Boring Final Exams

After traveling all day, Tetsuya finally arrived at the place where the Final Examination was to be held, the sun had long been set, and only the light from the moon illuminated this night.

Climbing the stairs to the top, Tetsuya was amazed by the beautiful purple Wisteria flowers that lined the surroundings. He had heard from Shishio that the Wisteria Flower was a flower hated by Oni, as well as poison for them.

'This is amazing, how can these many Wisteria Flowers grow faster ...? No, do they always bloom like this all year long ...? Isn't their blooming season still a few more months ...? Tetsuya wondered about the strange phenomenon he was seeing right now.

He continued to enjoy the beauty of the wisteria flower while continuing to climb the stairs, and without being felt had set foot on the last step, until he was greeted with two large red pillars that stood parallel to the front.

Tetsuya's eyes also saw that quite many people were present, they all had serious faces, carrying Nichirin on their backs which they seemed to get from their teachers.

Tetsuya then stepped on his feet, and walked casually while closing his eyes, he didn't care about other people, all he cared about now was completing the test as quickly as possible, then began officially killing devils, and accepting missions from the Demon Hunter Corps.

Tetsuya then stood in a corner and leaned against the tree behind him while waiting for the Trial to begin. Finally, a voice came from two people talking together.

"Everyone, Thank you for attending the Demon Hunter Final Exam."

Hearing that, Tetsuya opened his eyes to see two children who looked like twins with small bodies, had black and white hair, were standing parallel, carrying a lantern in their hands.

Then, the white-haired girl continued speaking.

"This Mount Fujikasane is a gathering place for the live Oni captured by the Demon hunters, and Oni cannot get out of this place."

Then the black-haired boy continued.

"Wisteria flowers that continue to bloom out of season, Flowers hated by Oni, spread from the foot of the mountain to the slopes."

"But because in the forest the Wisteria Flower did not bloom, Oni gathered in it."

"You have to stay there for seven days, it is a condition to pass the final exam ..."

Then, the two children bowed slightly and said.

"Then ... Good Luck ."

Hearing the last words of the two children, Tetsuya immediately stood up from his leaning position and muttered something as he stepped to leave.

"Looks like I have to be a little patient to become a Demon Hunter."

Then, Tetsuya disappeared into the dark forest.


The night had reached its peak, the clouds blocked the moonlight, and beyond the darkness of the forest, it was seen Tetsuya was eating Onigiri on a tree branch while sitting back.

'Good thing I brought some Onigiri made by that woman, otherwise I would be bored eating food in the forest, at least this Onigiri will last for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. '

Back when he and Shinobu finished evacuating the women from inside the Cave, Shinobu made a lot of simple Onigiri for the survivors to eat, because they seemed to be starving and had not eaten anything.

'But I didn't expect it to be this good ...'

Because he only brought 5 pieces, Tetsuya ate one, leaving the other 4 for the next two days. When he had just finished eating, he suddenly felt some of Oni's presence. Tetsuya then stood up and gripped the handle of his katana.

"Time to hunt," said Tetsuya before disappearing.


Meanwhile, at the headquarters of the Demon Hunt Corps, Shinobu was sitting Seiza facing the back of a man with shoulder-length hair, the man was Oyakata-sama.

"I see ... I hope they can recover from their trauma and start a new life ... even though I'm sure it won't be easy." Said Oyakata-sama with a sad face.

Shinobu just nodded in agreement, she had thought about reporting Tetsuya's whereabouts too, but after she thought about it, it should be kept secret. After all, Tetsuya did nothing that made him need special attention from the Demon Hunt Corps as a whole.

This was just her anxiety after seeing the frightening Black Aura that oozed from Tetsuya's body at that time. Then, Shinobu sighed in resignation while thinking.

'* Sigh * How come I forgot to ask his name ...'


"You have MARECHI, ​​you are my food !?"

Seen an Oni in tattered clothes, roaring like crazy towards him. Drooling profusely, his body was pale green with a pair of broken horns on his forehead.

Not only him, but other Oni also surrounded Tetsuya, and looked at him as if they were looking at the most delicious food they had ever seen.

"This person is my prey, you can't have it."



The atmosphere became noisy when Oni-Oni was debating who would eat Tetsuya, seeing that, a blue vein appeared on Tetsuya's forehead, he then said.

"Tck, stop the chatter of all of you." Said Tetsuya while circulating the intent to kill lethal which immediately silenced all Oni who had been arguing.

Tetsuya then pulled his Nichirn's blade slightly and said with a cold look.

"Die." In an instant, Tetsuya disappeared from his place, and with incredible speed, cut off the necks of all the Oni around him.

The five Oni did not realize that their neck had been cruelly cut by Tetsuya, there was only one question in their minds.

' What is that? '

* Cing *

Tetsuya shook his Nichirin in the air to clean the Blood, then sheathed it again.

Around him, some of Oni's body slowly turned to ashes and disappeared, Tetsuya had killed quite a several Oni tonight, and there wasn't a single Oni that could make him release his Ice Breathing Technique.

'I haven't found a single person yet, have they all been killed? 'Tetsuya thought. Tetsuya found it strange that he had traveled quite a long way to the east, but there wasn't a single human who passed him.

However, he did not stop and continued walking. The reason Tetsuya walked towards the East, was simple and must be done by everyone, it was because the eastern part was quickly illuminated by the sun which was Oni's weakness.

When Tetsuya was walking, he suddenly saw several corpses of Oni which slowly turned to ash. And, as he approached, Tetsuya finally saw someone standing silently in the middle of some of Oni's corpses.

That person was the same age as him, had short, yellow-colored hair that was pure, using Haori, which had the same color as his hair, with motifs of white triangles.

'Finally a human ...' Tetsuya thought.

Then Tetsuya leaned towards him and made a surprised expression as he looked closer.

"This person is ... sleeping ...?"