Making Camp

As they sat on the grass, Erin and Olivier smiled at each other. Olivier announced, "We cannot continue like this, we'll have to make camp until the fog lifts, especially with night coming,"

"Make camp?! Are you serious right now? We just got here and we're camping. I don't know anything about camping!" she replied exasperated but somewhat jokingly. Erin loved being outdoors but the thought of sleeping out here, with no supplies or anything did not seem like a good idea to her.

"Lucky for you, we French all have compulsory military service, so I know many survival skills," Olivier responded dutifully. He grinned at her, and rose to his feet, dusting the leaves off of his pants and assessing the area they had found themselves lost in. He made his way around the small clearing they'd stopped in and began to gather small sticks and dry leaves. "First, I will make a fire, so we can stay warm, and then I will see about shelter and water."

With that, he continued making his way around the clearing and gathering what he could find that would be of use to him. "Thank God one of us knows what they're doing," Erin thought in her head. As he handled the business of making sure they didn't freeze to death, Erin sat and thought about everything that had happened today. Had she really just arrived in Ireland hours ago, expecting a carefree year of studying in her favorite place in the world? How had everything changed so fast? What was even going on in her life?

Erin's skeptical, realistic brain was trying to convince her that everything that had happened today must be some strange form of hallucination, but in her heart, she knew that she'd actually experienced these things. But, she had been raised on science, she didn't believe in ghosts, or spirits or whatever that was that she had experienced. There was no logical explanation in her head, but when she tried to accept everything that had happened today, she just couldn't do it that easily.

Finally, Olivier had gathered what he needed to start a small campfire. He moved some stones around to form a small circle and set his kindling and leaves in the center. He pulled a small lighter from his pocket, "Old habit, I used to smoke, so I always carry a lighter still, plus, it's a great way to talk to the ladies," he said jokingly.

"Hahaha!" Erin snorted her response and Olivier set to lighting the fire. Once the flames were earnestly taking over the pile he had gathered, he asked her if she wanted to help him find some water. They set off together, not venturing far, and just beyond the clearing they found a small stream that appeared to be very clean. The water was very cold and refreshing and Erin drank some and splashed some onto her face, in the hope that it would clear her mind and bring her back to the real world. While it did help her feel refreshed, she was still lost in the woods with her new flatmate, surrounded by the strange mist, after splashing it on herself.

After they'd had plenty to drink, they returned to the campfire, which was now pleasantly warm and did wonders for the strange, deep chill Erin felt throughout her body--it was more than the cold, it was a feeling of apprehension, her entire world had turned upside down in a matter of hours and she didn't know how to feel about any of it. She considered confiding in Olivier but she feared he would just think she was insane-- after all, they'd only really met a few hours ago-- telling him some strange woman and a group of glowing "ghosts" had spoken to her while he was passed out didn't seem wise at this point.

Olivier turned to her, "Erin, I don't want to make you uncomfortable but if we lay down close together, we will stay warmer," he said gently.

Erin scoffed, "I bet you say that to all the girls!" but at the same time, she knew he was right and decided that spooning with the handsome, dark-haired Frenchman was the least crazy thing that could happen to her today. Olivier had cleared out the debris on one side of the fire, and lowered himself to the ground, leaving a space between him and the fire for Erin. She sighed and exhaustedly lowered herself in front of him. Laying down on the soft grass, she mused at how exhaustion had just overtaken her entire body, and in the warmth of Olivier's arms, with the campfire roaring in front of her, she drifted off to a peaceful, dreamless sleep before she could even think any more about it.