Cunning Mother-in-law

Ruhan and Mr. Ahmed were waiting impatiently in Ruhan's room. To be exact..Mr. Ahmed was shooting daggers at Ruhan saying,  'If you are really guilty this time see what I will do to you.'

While Ruhan tried his best to dodge his father's eye.

"Did you do it?" Mr. Ahmed finally asked the question.

"Did you hit Lisa?"

"No have to believe me." Ruhan became anxious.

"I really didn't hit her. She hit herself. You have no idea dad she is totally crazy. Honestly speaking I have started to fear her now."

Ruhan wasn't lying.  A girl who could be this ruthless to even herself..was really dangerous.

What if one day she attacked him?

Mr. Ahmed scoffed, "None of you are innocent.  This is what makes you perfect for each other. Did you think that I would let a weak, innocent woman marry a person like you and ruin her life?"

Ruhan became speechless. 

'Are you really my father?  Why do you always sympathize others more than me?'

Mr. Ahmed decided to ignore his pitiful look. He knew very well that his son was anything but pitiful.

At this moment,  Lisa and Mrs. Ahmed returned.  Both of them had gloomy faces. It was clear that the conversation didn't go well.

"Mom..what did you talk about? " Ruhan began to hover around his mother like a lost puppy.

Mrs. Ahmed saw this and immediately became angry. She really wanted to slap this son to death. 

"We have reached to an agreement." Mrs. Ahmed cleared her voice.

"What is your decision? " Mr. Ahmed frowned.

"What Ruhan did was unforgivable.  Domestic violence has never been tolerated in our family."

"But mom I didn't." Ruhan interrupted.  He didn't want to be accused of something he didn't do.

"I really didn't hit her."

Mrs. Ahmed refused to acknowledge Ruhan and continued to speak.

"Lisa doesn't feel safe around him. So, it would be better that we separate them for the time being."

"Mom...don't fall for her tricks again. Don't you see this is what she wants? She doesn't acknowledge this marriage so she staged all this just so she could stay away from me." Ruhan became anxious at his mother's indifference.

'What was wrong with mom!!! Why wouldn't she believe me!!'

Mr. Ahmed also felt something was wrong. He knew his wife well. She was really conservative and a typical mother. No matter what happened she had always supported her son. Just what conversation took place between these two for her to behave this way?

Lisa hid her face from her in laws and gave a provocative smile to Ruhan. She was really enjoying his restless attitude.

Ruhan noticed her attitude and almost lost his temper again.

Hateful! Hateful! Haaaaaateful!!!!

"Are you sure that this is the best thing to do? They are newly wedded couple. Is it ok to separate them like this?" Mr. Ahmed was somewhat against at.

If outsiders knew about this, it would be detrimental to their reputation.

"I think that if we forcefully put them in the same room, their relationship will worsen. It is better that they solve their differences in a peaceful way." Mrs Ahmed couldn't look directly into her husband's eyes. She felt somewhat guilty.

Ruhan wanted to oppose. But Lisa shot him a threatening glare. In the end he decided not to say anything.

"So where should we place her?" Mr. Ahmed asked.

"The servants are probably asleep. It would be difficult to prepare guest room right now."

"Not in the guest room." Mrs. Ahmed said, "It would be bad for our reputation."

Lisa scoffed. As if they had any reputation! Their son had ruined it long ago!!!

"Then where?" Ruhan gloated. "In the balcony?"

He said gleefully.

On the other side, Lisa really wanted to slap this hateful man to death.

"Shut up. Speak only when you are spoken to." Mr. Ahmed scolded him.

Ruhan felt really wronged. This was pure dictatorship!!"

"I will make arrangements to join guestroom beside Ruhan's room" Mrs. Ahmed said.

"And what good will that do?" Ruhan was confused.

"Ruhan's room and the guestroom beside will be communicated from the inside and will be decorated as a baby room. At night, Lisa can go to that room to sleep. During the day it will be locked. That way the fact that they are sleeping separately will be a secret."

Mrs. Ahmed shared her idea.

Lisa was speechless and her face turned red.

"Baby room? Seriously?? They are not married even for a month!!!"

Ruhan was also surprised!!! Baby room!! Really??

"Mom...Won't people misunderstand if you guts already prepare a baby room??? What if they suspect that...Lisa is already... " Ruhan pointed out the main flaw in this idea.

Lisa almost had a heartattack! It's true!!!

They had already married to suddenly! If people came to know that her in laws were preparing a baby room already.. Wouldn't they suspect that....She and Ruhan had that kind of relationship before marriage??

What would happen to her reputation then!!!

"At first they might suspect. But their suspicion will be proved wrong within a few months. You guys don't have to worry about it."

"But...but..." Lisa didn't want to sacrifice her reputation.

"Or would you prefer to stay in the same room like Ruhan instead? " Mrs. Ahmed snapped.

Lisa was speechless. She knew it!!! This cunning mother-in-law was deliberately making things difficult for her.

Ruhan noticed Lisa's expression and almost burst out laughing!!!

'Serves you right...damn woman. "

"As you see fit." Mr. Ahmed was happy. In this way their reputation would not be damaged.

"What about tonight? " Ruhan couldn't help but ask this question.

"Where will she sleep tonight?"

"Your balcony is quite spacious. You can go and sleep there tonight." Mr. Ahmed smirked.

"What!!!!" Ruhan exclaimed. "No...never!!" Ruhan vowed would never agree to sleep in the balcony even if he died!!! It was HIS room! Huh! He would never back down no matter what!!!

"Or would you prefer to sleep with me..while Lisa slept with your mom?" Mr. Ahmed raised his eyebrow.

"I..I would sleep in the balcony." Ruhan replied hurriedly.

Sleep with dad!!!! He would almost have a heart attack!!! '

It was Lisa's turn to burst out laughing. Karma is really a bitch.

Mr. Ahmed was satisfied with Ruhan's reply while Mrs. Ahmed was unhappy. But before she could oppose, she was grabbed by her husband and forcefully taken away.

Ruhan...not daring to oppose his father...had to spend the night in balcony.

Fortunately..Lisa was kind enough to send him a mosquito repeller!!!