Continuity between water and cold

After that night, Day after day Tetsuya spent practicing and trying to understand what Shishio was saying at that time. Tetsuya exiled himself from the villagers, he spent every day sitting under a tree and cutting flies.

And not felt, 2 years have passed in the blink of an eye, Tetsuya is currently at the age of 13, Spring has come, this is his second spring without Nanami. Right now Tetsuya is seen standing under the Sakura Tree on the edge of a cliff.

He had gotten a little taller so that he could use his katana perfectly, he stood calmly while closing his eyes, his right hand holding the handle of the katana on his waist, no sound was heard except for the sound of the wind whistling his long hair and Tetsuya's loose clothes.

Until the awaited finally came. The sound of flies was heard in Tetsuya's ear.

* Zwing *

Tetsuya's ears twitched slightly, then he slightly pulled the katana on his waist so that a distinctive iron friction sound was heard.

* Cing *

And in the blink of an eye ...

* Swing *

The silver flash swept very quickly towards the fly, and ferociously cut it in half right between the head and the body. The flash was only an instant and disappeared, which was then followed by the voice of Katana Tetsuya who had been sheathed again.

The head and body of the fly fell quickly to the grass below. After sheathing his katana, Tetsuya slowly opened his eyes which showed the very beautiful Blue Sapphire pupils.

He then exhales a little breath, but unique, when he exhales, from the mouth comes a cold vapor that should only come out of someone's mouth when breathing in winter, not spring.

Tetsuya then crouched down and took the body and head of the fly he had just cut, then examined it closely. After making a few observations, Tetsuya put on a disappointed expression on his face. And with a frown.

"Tsk, this isn't neat at all."

Tetsuya chuckled in disappointment, that the pieces were not as neat as Shishio's that night. Then, Tetsuya sighed.

"* sigh * yeah, but this is my 1000th fly, and I have to tell that Ossan, so he immediately taught me his Water Breathing Technique. "

Tetsuya then was excited because he would finally learn the water breathing technique he dreamed of, immediately putting the fly's head and body into two different jars. However, when he was about to turn around, he was stopped by a voice.

"You don't need to go, I have been waiting for you here since earlier."

* Cing *

* Swing *

Hearing that voice, Reflexively Tetsuya pulled his katana from its scabbard and slashed fiercely towards the sound, but he immediately stopped when he saw who the owner of the voice was. His eyes immediately widened and he said stopped right by someone's neck.

"Oi-oi, do you want to kill your teacher."

Seeing the owner of that voice who turned out to be Shishio. Tetsuya immediately relaxed, it might be strange because he did not recognize Shishio's voice but because he was not yet fully aware of his Full Concentration mode, the ability of his five senses to stimulate was being reset.

" I guess who .. * sigh *, didn't I already say, don't surprise me when I just finished training."

Tetsuya said, which made Shishio could only sigh in defeat because Tetsuya had repeatedly warned him about it.

"Fine, fine, I was wrong."

Shishio's attitude to Tetsuya has also changed since that night, he has been more likely to advise Tetsuya and give direction, even though it's still just a simple suggestion. Tetsuya then sheathed his Katana again, after which Tetsuya handed over his jars to Shishio while saying with a serious expression.

"As you Ordered, I have cut 1,000 flies and separated the head from the body, according to your promise 2 years ago, teach me Your Water Breathing Technique now!"

Tetsuya said impatiently, seeing Tetsuya's childlike behavior, Shishio could only sigh and said.

"* sigh * don't hurry, after all, you won't master breathing techniques in one night."

Tetsuya could only confirm Shishio's words because it was true, then Shishio took the two jars in Tetsuya's hands, and opened the lid when he saw the contents of Tetsuya's jar, he made a disgusted face and said while distancing his face from the two jars.

"Jeez ~ This is disgusting."

Shishio then deliberately threw the two jars containing the flies that Tetsuya had struggled to collect towards the Cliff. Seeing that, Tetsuya made a surprised face, and when the two jars dropped, his expression turned furious towards Shishio.

The intention to kill emanated from around Tetsuya and his hand was ready to be handled by a katana ready to be released towards Shishio.

"Oi, Ossan, what do you think you just did?"

Feeling the killing intent from Tetsuya, Shishio realized that he had made Tetsuya angry, so he said bitterly to Tetsuya.

"Eh ... Ah ... calm down, kiddo, don't be angry like that, didn't you say that you want to practice breathing techniques immediately, so now we have finished the first training stage and are heading to the second stage."

Hearing Shishio's words, Tetsuya immediately calmed down, he then removed his hand from the Katana Handle, and let out a tired sigh.

"* sigh * alright."

Meanwhile, Shishio was sweating a little and let out a sigh of relief.

'Whoa! His killing intent was as terrible as usual. '

Then Tetsuya asked Shishio.

"So, when will we start training."

Shishio then coughed a little and continued speaking.

"Well, actually if you want to learn Breathing Technique, it's the same as you practicing a set of Sword techniques, so I'll teach you the forms of Water Breathing Technique."

Shishio said, he then approached Tetsuya a little.

"But before that ..."

He then held Tetsuya's hand on his left wrist and felt a little cold, but he was used to it when he gave directions to Tetsuya, Shishio then returned to Tetsuya.

'Even though this kid is very talented in swords, I must check first whether he can use breathing techniques or not. Because there are some people whose lung capacity is so small that it makes them unable to do the Breathing Technique. '

"Tetsuya, try to draw your breath to the limit and run as far as 10 meters."

Hearing Shishio's command, Tetsuya immediately nodded and followed his direction.

"* inhale *"

Tetsuya pulled his breath until his chest grew slightly, then he turned around and tried to move, but ... just as he made his first move, his eyes widened because his chest suddenly hardened and felt very heavy and painful.

Unable to endure that, Tetsuya immediately fell to the ground, and finally exhaled brutally and coughed up blood. Shishio who saw that reflexively approached Tetsuya with a worried face.

"* Cough * * Cough *"

"Oi Kiddo! Are you OK?"

While checking Tetsuya's situation, Shishio thought a little.

'Does the special condition of his body affect its compatibility with the Breathing Technique? if that is the case, that means ...'

Even though he still felt pain in his chest, Tetsuya forced himself to stand up, and said while wiping away the blood flowing in his mouth,

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I'll repeat it once more."

However, that was immediately greeted with cold words from Shishio.

"Stop there Kiddo, don't force yourself, otherwise your lungs will break."

However, Tetsuya remained determined.

"No, I don't-"

* Clap *

However, before Tetsuya could finish his words, Shishio slapped his cheek very hard, which made him immediately stop talking.

"I told you to stop it !!!"

Shishio was furious in his expression, Tetsuya who was just slapped instead glared at Shishio. He instead spoke again as if, unconscious after being slapped by Shishio.

"I will not stop." Said Tetsuya with determination, hearing that, Shishio grew furious, he raised his hand again and tried to slap Tetsuya again, this time raising his tone.

" I Will Not!!! "

And immediately, Shishio's hand that tried to slap Tetsuya was instantly washed with an incredibly cold and stopped slowly before the ice spots finally spread. Seeing that, both Tetsuya and Shishio widened their eyes.

'This is ...'

Shishio was at a loss for words, while Tetsuya who saw it looked thoughtful for a moment before finally patting his fist on the other palm while saying.

"So that's how it is ... If I can't breathe it, then just blow it out." Tetsuya thought with a happy expression that was rarely seen on his face, Shishio who heard Tetsuya's words having a blue vein appeared on his forehead.

"Geh, are you stupid? That is not the concept of breathing techniques."

Shishio said, but Tetsuya ignored him, and instead sat cross-legged looking like he was thinking about something. While Shishio who felt neglected did not speak further, because there was something out of the ordinary in his mind right now.

' What the fuck... '