Bad Habit

The next morning Lisa woke up with throbbing headache, the result.of sleeping late last night. She would have slept for longer, but the incoming call interrupted her sleep.

"Hello, who is this." she was really annoyed with the caller.

"Madam, it's me, Baki. Sorry to interrupt your sleep but there is an emergency at the company. " Baki said unhurriedly. He was really surprised that Lisa could sleep this late at a crucial moment like this.

Of course he was unaware of Lisa's insomnia.

"What is it?" Lisa forced herself to sit.

Baki hesitated, "You see...Mr. Ahmed gave you 3days to solve the problem with the construction project, but somehow the shareholders got whiff of the news. So the board of directors called for an emergency meeting to demand explanation."

"What?" Lisa was wide awake at this time. "How did they know that? Who told them that? Uncle himself decided to suppress this matter for 3days. Who has the audacity to violate his order?" she was really agitated. Her headache didn't let her to ack calmly in this situation.

"I am trying to find out about the source of leak. But you have to come to the office ASAP madam." Baki said patiently.

Lisa also understood that she was somewhat rude. "I am sorry Mr. Baki. I was feeling unwell. I didn't mean any offence."

"It's ok madam. I understand your difficulties. Sorry I couldn't be of any help." Baki would not bear a grudge against a young girl like Lisa.

"Thank you. I will try to reach office ASAP." Lisa said courteously.

After Baki hung up the phone, he looked at his boss thoughtfully.

'The leak...did it come from you sir?' the question was bothering him since morning.

Mr. Ahmed could feel Baki's gaze. He looked at him and raised his eyebrow, "Is there anything you want to say?"

"No sir." Baki smiled bitterly.

Of course he neither had the courage nor authority to ask his boss anything.

"Did you inform her? " Mr. Ahmed asked without looking at him.

"Yes sir." Baki nodded. Then after some hesitation he asked, "Sir, do you want me to help madam solve this problem? She might be overwhelmed by the tricky shareholders."

Mr. Ahmed looked at him thoughtfully. "You seem to be too free now a days. So why don't you find out the people behind the scene? Even after causing this mess, if Ahmed Corporations doesn't deal with them properly, won't everyone feel like we are a pushover? "

Although he spoke in a soft voice, each of his statement was full of thorns. Baki shuddered involuntarily.

After spending years with Mr. Ahmed, he knew when his boss was angry.

And although Mr. Ahmed remained calm and indifferent in front of Lisa, bit Baki knew from experience that,

His boss was really angry!!!


Unaware of the storm brewing at the office, Lisa forced herself to get up from bed. She was also feeling nausea. Finally she took paracetamol and antiemetic, took minimum time to freshen up and left house without having breakfast. She would just buy something on the road. Now was not time to enjoy meal.

She tried to calm herself down and cursed herself for the billionth time.

She really regretted. She shouldn't have slacked off yesterday. Lisa had a terrible habit. Whenever she faced a deadline, she would initially slack off and then rush to do her work at the last moment.

Her mother scolded her a lot in the past for this habit. But she paid no attention.

Now she could see the consequence of her laziness.

Last night she was relaxed and didn't do much work thinking that she had three days. So, today's news really alarmed her and hit her to the core.

She didn't have to make any presentation right now.

All she could do was to prepare herself to face the interrogation of the board of directors.

She closed herself and started praying, "Allah please help me get out of this trouble. I will not be lazy anymore and do my work properly in the future."

If her old friends saw her praying like this, they would feel like giving her a good beating.

Before every examination, every deadline Lisa would pray like this. But after the pressure was over, she would return to her former self.

But Lisa was really sincere this time. She was really determined to work harder in the future. She was not a little girl anymore. She had already stepped into the harsh society. So she had to grow up and give up her bad habits.

She just hopes that her prayer will be heard for the last time.