, for hunting wild animals in the Forest.

Tetsuya, who heard his mother's words, only stared flatly and did not answer.

Nanami knew, when Tetsuya was silent and put a Flat look, that meant he was rejecting or inviting something.

"From the look on your face, you don't seem to agree with me."

Tetsuya was silent and did not answer, which of course made Nanami a little sad because of how little expression Tetsuya had.

Unknowingly, a little tear ran down Nanami's cheek, Nanami also made an angry expression mixed with sadness.

Tetsuya who saw that underwent a slight change in expression, his eyes widened in surprise, then his lips trembled slightly when he saw his mother suddenly crying.

Tatsuya then opened his mouth and asked his mother with an innocent look.

" Mother... "

Nanami then gently stroked Tetsuya's cheek and said with a look of worry and sadness.

"Don't make your mother always worry like this, Tetsu."

No matter how cold Tetsuya's personality is, he is still an 11-year-old child, seeing his mother crying while staring at him, Tetsuya came and gave his mother a bow.

"Mother ... Don't cry."

Nanami, who didn't realize that tears had come out when she heard Tetsuya's words immediately wiped the tears from her eyes.

"No, mom is not crying."

"... Mom ... Don't cry ..."

* Crackle *

Suddenly when the sweet moment between Nanami and Tetsuya was taking place, a wooden creaking sound came from behind Tetsuya.

The sense of Tetsuya who was already accustomed to Forest, immediately twitched, he immediately slipped out of his mother's arms and turned towards the door, where the sound of the wood creaking came from.

Nanami who saw Tetsuya's behavior tilted his head.


Even though Tetsuya heard his mother's voice, he just kept quiet and his gaze still focused towards the door.

Seeing the absence of an answer from Tetsuya, Nanami spoke again.

"What's up Tet-"

Before Nanami could finish his words, Tetsuya closed his mother's mouth using his index finger while hissing.

"Pssst ..."

Tetsuya glanced slightly at his mother, their eyes met, Nanami saw a serious look that was rarely seen from Tetsuya's sapphire blue eyes.

"Mmmm ..."

Nanami tried to speak, but because her mouth was closed by Tetsuya, her voice was unclear and there was only a slight growl.

Nanami, of course, realized that Tetsuya's actions were not without cause, because Tetsuya was not a jolly kid who liked to joke and this was the first time Tetsuya had such an expression.

After Nanami was silent, Tetsuya returned his focus to the front door of the house and noticed something behind it.

He slowly walked on tiptoe to the door, step by step taken by Tetsuya.

The hunter's instincts automatically appear when he walks without making a single sound, even though walking on a rickety wooden floor.

His eyes seemed to see something that could not be seen by others, Tetsuya's aura also suddenly vanished and his presence slowly thinned.

And unique, Tetsuya was unaware of this.

As Tetsuya kept taking Steps and getting closer to the door, Nanami tried to speak and had stretched out his hands in hopes of reaching Tetsuya.

However, a few inches before his hand could touch Tetsuya, Tetsuya suddenly widened his eyes and then turned around and pushed his mother back.

"Avoid, Kaa-san"

Feeling the urge in his stomach made by Tetsuya, Nanami can only make a confused expression and say a word.


Right after Nanami finished saying that, the front door of their house was torn apart and there was a sound of destruction that had an impact on Tetsuya and Nanami.

* DUARR !!! *