Intoxicating Rare Blood

"Oni ..."

Tetsuya stood up while staring coldly at Oni who was outside his Hut, the hungry-looking Oni reminded Tetsuya of his bad experience 4 years ago. A starving Oni who killed his mother.

Tetsuya's face immediately looked very angry, Revenge and killing intent emanated from his body very wildly, as if he didn't think anymore, what Tetsuya was thinking about now was just kill and kill.

"Kill !!!"

However, before Tetsuya could take his first step, he stopped because a memory suddenly crossed his mind.

"If you lose your mind in a fight, then you are no more than an animal."

Recalling the words from Shishio that he delivered in between the exercises, Tetsuya's revenge and all sorts of anger were immediately muffled, he then removed his grip from the hilt of the Katana and slapped both of his cheeks while shaking his head.

'There's no need to think about what happened then, focus on Oni in front of you right now, Tetsuya! '

Tetsuya shouted that to himself, after a few moments, Tetsuya calmed down and his eyes were cold as usual, even though Vengeful was still raging inside him, Tetsuya did not want to be controlled by anger like that before.

"Huff ..."

Tetsuya breathed out, and when Tetsuya looked forward, the Oni was getting closer and closer, so that the sound coming out of Oni's mouth was heard in Tetsuya's ear.

"Marechi! MARECHI!"

The Oni continued to approach Tetsuya's hut with anticipation, the atmosphere calmed down when no one, both Oni and Tetsuya, began the attack, the sound of the night wind shook the trees near the Tetsuya Hut until a leaf slowly fell.

He began to gradually approach the ground, and when the leaves touched the ground ...


Oni shouted like a possessed person as he eagerly rushed towards Tetsuya who was inside the Hut, At the same time, a sound of iron friction was a sign that the katana had been pulled from its scabbard.

* CING *

While at a very crucial moment, Tetsuya's mind continued to run faster and faster, he thought of all forms of his breathing technique and thought of its effects, but Tetsuya currently needed information about what had happened in the village lately, who knew if Oni was in front of him at the time this is the cause of events in the Village.

' In that case... '

A cold wind blew from Tetsuya's mouth, as he made his body lean slightly sideways while saying a few words.

"Kori no Kokyu, Roku no Kata ... (Ice Breathing, Sixth Form)"

* Fwuossh *

* Crack. *

The wall of the Hut was shattered when Oni madly struck him with only his two fists towards Tetsuya, he still shouted loudly, which was immediately cut off by Tetsuya's cold words.

The world slowed down for Tetsuya as a cold gaze swept across Oni who rushed towards him, he then shook his sword forward while saying.

"Hyōga no nami !!! (Glacier Waves)"

* Fwoshh *

Cold air spread in the air, accompanied by the sound of ice forming.

Then from the empty air between Tetsuya and Oni, Ice miraculously formed very quickly and directly struck the Oni in the air, the Ice was like its name like a wave that came out simultaneously and immediately made a small iceberg.

And at the base of the Iceberg, Oni was seen that all parts of his body except his head part of his eyes were frozen by Ice, Even his mouth seemed to be covered by Ice so he could not speak at all.

The Sixth Form, Glacier Waves are one of the 9 forms of Tetsuya's Breathing Technique, Ice Breathing Technique. Breath of Ice was a Breathing Technique created by Tetsuya after he realized that his body did not have the compatibility to use any others Breathing Technique.

However, after what happened that day, Tetsuya finally had the idea to use Cold Temperature throughout his body to create a Breathing Technique, Breath of Ice.

Of course, Tetsuya's training did not stop there, he also continued to practice in extreme cold, especially during winter, Tetsuya practiced between snowstorms and over the frozen Lake with bare chested, all he did to find an acceptable breathing technique by his body, the Ice breathing technique.

Tetsuya's white scarf fluttered as he walked closer to Oni in front of him and stood right in front of the Oni. Oni is trying to break away from Ice, but his body could not move at all, he could not even shout his annoyance.

"Mmmmm !!!"

After a while, Tetsuya finally touched his white Nichirin Sword towards the Ice in Oni's mouth, which immediately broke the ice in Oni's mouth to pieces.

"ARGGH! Marechi! Marechi!"

Oni kept repeating the same word while trying to bite Tetsuya in front of him. Tetsuya is naturally confused, does this Oni have a grudge against him, huh? However, Tetsuya still tried to ask Oni in front of him.

"Oi Oni, before I kill you, there are a few things I want to ask."

However, the initially noisy Oni became silent, but his breath was breathing heavily, it seemed that all parts of his body felt very painful because it was inside a chunk of ice that was very cold.

"* Pant * * Pant * * Pant *"

Tetsuya then resumed his words.

"First, do you still have partners around this village, and secondly, do you or your colleague do anything to this village, and third, What is meant by Marechi that you shouted earlier? answer quickly or I'll cut off your head!"

Tetsuya said coldly, but Oni did not answer any of Tetsuya's questions, and instead repeated his words earlier, but with a more limp tone, because Oni's body began to be crushed by Ice.

"Ma ... Re ... Chi!"

Hearing that, Tetsuya gritted his teeth in annoyance, and in an instant, a white flash cut Oni's neck very fast, which immediately made Oni's head fly and separate from his body.

After killing the Oni, Tetsuya chuckled while cursing.

"Tch, Useless!"

Tetsuya then aimed his sword at the Little Iceberg he made and touched it a little, however, the Iceberg was immediately blown to pieces.

* Cing *

After destroying the mountain of ice to avoid chaos, Tetsuya then sheathed his nichirin sword, and immediately turned away, because he had to immediately look for the existence of

Inoda, because he was already here, could not help but have to interfere with the problems in this village.


Meanwhile, in a dark cave, seen a terrible Oni with a height of 2 meters sitting with dozens of women around him. The women were seen voluntarily serving the Lust of Oni, but if observed clearly, the women's views seemed blank.

Oni sat with a disgusting smile on his face, the hot atmosphere continued until the sound of footsteps approached, while panting. Then came a very sturdy Oni to the place where the 2-meter-high Oni was.

"* Pant * * Pant * * Pant * Kioo-sama, Kioo-sama, This is dangerous! We lost track of Otengu and we also saw an Iceb-"

However, before the Muscular Oni completed its words, an ax fiercely cut his neck so that his head was separated from his body. Then an angry voice came from the Giant Oni.

"I told you how many times, don't bother me at times like this, Ginjou !!!"

Then, the Head and Body which were originally separated slowly connected to each other by a kind of Red Liquid, before finally Oni's body which had been separated into two was reunited. Oni who was called Ginjou was not angry at the Giant Oni named Kioo, instead, he knelt in front of him.

"Forgive your servant, Kioo-sama."

Seeing that, Kioo then slightly calmed his anger and asked Ginjou.

"So why are you Panting like that? What do you want to tell me."

Ginjou, then looked down slightly and said to Kioo.

"Um! Otengu has died and a small iceberg appears on the edge of that small village, I also feel Eve The existence of humans in the last place the breath of Otengu blows. What should we do, Kioo-sama?"

Hearing that, Kioo instead laughed loudly.

"HAHAHAHA, Otengu was killed by a human, geh! Just let that greedy person die, all he has in mind is blood, blood, and blood, he doesn't understand how to have fun. Meanwhile ..."

Then a disgusting smile appeared on Kioo's face.

"HEH, it seems like we have a guest tonight, Ginjou, do your best to welcome him!"

Kioo ordered, hearing that, obedient Ginjou said yes.

" Well! "

Then Ginjou disappeared from his place, while Kioo continued to be satisfied by the dozen of women around him.